Community > Posts By > t22learner

t22learner's photo
Mon 10/06/08 06:39 PM
It's not possible to undermine Bush and he got himself to historically low approval ratings. There were plenty of Dubya ****ups before the financial markets tanked.

t22learner's photo
Mon 10/06/08 06:34 PM
Palin's just a zookeeper tossing "red meat" into the crowds gathering to hear her smear Barack Obama. Palin rants,
"And, according to the New York Times, he (Ayers) was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, 'launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol."

"Kill him!" proposed one man in the audience.

You on this board who echo this sick strategy of republican campaigning must be so proud.

t22learner's photo
Mon 10/06/08 06:21 PM
Ah, you dig a man in uniform? My dad was in the Navy...

t22learner's photo
Mon 10/06/08 05:54 PM
I respect the Woodster's opinion. We often disagree, but he's thoughtful in a stream of conservative consciousness kinda way.

He's no cut/paste hack.

t22learner's photo
Mon 10/06/08 05:50 PM
Just yesterday I wrote my opinion that Barney Frank (D-MA) should resign. That's pure partisanship, right? Whatever. Hack.

t22learner's photo
Mon 10/06/08 05:45 PM
My friends... at least Rick Davis is not palling around with terrorists or having a witch doctor lay hands on him... Wait. Uh, I mean the black preacher. Oh, they're both black? Uh... Wait... Maverick... I'm confused! Vote for me anyway because even though I have 7 houses, I didn't have one for 5 1/2 years!

t22learner's photo
Mon 10/06/08 05:37 PM
Yep, the republicans "no tax and spend anyway" has worked out great.

t22learner's photo
Mon 10/06/08 05:32 PM
Edited by t22learner on Mon 10/06/08 05:32 PM

That's in spite of the libs hiding their heads in the sand when it comes to national security...which, BTW, is NOT their strength since they have neither the will or the guts to defend their nation.

There are plenty of "LIBS" dying in the ****ing sands of Iraq and Afghanistan. Your sickening partisanship is blind to reality and has no bounds.

t22learner's photo
Mon 10/06/08 04:18 PM
Boo frickety hoo.

t22learner's photo
Mon 10/06/08 04:16 PM
No opinions from the "Obama is palling around with terrorists" crowd?

Interesting. I guess criminal acts are OK for your heroes.

t22learner's photo
Mon 10/06/08 03:39 AM

here is an obama youth song

and hitler youth song at the end.

pretty striking imagery.

A little fear-mongering can't hurt the cause, right Woodley? Or can it?

t22learner's photo
Sun 10/05/08 07:37 PM
You're just above it all, eh Woodie?

t22learner's photo
Sun 10/05/08 07:30 PM
Edited by t22learner on Sun 10/05/08 07:33 PM
Sarah Palin charges that Barack Obama is "palling around with terrorists who would target their own country."

How come Bill Ayers is considered a terrorist for his actions to protest the Vietnam war, but G. Gordon Liddy and Oliver North are considered "heroes" by the right?

Palin also says, "We see an America of exceptionalism."
How's that different than "elite?"

t22learner's photo
Sun 10/05/08 07:30 PM
Edited by t22learner on Sun 10/05/08 07:34 PM

t22learner's photo
Sun 10/05/08 07:07 PM

Pat Buchanan

He must be one of them there "Georgetown cocktail party" types McCain disdains.

t22learner's photo
Sun 10/05/08 06:55 PM

the Saudis are peaked and are producing less too.

The End of Oil: On the Edge of a Perilous New World by Paul Roberts is a good read.

t22learner's photo
Sun 10/05/08 06:35 PM
Do you dispute the numbers on consumption and reserves?

t22learner's photo
Sun 10/05/08 05:45 PM

Furthermore there is in fact a "shadow government" run by this federal reserve. They appointed a comittee to select to major candidates, one democrat, and one republican.

Sounds tin foil hat to me.

t22learner's photo
Sun 10/05/08 05:42 PM

french roast freshly ground with raw honey and half and half in the morning.

That sounds like something even a "LIB" could love!

t22learner's photo
Sun 10/05/08 05:41 PM

Palin stepped up, and I haven't seen another woman step up to the plate as an advocate for women.

Hillary Clinton?