Community > Posts By > lookin4home
Candyland, Risk, Hero's Quest, Battleship, Tower of the Wizard King, Clue, Pictionary, and Headbandz.
Beer and Wine Drinkers
Depending on where you live, New Belgium brewing has some good beer, Fat Tire is the only one I can think of off hand.
I don't hate the man, I just have lost respect for him. You, as a democrat, .... oh a never mind .... you'll blindly defend him like repubs defend Bush. Perhaps when people open their eyes an get out of this democrat and/or republican blame game, we can actually accomplish something. We can only hope. Then maybe we can vote for the best man for the job instead of the lesser of two evils. |
so folks who want to cut government spending don't care about this country??? I'm sure they care about the country. They just don't seem to care about most of the people who live in the country.
That reminded me of something I find funny. They want to cut down on medicare. I deal with medicare daily. On a standard ins. claim form there is a spot for the ammount you need to be paid for your procedures. There is no ammount on a medicare claim form. Medicare pays what they want to. Cut down on Medicare? How? They pay what they want to now. That is why they are in trouble, no doctors office wants to deal with them. Lot's of our clients have dropped medicare as an excepted ins. They are hard to deal with, they deny all claims for any problem with a single claim in a batch, and they pay what they want instead of what you ask for. Anyone that has to deal with Medicare, hates Medicare. |
I think you handled it perfect.
If you were friends with the mom, I don't see anything wrong with visiting her anyways. There is nothing wrong with honestly answering the mother's question of where her daughter is. If she decides to lie to her mother that's all on her. If she was blind folded and walking into traffic, keeping your mouth shut would be a bad thing. Keeping quiet so someone will learn a lesson they otherwise ignore, that's fine with me. As teenagers we all learned that experience is everything. Your parents can tell you not to do something for 13yrs, but until you acctually do it, you just don't understand. Just look at cigarettes. |
Talk about hypocrisy and ignorance ![]() Ah, the American way. That needs to change. Ignorance will never change, no one can know everything. We just need our people to work on being less ignorant. Hypocrisy comes with age. I said I'd never smoke when I was 12 and yet here I am 12yrs later puffing away. We need to work on spotting that hypocrisy when it shows up. Saying one thing and then 3 months after the election, they vote for the opposite, that's a red flag. Sadly, I don't think things will ever change. If only we could be better judges of character and spot the frauds. Instead we sit around argueing over Rep. and Dem. and let the poloticians do as they please behind our backs. The government is a complex system that takes complex answers and methods to keep it functioning correctly. There should be no black and white way to looking at ways to solve our problems. Yet, today all we seem to look at is Red and Blue. And don't even get me started on how we vote based on who is the better celebrity and not the better candidate. |
Talk about hypocrisy and ignorance ![]() Ah, the American way. |
Temporary Relationships...
You know how relationships can be great at first during the first three months but then they start going downhill? People take each other for granted, start trying to change the other person to suit them better.. start getting bossy, critical and possessive.. After the honeymoon is over... in a relationship if you don't really like each other on a deeper level it is probably the best thing to split up. *** Some people will just get bored with the other person or lose interest. If you really don't want to get married or get into a LTR why not set ground rules and even a time limit for exclusivity. (going steady) Rather than a few one night stands, how about dating for one to three months and then agree to end it? Enjoy the good times, create great memories, then go your separate ways. I wonder if anyone would be up for something like that? I'd be down for that. I don't put much stock in LTR, people come and go and that's life. I'd only add the clause: If after the 3 months we both would like to continue seeing each other, the agreement then goes to a month-to-month basis. Rarely is someone completely open about their problems in a relationship and those problems usually turn to resentment over time. When someone is completely open about their problems it's usually just looked at as constant b*tching. Lose, Lose. I don't shoot down the idea of LTRs because with the right person it could be a good thing. I just never go into it thinking about long term. |
We have a drive-in here in Guthrie, they don't call it "historic Guthrie" for nothin. If you ever go, remember this; families in the front and drunk teens in the back.
Masculine and Feminine
Let's not forget they added freeze to the responses a couple years back. It's now "fight, flight or freeze". Not to be confused with playing dead.
I tend to click "post reply", type out every mean and ugly thing I want to post and then move off the page without ever posting it. I just needed to get it off my chest to feel better about it, doesn't matter to me if they even know I'm agry.
Probably the same reason I keep a journal. I just feel better by getting it out of my head. |
"Experience is free, consequences are expensive."
Is This Racist?
No...I wouldn't move to France and not expect to learn french. When in Rome, right? Do you think you could be completely fluent in french before you moved to France? My french teacher was from Belgium, she didn't speak a word of english before she got here. She said being in a place where everyone speaks english was the easiest way to learn because you learn the slang and in-and-outs of how the language is spoken by native speakers. I'm speaking of the willingness to learn the native language of the country and not expecting them to cater to you because you are unwilling to learn. Also, if you are willing to learn you don't even need classes, people will help you out. I've been to Mexico and I've never had a spanish class, I attempted as much spanish as I could while I was there. Mexicans would help me out with what I was trying to say, as well as, other tourist that spoke spanish. I probably butchered the language, but I'm sure there were a few that appreciated that I made the attempt. I took the 2 seconds to learn bano, instead of spending 5 min trying to explain myself in english to ask where the bathroom was everywhere I went. Short answer: Yes, but only because I'm pretty fluent now. You just mentioned your french teacher, then talked about how you don't even need classes if you're willing to learn, yet you butchered the language. Yes, it's easy to learn a word such as bano. But, you'd have to put much more effort into learning the language fluently. Classes/lessons would certainly help. Just as those I mentioned earlier who take ESL classes around here. My french teacher came here to live here. I, on the other hand, went to Mexico for a weekend. I'm sure she butchered the language here for quite awhile before she got the hang of it. It takes time. Classes are nice for those that can afford them or have the time. I was just saying you don't neccisarily need them to learn a new language if you are surrounded by people that speak it fluently. |
God is not the boss of me.
God is not the boss of me because I have free will. Any religious leader who tries to tell you how you should live your life is not the boss of you either. Free will is free will. There are not strings attached. Can God and free will co-exist? I would think with free will there would be no God and with a God there would be no free will. The only way I could see the two co-existing would be for God to place each human here as an adult and before poofing us onto the planet, carefully explaining the rules of the world. Then you would have free will, the knowledge that there is a God, what God expects from you, and what will happen if you break the rules. I doubt a God would put this information in the hands of man to spread throughout mankind. Knowing that we would manipulate this knowledge. |
Is This Racist?
No...I wouldn't move to France and not expect to learn french. When in Rome, right? Do you think you could be completely fluent in french before you moved to France? My french teacher was from Belgium, she didn't speak a word of english before she got here. She said being in a place where everyone speaks english was the easiest way to learn because you learn the slang and in-and-outs of how the language is spoken by native speakers. I'm speaking of the willingness to learn the native language of the country and not expecting them to cater to you because you are unwilling to learn. Also, if you are willing to learn you don't even need classes, people will help you out. I've been to Mexico and I've never had a spanish class, I attempted as much spanish as I could while I was there. Mexicans would help me out with what I was trying to say, as well as, other tourist that spoke spanish. I probably butchered the language, but I'm sure there were a few that appreciated that I made the attempt. I took the 2 seconds to learn bano, instead of spending 5 min trying to explain myself in english to ask where the bathroom was everywhere I went. Short answer: Yes, but only because I'm pretty fluent now. |
Is This Racist?
No...I wouldn't move to France and not expect to learn french.
When in Rome, right? |
I would hope that all of us want to be honest and want others to be honest when it comes to dating. But, it seems that many of us have different ways of thinking when it comes to what's honest and what's not. 1. Are there specific things someone must say or do to make you think they're being honest about what they're looking for? 2. Do you have certain qualifications that someone must meet in order to believe they're being honest? 3. Do you believe that someone who would rather date and get to know each other to see how things go before bringing up marriage is less honest than someone saying they want a husband or wife upfront? By the way, the idea for this thread did come from other recent threads, but I am not referencing anyone specific. Just looking for different ideas from people here. 1. No. I would hope if you are looking for something you would be honest about what you are looking for. At the same time, I don't think most people really know what they want until they find it. 2. I guess a history of honesty with me would be nice, but if we are talking about some I've just met, I take everyting with a grain of salt. 3. No, both is honest IMO. If you aren't sure, you wouldn't be being honest if you said you were or weren't seeking marraige with that person. For me personally, I'm not looking for marriage as an end goal. I don't need a gov. contract stating that I am commited to a woman. I can faithfully spend the rest of my life with a woman with out signing a piece of paper saying I'll do so. Divorce is expensive and with the divorce rate in this country, I don't pretend that I'll be an exception. I just don't see the point in marraige, what does it really do for your relationship? |
2011 NFL Season
Lions!! ![]() ![]() ![]() The lions are going to the play-offs this year. I can feel it in my bones. |
I was 17 - everything was happening in the same first kiss,i lost my virginity, had my first daughter who was born 9 weeks early and got married at 17!!! (sorry, too much info) :) what about you guys? I was 16. Had my first date, first kiss and lost my virginity, it was a great week. We broke up the next week, I think we moved a little fast, ha ha. |
Well here in England, right now, there are petrol bombs being thrown everywhere, riot police. All we need now is an endless supply of ambulances. There's fires growing bigger. I'll be surprised if anyone has the guts to go and get their shopping done during this, This is partly what worries me. The Middle East has been in an up roar for awhile now. With the riots in Greece and now in England, just think if this happened here in the US, where we have lots of guns. The stock market is taking a hit and it will trickle down to the rest of us eventually. The world can't exactly take a day off, what will happen if everyone is rioting over the affairs of their country? I feel like we are tearing apart at the seems. I'm also not old enough to really remember any similar events in history. So that could be partly why I worry. |