Community > Posts By > tombraider

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Sun 01/27/19 03:15 PM
Edited by tombraider on Sun 01/27/19 03:20 PM

Depends on whether one has an open mind as to the possibilities of just about anything until proven otherwise..nothing wrong with listening to different points of views before being so quick to dismiss them..So again itsflat I would like to hear your take on Project Blue beam.. fake alien invasion? and yours as well Dave as to why it doesn't make sense..nothing wrong with an open mind.I'm bored with the political threads for now..

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Sun 01/27/19 03:02 PM
Edited by tombraider on Sun 01/27/19 03:03 PM

Of course I've heard of it ..ever hear of chemtrails..some don't say critical thinkers they say we wear tin foil hats..I've gotten use to it..So what is your take on Project Blue Beam are they going to fool the masses into believing the second coming is just around the corner..or are we just going to project movies in the sky because cable prices are too high..the latter was joke..But I have heard of it..just what their intent is remains to be seen..what's your take on it?

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Sun 01/27/19 11:48 AM

How many false narratives are the Dems going to hang their hats on,they pull the strings and the puppets dance..don't start salivating over those salty fries yet..when it's all said and will probably find that all you got was an empty fry box full of wishful thinking..At least you can fill up on all those nothing burgers..smile2

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Sat 01/26/19 03:30 PM
Edited by tombraider on Sat 01/26/19 03:45 PM

The Deep State will continue feeding the masses nothing burgers as long as people will continue to eat them..Assange is a whistle is it that all these reporters get away with publicizing leaked information..when it's obvious those who have leaked have committed a crime ..and that information in some cases is classified..Assange has committed no difference..More than obvious we have two different sets of rules for two different sets of people ..hell the situation with Hillary has taught us that.. I wonder how many people know that Snowden was a spy for the CIA while working in the NSA..Hillary has done more harm to national security than he has..where is she

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Sat 01/26/19 03:26 PM
Edited by tombraider on Sat 01/26/19 03:32 PM

Answer me this Charles..what would it matter and I'm not saying he has..but what would it matter if Stone talked to Assange..tell me how that could possibly be a crime..How many reporters have talked to Assange..any of them in trouble..Is that another nothing burger I smell cooking on the grill..spock


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Sat 01/26/19 11:51 AM
Edited by tombraider on Sat 01/26/19 12:15 PM

Here is a couple of sites on Mueller and Cohen one report which has been leaked from the Mueller report..Dems sure aren't going to like the first one ..

On YOUTUBE type in:

1. A Patriot On TEAM-MUELLER

2. Mueller's Unprecedented Move

Enjoy The Show..smile2

This one on YOUTUBE is an info bonus: What Was destroyed in Clinton House-Fire?

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Fri 01/25/19 10:12 PM
Edited by tombraider on Fri 01/25/19 10:29 PM

NOooo..what he did was prove that he cares more about the workers who weren't getting paid then the Dems do..But let me ask you this..If there were no wall at all and 15k people ran towards the border how do you plan on stopping them..I know..tell them to go through the port of entry..yea like that's going to work..How many people would get many gang members or terrorist,drug dealers,murderers or rapists would get away..or maybe those infected with measles or TB or ebola..not to worry we'll just fly 15k drones to follow them ..yea right

why do you think Trump nominated Barr knowing that he and Mueller are GOOD friends..why did Mueller defend Trump when Buzz feed came out with their story,he could have just as easily let that story go..Do you think that maybe it's because once Barr enters office he was gonna see that the story was BOGUS..Mueller is up to his neck in Uranium One..

So what they're going to get Stone.. someone for something that had nothing to do with many times have we seen this play out.. once again it will be a NOTHING BURGER w/cheese with a side order of LIES...smile2 ..they seriously should open up a NOTHING BURGER franchise..


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Fri 01/25/19 09:02 PM

And one more thing..the flag doesn't represent represents if ANTIFA is so patriotic..why aren't they waving the AMERICAN FLAG..spock

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Fri 01/25/19 07:42 PM
Edited by tombraider on Fri 01/25/19 07:44 PM

The assaults come from both ends of the street,just like the bias that tries to justify..I got to get me one of those hats and a Trump coin..maybe a Q mug while I'm at it..and a Q shirt..LOL

I wonder if we should view people by the flag they carry if their not wearing hats..I suppose we could form our opinions that way as well..whereas the Trump supporters are waving the AMERICAN flag and those who oppose wave the ANTIFA flag which isn't the American flag but resembles the Nazi communist they must be communist traitors.. spock I suppose what's good for the goose...If we're to be judged by the hat just as well they can be judged by the

... WWG1 WGA

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Fri 01/25/19 07:27 PM

I think Trump did the right thing..get these people paid so they can take care of their families..Do the SOTU even if it's in an alternate the plan..smile2 ..the wall will get way or another..From what I've seen they have NOTHING in the Mueller report..but don't tell the Dems..LOL


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Fri 01/25/19 06:57 PM
Edited by tombraider on Fri 01/25/19 07:02 PM

Trump has them right where he wants them,you can't beat the master of the game of 4D like the main stream media keeps pumpimg out the propaganda and you all just keep falling for it..hope springs eternal..when that's all you have ..I hate to be the bearer of bad news.. ok not really..LOL..nothing is going to come from the Stone narrative..Just know there is plenty of room on the Trump train ..there's still time before it leaves the station..all you have to do is..walk away..LOL..But I actually hope none of you do..after all how else would I amuse myself here..smile2

Nature Lady I changed my mail parameters ..but I think you need to change your distance parameters for me to reply ..feel free I'll get back to you as soon as I can..

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Thu 01/24/19 06:56 PM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 01/24/19 07:16 PM

Well ..You know how much I hate being the bearer of bad news ..o.k not may want to take down your little poster tribute..cause I'm here now..LOL..been checking out any wrong houses lately..smile2

ON YOUTUBE type in:

*As Pelosi Celebrates Canceling SOTU, Trump Drops Bomb She Never Saw Coming*


P.S where's Obama?..smile2

gg just stopped by long enuf to to lend a hand to my fellow WGA

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Thu 01/24/19 11:13 AM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 01/24/19 11:34 AM

Left wing extremists group ANTIFA has been condemned for posting a vile FACEBOOK post
praising a man who killed 59/527 wounded people in the worst mass shooting in American history.

One of our comrades from our Las Vegas branch has made these fascists Trump supporting dogs pay..

NOW.. you were saying..spock


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Thu 01/24/19 10:16 AM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 01/24/19 10:21 AM

Trump tried the bill didn't get passed..just because Trump wants the wall built doesn't mean all republicans are on board with it just like not everyone of the democrats are on board with not giving Trump the money for the wall..spock Some of us know it's a numbers game..

:thumbsup: ..LOL


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Thu 01/24/19 04:03 AM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 01/24/19 04:49 AM

If being a Trump supporter makes you a racist then
by that logic whether they wear a hat or not it would mean that those who voted for Hillary and Obama are traitors..and those who voted for Bill Clinton are pedophiles and rapists it doesn't matter that they don't wear a hat..they know who they are..spock

Some would say we didn't know then what we know now because the media painted them in a better light than that.. didn't they.. just like the bad light they are painting Trump in now..and guess what's going to happen in the future..the same are going to find out that what you know then you did't know now..

These stories in the media about these kids shows that no one is safe from the mockingbird media not those kids not you or I ..not Trump..these kids have been threatened from what I hear that school has been closed due to threats..and for what?..the words of the mockingbird media trying to paint kids wearing MAGA hats in a bad light simply because they are PATRIOTS and support our president ..and the Deep state who controls the media will do anything to get rid of Trump..even if it means sacrificing children to do it..

What better proof do people need to what is really going on..spock

Understand this Trump is hell bent on exposing the Deep State and getting rid of the federal reserve..and giving the country back to the people as it should be..and the Deep State is hell bent on seeing this doesn't happen even if it means sacrificing kids wearing MAGA hats ..I wonder if we would have heard this story if it wasn't for the fact they were wearing MAGA hats..probably not..




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Wed 01/23/19 05:40 PM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 01/23/19 06:13 PM

Well maybe things will change as far as this shut down is concerned once they find out that it's Pelosi and the Dems who are keeping those laid off from being'cha didn't know far as walling himself off from supporters man you all really need to get pass all that mockingbird media BS..

Here we go again with this Cohen garbage ..what exactly did Trump mean by what he tweeted..I know why don't we ask him..I mean after all only he would know..why bother ..we'll just twist it in our favor..How many of you knew that the mockingbird media was taking bribes from none other than Fusion where have I seen that name before..spock

The Dems offered the 5.7 billion as long as he didn't use it to build more of the new wall ..and that's not what he asked for in essence they offered you can get off that one..spock

As far as being locked out of the house..there are still plenty of ways to get his message out..welcome to the age of internet..


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Wed 01/23/19 03:35 AM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 01/23/19 03:41 AM

Ever hear of Epstein Island..know what's on A.Weiner's laptop..How about Bill by what you said HBH proves to me you don't have a CLUE..not that I was ever convinced you ever did..Ever hear of Frazzledrip on the Deep Web..You still believe the mockingbird media don't you..You know for months I have continued to suggest that you DO THE RESEARCH..but it's clear that you don't and like most people you are truly uninformed..You still think the MSM doesn't lie to you don't ya

For many years the lies that the media have told us work in conjunction with the Deep State to control our lives..I have given you several things that you can look at to prove what I have said..they are rather easy for even you to discern so that you can see who you are dealing with but still you ignore..I told you look at what William Casey ex CIA director has said..look up Operation Mockingbird..look up Saul Alinsky and his 8 rules of control..sound familiar and see who he mentored and what his/their belief is..
Don't believe in Satanists/luciferians guess what they like to do to children..I can only point you in the right direction towards the truth have to want to find it to search the rabbit holes as I put it..

For days I told you all that Pelosi had a wall but for days you all looked at the wrong property and said she didn't .I even said it was a short wall but none the less debate as you all will ..I took your own site and proved it..say what you will she had a wall..I knew you all would fall for this..hell Charles wasn't even looking at her house ..but still attempted to smear can't make this **** up..what else have you all gotten wrong..well your belief in the mainstream media is the main one..when will you learn..

here is just a small clip of a few of the lies of the MSM..on youtube type in:

"This is why you can't trust the main stream media"
Tipping Points with Liz Wheeler on OAN
Published on Jan 21 2019



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Tue 01/22/19 08:07 PM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 01/22/19 08:20 PM

And you are wise not to Nature Lady..especially after the last one we had..

keep trying Charles ..I still don't see seem to have stuff on everyone else but what do you have on Trump that will get him impeached the guy doesn't always tell the truth..what politician has..but the guy still managed to reach a 50% approval rating the whole time the mockingbird media bashed him. Hillary and her Satanist pedophiles would be in office..illegals would be flooding into our country and we would be under UN rule..what don't you all get..

So let me put it this way Trump is not going anywhere but to a possible second term and all those who don't like it best rush down to the store stock up on some extra Kleenex and hope that within the next year or two a cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome is created..other than that resort to writing bashing threads in a dink dating site..hate to be the bearer of bad news..o.k not really I actually quite enjoy it this time..smile2


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Tue 01/22/19 06:14 PM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 01/22/19 06:25 PM

For years the Dems have called for the wall to be built but now that Trump wants it all of a sudden they don't want it..why is that you;s because if it gets built Trump will have an edge in the 2020 elections and the SICK Satanist pedophile war mongering Deep State won't regain control is my guess.So as far as I'm concerned even tho Trump took the blame for the shut down..I blame the Deep State Dems.

Now on to Puerto Rico I did some research haven't done a deep dive but what I've uncovered is a cess pool of corruption on the part of Mayor Cruz and others in the govt..up to the point that they weren't distributing the food and water to the people..and this was told by a police officer of Puerto Rico...Do you think that might have something to do with Trump"s rhetoric..not to mention millions of dollars given in aid was given out to people in bonuses..nice to see our aid money line the pockets of others like that eh..

as far as cozying up to dictators..what has Putin done that we haven't..have people killed..Do you honestly think we haven't..But still how does one think we are ever going to achieve world peace if we don't cozy up to some governments we don't necessarily agree with..How is change or world peace ever to come about ..

While I would agree that Trump doesn't always use tact or finesse but which one among us is so perfect that we can judge others..But you see we have had the smooth Bush Clinton..and we know what they're about ..altho we didn't when they were in office but we can see their corruption now..but back then a lot of us thought that they were good presidents..manipulated by the mockingbird mainstream media we believe almost anything now don't we..but we are beginning to open our eyes to their deception..

Trump is doing a lot of good for the country he is trying to give the country to the people and what is coming is a lot more..we have to look pass the lies and manipulation of the media and DO THE RESEARCH and think for ourselves rather than letting the mockingbird media manipulate our thoughts through their they have for decades..

Like I said I may not always agree with Trump but I still stand by what I said..given the accolades he deserves he will go down in my book as one of the greats because I've done ALOT of research and I can see what he's trying to achieve..A safer more prosperous country for us and our families..


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Tue 01/22/19 01:50 PM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 01/22/19 01:58 PM

what will herr Mueller do?..go to jail if he isn't hanged for his involvement in Uranium One..

Why did Mueller bother to say any thing against the Buzzfeed story?

Why would Trump want Barr nominated when he and Mueller are good friends?

Just a couple of questions.. give them some thought and see if you can make them jive with your narrative..


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