Community > Posts By > SisterShaman
what would you do if...
having differing beliefs in any sort of relationship can be so difficult. My husband and I have a friend who is Christian (if you don't know me through my posts and can't discern from my handle, I am not
![]() That lead to a long discussion and much hugging and an agreement to love through friendship- but it still can be a strain at times. |
quite clear, invisible, and well put indeed!
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"""Begin With Some Men'"'"'
well rememeber, men is also a part of WOmen and it has to be that there are MEN in front of the symptoms that WOmen face
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I'm not trying to stir the flames or upset anyone, but I am offering a non-Christian perspective on something.
my disclaimer: I have never been a "christian" but I believe in Jesus. My viewpoint is similar to Abra's and I won't delve deeply into it because really, it isn't the point here. I'm not bashing ANYBODY, and many of the greatest people I know are Christian. And the people who are zealots and bigots, no matter their faith, I still love, because nobody deserves not to be loved. anyway, this is the point- Not being a Christian, and not holding the Christian value of "sin" , being told I am a sinner feels like somebody is passing judgment on me. While I understand that "your religion" tells me that I am a sinner, please understand that mine dose not and I feel judged, though I know, YOU as a person aren't necessarily judging me. And even when I feel judged, I let it go as best i can and just love ![]() |
the 3 word game
No, I'm lost.
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I have a feeling that the "fight" for equality will last well beyond my life time. My goal each day is simple to help others see on more even, grounded terms.
An agreement to disagree? A utopia, that would be, humanity working together without major conflicts? Speaking of which, has anyone read "The Fifth Sacred Thing," by Starhawk? She makes it seem so possible |
Oh, and happy homeworking, red, sorry your response ate up so much time
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Take it as a sign to move on and let things mellow for a while.
Take further responses to e-mails if you feel it's necessary =) |
Hi I'm Joel!
Fun conversation abounds-
When people start to argue, turn and run the other way, unless you can read and laugh without getting involved. Make it fun, and welcome! |
Gamers of the World UNITE!
I was a gamer... am a gamer? An off and on gamer when life allows.
Love good old fashioned book and dice role play. Hubby and I are getting ready to start up our "winter and there's nothing better to do in minnesota" D&D game with some friends from work again. Have an Xbox, and a 360. And a PS2. And a Wii. And a gaming computer. And a plethora of other gaming oddities throughout the house. OY, and no time to play anymore! |
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Crimes that are committed against people because of their skin colour alone are atrocious, but to me any and all crimes against others are crimes of hate.
To me, creating the separation just deepens the racial rifts and pulls us farther apart as human beings. Why can't we just be THE human race? |
Proclaiming Your Love
vocalist, your point is well made. I met my husband over the internet, and knew I loved him before I touched him. But we talked for years. Meeting in person the first time was magic. It sealed the deal. There were now doubts and no turning back (nor desire to).
But for most, it isn't like that. So many people on these sites are lonely and when they meet somebody and feel a spark, they give themselves up to it. But can you really know that you love somebody without the feeling of their skin? Can a picture show you the love that shines in their eyes? How CAN you really know, without meeting, at least once? Not even basing anything on appearance or physical attraction... |
I lived most of my childhood in Texas, where weekly on the news we were being reminded of how many "criminals" had been executed up to that date and when the next one was. The death sentence has always bothered me. What about the innocents? What about the people who are happy to die, who it makes no matter to and it is no longer punishment?
Death is permanent. No man can redeem himself to society when he's no longer a part of it. And whats with the alcohol swipe before lethal injection? "Don't want to get that last second infection now, do we!?" (To quote Robin Williams, lol) |
Be strong Honey, I love you!
I've loved this joke since the first time I heard it ^_^
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LightVoice's Daughter...
Much love and healing light to you and yours, lightvoice! *hugs*
I don't think any one, select thing causes cancer- but pile all the chemicals the modern world involves us all in every day, and one constant thing can be a catalyst for change.
Smoking dose still bring about some scary health problems, pulmonary and vascular. Drugs also lead to many scary avenues, and between drugs, alcohol and cigarettes, I have 5 living blood relatives to my name. Five, out of an immediate family of more than 25. Most lost to drugs, drinking and stupidity ![]() |
Pink says it all......
Don't let it be irreparable, my friend- let yourself be as the phoenix, and as a new season begins to turn, let your hope flame in your heart. Heal yourself to heal others. Small changes in small places spill over and grow and grow. Believe in it! :hugs:
Pink says it all......
The first time I heard that song I cried and cried. I'm so tired of arguing over the war and what that foolish man has done. I'm just ready to help others heal too