Community > Posts By > tombraider

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Thu 01/31/19 10:47 AM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 01/31/19 11:17 AM

I understand that but allowing everyone to storm the borders puts people's lives at risk ..on both sides..but also a lot of people are not on the border because they fear for their lives it's for the hand outs..if they were hat the to work..then why not accept what Mexico has to offer..and then you have the ones up to no's clear by the numbers shown we can't sustain this..

When things weren't the way things we wanted them here we had a revolution..maybe that's what some of these people need to do in their countries or like I said the UN should form a coalition and help these countries rather than strap the cost on the backs of people who can't afford to take care of their own homeless citizens..I can't help but to think it's just another way of the DEM leaders trying to break the economy and incorporate agenda 21..You can see by the numbers in the Washington Examiner we can't sustain this..Not to mention when do you say enough is enough

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Thu 01/31/19 10:22 AM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 01/31/19 10:38 AM

And when you have 12,000 people at the border ..You need a wall..not to mention ground penetrating radar..for the tunnels..but I hear they are digging them deeper these days to avoid those as well..For the border we need a multi pronged defense system just one system will not either come in the legal way..or you don't

As many times as I've heard Trump doesn't need congress approval to build a's a thought..what if he doesn't and he is just using it to show just how bad the Dems are when it comes to the citizens protection ..its clear to see that this is all a part of agenda 21.. which is open borders..... and the redistribution of wealth which is socialism..and that means also that you wont own property and the UN unelected officials rule..its all part and parcel..some how I feel we may be in store for another shut down

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Thu 01/31/19 09:34 AM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 01/31/19 09:49 AM

The attack on Smollett Looks like a False Flag PSY OP..


And despite claims from pro-illegal immigration advocates that the aliens pay significant off-setting taxes back to federal, state and local treasuries, the Federation for American Immigration Reform report tallied just $19 billion, making the final hit to taxpayers about $116 billion.
State and local governments are getting ravaged by the costs, at over $88 billion. The federal government, by comparison, is getting off easy at $45 billion in costs for illegals.

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Thu 01/31/19 08:25 AM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 01/31/19 09:21 AM

The gist is that the UN wants to brain wash our children into being owning them mind body and soul through their schools..if you want the article completely rather than most that I posted go to


UN: Govt. Must Control Schools Because of "Human Rights"

Pick two words and run with them..but take in the whole article and it reads quite differently

There's your indoctrination...oh..but that's o.k as long as the UN is doing it..right...noway

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Thu 01/31/19 01:58 AM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 01/31/19 02:22 AM

Why don't you look at "agenda 21 sustainable development"..and the video of Pelosi signing agenda 21.Why are we giving tax payers money to all these foreign countries when there are homeless people here who need it..Pelosi is going down for being a traitor..not to mention she was going to take what 90 people overseas on the tax payers dollar..her agenda is quite clear..As far as the UN now they want to control everyone's borders..anyone who signed on to the UN migration Pact especially in Europe is an idiot who have put their culture and their citizens at risk..

Yea why bother getting band aids to help prevent infection..when it's best to just get infected and have to pay more to treat it then..the band aid is far cheaper now isn't it..

Not to mention how many women have been raped coming to the border how many children many people robbed..Obama and his hand out of the tax payers dollar..worst president ever ..How many women or children have been raped in Europe think you know..

..Don't you see how they are trying to strip us of our pledge of allegiance in school..NO "so help me God" in congressional's very easy to see what they are doing..It's all about open borders..WE DON'T WANT OPEN BORDERS..what don't people get..They come in legally and get vetted and not released in our country while they wait..or they get out

In my opinion Trump wanted Pelosi as speaker of the house so he could expose her..4D chess..

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Thu 01/31/19 01:42 AM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 01/31/19 01:51 AM

Whats fiscally irresponsible is using tax payers money on illegals which amounts to way more then what it would cost to building a wall..why don't we use that money on our own people..especially all those homeless people on the streets after all there are families that are homeless as well..when are people going to realize that the Dems are using everything they can to implement agenda 21..How well do the Dem supporters figure that they will benefit from agenda 21..The supporters are just being used to help the Democratic party achieve their goal..

Do the Dem supporters think that turning the U.S into another third world country is a good idea ..after all that is basically the reason for agenda 21..and when we can see that Pelosi signed on to it (proof provided) and we can see what it is it that the Dem supporters can't see that agenda 21 is exactly what she has in mind for not only Trump supporters but the Dem supporters as well..

Do you all think that the UN cares about people or are they just trying to gain control of the U.S..they know what the UN migration Pact will do to countries..all one has to do is look at France Germany and Italy..Not to mention Pelosi has been directing government funds to companies that her husband has invested in..

And by the way thousands of dollars of band aids..thats a bit of an exaggeration is isn't it ..but most people do have a box of band aids and that's never a bad thing..even if they haven't sustained a cut in quite some time..what do you think those 12,000 people would have done had there been no barrier..and as far as that barrier..we need ALOT more band aids..

And one question..why aren't the Dem supporters marching and standing up for OUR homeless..why aren't they doing as much for them..are their needs just as where is all the support for are the Democratic leaders standing up for them

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Thu 01/31/19 12:28 AM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 01/31/19 01:00 AM

No what it does sound like is am ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure..

And if you want to take the medical route ..why get vaccinated when you're not even sick..spock

But you're right Ms.H there are many levels to treating a wound ..just like there are many levels to protecting the border..and a wall is one of those..and not just cameras and sensors..thanks for pointing that out..smile2

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Wed 01/30/19 10:06 PM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 01/30/19 10:09 PM

I would much rather spend 5 billion on a wall than 50 billion supporting people who live here illegaly..Obama and Hillary are both traitors to the country..and so is Pelosi who has also enriched her family by directing government funds to companies her husband has invested in ..

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Wed 01/30/19 09:46 PM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 01/30/19 09:56 PM

What if you had TEN THOUSAND people at the same time rush the border and take off in all kinds of directions what then..How many cameras do you have to watch that..noway Can you follow ALL of them..NOooo..How many would get away..but that's o.k we have cameras..The Dems don't want walls because they don't's because they DO..when are people going to get it..You support them..but they aren't trying to protect you or your's not their agenda ..agenda 21 is..I gave you the proof...

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Wed 01/30/19 09:13 PM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 01/30/19 09:39 PM

So someone wrote MAGA means that it was someone who is a Trump supporter..really..and if they wear a MAGA hat that means they are a Trump supporter..WOW is that all it takes to fool people..What if someone wrote Hillary was here would that mean Hillary did it..or if they wear a hat that said Pelosi that would mean they were a Pelosi supporter or that Pelosi did it..LOL..Sure doesn't take much to fool people..even if it were ONE person who did it who wore ANY hat doesn't mean that most people wearing that hat are racists..what if they did it wearing a FUBU hoodie would it mean most of those wearing FUBU gear are racists..If I wore a FUBU hoodie while committing a murder.. what would that your logic..most who wear FUBU gear are murderers..LOL

I suppose NOT being a kkk member and never had been or ever will be ..if I just wrote KKK it would mean that the KKK did it...really...noway

Given any thought to that just being a way to throw people off..obviously not..


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Wed 01/30/19 11:08 AM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 01/30/19 11:09 AM

It all could be just a BIG SHOW to confuse the masses..the one thing I don't get is why is Hillary not in jail..and we know that the FISA warrant was illegaly obtained so how can they continue with the investigation..Some say that Q is short for Qanon ..military intelligence..time will tell .I hate to think that no one is investigating Hillary and she is going to get away with her crimes.. especially If we look at what the NYPD found on A.Weiner's laptop..How much of everything we know is lies..we do know that the main stream media has been lying to us for years if we look at Operation Mockingbird and what William Casey ex director of the CIA has said..So it's any one's guess..Time will tell .

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Wed 01/30/19 10:37 AM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 01/30/19 10:42 AM

So far all that Q has said has been happening..It's all a wait and see ..altho it does correlate with when the SOTU comes out..If you follow Q you can see a lot of what has been said has happened..could it be smoke and mirrors..from what I've seen it could all be that.including the Russian Collusion investigation..

This could all be a BIG SHOW..especially when we can all see how guilty Hillary is and nothing has happened..Alot of this is going through military tribunals..not leaking this info out when it first happens..Brennan and Comey have been indicted..has anyone heard that.Truth is it's all a wait and see..I also heard that the Brennan and Comey indictment info will come out in a couple of weeks..again we'll see..

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Wed 01/30/19 09:41 AM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 01/30/19 09:43 AM

Hang in there patriots..sources say indictments are to be unsealed next week and they are not for Trump..One for sure.. Female/treason .Q

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Wed 01/30/19 09:06 AM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 01/30/19 09:21 AM

It would be a nice thought I just don't know if we can get the pedophiles and luciferians in our government on the same page in order to accomplish that feat..after all they like all those children that are being brought over the borders by some of these illegals....not to mention it doesn't fall in line with agenda 21..and the destruction of our economy..We can't get 5 billion dollars to protect our borders when the Democtic party just overwhelmingly voted to give the European Union-NATO 1 trillion dollars to protect theirs..spock

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Wed 01/30/19 08:44 AM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 01/30/19 08:49 AM

In my opinion they are flooding our country with illegals and giving them our money and sending our money to foreign countries in order to break the economy at the same time flooding our government with women of color nut job socialists so that if you say anything about them they can claim you're either sexists or racists..or both..Agenda 21 people it's happening and has been for quite some time.As far as fake documents Obama' birth certificate is fake and he isn't even a naturalized citizen..

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Tue 01/29/19 04:45 PM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 01/29/19 05:01 PM

Yea those are the ones you know about but what about the ones who are leaving prayer rugs on Texas ranches..

Do you all really want to know why they don't want a wall..why they want Trump out..why OUR money is going to all these third world countries,why they are trying to destroy our constitution our country ..I know why..think not just follow these steps and you will too..

It's all about Agenda 21..And I can PROVE IT!

On YOUTUBE type in: "Nancy Pelosi Signing onto Agenda 21" the first 5 will see a young Pelosi..listen

then search " what is agenda 21 sustainable development"

This is why they are trying to destroy our country our constitution..PROOF

This is what they have been working so long at...look how young Pelosi is..This is what Trump disrupted and this is the REAL reason they want him out...

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Tue 01/29/19 03:43 PM

Personally I think it's a waste of time hop scotching our way from planet to planet that we would have to find different ways to live on..Time to build a star ship ..and head full out into Space..the final frontier..( is anyone else hearing the theme song to star trek right now..or is it just
The question is whether we possess the technology and they haven't told us..or we just don't possess it and will be confined to taking these baby steps and pooping probes..They should just blast a million encapsulated go pros into space in all different directions and see what comes back .(.yea I know..but you get the idea)..time to quit wasting time and go for it..time to blow this popsicle stand..

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Tue 01/29/19 09:34 AM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 01/29/19 09:35 AM

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Tue 01/29/19 09:34 AM

Is project Blue Beam possible..why not..after all they are CHEMTRAILING our skies for what they are calling GEO engineering..,They are poisoning us and the planet because of what they call Global warming..LOL..there's no Global warming..think not.. look it up..and LOOK UP!..5G is a killer ..they are doing all they can to bring about their DEPOPULATION program along with their NWO agenda..They are using chemtrails to block out the sun and poison most life on the planet..Hard to grow food in record low temperatures..note the warming..really..So is project blue beam possible..let's just say I wouldn't put it pass them..


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Tue 01/29/19 08:50 AM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 01/29/19 08:56 AM

It's almost Mueller time..get it Mueller time ..Miller time..o.k maybe not..but the Dems may want to pick up a six pack or a case ..don't forget the Kleenex cause it's coming..and the Dems are NOT gonna like it..NO COLLUSION NO OBSTRUCTION..I have a list of those who will be seeing a military tribunal..none of which are Trump..but the list is extensive..and there's more yet that haven't been verified..everything from Treason to crimes against humanity and other violations..Pelosi and Schumer are on the list along with Hillary..I hear Stone's charges were DROPPED....knew that was coming..I hear Hillary won't be charged with using an unsecured server..she will be charged with far I guess her delusions of running in 2020 are OVER! Now where did I put my MAGA hat's a taste of those who will be seeing a tribunal:

Susan Rice
Valerie Jarrett

I have more..and there are more who haven't been verified to come..smile2


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