Community > Posts By > undrboss

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Thu 05/17/18 08:02 PM
If im driving to see her, its my financial responsibility not hers.
now if we are in a relationship and even then so what? its not her financial responsibility to make sure that Im coming to see her.

If I cannot afford to drive two hundred clicks to see her then maybe I shouldn't be dating her and I should be concerned about making more money.

When I was on DH I did meet someone that lived in Newark and I lived in Brooklyn (cobble hill) I didn't expect her to pay for me when we went out, even though she offered, but she understood that a man who is going on a dates with woman doesn't expect to go dutch, we are not friends or buddies, she doesnt pay for me because ladies dont pay for men on dates, when youre in a relationship sure you take turns but not on dates.

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Thu 05/17/18 07:44 PM
You might be right Blondey, I cant say that Im into reading erotic fantasy or fiction like 50 shades of gray.

A book that If I was stuck on a desert Island I would rather eat it than read it or use it for firewood.

back to the topic.

Porn in a marriage, depends on the marriage and their beliefs.

if I was married I dont know if I would watch it with my wife, I know I wouldnt be watching by myself if I was married, there is no need.

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Thu 05/17/18 07:37 PM
Edited by undrboss on Thu 05/17/18 07:40 PM

I can get behind your stance of going dutch. But what if she truly felt uncomfortable letting you pay the first couple of dates

we dont go any dates, its that simple, hence why I insist on meet and greets for the first time.

If she makes a fuss over me paying for a beverage then I know she has an issue with the guy paying.

so right there I say ciao.

If a woman thinks that by me paying for a date that makes her obligated to me for whatever that is a red flag for me and the opportunity to do the Run forest runnnnnnnnnnnn and making sure the door hits my azz on the way out.

Instance: a guy regularly drives 200 miles, one way, to see the girl. Girl feels like he has contributed his share to the date, meet, whatever you want to call it ... is that not a case to feel less emasculated by here paying for the actual meal?

If a guy drives 200 miles to see the girl he is really into that girl, she doesnt have to contribute a thing because she is worth the drive.

if she said come see me 4 times a week and it looks like she is taking advantage of him that is different.

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Thu 05/17/18 07:28 PM
Forget about Obama, he isn't president anymore, we know what he has done.

Trump is in the white house and hopefully he has a plan to deal with the immigration problem plaguing certain cities.

I have friends and colleagues in CA and I hear the crap that is going on in the people's republic of California ( am I allowed to say that about California)

when will democrats wake up to the fact that we have a problem, is getting votes your concern over public safety?

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Thu 05/17/18 07:17 PM

I’m curious about this and if many men share your mind on the subject.

Say you’ve treated her to a dozen outings and she invites YOU to try this little bistro her sister introduced her to last week. She thinks you’ll love it and wants to do something special for you. Would you be offended if she wanted to treat you for a change?

If im in a relationship with her, I don't have a problem with her treating me, if Im on a date with her particularly the first few times out.. no, not happening, she keeps insisting that we go dutch I will insist she go by herself.

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Thu 05/17/18 06:53 PM
Ive never watched the series, I thought it was too stupid

didnt one of them die or got whacked ?

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Thu 05/17/18 06:31 PM
I wouldnt believe a damn thing that Stormy says.

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Thu 05/17/18 06:17 PM

I disagree ..the mind is our largest sexual organ .. I guess it depends on how creative that mind is ...

How many women read erotic fiction or watch soft porn .. 50 shades of grey comes to mind . Woyld anyone consider that cheating in a marriage .

Poronography has many levels ... it can enhance a healthy sexual relationship .. What matters is how comfortable you both are with your own sexuality waving

the problem with that statement Blondey is no two couples are alike, and reading erotic fiction is not the same as hardcore porn that is on the net.

Even soft porn is more erotic fantasy vs the hard core stuff.

When Most people think of porn they think of the type of stuff stormy daniels did, phucking this , phucking that, azz phucking , orgies you name it.

That to me is dangerous because it paints an unrealistic expectation .

one of my buddies dad is a cosmetic surgeon and he is doing a killing, between vaginal reshaping, boob jobs, azz implants you name it he is doing it, and some of them are doing it because they seen it in a porn, mind you when he hears that he refuses them.

I guess my point is there is a difference between erotic fantasy vs hardcore porn where the woman is phucking everything and usually guys who are hung like a horse.

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Thu 05/17/18 06:00 PM

American history has showed us that the experienced isnt always the best choice or the choice people pick.

Nixon should have beaten kennedy in 1960
Ford should have beaten Carter in 1976
Adlai Stevenson should have beaten Eisenhower in 1950

Nothing is what it seems, this why people say corruption exists, it always has existed in American politics since the days of John Adams.

Before Nixon ran, he was in the Navy and the Congress
Ford was a house representative.
And Adlai had been a governor.

who 'should' have one is a matter of personal taste, but even these men had experience within the political structure.

I think you misunderstood, Nixon, Stevenson and Ford had MORE experience than the presidents they lost too.

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Thu 05/17/18 05:39 PM
American history has showed us that the experienced isnt always the best choice or the choice people pick.

Nixon should have beaten kennedy in 1960
Ford should have beaten Carter in 1976
Adlai Stevenson should have beaten Eisenhower in 1950

Nothing is what it seems, this why people say corruption exists, it always has existed in American politics since the days of John Adams.

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Thu 05/17/18 05:04 PM
for some non religious couples it wouldn't be

for religious couples it would be

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Thu 05/17/18 03:33 PM
I like to know why isnt Stormy the idiot porn star not indicted for extortion?

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Thu 05/17/18 09:15 AM

If i need to spend for a date, i will just cook :grin::grin::grin::grin:
good idea...sometimes I'm kinda the same way

I don't that is wise for when you're dating and getting to know each other, its okay once a relationship is established.

Most women are astute when it comes to dating and getting to know someone, they usually don't go to a man's house within the first few times of dating and getting to know each other.

those days are gone, you have to spend time out with them in public and they will see how you are in public before accepting an invitation for dinner at his place or her place.

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Thu 05/17/18 09:00 AM
Edited by undrboss on Thu 05/17/18 09:11 AM

your attempt to paint Trump as the corrupt, inexperienced politicians hasn't gone unnoticed.

For whatever reason you seem to believe that HiLIARy loss was because she was a woman and that her experience in public life should have been enough to secure the white house.

Here is why your thinking is wrong.

If experience was the Key, Biden would have been president instead of Barrack Obama, the 2008 democrat primary , it was Obama, Biden, HiLIARy, Governor Bill Robinson, Chris Dodd and a few others.
Of all the above had way more experience than the fresh faced Barack Obama, yet Obama won.

During the 2008 presidential race , Senator John McCain, the maverick senator from Arizona, War hero had plenty of experience over Obama, yet Obama smoked him like a bad cigar.

It wasn't because HiLIARy is a woman that she lost, its because who she is and what she represents.

Why did you think Obama won in 2008 and 2012, he was still considered a washington outsider in 2008, and in 2012 he was masterful in exposing Mitt Romney as the inept power hungry candidate.

But after 8 years of Obama the people wanted the hope and change they desired and thought they were getting in Obama turned away from the Democrat party.

This is why Trump won, the american people are sick and tired of washington lackies, Biden was smart enough not to run because he know he would get his azz handed to him, If Obama was really good for America, Trump would never be president.

I truly believe this, If carly fiorina won the republican nomination instead of Trump and it was Fiorina vs Clinton, Fiorina would be president of the United States.

If Bernie would have won the Democrat primary instead of HiLIARy, and it was Bernie vs Carly, Carly would have won hands down and been president, so do you really think its about HiLIARy being a woman that held her back?

She couldn't beat Obama in 2008 her scandals followed her and the public doesn't want her or Bill back in the white house.

If the democrats were smart they would look for new blood, someone that doesn't have a tainted past, and that isn't Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren.

The best chance the Democrat have is if Amy Klobuchar the senator from Minnesota, she for a Democrat is as honest as the day has 24 hours,I cant believe that Im saying that.

She isn't flashy, but for a Democrat she has a good reputation with a clean background,I am willing to bet that she will become the first female U.S.President.

If she runs in 2020, I honestly believe should could beat Trump or make it close, whether its 2020 or 2024 she will be the frontrunner.

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Thu 05/17/18 08:22 AM
If a woman insists on paying for the date or half the date, I wouldn't bother going on the date.

she can find some stunad who is okay with a woman paying for him on a date or going dutch.

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Thu 05/17/18 08:13 AM

I've posted in dh about a cheating married coworker of mine. But as a single woman I'm sick of all the attention I get from married men. I've seen men cheat who love their wife so much they threaten to kill her if she ever tried to leave. Blaming the wife has gotten old. Especially now that the side chicks have realized he won't leave his wife. Women just need to wise up and don't listen to the crap cheaters spout out. When he starts whining about his wife tell him to get a divorce.
OMG, do you think you're the only woman that gets attention from Married men?

Find me one woman that hasn't received unwanted attention or advances from married idiots.

That is just life, and while some cheaters who claim to love their wives cheat because its a game to them yes, the bottom line is they have no morals.

No man who is truly in love with their partner cheats, that is fact.
plenty say they are love but they don't know what love is.

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Thu 05/17/18 07:03 AM

You can't change human behavior by regulating mechanical devices.

enough said.

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Wed 05/16/18 09:03 PM
sociology professor

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Wed 05/16/18 09:01 PM

Let me ask you a question crystal .. if you were meeting a male friend or colleague (platonic) for a coffee .. would you expect them to pay for you ???

now that is an interesting question, I want to see the answer to that.

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Wed 05/16/18 07:03 PM

Do you like arcades?

Doesnt every post of his make him sound delicious?

No offense meant blushing

Just what I was thinking :blush: but I've scared him off. I don't know why people take me so seriously.
Lol, you havent scared me off .

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