Community > Posts By > tombraider
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Mon 11/05/18 05:07 PM
I hear Obama is going on his nation wide Rally of the $15 Tour.. ![]() ![]() |
Red Wave Coming?
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Mon 11/05/18 04:50 PM
Obama having to offer $15 for people to go to his rallies ... ![]() Probably will be a rally of the homeless who will no doubt take that $15 and run to the liquor store so they can drink to forget all the BS they just heard come out of his mouth.. ![]() WWG1 WGA |
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Mon 11/05/18 03:12 PM
How am I suppose to know whether she wants to see you or not..You're there I'm not ..I have an idea rather than ask a date site semi full of random people..and get a dozen speculative answers...WHY DON'T YOU ASK HER...I know scary ya got to "man up"...sounds like one of those times..or you can just keep asking random people what they think for the rest of your life.. ![]() ![]() |
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Mon 11/05/18 02:51 PM
Democrats don't have a PRAYER..they're even offering $15 for people to attend Obama's rally..better hurry Charles that $15 is waiting for you..Good bye Luciferian rule..and when we control the house ..You all are going to see all that I have said..The show is about to begin and Castle Gitmo is going to have some long time guest...Got Tissues?.. ![]() Did ya hear..A snake crawled out of the Western Wall.. I heard it was a toss up on whether to name it Obama or probably will be determined by it's gender..sounds fair enough.. ![]() |
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Sun 11/04/18 01:16 PM
Look I understand that some don' like Trump for various reasons ..but what those some don't know is that if they don't jump on the Trump train..that what the Deep State has in store for us is far worse..Just do some research into the backgrounds of Hillary and Obama and especially Soros who for some reason after destroying the EU is rubbing elbows with us..his intentions are not honorable..After all who is this SOB anyways..someone with a lot of money and a bs ideology who helped send jewish people to the gas chamber..Know your enemy..and I'll give you a clue...ITS NOT they would have you believe..DO THE RESEARCH..and you will know who your real enemies UNITED WE STAND ..divided we fall WWG1 WGA |
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Sun 11/04/18 12:12 PM
Anyone who knows a little about Hag Hillary and Snake Oil salesman Obama know that they both adore Saul much that Hillary even wrote him a letter..He was Obama's mentor in community organizing agitprop (originally communist) Saul Alinsky so admired Lucifer who became Satan that he dedicated his book Rules For Radicals to Lucifer..Alinsky admired Lucifer/Satan so much that he wanted to join the demon in hell.. Hillary admires Alinsky so much that it affected her philosophies subsequently.. The Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu know your enemy and Hillary Obama and Soros are the enemy along with so many nameless ones and followers of Lucifer have been controlling the people of the U.S through many ways ..and one of the main ways they have been controlling us is through.. * Saul Alinsky's 8 Levels of Control*.. you should all look at these 8 Levels of Control and you will see so many similarities as to what is going on in America today..This is obviously their game play... Look it Up...and for those who want to dispute because info I've given in the past was on YOUTUBE this info is NOT just on YOUTUBE look it up ..this info you can easily VALIDATE yourselves..ta da.. ![]() SUN TZU: If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.If you know yourself and not the enemy for every victory gained you will suffer a defeat.if you know neither your enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. WWG1 WGA |
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Sat 11/03/18 09:50 PM
You want to know about your precious Obama and of course Hillary..Look at who they are aligned with GEORGE SOROS..and here Ms>H here is a YOUTUBE video for YOU and any others who want to know the TRUTH..if you dare.. GO To YOUTUBE and TYPE THIS IN. "Soros Formula for Killing America: A Brief Guide For Americans"... Look who is supporting these immigrants ..oh I know they all are such Good people..sure they are Take a Look at that..more proof as to what I've been saying..and as Obama is telling his blind followers all those people coming over the border are Great People yet 85% are young men from all walks ..and a 1000 miles away..he knows what they are about..Sorry no link..Get over it..and I've provided proof to what I claimed earlier and your only out was to say something about the validity where is all the validity to your post..the ineternet.. lol Obama is a TRAITOR..and so is Hillary and they are aligned with George pay attention here's the proof as to what Obama is help overthrow America..WATCH THE FILM..if you dare..and then say what..NOTHING....I'm done it's not that I haven't shown you the's just you refuse to OPEN YOUR EYES..BECAUSE HERE IS PROOF and you can see from pictures and other sites that Obama is aligned with SOROS and his New World Order agenda..there's your validity also..check out other sites see what Soros says about Obama you will see the validity of his alignment just like Hillary..take a look at how Hillary and Obama adored Sal ALINSKY ..those two have a lot in common..There is no doubt that Obama is aligned with Soros should have no problem proving it to yourself...And what Soros has done to Europe is exactly what he has in mind for us..and Hillary and Obama are helping him.. and so is the UN...amazing what money can do ..buys you a bunch of TRAITORS... THIS IS OUR COUNTRY THE PEOPLES COUNTRY..who do these people think they are to think that they can just change OUR country our culture for their BS ideology.. SNOPES is a leftist JOKE |
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Sat 11/03/18 02:04 PM
NO actually I am doing all this on a beat down son couldn't even get it to there if you must know ..rather than leave it up to your speculations..but at any time feel free to make a link to my site..appreciate it..I checked out your link..Thank You Charles..but by all means OPINE you see PROOF of what I claimed and the site I gave you..NOT SO SHADY...what's that....again Thank you Charles Whether I'm too lazy or those are just too lazy to just type it that's a question that comes down to ![]() Can't wait til after the mid terms bcuz that's going to prove the rest of what I've been saying..and that is Obama and Hillary are TRAITORS..OH and by the way Charles if ya don't mind I would appreciate it if you would make links out of the other sites I showed you all..thanks |
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Sat 11/03/18 01:42 PM
That's not my problem ..they're censoring stuff all the time..I made the claim by what I read and I gave you the proof..About all I can say is that unless any of us have the actual book or the actual experience in these matters than it's just us debating different sites for which we have no way either one of us of proving the validity of either of them..But nonetheless I gave you the site and I showed you where I got it from..I PROVED what I said.. ![]() ![]() And as far as the other claims I've made..without using any sites..Just wait til after the mid terms..and you will see what I have said about Obama and Hillary is true..They are BOTH ..TRAITORS..after the mid terms..just watch..the show is about to begin.. I got popcorn..I hope you all have Kleenex.. |
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Sat 11/03/18 01:03 PM
I don't see what you're saying it's right there and it says what I claimed so what are you talking about..because it says exactly what I claimed..and where do your sources come from the main stream media or ...the internet..altho not YouTube but how reliable are Snopes or any other site for that fact..I proved what I said and I gave you the site..what's the matter... me showing you all that I said and PROVING it..and it's right there for you to read for much for ![]() |
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Sat 11/03/18 12:45 PM
Truth is I have no problem with anyone entering the country if their intentions are good and they do it legally..but when you just let people in without checking them out then you may be putting others lives at we see in some other countries than that's just not fair.. When you see that a 5 year old girls get raped or that women get gang raped by refugees than one has to be above careful when allowing people into their country..or when you see that some countries allow for pedophilia and rather than assimilating to the country they have entered they feel that others should assimilate to their laws..Well that's when the Tombs has a major problem.. Now those who have good intentions should have no problem going through the proper process after all it protects their children as well and there's nothing wrong with should be understandable People have always been divided in their opinions ..nothing new ..but it's how one goes about expressing their differences that makes all the difference..while there is a definite difference in debating one's different opinion or committing physical harm on another will determine whether we live in a civilized society or not.. But what some don't realize is that there has been an evil force controlling our lives for a long time..who have gotten away with so much crime and are in reality above the law because our system is corrupt and beyond..trump is trying to show people just how corrupt our system is and weed those criminals out and make the American people's lives better..if they just give him the chance..But the Deep State doesn't want to lose their power their corruption their pedophilia and traitorous ways..and they will stop at nothing to protect their secrets and regain power.. This is the reason you see so much Fake News because the news media is owned by the Deep State..or the guy with the van or the Stormy drama or the many assassination attempts..and they know their time is up after the mid terms..and that the only reason they aren't in jail now is because of the Hatch Act..but after the mid terms ..good bye to all the to Castle Gitmo they go..and they know expect things to ramp up even more... See you all after the mid reading the Q post WWG1 WGA |
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Sat 11/03/18 11:59 AM
YOU say I'm wrong..o.k here NOW FOLLOW THIS'' GO TO YOUTUBE TYPE IN..... STROPPY ME..... SCROLL DOWN ON HIS SITE GO TO THE POST THAT SAYS Latest Qanon Post 11-2-18 Pt 1 Returning To Power..go to minute 7:20.. READ FOR YOURSELF .. ![]() ![]() ..Or you could listen to the WHOLE thing and maybe ..just maybe ..OPEN YOUR EYES to the TRUTH.. So much for shady.there's the site |
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Sat 11/03/18 11:23 AM
I put up a claim ..if you want to say I'm wrong as you so often do then DO THE RESEARCH that proves me wrong..I give you sites on some things that all you have to do is type them in and you try to turn them into links and say theres nothing there..Like in the case when I said to look up Johana A Nee and Obama even made it to where you could just copy it where it says search the web and you tried to make it into a link..but if one just searches the web..rather easy to do there are many sites that says his birth certificate is a fake..particularly the one with Joe Arpaio..I mean now you could just type in where it says search Joe Arpaio and Obama fake birth hard could that be I would tell you to check out Q post ..but you like so many would say that Q is a conspiracy theory because like so many you still believe the FAKE news ...Or that Hillary isn't guilty because she wasn't found guilty by a crooked DOJ or FBI or that Obama was a good president .. but they are BOTH traitors.. those things I won't have to prove ..time will do that after the mid terms WWG1 WGA |
You Left
Nice write
Sometimes.. I wonder just what might have been as I sit all alone in my chair in the den the silence so lonely as I often am the time passes slowly as only it can the minutes forgotten but not those of you my one and my only the girl I once knew How's this can have it..took me ten minutes..sometimes writing is like that you know..keep on |
Red Wave Coming?
What source are you using for this info that Trump lost the house?... |
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Fri 11/02/18 03:21 PM
So how did Trump lose the house the elections aren't even over..where's the source for this ..Appears you were right Charles on that source read 2018 Oct 9..further research shows it could be fake news ty But that's ok Tom Fitton is still going after her..I'm hoping she gets expelled especially after what happened to Sarah Sanders.. |
Red Wave Coming?
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Fri 11/02/18 02:43 PM
Here's one for the Trump supporters appears that since Mexico offered the asylum seekers ..asylum.. and met all criteria we don't have to even consider requests by the caravan members for asylum as voted on by the UN back in 1951 by 145 members..and there are no laws that can challenge this..not even the UN can challenge this there ya go... ![]() So from what I've read they can either take up roots in Mexico or go home because they don't have a legal foot to stand on when it comes to seeking asylum here in the U.S.. And my source comes from the top.. It sure is good having a president like Trump in office.. ![]() WWG1 WGA |
You still huffing that Mockingbird poo ..Here's one for ya while I'm at it ...under international law and voted on by the UN back in 1951 since Mexico offered the asylum seekers..asylum in their country and met all criteria ..if they show up at the border we don't have to even consider granting them asylum and there's NOTHING anyone including the U.N can do about it..and a very good source on this there you go..END OF STORY..stick a fork in it.. ![]() And if ya want the LINK..yea like that's just NOT gonna happen..DO THE RESEARCH And Maxine has 3 charges one for corruption..can the day get any better … WWG1 WGA |
Red Wave Coming?
Maxine Waters charged on three count of corruption.. ![]() |
Red Wave Coming?
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Fri 11/02/18 08:40 AM
So China now sees itself as the New World Order leaders once the new global government in in place. The ideology of a NEW WORLD ORDER.You do realize this is the whole problem with everything that is going on from the caravan who thinks its their right to clamor over our borders to trying to impeach Trump..As the bleeding hearts think we should just let them in without being checked out..well how about those close to 100 ISIS MEMBERS that Guatemala arrested..TEA THAT'S OK THEY ARE GOOD PEOPLE..or others who think we should just AID AND ABET AND EXPLOIT ILLEGALS who are BREAKING THE LAWS by coming into our country ILLEGALY So what do some stand for BREAKING THE LAWS AND INVITING ISIS IN..plain and simple..and that's the substance of their side of the debate..this is what they stand for..I'm DONE..there is no debate here.. some people really have NO CLUE as to who they are inadvertently helping to overthrow our nation.. or that this is what they are attempting to do to bring about a NEW WORLD ORDER.... DO THE RESEARCH UNITED WE STAND..divided we fall..WWG1 WGA |