I've had the same questions. How can anyone trust a translation of a translation of a translation? I was told that the original King James version is the closest for english readers. Still, perusingeth those versions has thy tiny brain gropingeth for more truthethnesseth.
I doubt that everyone spoke with lisps at that time. Still, I knew a VERY intelligent preacher that read from a King James for his messages, was a study of old hebrew and offered some alternative translations for those that might be following along from more modern bibles during his Sunday messages. I do find it a failure that God couldn't update His message but, then again, it is our earth to make of it what we will and maybe He doesn't see enough of of a discrepancy to offer an update. Maybe it's still just good enough that one trusts our God enough to read those antiquated words in a book and practice those basic messages of love and respect. |
Please convince me to stay
I just don't see how God can be loving and caring anymore. I can't just ignore things like how God can allow a wife to be beaten, children abused and neglected, unloved by their so called parents. How he can allow people who commit these things to get away with it and not stop them. How can God, being as loving and caring as He supposed to be allow defenseless children to be tortured because it's someones will? IDK, any reason for it just seems like excuses. If you can excuse God for not doing something, when He's the only one that can, you may as well just make excuses for those who rape, murder, and abuse their family. That's just how I have been feeling lately. Yeah we all are sinners and everything, but those who are the cleanest get the most severe punishments? Life on earth is fleeting compared to an eternal life. This isn't heaven. It's a stage of life. God gave us life on earth to do with it what we will. Some will be victims more than others. There is a vast universe of good and bad. For whatever reason, what happens must happen on this little dot in the universe. It's your God given right to be apathetic, or take a pro or con attitude to what happens around you. What's in your heart at any moment is recorded in your book of life. It's good that you are appalled by what we can do to each other here on earth. Don't let that overshadow the good things and the joy to be had. Especially, don't blame God for what we do to each other. Take another read through Job? |
I need a lesson in dating site etiquette.
I recently had someone view my profile and message me. (and I was as surprised as you are!) The only thing she said was 'Hi'. Am I being a crumb by not saying Hi back? I do feel a little guilty by ignoring her. But I also feel like, if she really wanted to make friends with people, she'd muster up a little more than a 'Hi'. I'm a guy, true, but I'm one of those odd few that enjoys a meaningful conversation. |
Courtesy anyone??
Hope you guys don't mind if ask about something along those lines. I need a lesson in dating site etiquette. I recently had someone view my profile and message me. (and I was as surprised as you are!) The only thing she said was 'Hi'. Am I being a crumb by not saying Hi back? I do feel a little guilty by ignoring her. But I also feel like, if she really wanted to make friends with people, she'd muster up a little more than a 'Hi'. I'm a guy, true, but I'm one of those odd few that enjoys a meaningful conversation. what's the harm in saying hi back? if a person were to walk up to you on the street and just start firing questions at you without giving you a chance to acknowledge them first you'd find that a little weird, yes? . . . Thanks kre8karma. That's pretty much the gist of why I didn't reply. She jammed the ball into my court with just a 'Hi'. And for the record, that's not a dog in my profile pic. That's me during my mountain man phase while living in the Pacific Northwest. Sorry to the OP for hijacking. I'll start a new thread. |
black men
And if you two didn't coordinate that together- Wwaahhahahahahahahohohohohohahaha!!!!!! Whoo boy. I love a good comedy bit. |
Edited by
Thu 06/16/11 01:31 PM
After having been in the presence of godly love and fellowship there is nothing more to be desired than to have that again and more. It could be argued that I was spoiled by that little church in Port Orchard. It really didn't take that long to become close with a lot of the folks there. Getting together to do stuff didn't have to be a church function. And even Preacher would often call and ask, "Hey, man. You wanna go do something?" Why can't more churches be that way? They didn't have to like me or even take me in. They did so with open arms and had no expectations of me other than what I expected of them; respect, friendship, fellowship etc. There were no grand plans of adding on to the building or aquiring equipment. Finances were never discussed on Sunday. Most of us that were there on Sunday were there on Wednesday for bible study. We were just a group of folks with at least one thing in common. I do desire that, again. More would be nice but it's not required. |
Edited by
Thu 06/16/11 08:03 AM
A 'Church' doesn't actually refer to a building... it's true meaning is a 'group of people gathered together' in worship! The building is immaterial. The 'my church is bigger than your church!' argument doesn't stand well in the eye's of Jesus! You can have a 'church' of people in any building, even a bus stop! :) What matters is that you worship - not that your building has more bricks than anybody else's! A building is just a building. It's address will not save you... only you can save you by promoting the words of Jesus Christ & that of his father... God of Israel? Jehovah? Y.H.W.H etc etc? Let's not get confused here - Jesus wasn't God! He wasn't his own father anymore than I am my own father! :) I was baptized in a baptist church in Port Orchard WA in 2000. Aside from the arguments at bible studies, it was the best church I'd ever been to. It was the only church I'd ever belonged to. I actually looked forward to the Sunday message. The people were great and preacher was phenomenal. A VERY smart guy. (plus, after I set up his satellite dish, he'd invite me over after worship to watch football, in season) I didn't belong to churches before then because I didn't like the politics. After moving back to Iowa and looking around for a church, it's still the same. The churches around here are about increasing the congregation to increase the revenue to buy more building and more stuff. The people gossip about each other. Some even gossip about their own preachers. Finding a good church is hard to do. |
Courtesy anyone??
Hope you guys don't mind if ask about something along those lines. I need a lesson in dating site etiquette.
I recently had someone view my profile and message me. (and I was as surprised as you are!) The only thing she said was 'Hi'. Am I being a crumb by not saying Hi back? I do feel a little guilty by ignoring her. But I also feel like, if she really wanted to make friends with people, she'd muster up a little more than a 'Hi'. I'm a guy, true, but I'm one of those odd few that enjoys a meaningful conversation. |
Well, whaddaya know...
You a ham Trout? I used to spend some time on 40 meters in the early/ mid 90s before a house fire burnt my radio.
I still have my di-pole in a box here, somewhere. --... ...-- |
What they need are expert hackers who can out hack those guys. What we don't need is wide sweeping crack down on all of our Internet activities or to give them the power to do so. People just need to be a little smarter and less greedy when it comes to scams. Thank-you. People should practice their own due diligence. If one is so stupid that they fall for a scam, it should be chalked up to a learning experience. There is nobody to sue. It shouldn't be the job of a government to think for you. It is the job of a government to set forth penalties against people that prey upon other people by way of majority rule. And from the 'expert hackers' results, severe penalties that don't just amount to some sort of fine/ fee. 'Breaking' the 'law' is part of the money machine. What is part of the penalty for many 'crimes'? A fine. AKA revenue. Take a peek at why the majority of inmates are in a jail and it will be that they can't pay their way out. It's less than an ideal way to live but they have a roof over their heads and 3 squares a day. There are groups that make sure inmates don't suffer too severly. The system has to be fixed so that punishment is feared. It will give morons something to second guess before doing something stupid. |
Eureka ! I am invisible
With total invisibility, (I have achieved partial invisiblity in lines such as at the DMV and crowded restaurants) I would like to visit my local McDonalds and feast upon nuggets of chicken and french fries at no cost to myself.
When adequately engorged, I would enter the women's bathroom and ogle chick butts. A 'hog heaven', if you will. |
Cats or Dogs?
Edited by
Thu 06/09/11 02:27 AM
My cat (agent 99 the assassin) is very smart and knows how to communicate well. She comes into my room where I work and she is talking up a storm. She won't shut up until I get up and follow her. Then she runs to the door and stands up and reaches for the door knob. She knows that is what opens the door but she just can't reach it. Then she turns to look at me and she says: "Meeeeaaaaa!" Its clear she wants help with that door knob because she wants to go outside. I'm a door opener for cats. ![]() ![]() ![]() Generally, cats are morons. But they know how to get things done for them; "I squint my eyes, rumble and ram my head into your leg because I know you can't resist the adorableousness. You will comply." Dogs play on our feeling sorry for stupidousness; "Yay! Play! *slobber slobber* Treats! You're my hero! Yay! Play! *slobber lick slobber*" While cats are morons and dogs are pretty stupid, they have managed to wrap us around their fingers. |
It's a complete lack of respect.
If it's behind a door, in a drawer or cabinet, beneath a lid or otherwise hidden from view, it's off limits to anyone but the owner(s). When someone invades, as such, you must consider their motive; Whether you're hiding something or not, they are digging and have no respect for you and don't mind losing even more at what they might find. I would immediately ask them to leave and never invite them back. |
Well, whaddaya know...
Got the HDD back to an acer laptop that was almost thrown at me because the gal that had it was angry with it's overheating/ shutdown problems. I offered to investigate but she said, "Nope, I bought a new one. That acer has been a pain ever since I got it and I never want to see it again."
Silly chick. Shrunk the vista partition, stuck some debian on it tonight and it ran just fine. After the install and goofing around with it a bit, I booted to the vista partition to see if it still worked. I sure am glad I don't have a need for windows products. I almost thought it was hung at first. The boot logo thing was there for over a minute. The desktop finally showed up but performance was quite sluggish. I got to the task manager to find that a spyware scanner was doing it's thing. OK. I went to the kwik trip to grab a can o Foster's, as this is my Friday and it's time to wind er down. Got back and a virus scanner was finishing up, still giving relevance to the old 'turn on the windohs box and go have lunch'. After all that was done, a svchost.exe process was still chewing up almost 50% CPU time at what was supposed to be idle. (wow?!) Rebooted back to the debian install to find that CPU temp was 50c. Pretty warm for booting from what was supposed to be an idle machine. CPU really was showing idle, this time, so let it sit for a while longer, as I sat on the porch and enjoyed a thunderstorm. Came back in and it was in the 30s. Installed and goofed around with a couple things and CPU temp was 39c. There is a vista sticker on the thing that I think I'll peel off. It runs WAY better with debian on it. |
Sorry if I hijacked something. In which case, I'm doing it again, so ![]() ![]() ![]() |
To upgrade to a new release?
This has <i> always </i> worked for me; Backup /etc/apt/sources.list to something like sorces.list-old . Edit sources.list to reflect the release, i.e. change all the squeeze to wheezy if you're moving to debian stable to testing. At a shell prompt at a tty (NOT xterm, gnome-terminal etc), enter commands; apt-get update # updates apt to use the new repos you just changed in sources.list apt-get install apt dpkg apt-get # upgrade to new package managment utils straight away apt-get dist-upgrade # installs/ upgrades the rest of the system It's just that simple! You're at a tty, so if something hangs X, you're not trapped with a partially installed/ broken OS. Tip: Never skip a release cycle. Always dist-upgrade to the very next release. |
Windows 2k
It's a computer and technology forum ain't it? Why not try and help a non techie out once in a while? What is a NIC and how do you disable it? A network interface controller (also known as a network interface card, network adapter, LAN adapter and by similar terms) is a computer hardware component that connects a computer to a computer network. Whereas network interface controllers were commonly implemented on expansion cards that plug into a computer bus, the low cost and ubiquity of the Ethernet standard means that most newer computers have a network interface built into the motherboard. You forgot to thank him for allowing you to google that for him ![]() |
Windows 2k
And this addresses the problem how?????? I think the last request for information was for the result of mashing a ctrl+alt+del. From what I can gather from the thread, no results were given. RainbowTrout merely offered what he thought as pertinent at that point. Let's not confuse this forum as consumer support. |
Windows 2k
Hey, here's a thought- can you mash ctrl+alt+del and bring up task manager? Wasn't there a way to start a program from there?
If you are logged in as admin and there are still restrictions, that box must be seriously crippled to prevent employees from doing stupid things. If all else fails, I might have a win2k disk around here, somewhere. If I have it/ can find it, that would at least get you playing until you find an xpee key. If the Trout ain't gonna, I will; This might be an excellent time to learn linux! I bet debian would run like a champ on that box. |
I need some enlightenment-
Ubunto offers unity as a default desktop. Oh, so many dumdums are up in arms about it. Is that the only gui they offer? Are there no other desktops/ gui managers in their repos? I know it's silly, but it still peeves me when I read that crap. What in the world is stopping all these idiots from installing any dang desktop they want? |