Community > Posts By > oldkid46

oldkid46's photo
Wed 02/19/20 08:18 AM
A combination of age, lifestyle, travel, and scarcity of what I'm looking for.

oldkid46's photo
Tue 02/18/20 07:51 PM
I guess it would work if neither of you were capable of becoming sexually aroused. I don't see it for people who still desire to be sexually active.

oldkid46's photo
Tue 02/18/20 02:54 PM
There are many real gentleman out there but there are several problems: most of you won't recognize one when he comes into your life and if you do, you won't respect him as the gentleman he is. As River said, look for ways their behaviors are those of a gentleman and appreciate them for it. If a gentleman holds your coat for you or opens the door for you, a "thank you" is much appreciated; if you take it for granted, it will soon not be happening for you.

oldkid46's photo
Tue 02/18/20 08:50 AM
If you believe that more money makes a better public education, then you are concerned that private school vouchers reduce the amount of money available to the public schools. In some areas the public school system will actually provide some types of alternative school or an altered curriculum for students who do not "fit well" in a traditional school setting.

oldkid46's photo
Tue 02/18/20 08:39 AM
OP has decided he didn't want to hear from us anymore!

oldkid46's photo
Tue 02/18/20 08:36 AM
Obviously somebody was not satisfied in the marriage! It takes 2 to fix it but only 1 to end it. You need to look at the why if you are going to get into another relationship in the future. Maybe now your ex will share with you her feelings of what was missing.

oldkid46's photo
Tue 02/18/20 08:08 AM

I think we all do have the same rights, here anyway. The bill of rights is pretty clear, even though some people like to think otherwise.
We all start with those same rights, the difference is in if you took full advantage of those rights or followed the course of least resistance. Take education for instance. Every child has a right to a public education as it is provided by their state and taxpayers. While all public education is not equal, you have the opportunity to make the most of what is provided. If you cannot show up and do your best to learn, it is an opportunity you did not take advantage of and you deserve the result you got. Public education is a perfect example of socialism in action.

oldkid46's photo
Tue 02/18/20 07:48 AM
I could consider socialism IF everyone could be forced to contribute to their full potential. The reality of the human condition is that some do make that level of contribution but too many want to do the very minimum they can get away with. When the high level contributor finds that they are sacrificing for the under performer, they tend to rebel and no longer are willing to perform at the higher level. This downward economic spiral has destroyed all totally socialist economic systems. Most people seem to want a capitalist economic society with some socialism for the truly incapable.

oldkid46's photo
Tue 02/18/20 07:35 AM
Neither right or wrong as long as it is mutually agreed. Myself, I can be comfortable with one but prefer multiple nights and the sex gets better as you start to learn about your partner.!

oldkid46's photo
Sun 02/16/20 08:06 AM
When I was in my teens, I would say my social maturity was a few years behind my age group so I always felt more comfortable with a girl a couple years younger. Advance many years forward, I'm now comfortable in most any situation but still enjoy a younger lifestyle than my age. I now find most people in my age group old and have relegated themselves to just surviving their last few years; they have forgotten how to actually live and enjoy life. Mostly I'm looking for someone younger or who at least lives a younger lifestyle!

oldkid46's photo
Fri 02/14/20 08:24 PM

omg, what a sour grape.

It would seem the message contained was not received. It was not a sour grape but a statement of the reality of life as we live it! If it were not true, then there would never be anybody without someone in their life.

oldkid46's photo
Fri 02/14/20 07:48 PM
There is nothing "right" or "wrong" with people on this site just the difference in who we are and what we are looking for from life. What we offer each other is not what the other wants so that we all get rejected and are unable to make anything meaningful happen together. There is nothing to share so we will all be alone as long as we are unwilling to accept the other as they are and make the best of what we find. It is as 2 strangers passing in the night and not even knowing the other exists. Enjoy the trip as best you can for there is nothing more!!

oldkid46's photo
Thu 02/13/20 06:29 PM
The unfortunate circumstance with student loans is that both the student and their parents have very limited financial literacy. Most don't seem to understand what they are taking on and agreeing to for their future. Just one of the failures with our education system!!

oldkid46's photo
Thu 02/13/20 06:20 PM
Seems that most women on this site and many others are looking for a wedding ring or close to it. Save your effort at finding someone and just enjoy the BS on the forums!!

oldkid46's photo
Thu 02/13/20 11:25 AM

College loans: Reduce interest, keep it seperate from credit and not present on credit reports.

If not for student loans, I would have perfect credit, because I otherwise pay any bills I have, from rent, to car loan, to utilities. Yet, moving is always a complication because of a credit score tied to student loans. I wonder how many other people in the country would have a real fresh start if they could clear the loans off of their credit scores.

Why should it be treated different than any other debt? It is a commitment of part of your income to a creditor in the same way as your car loan is other than there is nothing that can be repossessed to reduce the debt. If it is a government loan the interest rate should be minimal.

Student loan is qualitatively different in the sense like a company provides training program for employees to enhance their profitability or like upgrading skills of soldiers.

Else why discuss subsidized college fees using taxpayers money if not for nation building. (sorry if I'm ranting but this is because we subsidize education in our top institutes and they go get employed in the USA)

And all Ms. Harmony is suggesting is - Edu loan need not be reflected on credit score. In other words, if I have acquired a PhD and have a loan of $50,000 I would not be able to afford a car while a mechanic who has no loan, would.
There is an assumption that when you increase your skill set through education your income will also improve thus providing you additional funds to reduce your student debt and maintain a good credit score. A 50k student loan and a 100k income should be compatible. Most of the people with problem student debt are those who did not finish their education or who completed an education that had no employment value. I call them an advanced basket weaving education for no employer will pay you for those skills!! I would never support "free" college but could support a reimbursement program where your tuition and books were reimbursed to you when you successfully complete a quarter or semester.

oldkid46's photo
Thu 02/13/20 07:21 AM

College loans: Reduce interest, keep it seperate from credit and not present on credit reports.

If not for student loans, I would have perfect credit, because I otherwise pay any bills I have, from rent, to car loan, to utilities. Yet, moving is always a complication because of a credit score tied to student loans. I wonder how many other people in the country would have a real fresh start if they could clear the loans off of their credit scores.

Why should it be treated different than any other debt? It is a commitment of part of your income to a creditor in the same way as your car loan is other than there is nothing that can be repossessed to reduce the debt. If it is a government loan the interest rate should be minimal.

oldkid46's photo
Wed 02/12/20 07:01 AM

agree :thumbsup: Some people have to choose between medication that keep them alive an food ... this kind of system does not work well unless you are very wealthy and got those tax breaks... all Trumpers that voted for him and will again ... This is how he is thanking you ...

he is now going to cut SS and medicare... by millions ... are you still going to vote for him ... he might get it passed before the nxt election ...

this has been coming ... now it is here ... won't be a recession going to be a depression ... whoa
rofl rofl rofl

oldkid46's photo
Wed 02/12/20 07:00 AM

I don't know how you can split up a family eating together. Adults have to choose the food, and that should be their choice as the adult what type of foods to buy. I do not want to be taken away either. Even those who are struggling should not have to split up how they eat with each other or have others choose what they eat.

I much rather prefer it as it is.
Ideally a family would have a family meal at least most evenings. This requires someone obtain the food and prepare it. If this were happening then there would be no need for the school system to try and feed children their evening meal or provide food pacs for the weekend. How would you hold an adult responsible for feeding their family?? Personally, I do not care what happens to the parent(s), only what happens to the children. A child deserves a safe roof over their head and adequate nourishment while their parents deserve nothing!!!!

oldkid46's photo
Tue 02/11/20 09:48 AM

Personally ...I do not care what you think about my facts ...
I believe them and thats all that matters ...

if Polios was childish for ripping up the papers ...

what was he when he did not shake her hand ...
I call that defiance from him in the beginning ...

the only thing he has done is play to the wealthy with the tax breaks...

now if you are that wealthy will believe his lies ...
but others are not... and are and still being hurt by his decisions ...

again...they are in court and trying to over turn ... preexisting conditions...

an is trying to over turn ROW vs Wade ... and make it unsafe for women ...

now the wealthy will have all of these rights... becouse they are wealthy enough ...

but by taking this away not just abortions... it is the pills contraceptives...+ the support for women ... that is not all they stand for is abortions ... again no i do not believe in late term abortions ... but having support... they can be told about adoptions ... it is less scary for a girl or women to have to go through this alone ...

believe me I am not blaming just one person here ... just the corruptions that... go through our systems to not make our vote count...

I stand for a lot of things ... I believe in having clean waters ... I believe in our country helping those get food and shelter as needed...

I believe in good jobs ...

did you know that some of the imaginations here today ... that are given a tax code to pay our government taxes for the work they do here...

I do not have to look up my fact ... I just listen to knowledgeable people who do not work for our government or have their hands in it ...
with stations that can tell the truth about what goes on ...

when there is so much more ... that would blow your minds ...

I have felt for the people for a long time ... ever since they took away healthcare if you went to another job ... and how they don't want the co. to have to give healthcare anymore ... becouse they will give you less hrs that does not approve healthcare ... sure some are making great $ in the energy's...but they don't last ... this is not permanent work... cost are rising on medications ...

we have co . that pollute our water the ground we walk on and even take peoples land for their own profits ... and even deny climate change ...

I know all of this from listening to people... who like telling the truth ...

I do not want to be that mushroom ...that lives in the dark ...

I have always said take what you want to believe an leave the rest ... but when it happens to you ... bring your story's back others may know ... ... in this time of disarray ... and that is putting it mildly ...

he came back with I am only cutting food stamp ... OMG the food pantries are going to need more food for people ... the churches might start helping ...

any food donations you give to the food pantry's ... will be a big help to them ... sad2

then there was a fake video going around where pelosi tore up the papers from his speak at the beginning ... the Dems wanted it taken down ... the GOP said let it go on ... which of course they live for lies ...

Where do you get this sh+t????

Food Stamps: requiring able bodied single people to have a part time job to have benefits.

Manipulated video of Pelosi: It was a bought ad on Facebook that Facebook refused to take down along with many other distorted political ads. Facebook has a policy of allowing those types of political ads; they call it political freedom of speech!!

I do not feel the food stamp program needs to change. It is very little to begin with if you look up the allotment charts. And people actually NEED food. Letting them or their children starve because they are unemployed is unacceptable, to me at least.

I certainly won't disagree with you on children. It is upsetting to me when my local school system has to take the tax money I pay away from education to feed someone's children. We have federal and state programs to provide free or reduced price lunches for students. Some districts have even gone to providing an evening meal and sending home food pacs for the weekend yet we provide their parent(s) with food stamps for the benefit of their children. I, as a taxpayer, end up providing those students food benefits twice yet the children do not get that benefit. That is one thing that needs to be fixed - send the food stamp benefits to the schools for the benefit of the students.

Secondly, if you are an able bodied adult without dependents, then we need to force you to work or get job training. There are plenty of jobs that provide enough to afford groceries.

oldkid46's photo
Tue 02/11/20 07:04 AM

Personally ...I do not care what you think about my facts ...
I believe them and thats all that matters ...

if Polios was childish for ripping up the papers ...

what was he when he did not shake her hand ...
I call that defiance from him in the beginning ...

the only thing he has done is play to the wealthy with the tax breaks...

now if you are that wealthy will believe his lies ...
but others are not... and are and still being hurt by his decisions ...

again...they are in court and trying to over turn ... preexisting conditions...

an is trying to over turn ROW vs Wade ... and make it unsafe for women ...

now the wealthy will have all of these rights... becouse they are wealthy enough ...

but by taking this away not just abortions... it is the pills contraceptives...+ the support for women ... that is not all they stand for is abortions ... again no i do not believe in late term abortions ... but having support... they can be told about adoptions ... it is less scary for a girl or women to have to go through this alone ...

believe me I am not blaming just one person here ... just the corruptions that... go through our systems to not make our vote count...

I stand for a lot of things ... I believe in having clean waters ... I believe in our country helping those get food and shelter as needed...

I believe in good jobs ...

did you know that some of the imaginations here today ... that are given a tax code to pay our government taxes for the work they do here...

I do not have to look up my fact ... I just listen to knowledgeable people who do not work for our government or have their hands in it ...
with stations that can tell the truth about what goes on ...

when there is so much more ... that would blow your minds ...

I have felt for the people for a long time ... ever since they took away healthcare if you went to another job ... and how they don't want the co. to have to give healthcare anymore ... becouse they will give you less hrs that does not approve healthcare ... sure some are making great $ in the energy's...but they don't last ... this is not permanent work... cost are rising on medications ...

we have co . that pollute our water the ground we walk on and even take peoples land for their own profits ... and even deny climate change ...

I know all of this from listening to people... who like telling the truth ...

I do not want to be that mushroom ...that lives in the dark ...

I have always said take what you want to believe an leave the rest ... but when it happens to you ... bring your story's back others may know ... ... in this time of disarray ... and that is putting it mildly ...

he came back with I am only cutting food stamp ... OMG the food pantries are going to need more food for people ... the churches might start helping ...

any food donations you give to the food pantry's ... will be a big help to them ... sad2

then there was a fake video going around where pelosi tore up the papers from his speak at the beginning ... the Dems wanted it taken down ... the GOP said let it go on ... which of course they live for lies ...

Where do you get this sh+t????

Food Stamps: requiring able bodied single people to have a part time job to have benefits.

Manipulated video of Pelosi: It was a bought ad on Facebook that Facebook refused to take down along with many other distorted political ads. Facebook has a policy of allowing those types of political ads; they call it political freedom of speech!!

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