Community > Posts By > lookin4home

lookin4home's photo
Mon 06/06/11 02:59 PM
That makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the read.

lookin4home's photo
Mon 06/06/11 08:09 AM
The last star fighter, they could use decent special effects this time. Most of my favorite old movies I'd rather not see remade, because they would probably ruin them, like they usually ruin the books.

lookin4home's photo
Thu 06/02/11 09:18 AM
I hate when people won't take no for an answer
I hate anyone else on the road while I'm driving
I hate d-bag cops that say "if you dont have anything illegal you have nothing to hide" there are plenty of legal things I'd prefer to hide from a random person who wants to look through my s**t.
I hate when people are late and I hate being late
I hate when people don't listen
I hate when people dont say bye when they are finished talking on the phone
I hate when people ask me for my opinion and then want to argue about it
I hate being out of money when my car is in the shop
I hate when people use way to many abbreviations and no punctuation
I hate not having time to finish a list of things I hate

lookin4home's photo
Thu 06/02/11 08:54 AM
I'm picky and have a lack of options. It's not a good situation for me.

lookin4home's photo
Wed 06/01/11 02:48 PM

Real love is long suffering caring and affectionate to love is to give one everything ur life hope and body and soul irrespective of the tribe and religion

I need an enterprature again.what

and someone who can spell enterprature.laugh laugh

I'll assume you're looking for an interpreter and not an entrepreneur. I guess dictionary man should have looked at the definition first lol.

lookin4home's photo
Wed 06/01/11 09:44 AM
My two favorites are: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Trigun

I got started watching anime with DBZ but once I watched Trigun I was hooked. Now I'm just waiting for the final part of FMA:brotherhood to come out on blu ray so I can watch it.

lookin4home's photo
Thu 05/26/11 08:46 PM

I guess I don't get it, or I just don't see it.

lookin4home's photo
Thu 05/26/11 08:38 PM
Edited by lookin4home on Thu 05/26/11 08:42 PM

lookin4home's photo
Thu 05/26/11 06:17 PM
Experience is free, consequences are expensive.

lookin4home's photo
Thu 05/26/11 01:05 PM
What I find funny is that it the study was done by a woman and the article was written by a woman, but the women who have posted, and naturally being on this site look at pictures of men often, disagree with the article/study. I really think you are looking too far into it though. It's only talking about physical attractivness, not personality type or a general additude. It simply says if you look at a picture of a man you dont know, you will find the one of him smiling less atractive than one where he is not.

lookin4home's photo
Thu 05/26/11 08:01 AM
Well, I was hoping some women would agree. Mainly, because I hate smiling in pictures, lol. I guess Red is right, I'll have to change my pic.

lookin4home's photo
Thu 05/26/11 07:29 AM
Me too, I feel bad for those who live on the westside of my town, tornado came right through.

lookin4home's photo
Thu 05/26/11 07:12 AM
By Melissa Dahl

A note to single dudes: If you're looking to pick up a woman at a bar, whatever you do -- don't smile at her.

Women are actually less sexually attracted to smiley, happy men, suggests a new University of British Columbia study, published online today in the journal Emotion. If that's surprising to you -- it was surprising to lead researcher Jessica Tracy, too. "I wouldn’t have believed it if we didn’t go out and replicate it three times," says Tracy, an assistant psychology professor at UBC.

Researchers asked more than 1,000 volunteers to rate the sexual attractiveness of hundreds of images of the opposite sex. (All were heterosexual, ages 17 to 49 years, with a median age of 21. Fifty-two percent of participants were Asian, and 48 percent were Caucasian.) In the images, the men and women pictured were demonstrating one of three emotions: happiness, pride or shame -- plus a "neutral" image thrown in there, too. They found that women ranked the smiling guys as less attractive -- but they were into the prideful and ashamed men. But the male participants were most attracted to the smiling women, and least attracted to the ones who seemed proud.

More research is needed to determine why this might be, but Tracy has a few hunches. Past research has shown that smiling increases perception of femininity, so that might be one reason smiles worked on women, but not on men. Also, "smiling indicates availability, or interest. For men, that's a really important thing to know about a woman, so it makes sense that men would find smiling really attractive," Tracy says. "For women, that's not as important. There's the general assumption that men are more generally receptive."

But the fact that women find shame more attractive may also help explain the attractiveness of the "bad boy" -- the one who seems like he can be turned around. "The bad boy who feels shame, women have always found that attractive -- that’s the James Dean look. He’s the bad boy, but he wants to change," Tracy says.

One thing to keep in mind: The study measured just sexual attractiveness, not whether women are interested in carrying on a relationship with a sullen, unsmiling dude. But Tracy adds, "If a (man's) sole aim is to be as sexually attractive as possible, smiling may not be his best bet."

lookin4home's photo
Wed 05/25/11 08:27 PM
Edited by lookin4home on Wed 05/25/11 08:28 PM
Stone walls and a steel door
A place for paranioa a place for torture
I can't open the door

I beat it with bear fists, broken and sore
I bleed and I scream, I can't take anymore
I'd tear this place apart if I wasn't already torn
I beg and I plead, I can't open the door

All these masks I've worn, none could fool the door
A place it never rains, but pours
Drowning in my tears because I can't open the door

All the pain I've caused and all the blood I've worn
All my hate and revenge I've sworn
Everything I've done before, that makes me wish I was never born
It's locked inside with me, I can't open the door

A closet in my world I use to explore
A closet that became my room
My room that became my tomb
Living in a temple, and I'm stuck on the top floor
I can't open the door

lookin4home's photo
Wed 05/25/11 07:06 AM
I wanted to be an analytical chemist. Every career test I took said I should be an engineer, so thats what I went for. After my first year in college as an industrial engineering major and being an outcast in the world of true nerds, I switched to business lol. Maybe one day, if I decide to devote my life to school, I'll go back to engineering.

lookin4home's photo
Mon 05/23/11 02:39 PM
Thanks for reading, especially those who replied, it means a lot.

lookin4home's photo
Mon 05/23/11 02:03 PM
Your point 1 and 9 are the same. IMO the earth is a system. We are part of that system like anything else. If the earth is changing we are responsible to a degree, even if we are only speeding up a change that would have happened without us.

lookin4home's photo
Mon 05/23/11 12:16 PM

Many women needs to come out of the woodwork really.

Stop with the " I want a long term COMMITMENT" and "I am looking for my soulmate" or "I need someone who will only pay attention to me 24/7".

These are scary things for many men.

Sure...20-30 years ago, it was all about getting married and sailing to the Bahamas and having 2-3 kids in a big family house with a dog and making sandwiches to guys who were watching baseball on TV.

This isn't the same age.

We are in a f-kd up society, where things don't work the same way, your "hubby" is checking out your best friend's boob shots on facebook when you aren't looking, or having a giant porn collection downloaded on his computer, where he gets his ideas what to try out on you at night.

Not to mention the economy and unemployment and how women are afraid to get a guy, because he may acts like a parasite or vice versa, so let's drop this sugar coated BS about "meaningful" relationships and your "exclusive one-way ticket" guy you are looking for.

I can almost guarantee, that girls who would say "hey I'm a single girl and I'm looking for guy who is gonna stay with me for a while and makes me sweat at night, but also makes me feel good, but otherwise leave me to be" - would get 1000 times more views than some politically correct " I am looking for a bright shinning knight who will save me from the dragons" -kinda garbage, which only scares men more than women claiming to be mystically empowered ghost hunter fairies. laugh drinker

I totally agree. Nothing is more off putting to me than a head line saying "looking for prince charming" or some variant. It makes me think they are looking for something unreasonable that I could never live up to. They will be the same one complaining about fake guys not living up to their promises or being really nice and turning into a psycho. What do you expect when you are looking for a fairy tale? The guy that thinks he is prince charming is usually far from it.

lookin4home's photo
Mon 05/23/11 10:11 AM
It's 2:45 p.m.. 15 minutes before school is out. The longest 15 minutes of my life. Sitting in the back of the class I think about how this year was suppose to be better, but it's the same as 7th grade, 6th, and so on.

Finally, the bell rings and I make my way with the heard. Loading onto the bus I look for a vacant seat. I find one and sit down putting my back-pack next to me, to discourage others from sitting next to me. It's a friday, so it is louder than usual as we make our way to the bus lot. I put my headphones on to block out the noise and teasing voices. This only adds to my discomfort. Not being able to hear the jolting voices, they give in to harsher methods. Spit wads and paper balls were nothing new in my world, the pop can was always a special touch, that's when I knew my patience had paid off.

Unloading, the bus lot is packed with people. I make my way to my bus home and find my seat. I set my back-pack next to me to save the seat for my best and only friend.

He arrives and sits down next to me as I place my bag on the ground.
"How was your day today? Another great friday?" he asks sarcasticly.
"Oh yes, another great day to be alive" I answered with the same sarcastic tone.
We put on our headphones and continued on our usual trip home. The longest ride of my life.
We reached my road and my friend asked "So are you coming over when you're parents get home?"
"No, not today" I replied.
"What is so special about today?"
"I'm going to be somewhere else when they get home today."
The bus came to a stop infront of my house and before letting me out of the seat he asked "where are you going today?"
Making my way past him I replied "a better place" and continued to make my way off the bus.

Getting home I begin my arrangments. This is not the first time I've gone through this process. I get dressed up in my "sunday best". I retrieve the note I've hand written to my parents letting them know why I am gone. I go get my supplies out of the top of my parents closet.

Checking to make sure everything is right and I haven't left any loose ends, I make my way back to my room. I load a single bullet in the .357 magnum. In this moment with the gun against my head and finger on the trigger, I replay my life and my reasons for ending it.
It was the longest 5 minutes of my life.

In that moment as I slowly squeeze on the trigger, I hear the front door open. "Where are you at f***er?" my brother yells.

This scares me so badly I almost pull the trigger when I jump. He has gotten home from wrestling practice early today. I quickly hide the gun and my nerves and walk out of my room.

"Let me show you this move I learned today!" He says as he grabs my arm and attempts to put me in a head-lock.

I jerk away and run out the door and into the woods crying hysterically. "What's wrong with you man?" he yells out the door.

I could never tell him what really happened that day, he still doesn't know he saved my life.

lookin4home's photo
Mon 05/23/11 09:29 AM
I rarely get replies from my writing. I don't mind, I try to make a game of how many people view it. If more people viewed the newest one compared to the old one then I must be doing something right, or my tittles are getting better anyways lol. I've noticed people like the pretty uplifting kind of writing and that is definitely not my style. I write to share with those who understand. I don't need any ego stroking.