Topic: what would you do if... | |
You fell in love with someone who's religion you didnt agree with?
If it is real love... suck it up.... and deal with it.
That could happen to me because if I fall in love with them I accept them for who they are and what they believe in....
conditional love is not love
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That would tell you if you really loved them or not
it is a respect issue
but not very many can agree to disagree so it matters not what one would do if the other would not |
Every girlfriend I ever had was either protestant or catholic of the Christian faith. A religion that I totally do not believe in. Yet our difference in religions was not a problem at all.
However, the reason that it wasn’t a problem is because none of them were involved with a church. They were of the mindset that religion is between the individual and god and not between an individual and a church. So they basically denounced the church whilst retaining the “religion”. One could argue that they weren’t really “Christians” then since they denounce the church. Other’s would claim that they are true Christians because they are more interested in following the teachings of Christ. Since I have great respect for the true teachings of Jesus and basically have moral values that coincidentally agree with his teachings (not necessarily with those of the old testament), the women accepted that I have “Christian Values”. Even though I admitted to them that I don’t view Jesus as god. That didn’t seem to bother them. As long as I respect Jesus and his moral teachings that’s good enough for them. We never ‘argued’ religion. We would discuss religions and philosophies though and I would share my pantheistic view with them which they all found very appealing, even though they still held fast to their Christian point of view. They accepted my “mother nature” view of god, and I accepted their Fatherly image of god. W e just accepted that we have two differnet views of the same spirit. In fact it fit in well for them because they just saw my religion as worshiping the Holy Spirit which is a form their god takes. They weren’t interested in any technical details of the Old Testament. They basically agreed with me that the stories are so old and distorted that they are only meaningful as allegories and parables and shouldn’t be taken literally. They were solely interested in the moral values of Jesus, and were actually thrilled to know that I too do not believe in morally judging others. None of past girlfriends were judgmental of others. They were completely open to the freedom for everyone to believe as they wish. So they would never claim that other people should act in a certain way. In other words, they most certainly weren’t “right-wing” Christians. In fact, politically they were all either democrats or independents. So for me, it’s not what a person claims to believe. It’s how they act on it. I could never get along with a right-wing political activist who is trying to tell other people how they should live in the name of “Christianity” So for me it’s not really about “religion” or “beliefs”, it has more to do with whether she can keep her nose out of other people’s lives. If she can do that, then I really don’t care what she believes. On the other hand, if she’s nebbing into other people’s business all the time and claiming that they need to be 'saved' then it’s highly unlikely that I’d be attracted to her in the first place anyway. So religion itself is not a problem for me. But behavior is. |
I could not be with someone who did not have the same beliefs that I have. That spiritual bond is sacred to me.
I'm more likely to be able to look beyond religious beliefs then political beliefs
Not for me. Not at all.
politics are my life, soon enough, i'll be running for an elected office... can't have someone who can't support me or my views.
I'm not a religous person, so it doesnt affect me like it would others. |
I hear ya. To each their own.
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boy that's one goofy dame
having differing beliefs in any sort of relationship can be so difficult. My husband and I have a friend who is Christian (if you don't know me through my posts and can't discern from my handle, I am not
![]() That lead to a long discussion and much hugging and an agreement to love through friendship- but it still can be a strain at times. |
Well, only some are entitled to have an opinion on this topic.
You see, not everyone is allowed this choice. According to the Bible, it is a sin to marry/mate outside your race. Race in this case standing for religion. So while many would have the 'opinion' that belief systems must have some basic or fundamental similarities, I would expect that some would simply, 'it's a sin to marry outside my religion'. As for me, there are only a couple 'requirements' for me partner for a lifetime. That the person accept and love me with, or in spite of, whatever fault they may perceive in me, as I would accept and love them. That the person be honest and faithful with me, as I would be with them. I honestly can't imagine how any religious beliefs could separate us, if the first two conditions existed above all else. |
At first I thought the post said "what would you do if you fell in love with some one of another religion." This is a question I have answered many times- basically with, "it would not matter to me. If I love someone then I love them and we would work through any issues"
But the question is actually a bit different: "You fell in love with someone who's religion you didnt agree with?" When I re-read and saw the "religion you didn't agree with" I had to pause and rethink. This is a different matter to me. In order for me to actually DISAGREE with a religion it would have to contain/require practices that I consider harmful. E.g. if the religion requires some kind of sacrifice of a living creature... if that were the case I doubt I could or would want to overcome my own moral code which is in opposition to such acts. It would be the same anytime I had a lover who harmed others without good cause... you can either stop those practices and be with me or we will have to part because I cannot have a part in those actions... |
I don't see how one's relationship with another who had such a basic personal desagreement could last. After all, our religious beliefs are the very core of our personal standards, actions and all the intrinsities that govern our lives. I suppose that it couldwork, but only at the surrendering of our own beliefs
I don't believe that I could fall in love with someone who had a religion I disagreed with. Say she was a member of West Boro, her claims that American soldiers deserved to die, that Homosexuals were all going to hell, etc would drive me away. Religion is very important to me, so that would be something that I would want to know immediately about in a potential spouse. I believe that it would be possbile to become infatuated with someone with who I disagreed, but learning her beliefs would kill that infatuation quickly.
DD wrote:
“This is a different matter to me. In order for me to actually DISAGREE with a religion it would have to contain/require practices that I consider harmful.” This is interesting because how can anyone actually disagree with a “religion”? Unless the religion is some weird cult practice of sacrificing animals to its diety. Most people who claim to believe in a particular religion interpret it so drastically differently from other people that by the time it’s all said and done it’s hard to say what belongs to the religion and what is simply a matter of personal interpretation. We see people who claim to be members of the religion called “Christianity” on these forums disagreeing with each other’s interpretations all the time. I mean, it would be easy to imagine two people who claim to be Christians not being able to get along with each other for two seconds. So is it really even a religious issue is it? It ultimately come down to a person’s personality. I see people on here who preach fire and brimstone constantly and can’t seem to think of anything but sin. I would hate to be in a relationship with a person who has such a negative view of life. At the other extreme I see people who claim to be associated with the same religion preaching nothing but brotherly love, acceptance and tolerance. Two entirely differnet views. Same religion??? The bottom line is that anyone can lay claim to a religion. It’s how they interpret it and what’s in their heart that really matters. |
but u only live once. live to make yourself and others happy!!! that is what most religions are based on anyway