Community > Posts By > Peachiepoohie

Peachiepoohie's photo
Thu 12/04/08 04:20 PM

Should there be a price limit or gift limit for someone you met a few months ago? It's Birthday time and Christmas time; but I don't want to appear as a Sugar Mama....How much is too much?

Honestly, I'd keep it small and personal...something that just screams that person's name. But then again, that's generally how I shop for most me, knowing someone is WAY more special than just being able to buy something expensive...

Peachiepoohie's photo
Thu 12/04/08 04:17 PM

Sounds like common swelling associated with the piercing. Maybe clean it one more time a day just to be sure with a salt water solution (sea salt).

Thanks honey...bte, been forever since I've spoken with the spiked wonder *l*...I'll do seems to come and go as far as the severity of the swelling...wish the guy that did it would've mentioned that this might happen...nothing like thinking your nose is going to fall I wanna look like Michael Jackson laugh flowerforyou :heart: smooched

It is a keloid, happens when the skin swells. Cleaning it should keep away infection (though I'm not sure what the actual risk of infection would be). If you clean it with the sea salt solution you can clean it pretty much as often as you would like...never, and I repeat never clean it with any kind of anti-infection formula because the piercing is the infection and it will push it out.

Spiked wonder signing off on this one, good to see you again by the way Peachie!flowerforyou

As long as the piercing isn't moving (aside from typical) then you should be able to clean it with sea salt solution. If the redness starts inflaming or the bump swells more contact the piercer immediatly, this could be a sign of more serious keloid's. The sea salt solution if you don't know is 1/4 teaspoon non iodized sea salt to 1 cup warm water, if that burns or causes discomfort try 1/8 teaspoon sea salt.

Thanks again i said...loves me some spikey!! I made the sea salt solution and kinda soaked my comprimised lil nose with a cotton ball...the swelling actually went down slightly, that or it's in my head...which is alltogether possible too.

Peachiepoohie's photo
Thu 12/04/08 04:15 PM

i got my lip pierced when i was on leave, i actualy wanted a ring type piercing, but all i could get was a stud. bit disappointed with that, i had to take it out due where i work, but the next available opportunity im going to get another one. preferably not a stud, i might even get one where my eyebrow is, but thats as far as i would go concerning piercings.

i know im completely off topic, and that was just about me me me.

keep it frosty

well..since we're already off topic..*l* i'll get a little personal and say...this is number 4...i've got both nipples and my hood done...but never had any issue with any of those...

Peachiepoohie's photo
Thu 12/04/08 12:14 PM

Sounds like common swelling associated with the piercing. Maybe clean it one more time a day just to be sure with a salt water solution (sea salt).

Thanks honey...bte, been forever since I've spoken with the spiked wonder *l*...I'll do seems to come and go as far as the severity of the swelling...wish the guy that did it would've mentioned that this might happen...nothing like thinking your nose is going to fall I wanna look like Michael Jackson laugh flowerforyou :heart: smooched

Peachiepoohie's photo
Thu 12/04/08 12:34 AM
Edited by Peachiepoohie on Thu 12/04/08 12:34 AM
Does anyone know about nose piercings??? I got mine done about 3-4 weeks ago...I've been cleaning it properly, but there's a PINK (not red) bump around the entire doesn't hurt or itch or anything and there's no signs of infection...but this bumpy thing concerns me a little. It kinda looks like your ear does when you put an earring in and the back is on too tight- kinda like the head of the post is sitting in a little divit. Does anyone know if this is "normal" or why this is happening? I don't want to make a special trip to a shop if it's no big deal...btw...the jewelery is surgical stainless steel and it's a nose bone...


Peachiepoohie's photo
Wed 12/03/08 10:49 PM

yeah but mirror responded to the crazy call so what does that say about you?

Mirror doesn't technically count as crazy...

Peachiepoohie's photo
Tue 12/02/08 11:14 PM

yeah...i've stopped searching for the crazy (read as PSYCHO) guys...

exceot for you babes...only you...

oh, how sweet....see why i loves me some Mirror???

Peachiepoohie's photo
Tue 12/02/08 11:08 PM

yeah...i've stopped searching for the crazy (read as PSYCHO) guys...

exceot for you babes...only you...

Peachiepoohie's photo
Tue 12/02/08 11:07 PM

I think its alright as long as your eating your kill. Any kind of hunting for sport is just f*cked up.

And really...I think your a chump if you have to use dogs and a high powered gun with a scope. If your gonna do it with a bow and arrow. That takes much more skill and patience.

Thank you Mr. Nugent...*l*

Peachiepoohie's photo
Tue 12/02/08 11:02 PM
yeah...i've stopped searching for the crazy (read as PSYCHO) guys...

Peachiepoohie's photo
Tue 12/02/08 11:01 PM
Um...*raises hand* and I coudl TOTALLY tell the difference...twins aren't totally the same...even if they are "Identical"...some things just ain't identical if ya catch my, apptitude is definately not the same...

Peachiepoohie's photo
Tue 12/02/08 10:59 PM

Yep... but I betcha you would see this on the Jerry Spring show ! Do you rememeber some of the shows in the past??? heheheheh I just happen to run into a mutual friend that told me about the situation...but I did not want to see them body parts. Maybe I should have to see the real deal Huh?

Okay...I would SO ask to look...just to say I've seen it... embarassed

Peachiepoohie's photo
Tue 12/02/08 10:55 PM
Homemade chicken and noodles
Mashed potatoes made with REAL butter and heavy cream
Homemade rolls
Homemade pumpkin cheesecake

an' yes...I cooked...

Peachiepoohie's photo
Tue 12/02/08 10:53 PM

I had a near life experience once.

You too? Geez, I thought I was the only one...*l*

Peachiepoohie's photo
Tue 12/02/08 10:51 PM
i loved my "red riding hood" doll (still have her) can rearange her dress to make her into the grandma and the big bad wolf...

Peachiepoohie's photo
Tue 12/02/08 10:49 PM
You know, I'd prolly beg myself for it...then say I had a headache...frustrated

Peachiepoohie's photo
Sun 10/19/08 10:12 PM

OH-OH Jello hot tub sex party????????????????
pitchfork :banana: pitchfork

a gift for everyone, huh?!

Peachiepoohie's photo
Sun 10/19/08 10:12 PM

a large vat filled with green jello...

how large and does it have to be green?

(that's the cheapest request so far I think...I might could buy you two)

big enough for me and at least one other person...and green is my preference...but i suppose other colors could work tongue2

Peachiepoohie's photo
Sun 10/19/08 10:08 PM
I just want to say thanks for all the responses...dunno what I'm doing as of yet...

Peachiepoohie's photo
Sun 10/19/08 08:17 PM

if you got a fistfull of dollar bills...then just show me to the table!!

Oh yea Party with the lampshades on our heads. Just think how mortified the kids will be when they see the pictures! rflmbo

i suggest we keep those pictures hidden...
I say we make a website. Sorta like those Girls Gone Wild videos.

Works for long as I get the biggest slice of the pie...

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