Community > Posts By > tombraider
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Sun 01/20/19 12:05 PM
Uh NO open border does not mean there's no fence it means there's no vetting and they can just walk in by any means and not be checked..SOooo hopefully we can get off that FALSE DEBATE..and as far as security there is only so much they can do and a WALL helps what do you think they would do if Trump wasn't in office..rig an election so that a Globalist gets in office..because that's what they intended to do with Hillary..So what is it with the Dems first they agree that a wall works then they don't..and the reason I bring this debate up because it's in conjunction with the debate over the 5 million dollars to build the wall..I see no FALSE DEBATE as you put it.. |
Shutdown continues
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Sun 01/20/19 09:18 AM
The globalist want a New World Order and open borders because some how in their delusional state of minds they think that mixing people up from different social/cultural or religious backgrounds without vetting is a great idea..we're all just gonna sit around the camp fire hold hands and sing Kumbaya..I mean after all what could go wrong..of course..One only need to look at all these countries who have signed on to the UN migration pact to see..but they don't allow for the crimes of the refugees to be publicized.. (insert sarcasm here) So what does it matter if some women get raped or young children get raped because some religions claim it's o.k..or that people are killed simply for disagreeing with certain's just collateral damage in order to achieve their BS ideology ..Obviously they feel they or their families will be unaffected..but most assuredly they will.. We can all see just by what is going on in other countries how and why this will not work..not to mention those coming from countries who have epidemics or illnesses that will affect the American public..nothing like a pandemic..which would suit them just fine after all it would just help them on their way to their DEPOPULATION agenda..Some people really don't have a clue as to how SICK these people really for those who support a depopulation agenda I say we should start that agenda with them and their families..LOL..I wonder how they would feel about it then..sort of like when they just want to let the illegals in unvetted I say great how many should we move into your house so YOU can support them.. What the UN needs to do is form a coalition and go to all these impoverished countries and help them work out their problems rather than putting the problems on the backs of tax payers who are already struggling to make it..But you see they won't do this because it goes against their BS ideology of a New World Order where those unelected reign supreme over the world.. ![]() |
Shutdown continues
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Sun 01/20/19 07:51 AM
Personally if they want to call it Trump's shut down than so be it..Got to reach day 30 so we can cull the governmental herd and get rid of the excess.. RIF..Reduction In Force..This whole shut down "could" be another one of Trump's great moves in the game of 4D chess ..he knows the Globalists Dems don't want a wall because they want open borders..wouldn't surprise me if he relied on this fact..After all with all the Dems who claimed to want it before why the change of mind now..Because they lied in the first place.. As far as Impeaching Trump..IT's NOT GONNA HAPPEN.. ![]() ..WWG1 WGA And 7 million out of over 300 million is a small drop in the bucket....only a mere 150 million or more til you achieve majority...Good Luck with that..LOL |
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Sun 01/20/19 06:53 AM
And HBH if that doesn't convince you than just go to YOUTUBE or SEARCH and type in ..The EPA admits chemtrails..PROOF..I'm done with this subject.. ![]() ..DO THE RESEARCH.. ..WWG1 WGA ..P.S Thanks Dave.. |
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Sun 01/20/19 03:56 AM
Herr Mueller will be the one in the orange jump suit..for now he is just working off time or hoping they don't hang is butt for so many others the Dems seem to adore.. Understand this ..this shut down is about RIF and the Nationalists vs.Globalists on so many levels.. Open borders will bring disease and violence..It's already here the mockingbird media is under CIA control and won't release the info..AND IT'S GOING TO GET WORSE..YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.. Seriously you all need to find better sources for your info ..And HBH have you really looked into chemtrails yet ..still think it's a joke they are using barium strontium titanium and aluminum calling it stratospheric aerosol injection's used to bounce microwaves off of ..ever hear of HAARP or DEW or GWEN..Ground Wave Emergency Network..the chemtrails as you claim don't exist is being used to assist these programs..LOOK IT's an interesting article.. NOT on youtube search: HAARP/GWEN/ELF THE CHEMTRAIL's another one "GWEN system"...of course these systems are harmful to plants animals and certain people ..but what the don't exist as you claim..LOL.. ![]() FOLLOW THE RABBIT.. Alice ..WWG1 WGA |
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Sat 01/19/19 05:43 AM
SOooo..let me get this..Trump is a dictator with constraints?.. ![]() First let's get this out of the way a dictator is "A ruler who has total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force yea I think we kind of miss the boat calling Trump a dictator don't you agree.And I agree no ONE person can bring down the U.S ..BUT the DEEP STATE is NOT one person..and the whole idea of the UN migration Pact does exactly that it destroys nations..ONE only need to look at Italy Germany and France to understand this..OBVIOUSLY some of the people in these countries have figured this out as they are watching their culture being destroyed..and protesting..GO yellow vests!.. Now as far as declaring a winner and a loser causing "inner divisiveness" as you put it..again I don't agree we can merely look at ANY professional sport where winners and losers are pretty much declared every time a game is played..sorry don't see any inner divisiveness I missing something..other than MSM rhetoric.. Trump in my opinion is just a strong president who loves America and it's people and wants to protect them it's just a shame that he has to contend with so many idiots to get the job done..Of course we could have elected Hillary and WE THE PEOPLE can see what dark path that would have led us down..but for some it's doubtful even with the strongest light guiding them they could see this winding up they are still crying in their worn out tissues that she LOST..and one can surely thank GOD she did..# WINNING WWG1 WGA |
Most assuredly it is about winning you see if Trump is impeached OUR country goes down the tubes especially if it falls under Dem control..If Trump stays in and hopefully serves another term ..even those who didn't vote for him or continue to bash him will all be winners..I don't see how you all can't see this..Now maybe you like what the Dems have done to California but my friends sure don't.. Of course they will just open the borders like Traitor Obama (catch and release idiot) basically did and pile the taxes on the working people to support all the illegals while those from the middle east and other parts unknown invade our country.Whether people like him or not Trump is trying to protect the citizens of this country and the Dems like Chucky Schumer and Psycho Pelosi would rather sacrifice the citizens rather than give Trump another WIN because they know it will boost his chances in 2020.. You all really have no idea how sick these people really are..but in time you will..tick's all about time..and theirs is running out and they know it..and eventually time will be all they have in GITMO except for those executed for treason..Obama Hillary Brennan ..just to name a few.. They've got NOTHING on was all nothing more than propaganda..again.. .. WWG1 WGA |
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Fri 01/18/19 08:07 PM
Another NOTHING BURGER .. ![]() HBH time will prove me RIGHT..but for now continue on....the propaganda was all on the Dems or hadn't you noticed..once again YOU LOSE..and as usual Trump and his PATRIOT followers win again..# WINNING.. ![]() ..WWG1 WGA |
..As you can see I backed up my proof with many articles on Mueller one can research for themselves on their internet explorer..As far as the chemtrails all one has to do is watch the MANY videos which is proof...While I do know there are many bogus sites one must use their own discernment..I will agree..The least reliable source for fact based news would be the CIA controlled mockingbird media.. |
You should look up chem trails on might learn something..and there are MANY videos on this subject go ahead..genius.. ![]() |
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Fri 01/18/19 02:41 PM
here you go geniuses think you all would have known better by now..o.k not really I was just giving you all undue credit..but since you ask's your proof.. Go To YOUTUBE..type in: TWENTY-EIGHT COUNTS OF TREASON headlines with a voice Now instead of you having to wade through the whole article I made it easy for you..start at the 23:58 mark.. ![]() Like I said you think you would know by give it a listen.. .WWG1 WGA And if that isn't enough than look up who delivered uranium to Russia..PROOF.. ![]() |
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Fri 01/18/19 02:17 PM
Mueller as well is a TRAITOR ..thanks for proving what I've been saying HBH..LOL Your man.. the traitor .. ![]() . WWG1 WGA |
..SOooo let me get this if the CROOKED media don't report it and the CROOKED alphabet agencies don't investigate it..than it never happened..I mean it's not like we can't see for ourselves ..2 funny..and FYI prayer rugs are being found on Texas ranches..not to worry they're all fine people from S.America.. ![]() |
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Fri 01/18/19 11:59 AM
Proud of the Republicans as compared to the bet I opposed to the CROOKED Dems trying to get TRAITOR Hillary elected..You know I find it amusing watching Dems bash Trump when a lot of their political party members are TRAITORS who would rather support illegals than protect their citizens.If one were to DO THE RESEARCH they would see exactly what is coming towards our border..but let's face it the CIA mockingbird media will never release that info.. I mean you can't write this **** ..they want to impeach a president for paying a prostitute but elect a traitor..So let's see we have gone from collusion to paying a prostitute to rigging an election..and still a BIG FAT NOTHING BURGER but yet do nothing about Hillary and the crimes WE KNOW she has committed..that makes sense? ..They want Trump out so bad they have tried to have him you think they bad mouth him so bad because he's that bad or the fact is THEY KNOW if they don't get him out they will be hanged for TREASON..but keep on listening to that mockingbird media because they will tell you the facts..LOL..some people NEVER what's next..let me guess Trump farted and it was actually a coded message for Putin.. ..and just FYI and off topic ..a nurse who works in Cali has only see 4 or 5 cases of measles in 25 years and has now seen 120 cases this year alone ..not to mention drug resistant TB and Hepatitis A from the illegal immigrants..NOTHING like a good old epidemic before people will wake up and realize we need border security and not the immigration laws that TRAITOR OBAMA implemented..can't wait til they hang his AZZ along with Hillary and many others..they're democrats aren't they..LOL If they get trump out understand this OUR country will be ruined by Soros and the UN because they will surely put some idiot TRAITOR in his place that will sign the UN migration Pact..and your country will become a **** hole controlled by the UN..while they implement agenda 21..want an idea of what that would look like..LOOK no further than Cali..but why you're at it France, Italy Germany as well.. And we won't even begin on the DEPOPULATION agenda these sickos have planned for us..WAKE UP and DO THE RESEARCH.. FOLLOW THE RABBIT.. Alice . WWG1 WGA .. "WHY THE HELL ARE THEY CHEM TRAILING OUR SKIES?" |
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Fri 01/18/19 04:57 AM
Well you're right Ms.H ..Hillary wasn't a businessman cheating people who have worked for her ..she is a politician screwing EVERYONE selling out her country traitorous B***H that she is..She doesn't pay lawyers to pay off prostitutes to keep their secrets..she has the people who know her secrets far as not being I guess when the interviewer got Eric Holder and Cory Booker confused and she commented " They ALL look alike"..that's not a racist was merely a joke and as long as you laugh abut's o.k..I wonder what would have happened if Trump said it? Don't bother to answer that one ..We know ALL HELL would have broke loose.. The clock is running out on the Deep's all just a matter of time now..tic toc.. FOLLOW THE RABBIT.. Alice As for you Charles check these stats: By the end of his second and final term on January 20, 2017, United States President Barack Obama had exercised his constitutional power to grant executive clemency—that is, "pardon, commutation of sentence, remission of fine or restitution, and reprieve"—to 1,927 individuals convicted of federal crimes... ![]() All the crimes you listed ..NOT TRUMP lol..I thought they were investigating Trump they are still serving up a nothing burger..As far as Hillary's investigation ..for all those who can't or won't see the extent of her crimes is either blind or ignorant or both..MAJOR COVER UP..she was investigated by those within her corrupt sick clique and you expect what... indictments? The crimes of pedophilia child trafficking money laundering drug trafficking and gun running are so egregious on the part of the Clinton cartel you wont believe it..and they still haven't gone through all her email ..not to mention all there is still to go over on A.Weiner's lap top You think Pizza gate or pedo gate is not real..might want to see what the NYPD has to say about that.. DO THE RESEARCH..I wonder why EPSTEIN got off so lightly? still think Q is a LARP..think again.. ![]() ..WWG1 WGA |
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Wed 01/16/19 06:24 AM
HBH you said you didn't see Obama investigated for 17 different'll name just one.. Obama wasn't investigated because those who would have been investigating him are just as CROOKED as he is and they don't investigate members of their clique..16 to go... that will make absolutely no sense ..start listing.. Ms.H When Clinton was ahead why would they be announcing something about her emails? if what Comey is working for the Republicans or Trump or Russia..could be Comey is just an idiot..who knows but it might be interesting to hear your theory on that..might be.. As far as Trump being a dufus..all I can say is for a dufus he sure is intelligent enough to get better trade deals and get us away from the UN migration Pact..seems to be showing more intelligence than those who signed up for the Migration Pact leading to a New World order and UN what does that say about those who signed up for it..In my opinon that makes those leaders more of a dufus than him..sure makes ya As far as presidents doing harm we can sure attest to that just by viewing the past presidents like Obama the TRAITOR..Bush the TAITOR and last but not least PEDO slick Willy Billy boy rapist Clinton ..there are others I'm sure but those are recent and off the top of my head.. But the SHOW hasn't really begun until the public gets to view those who have gone and will be going to Gitmo..the tribunals have already started but are being held in secret for the most part..think not.. ..DO THE RESEARCH Here's a question : Why is it that those who were investigating Trump for Russian Collusion are the ones going to GITMO?..could it be they are the dufus the traitors and the colluders and pedophiles who were trying to project most of their misdeeds onto Trump..For all the reasons the Trump Bashers have for disliking Trump once the truth is revealed about all the real traitors, pedophiles and child traffickers and war mongers within our government you are going to see there are a lot more reasons worst reasons to dislike those you are siding with..tic toc ..DARKNESS TO LIGHT..Q . WWG1 WGA |
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Mon 01/14/19 04:01 AM
I keep saying "DO THE RESEARCH" ..But here we are again still listening to those who have vowed that everything we believe will be a lie the CIA and the controlled Mockingbird Media..and this is why ONE must travel down the many rabbit holes in search of the truth..while others go back to the comforting wings of the mockingbird because that's all they've known ..and it feels like home ..brain washed Break free little puppets don't you get it..We have been enslaved for many years and the MATRIX was designed for only the which most are not a member..They have stolen from you lied to you about everything and sent your children off to die in unnecessary wars..just to line their pockets.. You all have hung onto this Russian Collusion for years and yet one big fat NOTHING BURGER ..still don't get it do ya McCarthyism? I mean why not it appears that Antifa has brought back what seems to be a close resemblance to the German Communist Party flag of 1932..SOoo it appears like we have taken pages from history that obviously we haven't learned from and brought them into 2019..LOL you can't make this **** up..but you can sure write about it and expect it from a society who has been dumbed down by their own educational system.. As far as whether there are those who believe my views ..understand this ..that there are just as many if not more that don't believe yours as well..I am one of them..But time and tribunals will eventually prove who has a better grasp on what is really going on.. Here's a point or two for you to ponder? Operation Mockingbird is a project of the CIA it's mission was to control the media so you were fed nothing but LIES..William Casey ex director of the CIA said they would know that the CIA's job was complete when all that the people believed were LIES..we can see this is true and we can also VALIDATE it by merely looking up these two key points..SO what makes any of you BELIEVE that what the media is saying about Trump and this Russian collusion is true..especially when they haven't proven a DAMN thing..could it be another that couldn't be it..LOL..really…? .WWG1 WGA If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it..people will eventually come to believe it......I wonder why all the mockingbird media sings the same song 24/7 ?..could it be so you believe the that can't be it..LOL..Break free from the MATRIX there is an AWAKENING going on but you have to OPEN YOUR EYES to see it..Darkness to Light..Q |
Prove It..I mean since I support our president and well the last time I looked he wasn't in jail..or impeached than how can I possibly be wrong..Now where you're concerned with all these BS allegations and innuendos where are all the indictments supporting this..One BIG FAT NOTHINGBURGER with all the fixins' comin up ..instead of your picture maybe you should just use the golden arches instead.. open up a franchise since you appear to be in the restaurant business serving up all these NOTHINGBURGERS.. ..WWG1 WGA |
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Sat 01/12/19 12:47 PM
..If I want to put a picture up I will..not because you say to or call me names..joke..How do we know your picture is real..truth is WHO CARES.. YOU don't have a CLUE as usual Time will prove me right when Pedogate and Uranium One get exposed..DO THE RESEARCH besides the mockingbird media butt huffing as usual you may actually learn something..You do know that Epstein Island was basically a honey pot under CIA and Moussad control to entrap high level people..and they have plenty of film...I bet you didn't know that did ya..Guess who they have film on..and no it's not Trump..Imagine what you would learn if you... DO THE RESEARCH..and FYI you have yet to prove me wrong..but good luck with that LOL DO you know why they don't want Trump and Putin to work together because then the people would win and the Deep State would lose..figure it out... genius I hear the NIMH is doing a study on those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome..o.k not really ..but they need to.. P.s I don't need you to agree with me ..that's what makes this thread so amusing.. ….As far as Hillary and Obama..TRAITORS..time will prove me right WWg1 WGA |
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Sat 01/12/19 10:12 AM
And now the FAKE news is all a buzz over what they think might be the smoking gun..OH gawd can't wait to see them serve up another NOTHING BURGER as we watch another 5 or 10 million go down the never ending abyss..after all it's only OUR money..But be that as it may let me offer another perspective and distract from this Trump Derangement garbage.. We all know that Mueller was given a broad scope ..and in this investigation we have seen many other players go down..but not Trump..I mean after all it's been two years..We have all seen where this investigation has led to several people found guilty of various be that as it is what makes you honestly think that the extension given was because they found something on Trump..If you seriously look into Trump's so called "Russian Collusion" the investigation can't help but lead right to the EVIL Queen Hillary..could they possibly be investigating that portion of the Russian Collusion as well..How long could they possibly avoid the facts that Hillary is a traitor without looking like traitors themselves..well they already do because Mueller is right in the middle of U1 NOW for those of us who have done the research we know that Mueller and Rosenstein are both in trouble for various reasons..not to mention we know that Trump has been working with the MILITARY intelligence for a LONG do you think that just maybe altho a small chance in the minds of the Trump Deranged..that the extension may not be about Trump..No that can't be it ..simply because it wouldn't fit this Trump bashing threads narrative.. What better guise to use to investigate Hillary then when everyone is thinking you're investigating Trump..Nothing to see here..Let's face it Mueller's deeds are known he's got to do something to lessen his sentence..Turn and Sing..little song bird.. ...NO ONE is listening to the MOCKINGBIRD any more..except those who haven't learned from the past.. :) .WWG1 WGA |