Community > Posts By > GreenEyes48

GreenEyes48's photo
Mon 04/01/13 07:01 PM

That's a shame that happened to her I guess she got too caught up in the excitement of 'feeling' again. Know what I mean?

I still believe with all my heart that friends should be valued and not disposed of. THE day will come you may want them back when they are left alone and then what? Like you said ,very hard to take them back and trust them again.
I might thought, depending on the circumstances.
It does seem like we live in a "disposable society" even when it comes to friends or mates. Sad!..I enjoy having a long history and lots of "shared memories" with friends. (If possible!)...I'm sure you feel this way too. I don't want to "kick" anyone to the "curb!" Thanks for all your responses back and forth!...I just remembered. I think today is "April Fool's Day." Isn't it?...I don't have my son or husband around to pull any pranks on me anymore. (Boo Hoo!) Sorry you lost your husband and the "love of your life" and best friend too.

GreenEyes48's photo
Mon 04/01/13 10:03 AM
Betty...I agree with all you wrote about being a good friend...Awhile back ago one of my friends (who is also a widow) decided to start dating someone. (Which was great!)...But she sort of "blew" me "off" (along with her other girlfriends) and put all of her "eggs" in the guy's "basket."...She came on super-strong with the man and started planning their life together. (This seemed like a big mistake but she was certain that their relationship was "for sure" and a "done deal.")...My friend had a close-knit relationship with her husband for over 30 years and wanted to have this same type of closeness again with the new man she met...She became like a teenager "in love" and spent every waking moment thinking and dreaming about her new life with her "new guy." And didn't have time for anyone or anything else...Unfortunately the relationship "fizzled-out" pretty fast and my friend was "crushed." And she's never been the same...She seems mad and angry at the whole world and full of self-pity all the time...I'm sure she probably feels embarrassed too because she bragged and boasted about her "new love" and new life to everyone...I still care about my friend but it's not easy to be her friend anymore since she always seems so angry and full of self-pity. Sad!

GreenEyes48's photo
Mon 04/01/13 09:01 AM

I'd worry about a friend who got involved with a controlling and/or jealous and vindictive spouse or partner...Or a friend who seemed unhappy and started causing "trouble." (Just out of the blue.)...I'd definitely figure that something was "wrong." But it's not easy to talk to someone who is unhappy. (And not "owning-up" to it.)...People like this have a tendency to get defensive and blame others for their unhappiness. Don't you think?...So I'd probably just let them "be" and hope that they "wake-up" at some point and come to their senses...I wouldn't want to become their "target" or scapegoat. And I wouldn't want to become codependent (either) and spend my life trying to "fix" or "save them" when they don't think they have any problems. (And view me or others as "the problem.".. Never themselves!)

Excellent post Greeneyes.
What you said makes so much sense .I agree 100%
I know there are people like that and its sad, but the world is filled with them.ohwell

By the way..Happy Easterflowerforyou
Thanks! Happy Easter to you too Betty!...It's always nice to have caring and thoughtful and logical and rational and dependable friends. (Versus "fair-weather friends" who play games and cause "trouble.")...I try to "weed-out" the "game-players" or "users" early-on (if possible) but sometimes I still get fooled. How about you?

Of for sure I do. But that is just part of life I think.
IT can hurt big time when it happens after awhile I realize THEY NEVER were a friend in the first place.

What does it mean (or take) to be a good friend? How do you feel about it?...To me it's all about being dependable. Keeping promises...Coming "through" for people no matter what. (Even when it's inconvenient.)...And it involves taking the time to get to know each one of our friends as "individuals." Don't you think?...Everyone isn't going to be "just like us!" We all have our own unique style and preferences and people and places and "things" that are "near and dear" to our heart...Anyway I spend time thinking about what it means to be a "good friend." And I push myself to be a "better friend" to myself too! (When I start treating myself "badly.") How about you?...Thanks for all your responses. Hope you had a wonderful Easter.

GreenEyes48's photo
Mon 04/01/13 08:42 AM

hi ,i guess i am nobody.i read your profile! you need to read the book -- act like a lady, think like a man.i think then you will understand better why people end up with the feelings they do over the friends issue. check it out, i could not put the book down. good luck, and i hope it works out for you.... cleve
It sounds like a good book!

GreenEyes48's photo
Mon 04/01/13 08:39 AM

I'd worry about a friend who got involved with a controlling and/or jealous and vindictive spouse or partner...Or a friend who seemed unhappy and started causing "trouble." (Just out of the blue.)...I'd definitely figure that something was "wrong." But it's not easy to talk to someone who is unhappy. (And not "owning-up" to it.)...People like this have a tendency to get defensive and blame others for their unhappiness. Don't you think?...So I'd probably just let them "be" and hope that they "wake-up" at some point and come to their senses...I wouldn't want to become their "target" or scapegoat. And I wouldn't want to become codependent (either) and spend my life trying to "fix" or "save them" when they don't think they have any problems. (And view me or others as "the problem.".. Never themselves!)

this is a good post. and your view of things would make you more likely, I think to be a person who your friend would come to talk with eventually because you haven't been an interfering type.

the only thing I question is whose position it is to decide personal happiness. For me it is me. Someone else may think I am unhappy but if I feel I am happy I am. There may be some things we all tend to be unhappy about now & then....but it is the individual's choise to determine whether or not they are happy overall as a person, and if unhappy what if anything to do about it.

I will admit that there are some people I don't talk with because they either tried to make me discuss things I did not wish to discuss or gave unsolicited advice or told me without prompt (I did not ask) what my fault was in a situation (and they really did not know). I don't regret that decision at all and am not missing those individuals at all...jmho
I may have thoughts about someone's situation but I try to keep my mouth "zipped closed" most of the time when it comes to my personal relationships. (Or even the way I related to my sons when they were alive.)...No one wants to be handed unsolicited advice. I know I don't!...A few people started treating me like I was a small child (again) after my husband passed away. I didn't run to them (or anyone) seeking advice.. Life hasn't been easy but I take pride in figuring out solutions to my problems and "playing soldier" and going it "alone" most of the time...Anyway I'm careful about what I say to people because I'm not a big fan of unsolicited advice either....It's one thing to "have thoughts" about the way someone is living his or her life. But I think it's wise to "think" before we "speak" and "weigh" everything first. Don't you?

GreenEyes48's photo
Mon 04/01/13 08:22 AM

Love is a very special thing that happens between two people but some people feel the need not just to share that with each other and live in their own little world together and they have to tell the whole world about it.

Does making what was a very private and personal thing public devalue it and make it feel less intimate and romantic

No, I do not think that making it public would devalue it at all. Why would it?

Because you are talking about something special that you shared with someone special and I think that it being something that just the two of you share together is what makes it special. I agree with DaySinner that it can break the magic. What makes it romantic in the first place? I am interested in the psychology of romantic love and that is what I am trying to explore with this topic.

There is a difference between just telling other people that you love somebody and telling them why you love them. The former is easy to understand but the latter is not and it is just not going to be as meaningful to other people as it is to you. In some cases people will be unable to understand it at all and the process of talking about it might make you realise that you don't really understand it either or that what made it meaningful to you is conversely something that other people can understand but it isn't really that special or unique.

There is also the fact that when we do this we will try to put it into language that we think other people will understand. An example of this would be a guy boasting to his friends about how he had sex with someone. He is likely to talk about it in a way that isn't going to make it sound too soppy if he doesn't want his friends to think that he's soppy. Or if he is a soppy "romantic" he might talk about it in a soppy way because he is concerned about how he appears to others. We all wear masks in one way or another and have public personas. We are social beings and language always gets its meaning through the social context.
I agree with you...There's "group think" and there's also "group speak" too. And someone from the "outside" may not know the "lingo" or customs of each particular group or sub-culture. (Or all the expectations etc.).. So I definitely agree with you when it comes to social-context.

GreenEyes48's photo
Mon 04/01/13 07:54 AM
Some people may wrap their image and identity around being "romantic." But I tend to wrap my identity around being "credible." And this involves doing a lot of "looking" before I "leap.".. And taking a "wait and see" approach before I make any final decisions or judgements...It's all a process to me. I don't want to base everything on initial "surface appearances." It takes time to get to know people...I want to do my "homework" first before I get out the megaphone and tell the whole world that I have fallen in love..I want to be "sure" in other words so I don't risk my "credibility." And people don't put me in the category of the little boy who keeps "crying wolf." (Or announcing that the "sky is falling" etc.)

GreenEyes48's photo
Sun 03/31/13 10:46 AM

Good grief, have y'all hearts frozen solid?

Shouting it from the rooftops is your heart telling the world, "I LOVE this woman!" There's no ulterior motives or angles or whatever—it's just love and your heart giving it voice through you.
You're definitely a romantic kind of guy!...I might tell close friends about someone I'm seeing but use a few "qualifiers." (Especially in the early stages of a relationship.)...I might say: "So far everything SEEMS to be going pretty good.".. I wouldn't stick my neck out too far until time passed and I was sure and knew it was a "done-deal!"...For some reason the story of the tortoise and the hare always sticks in my mind...The hare was certain (beyond a shadow of a doubt) that he was going to win the race so he started to "goof-off." And his arrogance got the best of him. (In the end.)..Where the tortoise was more modest and humble and he didn't want to take anything for granted. Or brag or boast about his victory ahead of time...I tend to be more cautious (myself) when it comes to being "absolutely sure" about anything...When I get to the "finish line" I know that it's certain and "for real." And then I jump for joy and celebrate!

GreenEyes48's photo
Sun 03/31/13 10:22 AM

Some people seem to need and thrive on outside validation...As in: "I'm a nobody and I don't exist unless I 'tell all' and share my thoughts and feelings and experiences with the whole world. Or at least everyone who crosses my path."...Maybe there is a middle-ground. What do you think?

I think there's something to what you say here. We are social beings and we feel the need to express our thoughts and feelings publicly through language to make them meaningful.

I agree...When my husband was alive we had a "running joke" when we went to Vegas or some other gambling town...We talked about how it would feel to win "Megabucks" (and millions of dollars) and be "all alone." (With no one "back home" to call!)...We had a tendency to be loners so we thought about this kind of stuff a lot...I'm still (mostly) a loner today and deal with things all by myself...Every so often I feel a need to talk and open-up a bit. But all in all I just "go it alone" most of the time...How about you?

GreenEyes48's photo
Sun 03/31/13 10:22 AM

Some people seem to need and thrive on outside validation...As in: "I'm a nobody and I don't exist unless I 'tell all' and share my thoughts and feelings and experiences with the whole world. Or at least everyone who crosses my path."...Maybe there is a middle-ground. What do you think?

I think there's something to what you say here. We are social beings and we feel the need to express our thoughts and feelings publicly through language to make them meaningful.

I agree...When my husband was alive we had a "running joke" when we went to Vegas or some other gambling town...We talked about how it would feel to win "Megabucks" (and millions of dollars) and be "all alone." (With no one "back home" to call!)...We had a tendency to be loners so we thought about this kind of stuff a lot...I'm still (mostly) a loner today and deal with things all by myself...Every so often I feel a need to talk and open-up a bit. But all in all I just "go it alone" most of the time...How about you?

GreenEyes48's photo
Sun 03/31/13 09:46 AM

I'd worry about a friend who got involved with a controlling and/or jealous and vindictive spouse or partner...Or a friend who seemed unhappy and started causing "trouble." (Just out of the blue.)...I'd definitely figure that something was "wrong." But it's not easy to talk to someone who is unhappy. (And not "owning-up" to it.)...People like this have a tendency to get defensive and blame others for their unhappiness. Don't you think?...So I'd probably just let them "be" and hope that they "wake-up" at some point and come to their senses...I wouldn't want to become their "target" or scapegoat. And I wouldn't want to become codependent (either) and spend my life trying to "fix" or "save them" when they don't think they have any problems. (And view me or others as "the problem.".. Never themselves!)

Excellent post Greeneyes.
What you said makes so much sense .I agree 100%
I know there are people like that and its sad, but the world is filled with them.ohwell

By the way..Happy Easterflowerforyou
Thanks! Happy Easter to you too Betty!...It's always nice to have caring and thoughtful and logical and rational and dependable friends. (Versus "fair-weather friends" who play games and cause "trouble.")...I try to "weed-out" the "game-players" or "users" early-on (if possible) but sometimes I still get fooled. How about you?

GreenEyes48's photo
Sun 03/31/13 08:08 AM
Some people seem to need and thrive on outside validation...As in: "I'm a nobody and I don't exist unless I 'tell all' and share my thoughts and feelings and experiences with the whole world. Or at least everyone who crosses my path."...Maybe there is a middle-ground. What do you think?

GreenEyes48's photo
Sun 03/31/13 07:23 AM

I have a tendency to question myself about everything. And I worry that I talk about my "late" husband too much at times...I don't want to bore anyone or come across as a boaster or braggart etc...Guess I'm still going through grief and I miss my husband and sons a lot. (And all that we shared together.)...But I do question myself about what I "write" and how it may come across to others. (In all areas.).. It's all part of the "growth-process" to me. I figure I still have a great deal to learn. (About myself...About society...About social interaction and everything else in life too.)

Hi Green Eyes... Happy Easter... I just wanted to comment that I too often question my own posts and if I have gone too far. But, just like you, this is a new and first time experience for me, and we learn as we go and grow... I personally enjoyed all the conversations we had about your husband and sons, because we grew to know each other better, and for that I'm glad... I never thought you said too much, or in a wrong spirit, when all I could see and hear and feel is your love and loss of your entire family... and my heart goes out to you, it doesn't judge your passion to remember them, and share their memory with us... may peace always be yours, Claire... :heart: flowerforyou
Thank you Athena! Happy Easter to you too!...I didn't always have it "so good." It took me a long time to learn lessons about love. My earlier relationships didn't turn out as well as my "last one" did!...And you're right...How can people grow close if they don't open-up and share with each other?...Thanks for all you've shared with me and others here. Great to get to know you! Thanks!

GreenEyes48's photo
Sun 03/31/13 07:12 AM
I enjoy "play" and humor but I don't flirt per se.. I flirted when I was younger but today I don't want to "lead" anyone "on." Or give-out the wrong impression about my intentions etc..."Play" (and fun) doesn't have to involve male/female "stuff." Or inuendoes etc...This is how I feel anyway...I got myself in "hot water" (more than a few times) when I was younger by flirting. So I don't do this anymore. But I still enjoy "play" and humor.

GreenEyes48's photo
Sun 03/31/13 06:47 AM
I have a tendency to question myself about everything. And I worry that I talk about my "late" husband too much at times...I don't want to bore anyone or come across as a boaster or braggart etc...Guess I'm still going through grief and I miss my husband and sons a lot. (And all that we shared together.)...But I do question myself about what I "write" and how it may come across to others. (In all areas.).. It's all part of the "growth-process" to me. I figure I still have a great deal to learn. (About myself...About society...About social interaction and everything else in life too.)

GreenEyes48's photo
Sun 03/31/13 06:26 AM
I'd worry about a friend who got involved with a controlling and/or jealous and vindictive spouse or partner...Or a friend who seemed unhappy and started causing "trouble." (Just out of the blue.)...I'd definitely figure that something was "wrong." But it's not easy to talk to someone who is unhappy. (And not "owning-up" to it.)...People like this have a tendency to get defensive and blame others for their unhappiness. Don't you think?...So I'd probably just let them "be" and hope that they "wake-up" at some point and come to their senses...I wouldn't want to become their "target" or scapegoat. And I wouldn't want to become codependent (either) and spend my life trying to "fix" or "save them" when they don't think they have any problems. (And view me or others as "the problem.".. Never themselves!)

GreenEyes48's photo
Sat 03/30/13 06:24 AM

you know you are in love when you still :
Cannot wait to hear their car pull up in the driveway
When that kiss hello is better than the kiss goodbye
When being in their arms is your safe place
When you can do his dirty laundry and pick up his smelly socks and not care.
When you make love you know he is the right one.
When you make his favourite meals ,even though you don't really like it but want to please him.
When you know he had a rough day and all you want to do is comfort him.

And when the time comes that illness takes them away from you are still missing them and wishing they were with you.
That's when you know.
This is how I feel about my husband too...The love we shared together "lives on" and "on!" (Even though cancer shortened his time on earth with me.)...Thanks for all you wrote.
Cancer took my husband too.
Falling in love is easy, maintaining it is much harder.

Betty...I'm so sorry that you lost your husband to cancer too. Sending you BIG HUG!

GreenEyes48's photo
Fri 03/29/13 08:41 AM
Life seems easier when we can place everyone and everything into neat little categories...When people rely on generalizations (and categories) they assume that they "know" most everything. (And have nothing "new" to see or observe or learn in life.)...Critical thinking involves questioning ourselves and questioning our assumptions and longheld beliefs as we move through life...This is hard for people who wrap their identities around their pre-existing beliefs. It's hard to admit that we might have been "wrong" about certain things...It's easier to get into the "defensive mode" where we "attack" (and try to silence and intimidate) anyone who dares to suggest that we might be "wrong." (About anything.)...Open-minded people tend to be more "fluid" and flexible when it comes to what they believe (or "hold true") as they move through various phases in their lives.

GreenEyes48's photo
Fri 03/29/13 07:10 AM

you know you are in love when you still :
Cannot wait to hear their car pull up in the driveway
When that kiss hello is better than the kiss goodbye
When being in their arms is your safe place
When you can do his dirty laundry and pick up his smelly socks and not care.
When you make love you know he is the right one.
When you make his favourite meals ,even though you don't really like it but want to please him.
When you know he had a rough day and all you want to do is comfort him.

And when the time comes that illness takes them away from you are still missing them and wishing they were with you.
That's when you know.
This is how I feel about my husband too...The love we shared together "lives on" and "on!" (Even though cancer shortened his time on earth with me.)...Thanks for all you wrote.

GreenEyes48's photo
Fri 03/29/13 07:01 AM

Yeah, sometimes though the friend will come and slag the person off to their friends and family and they are having problems in their relationship and people take sides.

I agree this is a big mistake when someone who brings their family into the fact it is "his" family that scares me ....even when I do not even know who "he" is

I agree...I wouldn't want to be part of any "Romeo and Juliet" type of scenarios where family members (or friends) try to keep me apart from someone. Or ruin or damage the love I feel for someone...Where it becomes a question of loyalty and which "clan" I belong to and value the most etc...Sometimes couples have to split-off a bit to form a brand new "union" of their very own.

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