Community > Posts By > 8sGr8_2Bme

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Sat 09/22/07 11:01 AM
laugh Remember That English guy Gary, that got cought Hacking The Pentigon's Computer Complex,so he could prove the existance of UFO's ???

That is who they are talking about,when they call me "GARY"...

So, I just said ok and I sine everything Gary, as a back at them thing...laugh

And I was only kidding about Jess finding out who I am...

As I rather expect her to know...:wink:

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Sat 09/22/07 03:14 AM
noway WOMEN!!!

Or that Jess will ever figure out who I am again...brokenheart

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Sat 09/22/07 03:10 AM
noway yawn brokenheart ohwell happy explode :tongue: Yep,Yep,Yep,Yep,Yep,Yep...smokin

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Sat 09/22/07 03:04 AM
:wink: Think of youtself not as the pnly one these people have asked TO LEAVE, as the Demanded that I LEAVE TOO...

So I desyroyed my last profile and started over a fresh,
But The Troll Folk of (justsayhi) don't allow that...

Once the lable you what the deem you to be, in their small minds that is what you shall ever be for life or untill they can drive you from their personal Chat-Site...

I try to be nice, but I'd much rather dump piss into their computer and watch it hiss and pop...:tongue:
Oh well. what do you do with dog's like that???grumble

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Fri 09/21/07 07:38 PM
:tongue: Whatever you say,Queen of Spew...:tongue:

I just glad I could be here 4 you, Gary...flowerforyou

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Fri 09/21/07 04:48 PM
laugh Well this sub-section is Disinfomation & Spew, so you people have come to the right place to SPEW you hate and discontent, for those of us with The Gift of Elvish Charm...:tongue:

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Fri 09/21/07 04:28 PM

Our Fearing Leader George Armstrong Custer Bush Has just Been Abducted by a group of Russian Cosmonot Gerbals and taken to their secret Base on the Back side of The Moon...

Now acting President Richard Spinless Chaney reportedly dose not want Mr Bush Back and Mizz Rice repoted ly still has a hicky from their last leason... laugh

The Gerbals are threatning to abduct Mr Chaney too if their demand are not met...

Congress is undesided on how to proceed but what else is new...

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Fri 09/21/07 01:00 PM
grumble It might be safe to say that The bushco Hunta we be best remembered for it's total Disinformation & Spew, along with the fact that The bushco Hunta has written more anti american & draconian Laws then any other un-ellected President in history...grumble

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Fri 09/21/07 12:51 PM
laugh News Flesh The Orbeting Gerbals may have been bducted by an ET Space Craft or The Cheap Chineese Batteries failed,since the Space Cage dropped of Radar durring the night,we all hope they are OK...flowerforyou

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Fri 09/21/07 12:40 PM
laugh No Shielding needed for Bull Dung, it's just a matter of who are the most cleaver Bull Dung Slingers...:tongue:

OK, I can understand the fact that a new section may not be needed, so this post will just bort of a subsection, within
[Cuurrent News and Events] oh and Waldow was over on ConnectingSingles, He was never on Just say Hi, But there is a waldo on here,that has been here for a very long time...


flowerforyou Gary flowerforyou

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Fri 09/21/07 04:20 AM
laugh An intresting Project for all the introverts in the crowd...

A few HighSchool Nerds go together and micro chipped every car in their neighbor hoods
with very small solar powered GPS Trasponders, to see where most people went and to study trends and High Traffic Patterns,bu they were geeks and they got busted...

This is where things got really strange,on the one hand The Local DA wanted to convict them of invasion of privacy,on the other hand everyone from the Cops to advertising and marketing Companies want to hire them to use their low key tech on other such covert projects...laugh

noway Such a delema, I wonder if this is how Bill Gates got his start ???laugh

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Fri 09/21/07 04:02 AM
ohwell Well JSH is like a Hoover Vacume Cleaner,but nobody ever bothers to empty the Bag,
So everything in the world is Jammed in here and just like the vast majority of The World no body has a clue as to what will happen next...noway

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Fri 09/21/07 03:20 AM
:tongue: This post should be taken as Fact, not fiction...

As this posting is the result of a simple Google Search for:

Depleted Uranium, Lawrence Livermore Lab Professor Speaks Out...

Of which there were 38,800 Results within 0.15 seconds, so I picked one...


I found this report to be rather informative and complete with several Videos to drive the point home...


flowerforyou Gary flowerforyou

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Fri 09/21/07 02:15 AM
laugh Perhaps it would be better to have a fun filled section caller
( Current Disinfomation & Spew ) where posters could vent their non-researched and totally fictional views in a comedy context as aposed to The ( Current News & Events ) area where factual well researched postings should be posted, but then again I just might be expecting WAY!!! to much from this multinational crowd of Disinfomation & Spew provocators...

Thanks for your time...:tongue:

flowerforyou Gary flowerforyou

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Thu 09/20/07 04:54 PM
Is the court action od Suing GOD, to suggest that some state officials really are using WAY TOO MUCH DRUGS???

I mean get real,The Lord dose NOT make Bad Things happen for NO REASON,HE let's them happen as a reminder that it is best to abide by HIS LAW'S not man's law's...

On this one, The Lod just might ignore the court papers...

I mean what are they going to do, issue a Warrent ???

laugh :laigh: laugh

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Thu 09/20/07 04:38 PM
Yep, looks like Hennnnnnnnnnnery somehow got deleted aswell, oh bla dee o'bla dah, la,la, holly Life goes on... >laugh:

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Thu 09/20/07 03:56 PM
Where could OJ run to and Where could he hide ???

He may have killed 2 rich Jews...

So the Aipc will be after him for life...

He has no where to go & no where to hide...

OJ is just another Black on his slow progerssion toward The Big House and that is all...

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Thu 09/20/07 01:00 PM
laugh Tail end of a 30 hour day...

Depleted Uranium is not as hot as Plutonium, but still hot and it will still kill you...

It burns as it travels to it's target, it will pass through 20 inches of Armor Plate like butter, when it goes BOOM!!! it becomes a Gas that is composed of 3 to 5 micron particals, that you breathe or are carried on the wind to other places and it is The Gift that keeps on giving for the next 50,000 years...

I am amazed at how uninformed you people are of these things, I mean you may be able to spell,but you never do any of The Research, so you can know of what you write...

Oh Well, that's why 8sGr8_2Bme...:smile:

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Thu 09/20/07 12:41 PM
noway Whats a Matter, A Penguin Got Your Toungs ??? noway

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Wed 09/19/07 09:52 PM
blushing For Those of you that don't know about exactly what American, Israeli and UK FirePower is, I will clue you in...

Everything over .50 is composed if DU Depleted Uranium, Not Quite as Hat as Plutonium but just as deadly...

It is a byprodict on Atomic Power Plants and TOXIC WASTE that in very hard ti get more... Check out Gukf WAR Sindrome...

You akways away Timd.