Community > Posts By > 8sGr8_2Bme

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Wed 09/19/07 12:46 AM
grumble The words that you can't Read on this subject are over on NOW maybe you might just begin to understand this a little...

When they Blew the Hell out of Bagdad,that atomic HOT air mass was carried up into the upper Atomsphere over China,over The Pacific and it came down and swept onto the central and southern California Coastline, I was out side Welding Pipline that night,it was a smell Like Death that burned your lungs,durring the following days there were dead birds everywhere,anything that was small and out that night died,allot of people never new what hit them, they got cancer and are dead,yah I'm sick... grumble

Iran is up against the mountains and we're not talking tactical Nukes, we're talking at least 153, 20MT to 500MT or greater Atomic Warheads,Iran is not all that will be glowig in The Dark...

Depending on The JetStream
everything west of The Rocky Mountains will be dead very soon,the cloud could skip over the Midwest and touch back down throughout northern Europe,for shure Greenland,Scottland and Ireland, god help anyone on North Sea OIL RIGS...

What you people just don't get,is that The Mushroom Clowd goes up 20 miles into The Jet Stream and it only takes a few hours to get here,but it will come and it will kill you too...

So you are Chearing YOUR OWN DEATH MARCH...

Iran has Atomic Weapons that will reach Israel...

Iran would LOVE TO BBQ ISRAEL...

We took out Sadam for Israel,we will take out Iran for Israel...

I say let Israel fight her own fights,we don't NEED THE OIL,WE NEVER NEEDED THE OIL and it was NEVER OUR FIGHT...

I do not wish to be a part of bushco's crime sindicate, why kill a Nation just to get rid of one man...?

But None of you can see that this is MADNESS!!!grumble

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Tue 09/18/07 11:41 PM
laugh To Understand The Health Care Industry in America Today ? You really Gotta see The Movie "Sicko".

OK, so check this out The Surviving Members of my Family have a Family Corparation that gives us a few bucks to subside on.

OK, so for about 20 years or so we pay this Great Insurance Company $20,000.00 a year for Health Insurance and we got The Everything plan and Nobody get's sick,so we're Great...

So Now my oldest brother is 65, my oldest Sister is 60, my other sister is 50 something and I'm an old fart too...

So I got a new pain that won't go away and I go down to the clinic to get it checked out,I flip them my Insurance Card and see the Doc he writes me a script and everything's OK...except I get a bill for $1,500.00
Our Office calls the Insurance Company and asks What UP!!!

The Insurance Company says that since I never go to the doctor, They up The Deductable to $1,500.00 and since I'm over 40 their only going to pay 10% of the total bill...

OK, so us 4 Kids pay in $20,000.00 per year and we only get 10% coverage???

WTF Is This???

It get's allot worse,you see it's all about BIG PRIFITS, If They Pay for NEEDED MEDICAL CARE ? THEY DON'T GET TO KEEP YOUR MONEY...

You really gotta see The Movie "Sicko" to fully understand just HOW BAD IT REALLY IS!!!

To Give you an example, I knew I had Bad Teeth and I put it off way too long,
I had 9 teeth pulled, 6 new implants and one small bridge, where I live this would have cost me $55,000.00 and my Dental Insurance would pick up NONE OF IT!!!

In Mexico I had the work done for $5,500.00 and my Dental insueance picked up 1/2

My MD is in Mexico too and if I have to go to The Mexican Hospital, it's cleaner,Private Room NO PROBLEM and it is costing 90% LESS and my Insurance will pay 87%...

F___ THE AMA!!!

DO THE RESEARCH,You may have to go to Tailand or Burma but Medical Holliday's will cost you a fraction of what The AMERICAN RIP JOINT WILL COST YOU...

You want to die hard,slow and in pain?

The TRUST THE AMA or Hillary,or Jeb, perhaps Obama can save your bacon & Chitlins too...

We are now Self Insured, because our lives are more important then a few more dollars...

All you People???

and you will begin to understand,
exactly where you stand...

Don't listen to me, I'm just a dumb old fart in Bib Overalls...

What could I possibly know ? flowerforyou

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Tue 09/18/07 10:19 PM
:smile: Factually Speaking,acording to Dr.Steven Greer/The Disclosure there are some 70 different Life Forms visiting The Planet very regularly,the smallest being 6 to 16 inches tall,the largest being 9 to 12 Feet Tall,some look just like us and others don't...

The Geerbals Don't have to crash land for ET to have contact with them...

The Native People like The American Indian or your more isolated aborigines of The Australian Out Back Communincate telepathically
just as we once did and ALL ET Races communicat in this exact same way...

Thought has no boundry,speed or communication obsticalls, so just as The Gerbals are up there,they are not alone and they are talking...

As per an invasion force???

Well you should be looking at 2012 at the point when Nuburu or Planet-X passes by earth,The World Governments are quaking in their boots about that one...

Theoretically The Illuminatti already have a deal with The Dracos of Old, The New World Order plans to make we few humand a gift to The Dracos in return for their lives...

Devince know's me by another name,
But there is very much more to this than most people think...

If you had ever heard of Remote-Viewing? That is Seeing through your third eye,everyone is born with it,but or society shunn's such knowlage, yet it is the only way we can ever hope to regain our link to the universal Mind and we need that,Badly...

Well I did not wish to Boor you with these small sad facts...noway

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Tue 09/18/07 11:18 AM
laugh The Clintons are CIA Assetts,as such they take their marching orders from GHWB...

When it comes to Government Health Care and Hillery Clinton ? ? ?

Well only is she is getting a Big FAT Kickback...

If you want affordable Health Care ?

Do The Research and you will find Mexico and South America costing you on an avrage of 90% Less...

To recieve The Quality of care that you need, you have to leave The USA, this is FACT not FICTION!!!

I drive 250 Miles to see my doctor and if it's an emergancy,then I better be able to save myself,because The AMA could care less...grumble

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Tue 09/18/07 11:04 AM
glasses It dose not Matter who it is, NEVADA LAW is NOT like California,if there is a GUN involved,then someone will be going into The Carson Prison, where a 5 year stay is as good as life...

If OJ did what they say he did,then he will die in The Carson Prison and is just how NEVADA LAW IS...smokin

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Tue 09/18/07 10:54 AM
laugh Perhaps ET will find Gerbals less threatning the Rodney Dangerfield in Heat...:tongue:

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Tue 09/18/07 10:45 AM
laugh Bushco Cancled Christ-Mas & Easter out of his deep rooted respect for Islam, sighting a need for a Greator Seperation of Church and State and because he is in realitty a part of a Talmud Lucifarian Cult...grumble

But this is all on The Sly, Barney and Laura are still expecting X-Mas Gifts..:tongue: .

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Tue 09/18/07 10:29 AM
laugh Perfection!!!

Everybody wants perfection,ladies kick The Big Guy's into the corner for 30 or 40 years and then they expect him to be perfect when they have an intrest in him once again.../-;

Well Honey, In a Big Frame you may find a greatly neglected gentle giant,but if you want him to Become your man? then you better help him get healthy, so he can live long enough to be LOVING YOU...blushing

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Tue 09/18/07 10:14 AM
sad There are some very vindictive people on here that think they OWN the place,it is only my guess that it matters not weather you have 5 Posting's or 52,983 Posting's.

Weather the content of your posting's was endless and minless spew or weather you actually took the time to make valid points, EVERY MEMBER HAS THE SAME RIGHT TO BE HERE!!! flowerforyou

NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT TO TELL YOU TO LEAVE, except the Moderator...:smile:

flowerforyou That is all I deem to know on this subject...flowerforyou

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Tue 09/18/07 04:16 AM
sad Tomarrow and The Day After that and so on untill we all Die of Old Age or something else.sad noway brokenheart

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Tue 09/18/07 04:08 AM
laugh Yes, I'm sorta wondering when it will happen here in The North American Union.sad

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