Community > Posts By > 8sGr8_2Bme

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Tue 09/25/07 10:20 AM
noway The reason why bushco with veto this bill,is because they plan to Nuke NYC and LA, then declare Marshall Law and start rounding up all The Christians,Jews and Muslems into their Consentration Camps for extermination...

So you see,providing health care for walking dead people is a total waste of funding and effot...explode

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Tue 09/25/07 12:31 AM
noway :tongue: noway

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Mon 09/24/07 09:08 PM
laugh What I find most intresting about this thread is that The Bone Head that Posted it to begin with, turned off his account just after he posted this thread...laugh

So I see no reason for my elaberating about things that NONE of the rest of you have a clue about...

All I ever see any of you do is Spew Disinfomation and debate what you know absolutly NOTHING ABOUT!!!, because you are TOO LAZY to do your own research...

So that was the end of this thread, all I can say is GOOD LUCK with all that you will never know...yawn

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Mon 09/24/07 10:29 AM
:smile: When you speek of god, are you reffering to the god of this world???

Or do you speek of The Lord GOD that created All ???

Do I believe that such a being could exist,or is it possible that such a Being could indwell my spirit ???

Do I think that we all go to Heaven when we die ???

I don't want to dissapoint you,but we are all Imortal Souls,
meaning that our Spirit may already be Millions of years old...

Are we alone in The Universe ???

Not exactly...

Is ours the only Solar System ???

Not exactly...

The Subject matter is vast, but let's do what man has NEVER DONE before...

Let's just look at Terra/Earth as you know it
and this so called Retilian Question...

You have heard of The Garden of Eden,Eve and a Surpent ???

The Surpent was a Bypedle
Suran or Retilian Man and The Lord Banished it to The Nether World for time eturnal...

What is The Nether World ???

The Lords exact wording was that The Surpent Race would be under the foot of man for all time...

If we live on the land, then under our feet would be underground,had you ever found it Amazing that we know more about Mars,Jupiter,or The Moon ???

Then we do abot our own inner earth,did you know that this planet is now 5 times larger then it was when it was first formed ???

How did the earth expand in size and remain solid ???

Somple the earth is not a solid mass of Rock, there is a vast inner earth, where buth Surans and Humans exist and have existed for millions of centuries...

They tend to live longer than we do and they eat Humans...

You should read The Cosmic Conflict, By Branton...

The Cosmic Conflict had to be written as fiction,because everything about it is Classified and Top Secret...

As a Pentecostal Minister,I know things that many don't, I am also an active Remote Viewer...

Mankind would be much better off, just understanding this planet, it's history and who all lives here...

Rather then going off into outer space, chasing wingless aircraft that we will never understand,
untill we dig them up and descover that they all started out right here on Earth,some 200,000 years ago...

I will not do 100% of your research for you,but I will point you in the right direction's to find what you seek... :wink:

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Mon 09/24/07 08:16 AM
noway :tongue: yawn flowerforyou noway :tongue: yawn flowerforyou flowerforyou :tongue:

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Sun 09/23/07 11:57 PM
happy My thought is that if The person that POSTED this thread had read the material that he posted and thought about it just a bit,
He might have been just a tad more objective on the subject...yawn

laugh However I understand that everuone has to get started on the road of UFO and what else may exist on or under the surface of this earth...smokin

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Sun 09/23/07 11:44 PM
mad ohwell :tongue: sick blushing grumble yawn

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Sun 09/23/07 11:17 PM
blushing Oh shoooooooooooooooooooooot, I really missed it man... brokenheart

noway I opted for movie nigh,because there ws NOHING GOING ON ON HERE, AT ALL!!! flowerforyou

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Sun 09/23/07 06:00 PM
laugh You know that Grandma,could have been my Mother...:wink:

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Sun 09/23/07 05:49 PM
laugh You perfect Match is no less than 12,000 miles out and you will NEVER MEET HER!!!

Nothing to fret over though, as there are plenty of other warm lonely bodies that need some LUV from time to time all over the place,it's kinda lke russian rulet,
in that you just never know weather you will be getting lucky or not, or weather that was even luck or a curse...flowerforyou

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Sun 09/23/07 05:30 PM
laugh Pick a Storey and storey in The So Called NEWS OF TODAY,as it is ALL 100% Disinformation & SPEW!!!

All you have been getting in the place of NEWS since 911 has been Headlins and sound bites...

All of your true investegative reporters have been bought off or killed...

So you USA of Today is just as dark as The OLD SOVIET UNION and you fools call this goot...

Well since you have evicted GOD from your lives, all I can say is Don't be expecting satan to be helping you...explode

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Sun 09/23/07 05:19 PM
laugh Now that amerika Has Become The Evil Empire, To not let this man that supports FREEDOME SPEAK
would be as big a Travisty of Justice as BOMBING IRAN FOR NO GOOD REASON...


Unless you think wiping out 100% of Israels potential enemies is wise and prudent,in view of the fact that Nuking Iran will garantee that CHINA will respond in kind tward The USA...

You people have to face The Reality that WE THE USA, under the guiding hand of the bush hunta have become the greatest threat to humanity that the world has ever seen...grumble

frown So Why not let the Condemed man speak for his Condemed Country, It's more that Sadam was allowed, without neo-con sensor...smokin

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Sun 09/23/07 05:01 PM
laugh No session is compleat devoid of a visit from barbywitch-the littlesister in tight's to fan the flaimes of rejection for all the world to see...laugh

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Sun 09/23/07 02:39 PM
laugh That must have happened while I was in a Coma, or was it Tacoma???:wink:

flowerforyou Either was all I saw was Blond Muff...:wink:

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Sun 09/23/07 02:31 PM
laugh Never mind what Gary is, just get that Farting Fanta out of here!!!

Before we have a methain exploding Fanta-attack!!! noway

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Sun 09/23/07 02:14 PM
laugh Now that there are SO MANY of os GARY'S on here, it's hard to know exactly who, you are talking about...laugh

:wink:But Obviously,this is a very Popular IFO photo...:wink:

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Sun 09/23/07 01:51 PM
laugh bushco dose NOT HATE childeren!!!laugh

smokin It is a well known fact that Reptilians like to eat kid's up to 10 years old,if bushco gives young kid's health care, they will be healthier, more allert and they will run faster, making them much harder to catch...

Thus bushco must veto the childerend health care bill, so him and all his reptilian friends can still have their little snackiepoo's...noway

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Sun 09/23/07 01:42 PM
:wink: GARY is the guy that hacked the pentegons Computer complen in sarch of proof that UFO's really do exist...

However there is a small click on JSH that likes to call anyone they wish to mess with GARY
untill this person thiinks up another intresting name for their ring leader Fantas-Fanting...laugh

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Sun 09/23/07 01:26 PM
laugh Relax, The Retilian Race has been here for Millions of years,Hell Bushco is a Reptile...

The Retilian Race like to snack on cilderen of color up to age 10 after that they get tough and harder to catch, This could be why there is So Much UFO activity in South America, Africe and The Solomon Islands...

However it is estimated that 87% of all Missing and Never found chilidren world wide, have infact been abducted and eaten by Reptilian Races...

So Much for over population...noway

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Sat 09/22/07 05:26 PM
Yes, Davinci, I think you just may have something there...

I can see the fait resemblence of The Great Master Gerbal in The Bush Family Tree... :tongue: