fears from marriage
I think assets obtained during the marriage should be split 50/50 when getting a divorce. I just wouldn't want to split a home that I've already paid for with someone just because we married. So we get married and I earn most of the income and then we buy a house. You think you should own half of it if we get divorced? When did you pay for your half? Would you also expect half of my retirement I earned during the marriage? THIS IS WHY SOME OF US ARE SCARED TO DEATH OF MARRIAGE!!!!! Then don't marry. Problem solved. Leave commitment and happiness to other people. |
Topic: do you believe in long distance relationship? Yes, I do. You need to trust each other. But you cannot really know each other on the internet. So try to meet face to face as soon as you can.. see if you like their smell.. I myself love a fresh-out-of-the-shower look and smell. So please take a shower before you meet me. As Marvin Gaye's song says... 'Cause baby there ain't no mountain high enough Ain't no valley low enough Ain't no river wide enough To keep me from getting to you babe ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Bernie Sanders for President
After last night at the primaries, it looks like the choice will be 4 more years of Trump or an attempt to resurrect the Obama years. Maybe Mrs Obama can be his VP candidate so they can all have a family reunion!
Wide variety of areas depending on what you are looking for. Being out in the boat fishing - northern Minnesota. Community events and more artistic outlets - southern Minnesota. Major sporting events and concerts - Twin Cities. Best to be open minded and give them all a try over the summer!
Let's talk~
To me, this Covid-19 fear seems blown out of proportion to the risk. Probably feel that way as I live where there is not a high human density. It seems that it is much more an urban issue. Eventually there may be a few cases within a couple hundred miles of me so not much risk! Basically remember to wash or sanitize your hands same as you would do for prevention of colds or flu. The covid-19 seems to be really damaging the world economy and will cause many financial problems for people.
Julian Assange
He/She that speaks the truth about government but does not jeopardize the safety of members of the government are honorable citizens. They should be honored not prosecuted!!
single mom in SO MN
Remind me to buy you a beer the next time I'm in your neighborhood!
Cut to the Chase
But, but, but that isn't how the game is played!!! Got to waste all your time and money on the BS. Got to play the "hard to get" and the endless chase scene.
I'll take the Buffalo cheese burger with bacon, please! |
I'm not a racist, but...
LOL. Racism is not so much about perspective. It is what it is. If it is a choice or prejudgement of ANY individual which is based only in their race, it is racist. The issue is that it is all placed in a negative box as if it is all the same, when there are different degrees and contexts, all based in prejudgment, but not all with an intention or thought that anyone is better or worse than anyone else, just different from. I confuse people when I admit to being 'sexist', with that same definition. I do, in fact, thing males and females are and should be different from each other. I do not believe those differences mean that either one is better or worse than the other. I am very much embracing of 'gender roles." because I think males and females are best when the complement each other, instead of duplicating or competing with each other. |
I'm not a racist, but...
Being ignorant to the fact that you are racist does not a non racist make.. ![]() |
I'm not a racist, but...
What seems to be missing is the difference between being racially insensitive and a racist. Often times people are defined as racist because they do not understand how what they said or did is viewed by some minority group as racist or demeaning. It is in the perception by the minority group not the reality of what was said or done.
You should point out that the statement "if poor people work hard enough they will become rich" is ********. That’s called individualism and its based on the idea that life is fully controllable, but anyone with a brain knows otherwise. Life is anything but fully controllable. You will never know what capitalism throws at you, what debts you must pay, how much interest will be applied to debts, medical bills, tuition fees, etc… You can bet on something but that doesnt mean it will happen. Under capitalism, you gamble for success. You are living in a gambling game in capitalist society where the market is ever changing and opportunity is unequal. “Every night, you should be coming home and selling something, creating something, learning something, etc.” Has this idiot ever considered that many people tend to be extremely tired after they come home from work? Has he ever considered that what he sees as ‘laziness’ is actually hoplessness? Has he ever considered how many of those people wanted to get a decent education but couldnt afford it, how many drowned in debt before they could graduate, how many got into accidents and we forced to drain their life savings and quit their jobs? Life isnt always "yeah just work hard and you’ll be fine". Capitalism is dynamic and “equal opportunity” only means equal legal rights, not equal economic opportunity. People can work their ***** off every single day of the week and on an anually salary of 40k and still struggle to put food on the table. Mind you, i’m referring to the US here, how do you think much poorer countries in the capitalist world are carrying out? Those people unable to produce value end up in poverty, become homeless or starve to death, not because they are lazy, but because the social conditions capitalism creates makes it very hard to do so. But capitalists try to justify the obscene inequalities and poverty that capitalism creates, to reassure the rich that they somehow deserved the wealth they accumulated, and to fool the poor into thinking that they simply aren’t working hard enough. It’s really no different than the Divine Right of Kings from the feudal era. Here are some things that should be asked: Is it a mental disability affecting their ability to retain information? Is it a lack of education/A wealth of bad information? If they are too "stupid" to learn, are they at fault? Should people be punished by actions they're unable to consent to? Are we morally righteous if we watch them suffer through poverty? Where do they live? Do they live in a poor area? Are there any overwhelming problems in these communities that puts the probability of failure at a higher rate? Is crime a major issue? “Lazy “people whose options are limited often turn to crime. How little do they earn in their current job? Do they earn minimum wage? Can they even get access to a decent job? Do they live in an area where there is few job opportunities? Are their parents poor as well? . These are questions that mostly conservatives don’t ask, probably because they don’t want to ask. They attempt to distance their utopian view of capitalism from the absolute clownshow that is actual capitalism by making the excuse that all poor people are just “lazy”. A rejection of reality pretty much. Sometimes it is just a matter of opportunity and people have to be willing to do what our ancestors did, pack what little we have and move into the unknown. When they are unwilling and join the ranks of the limited capable. That brings us to the real question, what level of support or lifestyle should society provide for these people? Some type of roof over their head? Access to 3 meals a day? Unlimited health care? A cell phone? Transportation? Big screen TV? Internet access? Where should society draw that line? In my opinion, IF I'm paying taxes to support you, your lifestyle better be well below mine!!! |
A few but not many as is the case of most dating sites. The ones you do find are either not interested in anybody or very picky with who they will communicate.
Let me see if I have some idea of the risk for the US.
Currently there are less than 150 infected people with a population around 330 million. I guess that would be one be 1 infection per 2 million people. I Think the last death toll I heard was 11 - 12 people out of 330 million people. I believe that is about the chance of you getting killed by lightning sitting in your living room. Now most of us expect the number of cases and the death toll to increase to a much higher number. Even if we had as many infected people as the entire world that would be less than 100,000 with less than 4000 deaths out of 330 million. I suspect something else will actually kill me - not Covid-19!! |
Here in the states, that will do nothing other than get you in trouble and possibly cost you your job!
hey I'm James from little rock |
Respect is something earned by how you treat others and your behaviors. As for being treated equal, that would assume both are equal. Generally people have some very strong areas and some weak areas. In an ideal relationship these characteristics would complement each other and the sum would far exceed the strength of either. In this case, both are equal. When one is much more capable than the other, the possibility of treating each other as equals is compromised. It is best to know your own capabilities and decide when your partner should be the leader and you be the follower. Often times that will vary depending on what the situation is. We all need to be willing to take that subservient role at times to get the best results of the partnership.
A must see... |
Can trust be built in a day
I real life, maybe to some extent; on the internet, not a chance in h++l.
Would work fine if you both enjoy traveling and can afford to regularly. Some relationships are much better with a lot of alone time!