Community > Posts By > 8sGr8_2Bme

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Fri 09/28/07 12:52 AM
noway It seems that Israel now has controle of 100% of Americas Atomic Weapons, Now we all know this is just another one of bushco's private sell outs...

But, I mean where is that guy's brain ???

The American Military, has always done a fine job of keeping our Atomic Stockpile safe and secure, Why in the world would anyone in their right mind,hand the job of keeping The American Stockpile of Atomic Wapons over to an Israeli Security Firm ???

That is just plain NUT'S!!!grumble

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Fri 09/28/07 12:40 AM
The Anti American Gongress Just Passed THe Hate Crimes Bill...

This goes hand in hand with The Thought Crimes Bill...

So the people that live in Israel are now Hebrews, People of African Desent are now People of Color, Wet Backs are now Laten Americans, Honkies are now Honkies, some things are best left in their natural order...noway

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Thu 09/27/07 02:47 PM
sad Well if ya'all don't like the guy THAT MUCH!!! then I guess you'l just have to grow some ball and go shoot him your self...:wink:

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Thu 09/27/07 02:44 PM
:wink: Anothr Day another Dollar...:tongue:

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Thu 09/27/07 12:04 AM
flowerforyou Having a Photo is your option, But I learned Long ago,that if you GOT NO PHOTO,then you may be ignored more often...sad

noway So I GOT PHOTO's, intresting photo's, hell theres even one or 2 of me and I never post photo's of me... laugh

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Wed 09/26/07 11:31 PM
laugh Had to, I was getting allot of very bad press...flowerforyou

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Wed 09/26/07 11:26 PM
laugh Wasa matter girl, can't you recignise yor great uncle Hennery when you see him???flowerforyou

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Wed 09/26/07 11:22 PM
sad Ah hell, it's been so long since anyone noticed me that I plumb Forgot...noway

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Wed 09/26/07 11:15 PM
laugh So tell me Katertots, if your Ms MatchMaker, How come you never hooked me up over on ConnectingSingles, I only found out when I left, what a heuge following I had,you know we were all there to get hooked up, but just like here, very few of us ever do...sad

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Wed 09/26/07 11:07 PM
:smile: You can access and read the PlentyOfFish Forums without being a member,tey have a section called
(Off Topic)
in this section, they list all of the top ranked Free Internet Dating services and they tell what they do...

POF also gets paid to advertise for every internet Dating out fit there is...

I came here from ConnectingSingles, where you can be banned for bad mouthig the site of talking about other sites...

But it seems to me that the most successful sites don't really care if their members talk about other dating sites or not, because No Muss No Fuss atracts more happy clients...

Just think there are still millions of people paying $75.00 to $250.00 per month to outfits like GreatExpectations only to be used, abused and ignored...

But over here we can have all that and more absolutly FREE!!! flowerforyou

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Wed 09/26/07 10:49 PM
laugh If you want info on Zionism, Go Looka at , , and sooner or later you may figure it out...:wink:

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Wed 09/26/07 06:24 PM
I personally know that BINGO FUEL dose work, because I use it in all of my trucks and standing engines... :smile:

no photo
Wed 09/26/07 06:22 PM
laugh Well Davinci, all I gotta say is Flack Peak Oil!!!

If anyone bothers to do the research they will find that our modern 4 stroke engines are desined to run on H2/Hydrogen...

Now a very funny thing about this fact is that long about 1889 a process call Hydrogen Plasma was descovered and Patented, and laster Nikola Tesla descovered that bu Compressing supper heared steam, the same event took place...
So H2 can be made through the Compression process of any engone...

If one were to Google BINGO FUEL, one would find a web-site with compleat instructions of how to convert any engine to run on BINGO FUEL...

Now bear in mind that the bingo system uses 80% water and 20% Hydrocarbon...

no photo
Wed 09/26/07 06:07 PM
Wass a matta, cat got your tongue ??? :tongue:

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Wed 09/26/07 05:40 PM
It was The Babalonian Tallmud that outlawd the teachings of Jesus Christ,and The Jewish Pharasese that called for Christ to be killed, so The Establishment of A Jewish Homland, has NOTHING what so ever to do with The Bible...

Just as Zionism was born out of The Jewish people but has little or nothing to do with The Jewish Faith...

Zionism = Illuminatti = The NEW WORLD ORDER as was founded in 1772 by a group of Bavarian Bankers who wish to own The Entire Planet and all it's inhabitants lock stock and tootsy pop...

no photo
Wed 09/26/07 01:51 PM
laugh Actually GOD is the same,yesterday,today and tomarrow, it is man that is Devisive...

As you will remember GOD only gave us 10 LAWS to live by...

Seems that we have a few more now...

The Lord thy GOD has always been out Judge, But now The Supreme Court of Man,says there is NO GOD...laugh

Not to mention the fact that most Judges are Zionest Illuminatti...

So I find that MAN is Devisive and GOD has always been the same...:wink:

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Wed 09/26/07 12:28 AM
noway About Dubyas Brain ???

Dose anyone remember that he was said to be Demonically Possed before he became President ???

Well I tend to think that his stay in the Big White House, has not made he any less Demonically Possesed, and he NEVER was all that Bright...

Poppy GHWB has been acting president for the past 30 years, Dubya is just a pupet, all he has to do is sign exsecutive orders that are prepared by his staff and other Corprate entities...

Oh and about last night???

I hang out on other web-sites and sometimes I get all fired up on their Disinformation and Spew...laugh

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Tue 09/25/07 11:56 PM
:wink: Close but NO CIGAR,
Zionism goes all the way back to the Babalonian Talmud and They were and still are today satan worshipers, it was The Zionests that sold The German Jews down the river in WW2...

Even today the Jews of Israel want the Zionest out, because The Racest Zionests are exterminating The Paletinian people and stealing their Home Land...

Somebody really opened a can of worms here...

Zionest Illuminatti,
ring a bell ???

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Tue 09/25/07 11:43 PM
laugh NEWS FLESH!!!

MIT Conducted a Study on The Effectivness of ( Tin Foil Hat's ) They were able to use a $250,000.00 Federal Grant to conduct this research...

Sounds like Belt Way Bandits in the making...

Anyway, they found that The Various Configurations of Tin Foil Hats did very little to hinder radio friquencys from reaching the Human Brain, however in some cases The Tin Foil Hat actially amplified the Radio Signals and was much more detrimental to the warer than if they had NO Tin Foil Hat At All...laugh

While they were at it they also tested Copper,Brass, Aluminum and Lead...noway
The Lead Scull Cap yealded the best all around protection to all Radio,ELF and Microwave radiation and their most effective prototype was a fuul fiberglass Motorcycle Helmet lined with 1/16 lead behine the foam padding...:wink:

indifferent So there you have it,NO MORE Tin Foil Hats, just line your Nazi Storm Trooper Hemets with Lead and your brains will be safe!!!

But The NON-LEATHLE WEAPONS, will still cook the entire rest of your body...:tongue:

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Tue 09/25/07 10:59 AM
laugh Hindsight being 20 X 20 this guy was invited to talk,just so The Zionest Jews could yell at him, of which they did...:wink:

smokin The real reason that everyone is so ticked off at this guy, is that he knows exactly what The Zionest Illuminatti PLAN IS, and he keeps on mouthing off about it...

America will most likely NOT nuke Iran,
because Iran,Iraq,Syria,Jordan and Saudi Arriba will form a coalition and destroy Israel...

There is a New guy that most of you know nothing about,his name is Mytraya and he will be the New Mohamad & The incarnated Budda, NOT!!!

You see, our fearing leaders have blinded is with Bull Dung and Lies,
untill the time was late...

Very Soon you will all be seeing lots of UFO's and lots of small Grey Beings and you will be told a whole lot of lies and you will swallow them hook line and sinker, because you don't know any better...drinker

laugh But I and a few others do, this is why we will be killed first and then all of you people will do anything they say, and you will...:wink: