Community > Posts By > lookin4home

lookin4home's photo
Thu 05/19/11 02:03 PM

I have to make an alternate account it seems like. I looks like low post numbers and having a new profile is a plus. laugh

Damn...what am I doing wrong then? lol

I have an idea. we should make an alt account, claim to be women and hit on ourselves. This would bring the attention of other women.

Just make an alt account and send yourself messages.

hmmm yes a plan indeed! laugh

That is brilliant! My brother always said 'Nothing attracts a woman to a man more than the smell of another woman'.

lookin4home's photo
Thu 05/19/11 01:44 PM

I have to make an alternate account it seems like. I looks like low post numbers and having a new profile is a plus. laugh

Damn...what am I doing wrong then? lol

lookin4home's photo
Thu 05/19/11 08:49 AM
Happy birthday!

lookin4home's photo
Wed 05/18/11 11:49 AM
I remember all of that stuff. aside frome the BBC and girl stuff anyways.

jeanco jeans with the huge legs and pockets
flannel shirts
grundge rock
spiked hair
terminator 2
who framed rodger rabbit
howard the duck
X-men the cartoon series
marvel trading cards
the start of magic the gathering
the original mario kart
ice ice baby
ren and stimpy
the clinton scandal

it was a good time to grow up. Not. Ha ha ha

lookin4home's photo
Wed 05/18/11 11:20 AM
We had a guy at OSU (okla) that would come on campus and "preach". His name was preacher Bob. His whole point was to piss people off badly enough to physically assult him so he could sue the campus and the person that did it. This could be what we are really looking at here. So many people just try to be a victim so they can file lawsuits. I think he has the right to burn the flag in protest. Someone burning the flag in protest doesnt bother me because it doesn't effect my beliefs or patriotism. If he wants people to hate him that's fine with me. He will end up like the people who protest funeral's of soldiers. We will find legal or semi-legal ways of dealing with them. I don't think giving him an old fashioned American a** beating will change his mind or stop any future burnings and it could be what he is really looking for, just to sue the pants off anyone he can when its over.

lookin4home's photo
Wed 05/18/11 10:43 AM
You all make a good point. I don't think I will just stop talking to her because she is pregnant. I'd like to see where things go (see if I even like her enough). Everyone has been in F'ed up situations. Although, I dont think there is as much of a possibility of it working out because she is expecting another child. For someone that has no kids, and really never expected to have any, it's a big issue. I dont even like kids that can't; eat, whipe, and communicate, on their own. My dad left when i was 3 months, my "step dad" made it clear from day one i was not his and he was not going to be a replacement father. I don't want to be that guy. If someone has kids you have to be just as willing to except them into your life if you want to be with the mother/father (if you plan on the long haul). I dont know if I'm willing to execpt that responsibiliy. We were friends before and I have no problem keeping it that way now.
And i agree that stallions are bastards.

lookin4home's photo
Wed 05/18/11 08:18 AM

ok what women dont want a good man in their life some choose the a hole over the good guy why is that it makes no sense to me im sweet and lovin and care about what u think but i could be the a hole so why does the good guy always loose

From experience the ones that call themselves the 'good ole guys' end up being the needy, clingy and creepy dudes. That ones that can't take "No" for an answer, the ones that call you 100 times a day wondering why you havent texted them back yet... just saying.

I get what you're saying. My girlfriend tells me I'm a stalker. Well, she's not exactly my girlfriend, yet. ha ha ha

I tell women I am the nicest ahole they will ever meet.

lookin4home's photo
Wed 05/18/11 07:28 AM
We are just talking, I honestly don't know if she is interested in me but it seems like it. We were friends a long time ago, and I started talking to her again when she first started dating the dad (I can't stand him). I didn't feel right talking to her since I had more than friendship in mind, so I stopped. We started talking again the other day and he was cheating on her and she is pregnant and single. She keeps hinting that she wants to see me. I'm really not sure how to go about it or if I even want to. I don't have kids, never dated someone with kids and I'm not even sure if I want any myself.

lookin4home's photo
Wed 05/18/11 06:20 AM
And it isn't your kid.

lookin4home's photo
Tue 05/17/11 11:48 AM
Drugs are fun
Until you can't have fun with out 'em
I'll only hang out with you, if you do them too
I've got my sack to clear away the blues

Holding on tight to everything I own
I don't know which will be next to go
Because when the itch comes you have to scratch
Swearing this time you'll make it last
Sometimes swearing it will be the last
Then it comes right back, back to bite you in the ***

The pusher is proud of the new batch
You've got a little cash, temptation grasps
Mind clouded in excuses
A batlle your judgement loses
Right back to usin

Oozin, spent the last half hour pukin
That's when you're ready to quit
With the drug in your system again
Taking another drag off your cigarette
You know you're an addict

Sobriety looks so good 'til you're sober
Scrapping every crack and corner
Saving every scrap, for one last high
Then it's time to say goodbye

Hide away, they can't see the evil inside
The thoughts seep into every fasit of your mind
The cravings never subside
Hiding away and rising with the tide
Crashing over you in a wave, time to time, day to day

One morning you wake up and realize
The fog has lifted from your eyes
The stregnth has returned to your thighs
You get up and move on with your life

lookin4home's photo
Mon 05/16/11 12:17 PM
I love it.

lookin4home's photo
Mon 05/16/11 09:00 AM
I sit here and mope, nothing else to do
I sit here without hope, nothing left to lose
I'll sit in my smoke, inhaling all the fumes
If you ask if I'm a joke, I'll ask if you're amused

I get so f****d up I don't recognize myself, still trying to be someone else
You think you don't have a problem? You're not looking hard enough
I can solve them, but your thanks isn't enough
Just let me out, let me out of these cuffs

I told him to stop, he was acting too tough
He said to step aside, I like to play rough

Am I still alive? Last night was rough
The sun is so bright. Did I get hit by a truck?
I don't remember a thing. I've got to stop getting so drunk.

lookin4home's photo
Mon 05/16/11 08:20 AM
I had 3 seasonal type jobs before I finally found a regular job. Worked for the 2010 census, then to the schoolbook depository for the summer and hanging christmas lights in the winter with a friend. I finnally landed a tech support job and I've never been so happy to listen to dumb people complain.

lookin4home's photo
Thu 05/12/11 02:47 PM
I don't really trust any of them. Most say what people want to hear to get them in office and do what they want (or can get away with) when they are elected. I think there are some honest good people in our government, I'd just like to see more of them. Our country has turned into lazy self-righteous short sited hippocrits, speaking of the majority of course, and our elected officials reflect this change in our society.

lookin4home's photo
Thu 05/12/11 02:35 PM
I think it comes down to people creating false documentation and other people being paid to look the other way or they really don't care and pay them under the table. There are ways of getting around anything if you know the right people and/or have the right money.

lookin4home's photo
Thu 05/12/11 01:56 PM

If it makes you feel any better...I was born and raised in Texas and when I apply for anything, I have to show my Social Security card and some ask for birth certificates too.

I have a Social Security Card also that I have to show everywhere. They started the proof of citizenship push after 9/11. My older brother never had any problems showing his foreign birth certificate and SSC to get his driver's license.

lookin4home's photo
Thu 05/12/11 12:49 PM
You don't trust the president but you trust wikipedia lol. You can't site wikipedia as a credible source, that's all I'm getting at here. You can't use it in college papers for a reason.

lookin4home's photo
Thu 05/12/11 12:40 PM
My take is that it is BS. I am a dual citizen of the U.S. and Canada. At 15 I had to apply for proof of citzenship papers because of my birth certificate, before I could get my learner's permit. I have to show my proof of citzenship papers every time I get a job and any time I deal with the government. I'm not supporting the insurance plan at all.

lookin4home's photo
Thu 05/12/11 11:53 AM
I guess I should make it clear. We were 16 and went to school together. It wasn't someone I had never met in person before and not really someone I felt I needed to get to know. Although, I wish I had known she was that kind of person before I asked her on the date.

lookin4home's photo
Thu 05/12/11 10:52 AM
I think she was playing a game. I simply wanted her to see the other side of the coin. That and to leave me alone.