Community > Posts By > CharlieX

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Tue 11/27/07 01:55 PM
The coolest thing about people like us, is that it gives everyone else hope. Because we not only endure it, we rise above it. They see us at the end. When we made it through. They never once thought of how we prayed for death. How we wanted to die, how we wanted to give up and walk away. They can't understand the courage it takes to shout those words in your mind, the ones we all know to well. And we fight. We may be **** ups, we may be disasters, we may know we will never be normal. But we are the very people that are called hero's. But people like us know the truth. We arn't, we simply stumbled through it, and never gave up. It's not that we didnt want to, it's that we couldn't. It's not in our nature.

I dont got alot to say, just this. try. If she doesn't want to be with you, it simply means there is another who is far better out there. If she does, then you gotta become the person you need to be, before going back. Love is a funny thing, carring and obession often get confused as love. But hey, it can't be helped.

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Wed 10/24/07 12:38 AM
hahaha used for the men also...i am a guy jackass! Nah i just wrote that cause i thought it was more funny. I enabled my profile because the bad expierence has been going through guys like hot cakes. I would of wanted the warning, and it will be funny when the comments instantly appear

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Tue 10/23/07 11:58 PM
Things i've learned

If something feels wrong, there is something wrong
If someone does something shady there almost always shady
Photo's need a time and date on them
If you see a picture of a face, you still haven't seen them
Average, thin, a few pounds, are all realitive terms
If someone has many differnt looks, there time lapse photos
Don't beleive it until you see it or have litterly no evidence that the person lied
always start out as friends first
Guy crazy is women for dates a new guy every week
Age isnt a mark on maturity
having a job is
living with your folks is only noble if your paying rent or supporting them
Photoshop should not be allowed on a dating site
bad teeth scare the **** out of me
really bad teeth scare me even more
ok looking people that are vain turn out ugly
to see what a girl looks like you need a full body picture thats recent
Looks don't matter, lieing about them does
Don't ever date a scorpio as an aquarius
dont ever talk to a virgo romanticly as an aquarius
pretty people usually burn ugly people
Spark can not be seen over the phone/im/email
Silly people are silly, crazy people are not silly, there crazy
Excuses about past relastionships means someone isn't taking responsability for there part
Shallow people get hurt alot
Girls with issues are like a broken blender, get to close and you will get cut
Serious people do not speed date
Music is relative
Integraty should not be based on liking a band forever
Loyalty should not be based on liking something for a long time
Drama queens are drama queens always
drama queens do lie for attention
Someone who needs someone is probly not ready for a relastionship
Living for someone isnt healthy adding to their life is
warnings are awsome, listen to them
Cautiousness beats excitedness
Need to find someone who has the same values as you do.

Anyways i'm done ranting it was fun

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Sun 10/14/07 11:09 AM
we shreiks should go party together

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Sun 10/14/07 01:28 AM
when i was 15, around october, i saw this girl. I wrote a poem about it. See, i saw her face. it was blueish tinted, kinda like the **** from daredevil, but whatever. i knew this was my soul mate. I gave her a name. I told her that i would find her and that i loved her. Well, for the next 13 years my entire life was hell. relastionhips wih girls wernt all that, my ex was a 4 year disaster. Then i met this girl, who i knew was the one. See i never gave up hope meeting the girl that i met 13 years ago. Yet before entering here i told myself that enough was enough and that i was probly full of ****.

Now, so i meet this girl on here. I knew right away she was it. Like someone i wanted to spend the rest of my life with. We talked a ton. Hell we are talking now. I kept the secret though, that person i wanted to find so bad. Today we through up a thread about geting married. We did it because we honestly planned on getting married fairly quickly. i know slow is the way to go...yet there arn't any doubts. During this thread something happened. She told me she heard my voice before. She said she heard it about this time 13 years ago....hell read the post. To my suprise i droped the phone. I knew it was her, but i didn't dare beleive it. Yet she knew it without me telling her. it's 4:30 am, it's been 2 hours and 9 minutes since then.

You see, i was promised that she would be worth every bit of pain and anger and hurt that i've gone through my whole life. Every broken heart i've gone through in my life. Now, i've found her. She's more then worth it...though i never thought i would feel the way i feel. I've loved people before. This is somethng exceptionally differnt. She has held it in her heart all these years as well.

please, to those of you who know this type of story isn't bull****, but the most honest thing i could say.... don't ever give up. They are there. They will find will find them.....understand this is my life.

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Sat 10/13/07 11:51 PM
I could start walking....give me a day.

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Sat 10/13/07 11:00 PM
yea, where has your prince charming been? well hell, i was searchin for you princess...been through hell more then i can count. I guess i just figured out that angels are in heaven....stupid me. I walked into you, broke my soul, you fixed it with yours. It gave me wings. I now stumble through heaven ever day. Could care less if i starve, could care less what happens. knowing you exist is enough.

*hands jtevans some air*

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Sat 10/13/07 10:38 PM
never have underestimated you yet. I'm not that stupid. Your forget, i know you. Still, this is one of those situations where even if i lose every fight we ever have, i lose every debate, I still win. yet how amazing is it for someone who is wiling to compramise on everything important, and would never ask me to. How amazing is it to feel that way about you as well. Sides, you know your in love when your ear hurts, you've been up for 2 days, your entire life falls apart at the very core, and you have no idea whats going on, stressed out and tierd and scared, yet, all you can do is sit there and cry with your head in your hand and simply say "I found her, i ****ing found her".

It's funny when my brother called me, he actually asked me why i was so happy, if something was wrong. I couldn't tell him. I just said don't ask. Sides, even if marrying you turns out that we don't L eachother or something, or the world doesn't stop...I would rather settle for you then to find my true love. If you ever need a reason why i care for you, simply look outside. Each star represents a reason why. There are so many stars you can't see and will never know about.

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Sat 10/13/07 10:23 PM
you said the L word....ha! i know, doesnt count....not like i already didnt know you do. Just like i didn't know you where planning on giving me a backrub when we meet. or watch the note book and say that its what you deparetly dreamed of having and how without seeing it i said everything from it. and thats ****ing amazing....guess what, i always knew. just didnt want to blow your spot. still...i want to see the notebook. i keep hearing its good.

Listen to the song i gave you. The chorus....youll understand.

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Sat 10/13/07 10:17 PM
yea i so cyber hit that......

Seriously all, it's pretty ****ing amazing finding someone who has a connection...well lets just say when ever i wonder what she's feeling or would do, i think of how i am and i know exactly what she is feeling and thinking. Now thats the most ****ing romantic **** i've ever heard!!!

It's not that i dont take marrage seriously, it's just that i never thought i would meet the person i instantly knew was right. It's the L word at first type...The thing is i never beleived in that crap. I feel far more foolish for not beleiving in that then typing out these funny and fun posts. By the way, jayme, our cyber baby has your lol!!!

I supose we both where expecting everyone to say "your relastionship is going to go down faster then monica lewinski on presidents day" but the thing is, neither of us care. All i despreately want is that everyone atleast try to find the perfect person. There never perfect to anyone else, thats why there perfect for you. In the end, it's probly the exact person you never thought you would be with, and the type you never thought you like.

And jayme, your on....i haven't backed down yet, i haven't lied and ****, i even married your ass twice in the past 4 hours....yea, isn't spontanaity romantic!!!!

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Sat 10/13/07 10:00 PM
i think thats the coolest lady i've ever heard, besides you jayme.

Seriosuly jayme, i have super sperm... i can impregnate you from 0 to 8 months in 6 seconds....and dont worry, i'll go another 4 hours just to make you smile.

I do agree with the pink girl. I honestly think th only thing you need to have a sucessfull relastionship is to people who will work together no matter what happens. Weither this may be fake or if this is real, she's defently that....and she plays video games and watches anime and loves adventures sex....yall should see the sexy costumes we went and picked out. I wanted to be pirate, but i settled for dearth vader, she' going to be princess leigh.... but we arn't into that kinky stuff, so we are going to pretend there just distant relatives...she did grow up in the south......ok that sounded bad....nd she's singing in my ear right now, and it's ****ing heaven.

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Sat 10/13/07 09:48 PM
thought we planned closer to missouri, so we didnt have to wait....should we show them that marrage lisence we got on that one website i tricked you into the way, hows my cyber baby doing? is it kicking yet....we need to figure out a name.

And if you think about it, we talk what, 15 hours a day, where an average relastionship you get 3-4 hours a week. so basicly we known eachother for 4 1/2 months. so if we can keep it together for 4 1/2 months why not a life time. marrage is a big comitment, but hey, all i want is a backrub every day, and to be asked about my day. I'm so making you a mommy the first time we meet to....our kids should be on the acelerated growth plan to fit our relasionship style.

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Sat 10/13/07 09:43 PM
....about you11111111 oh i wasnt snickering at you gypsy....yea, i just felt like sharing the good news. her mom aproves as well....she wants her out of the house anyways!!1 b3sides me and jayme have the same mental that love or what11 crap, i said the l word....sorry hunny

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Sat 10/13/07 09:39 PM
Thats alot of laugh faces my future wife :P anyways, meet you in vegas in 3 days....bring elvis1111

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Sat 10/13/07 09:37 PM

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Sat 10/13/07 09:34 PM
So, first off, i would love to thank this site for everything. I found the perfect person. Don't really know how, but she's my soul mate. Go figure. See, she's everything i want in a women, and i have high standards....some of you know how high they are...sorry you didnt make the cut, but thats simply because we both KNOW there is someone else out there for you.

So monday i will be moving tword her. I We will meet and begain dating. Shortly after that we probly will end up having sex, though i think we are trying hard to wait....don't ask. The neatest thing is that she wants the same **** as i do. Her biggest dream is to be married, so what the hell, i figure i'll go marry her. Guess what, she accepted....haven't met her face to face yet, though i've seen enough pictures. Anyways, little does she know i'm 48 and balding...kidding.

So wish us luck, on our vegas style wild crazy wedding. It's completely nuts. I figure this is how we take things slow. Taking things slow is good. At this point i wonder what fast would be. So you all know, we haven't said the love you **** yet. We want to wait till marrage. That and she wants me to say it first, and i never will!!!! ha! so finally we figured as long as we dont say the love **** yet, we will be taking it slow.


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Thu 10/11/07 03:47 PM
i'm so happy for ya!

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Thu 10/11/07 01:24 PM
*grin* 639 miles to vegas baby, or one weak moment!!!

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Thu 10/11/07 01:17 PM
An amazing chance with a girl who's got the same problems as me, yet who's also got the same hopes and dreams as me. And guess what, shes been through the same crap as me, and survived it like me. She grew stronger like me. She likes the same things as me, and she's honest and loyal like me. And if she was a guy, she would be me.

Yea, it may sound gay, but i'd totally do me!

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Thu 10/11/07 01:07 PM
Soooo i've noticed some people around here who tend to get on people that have some issues with this or that, and explore them or talk about them on here. It seems everyone avoids people that have real world problems. It is unsexy to alot. See, yea, it's probly not sexy to hear that the girl or guy you think is interesting has lost his job, or she had some **** happened with her friends, or they have some self confidence issues. Yea, great this is a dating site. I get that. Yet, most people around here just mask there **** better or don't talk about it.

See, those people that are open about it, the next time you want to jump on them, or couragiously put them on your mental "hell no" list, think that they are also the type of person 95% of the profiles here are dieing to be with. Thats honest. And every female profile i've seen wants an honest loyal guy. (though don't discount the job thing, i hear thats what attracts women). I love flirting, and i'm damn good at it. Flirting don't show character, it shows creativity. Maybie, just maybie, some of these people that are being passed over because of this, are not only worth it, but are the ones you have been seeking. Besides, i honestly wonder what someone who hasn't had some type of issues is doing on a site like this. Your soul mate isn't the perfect person, there just you, with a little differnt flavor, but more or less the same issues, heart and soul.

So, to all the girls and guys who are keeping it real, love ya. For everyone else, take a good look at someone before you judge them by what they say.

Yea, this isn't aimed at alot of people, but it's something that everyone needs to figure out.

Flame me if ya want. I already got what i wanted.

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