Community > Posts By > tombraider

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Sat 02/09/19 09:14 AM
Edited by tombraider on Sat 02/09/19 09:30 AM

We get our information from where..the mockingbird media and we think it is the truth and no matter what we know to be let's try this again..

William Casey director of the CIA (1981-1987) said:


So what do we know..ALOT of false information..and what does the president know..ALOT more than we do..but by all means continue to listen to that mockingbird they're counting on it..and even tho we know the words of Casey to be true..we still go back for more disinformation..Don't believe look up OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD..So by all means keep on reporting those facts? ....rofl .


All that Trump is supposedly guilty of..WHERE'S THE PROOF?..

As far as knowing more than the intelligence agencies..which ones would that be..the crooked FBI..CIA..NSA..or does he have a more trusted intelligence agency where he is getting his information from?..spock

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Fri 02/08/19 07:06 AM
Edited by tombraider on Fri 02/08/19 07:33 AM

..ALL elected officials should have to provide their tax returns for public scrutiny.. BUT..anything to keep the BOGUS Russian Collusion story going no matter what is found on Trump involving the FISA warrant should be thrown out because it was obtained ILLEGALY so much that the FISA warrant was ILLEGALY obtained.. makes it ALL fruit of the poisonous tree ..which would make it all ONE BIG NOTHING BURGER w/cheese and an empty fry box...smile2 How does one obstruct..INJUSTICE?..spock



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Tue 02/05/19 07:46 PM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 02/05/19 07:49 PM

If one had only DONE THE RESEARCH one would know the truth and not the song of the mockingbird and it's ending lies..

and since there are those who obviously appreciate quotes "allow me to counter"

Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance - Albert Einstein

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Tue 02/05/19 07:39 PM

..I heard they came out with the cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome..I think it's called STFU..or STHU which I believe is the generic form..not as strong but still as effective..smile2

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Mon 02/04/19 08:43 PM
Edited by tombraider on Mon 02/04/19 09:21 PM

Well than since you can't remember here's the article again...MS.H
The swelling population of illegal immigrants and their kids is costing American taxpayers $135 billion a year, the highest ever, driven by free medical care, education and a huge law enforcement bill, according to the the most authoritative report on the issue yet.

And despite claims from pro-illegal immigration advocates that the aliens pay significant off-setting taxes back to federal, state and local treasuries, the Federation for American Immigration Reform report tallied just $19 billion, making the final hit to taxpayers about $116 billion.
State and local governments are getting ravaged by the costs, at over $88 billion. The federal government, by comparison, is getting off easy at $45 billion in costs for illegals.

President Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and conservatives in Congress are moving aggressively to deal with illegals, especially those with long criminal records. But their effort is being fought by courts and some 300 so-called "sanctuary communities" that refuse to work with federal law enforcement.

The added burden on taxpayers and the unfairness to those who have applied to come into the United States through legal channels is also driving the administration's immigration crackdown.

The report, titled "The Fiscal Burden Of Illegal Immigration on U.S. Taxpayers," is the most comprehensive cost tally from FAIR. It said that the costs have jumped about $3 billion in four years and will continue to surge unless illegal immigration is stopped. It was provided in advance exclusively to Secrets.

"Clearly, the cost of doing nothing to stop illegal immigration is far too high," said FAIR Executive Director Dan Stein. "President Trump has laid out a comprehensive strategy to regain control of illegal immigration and bring down these costs," said Stein. "Building the wall, enhancing interior enforcement and mandating national E-Verify will go a long way in bringing these ridiculously high costs under control," he added.
Over 68 often shocking pages, FAIR documents the average $8,075 in state, local and federal spending for each of the of 12.5 million illegal immigrants and their 4.2 million citizen children.
Broadly, the costs include $29 billion in medical care, $23 billion for law enforcement, $9 billion in welfare, $46 billion for education.

Just consider the cost of teaching an illegal alien child who doesn't speak English. FAIR estimates an average cost of over $12,000 a year, and that can reach $25,000 in New York. Add to that welfare, health care, school lunches, and the per student price soars.
In state costs alone, California leads the list at $23 billion per year, followed by Texas at $11 billion, and New York at $7.4 billion.
And it also documents the taxes paid and how they don't come close to offsetting the costs. What's more, FAIR noted that 35 percent of the illegal population operate in an underground economy hidden from tax collectors. And worse, employers hire illegals and either pay them cheaply or under the table.
"The United States recoups only about 14 percent of the amount expended annually on illegal aliens. If the same jobs held by illegal aliens were filled by legal workers, at the prevailing market wage, it may safely be presumed that federal, state and local governments would receive higher tax payments," said FAIR.
Key findings pulled from the report:
The staggering total costs of illegal immigrants and their children outweigh the taxes paid to federal and state governments by a ratio of roughly 7 to 1, with costs at nearly $135 billion compared to tax revenues at nearly $19 billion.
The nearly $135 billion paid out by federal and state and local taxpayers to cover the cost of the presence of 12.5 million illegal aliens and their 4.2 million citizen children amounts to approximately $8,075 per illegal alien and citizen child prior to taxes paid, or $6,940 per person after taxes are paid.
On the federal level, medical ($17.14 billion) is by far the highest cost, with law enforcement coming second ($13.15 billion) and general government services ($8 billion) third.
At the state and local level, education ($44.4 billion) was by far the largest expense, followed by general public services ($18.5 billion) and medical ($12.1 billion).
The top three states based on total cost to state taxpayers for illegal immigrants and their children: California ($23 billion); Texas ($10.9 billion), and New York ($7.5 billion).

..You wanted facts and data MS.H..consider it a gift..smile2

In answer to when you all were complaining paying for the wall was too much ...spock

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Mon 02/04/19 01:42 PM
Edited by tombraider on Mon 02/04/19 02:28 PM

READ THIS GENIUS(sarcasm) in case you didn't figure that out either Charles

Sensible nations are rejecting the disastrous UN Migration Pact — the full name of which is the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration — a UN scheme to make the hijrah seem to be controlled and orderly, all the while stripping away the border controls of sovereign countries and putting them in the hands of the United Nations, which will also influence “diversity” measures and work to curtail free speech within Western nations under the pact.
Slovakia is now “the latest nation to follow U.S. President Donald Trump’s lead in withdrawing from the United Nations.” The Prime Minister of Slovakia, Peter Pellegrini, has called the Pact harmful and a dangerous security risk, warning that the document describes mass migration as “inevitable, necessary, and desirable” while failing to distinguish between legal and illegal migration.
Although there are arguments that the migration pact would not be legally binding, it is politically binding. It is presented in much the same deceptive manner that the Liberal Government of Canada presented the anti-blasphemy Motion M103, which was passed in Parliament. Its proponents argued that a motion is not a law, but motions provide the framework for possible future laws, as well as influence the interpretation of existing laws. Of course, M-103 further armed the already weaponized Canadian human rights commissions and tribunals, enabling them to terrorize and ruin the lives of citizens, as was recently shown in a Jihad Watch article: “Landlord loses appeal to overturn order to pay Muslims $12,000 for wearing shoes in their prayer room.” M-103 also resulted in followup action to systematically “monitor citizens for compliance” in a 23-million-dollar program — money stolen from Canadian taxpayers — that will supposedly help fight discrimination, including “Islamophobia.”

So while many continue to insist that the UN Pact on Migration is not legally binding, it is deemed to be politically binding, and sets up a “legal framework” that can be used to interpret the law. It is no irony that Canada plans to “lead the charge” on the UN Migration Pact.
The world is being divided into two camps: globalists and populists. Despite the name-calling by globalists against so-called “populists” — names including “racist,” “far right,” “xenophobic,” and “Islamophobic” — reasonable people of all races and creeds are starting to wake up to the Leftist-Islamic supremacist alliance, and to globalist leaders’ aim to fling open the doors of Western nations to the hijrah, with no concern for the safety of Western citizens or for their economic futures, even as many of them are nearing pension age. The plan is socialism, which will heap the burden of rising taxation upon the backs of the hardest-working taxpayers. The riots that are now exploding in France over fuel prices are just the tip of the iceberg as more and more people begin to feel the economic pinch. Where do citizens who support globalism think the money is going to come from to support a multitude of migrants from mostly anti-Western countries, all too many of whom have no interest in working? Globalist Sweden is already preparing to raise its retirement age to accommodate “migrant-driven population growth.”.
It has just been revealed that globalist Angela Merkel’s government “deceived the public… as internal documents from the Federal Foreign Office reveal that Angela Merkel’s government has been the main architect of the controversial UN migrant pact.” The co-leader of Germany’s “populist” AfD party, Alexander Gauland, has vowed: “We will do everything we can to avert this disaster in the making.” Merkel is stepping down soon, as her party is deeply divided over Germany’s handling of migration. It has also come to light in France that the “globalist poster boy” Emmanuel Macron‘s polls have just plunged to “historic lows,” while populist Marine Le Pen has climbed in the polls above Macron.

President Trump pulled America out of the agreement in December last year, commenting that the compact appeared to demand a “no borders, everyone can come in!” approach to managing migration flows.
Advocates argue the document is not legally binding and so would have no impact on national sovereignty, while the governments of Sweden and Germany claim signing up will benefit their countries and even reduce illegal immigration flows.
Experts have warned that the agreement, which requires signatories “commit to eliminate all forms of discrimination” with measures including state promotion of “diversity”, prevention of “hate speech” and opening up of welfare systems to illegal immigrants, was written in such a way that it would create a legal framework…

And when you couple the UN Migration Pact with agenda 21 ..why would anyone want to believe anything the UN has in store for them regarding these two ideologies

They sure make it sound so nice almost lulls one to sleep with visions of unicorns and lollipops..except for the fact there are those of us who are WIDE AWAKE..and can see right through their BS rhetoric

try as you may..with all your still got it WRONG as expected and

as usual


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Mon 02/04/19 01:19 PM

The UN says it's not legally binding ..we say NO..end of story..and yet they are still trying to push this globalist ideology down our throats..NO..Now they are going to say what..that if you speak out against it, it will be labeled as hate speech opposed to what a difference of opinion..The answer is NO..end of story..if they don't like it who cares..As far as paying for the border wall and not wanting to pay for it..of we don't we will be paying for it in different ways and the cost will be far greater..and I've already shown that..and we haven't even gotten started..Some people in the UN are clearly DELUSIONAL

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Mon 02/04/19 12:14 PM
Edited by tombraider on Mon 02/04/19 12:18 PM

If they wanted a clean environment they would quit spraying the skies with chemtrails..oh yea..that's not happening..Peace is a great thing..but not when women and children are RAPED to obtain it..but that too is o.k..let's just consider that as collateral damage as we make the transition.. to utopia..and what's a little brain washing dumb down common core curriculum..while owning nothing and equally distributing wealth..while opening the border to unvetted illegals..and obtaining global domination by unelected officials..yea ..sounds great sign me up..NOT..

Perhaps one should go talk to these women or children who have been raped or whose children or family members were murdered by these unvetted illegals allowed into their country through the UN Migration Pact and explain to them how it was done for the GREATER GOOD.. noway And don't even get me started on the Depopulation agenda..that's another one of their BRILLIANT ideas..noway wonder what they would think if we started that agenda with them and their families..NOW that is a BRILLIANT idea..smile2

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Sun 02/03/19 10:27 PM
Edited by tombraider on Sun 02/03/19 10:51 PM

Agenda 21 goes against the constitution and the patriots of this country while putting unelected Deep State hooligans in control..sustainable development my butt and for who the elite..yep.Where does the UN get off trying to tell us what we should do with our country..The PEOPLES COUNTRY..they have no right..the way I view Globalists are TRAITORS..just like Obama

The SOTU is coming unless of course what RBG funeral?..who knows day after tomorrow is going to be very interesting indeed..I hope Trump sticks it to much as the Dems don't like it all the better..after all they would have elected traitor Hillary..another one hopefully who will be gone..They should publicly hang that witch for treason..

nothing wrong with agenda 21 if one wants global domination by unelected leaders..sounds wonderful..If you're Hitler!

In my opinion any elected official who signed up for the UN Migration Pact should be tried for assisting every crime that was committed on their citizens by all the immigrants they allowed into their country..the immigration pact was just a way of the UN gettinga foot hold in overthrowing these countries..and the leaders who signed up for it should be put on trial for that as well..There is no debate here..because anyone who agrees with the UN migration pact is not a patriot to their country ..Oh yea that's right they're just all unvetted good people..and they know this how..if they don't know who they are..spock

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Sun 02/03/19 10:22 PM

I've already viewed that link..that's why I directed people to view agenda anonymous source as you put it is Pelosi standing up for agenda 21..where they can see it for their own eyes and not some random fact check site..that are just words that anyone could write to back their bias views

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Sun 02/03/19 10:09 PM
Edited by tombraider on Sun 02/03/19 10:19 PM

Them maybe you should go stand at the border and say far as tax payers dollars maybe it's time that the people have the right as to how to spend it and build up our defenses or we could do what the Dems do and piss it away on vacations like Pelosi or send plane loads of it like Obama countries who want to destroy us..and since you like doing research..its what I do ALL day..every day..So you must have seen where Pelosi signed on to agenda 21..and you must've seen what the results of agenda 21 are..DO you agree with the globalists view?..and open borders?

So you see if we can issue state of emergencies for other countries we sure can issue them to help protect the citizens of ours..

Noticed we're not using SNOPES ..why is that?..Truth is they are no different than any other site..I wonder who fact checks the fact checkers..but I can definitely direct people to see for their own eyes what Pelosi is up to..But she shouldn't be around much can only hope..I believe the reason Trump wanted her as speaker is because so people can see her spasming butt stutter over her words and see what she is really about..a traitor and an crook..People really need to read up on agenda 21

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Sun 02/03/19 09:26 PM
Edited by tombraider on Sun 02/03/19 09:32 PM

First of all lets get one thing straight here..Nancy Pelosi is not a democrat..she is a GLOBALIST (I gave proof of this) she is using the democratic party and the democratic supporters to go after Trump in order to obtain her Globalist BS agenda..all one has to do is go to YouTube and DO THE shows her signing on to agenda 21..something else one needs to do the research on..

Not to mention we are currently under 30 different state of emergencies..the oldest dating back as far as 1979 under the Carter administration..and when you look at the reasons for some of these ..we can surely add another due to the fact we have masses of people from who knows where with who knows what trying to obtain ILLEGAL entry into the U.S..not to mention with the uprising in Venezuela even more reason to BUILD THE DAMN WALL


GOT MEASLES..what's next

any more Horace quotes?..bring it

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Sat 02/02/19 07:42 PM
Edited by tombraider on Sat 02/02/19 07:45 PM

..What did Mueller do when the Buzz feed story came out? Why would he do that..why is Mueller still in place..with all that has been leaked don't you think that if they had anything on Trump it too would have leaked out by now.Mueller is just saving himself playing his part in order to keep his neck out of the hangman's noose (U1)..You still listening to the song of the mockingbird,mesmerizing is it,you should have followed the rabbit instead...

A lot can change in a year? yet nothing has for Trump in two..he is still president,but those who were part of the investigation have slowly faded away into obscurity.Not being a specific "target" does NOT preclude anything....or ..ANYONE.. spock

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Sat 02/02/19 02:49 PM

I do not think I know it all I just refuse to fall victim to the ignorance that consumes others..Tombs..


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Sat 02/02/19 12:54 PM
Edited by tombraider on Sat 02/02/19 12:55 PM

I hate to think that everyone who loves their pets ..noway

on a more serious note...

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Sat 02/02/19 07:50 AM
Edited by tombraider on Sat 02/02/19 08:14 AM

As far a graduating from high seems rather redundant to ask people to go through a common core curriculum which is designed to dumb you down and graduate..Now the UN is trying to take over education which appears to be nothing more than an attempt to brain wash our children to have a globalist attitude.. From our stand point we look at the basic views of the right v.left..but the one entity we fail to see as we disagree among ourselves is that we are too busy with each other when it's those who go unnoticed lurking in the shadows that we should be uniting against..This is the way "THEY" designed it..
It doesn't matter what we feel we may achieve among ourselves when it's those in the shadows who will override and rule against any accomplishments we are attempting to make.This is a 3 pronged situation that we need to be aware of We have a left leaning ideology with what appears to be a socialist agenda,we have the right leaning ideology who are trying to maintain a democracy ..and then we have the Deep State who is embedded in both parties who are trying to over rule both parties and incorporate their globalist ideology and rule over all .
.And unfortunately we will fight among ourselves while "THEY" are busy in the shadows hidden from our I don't see either party achieving anything until we get rid of the Deep State..because it's not going to matter what we do ..because neither side will win..The globalist will..because they will remain unnoticed and unimpeded to achieve their agenda..while we fight among ourselves

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Fri 02/01/19 07:36 PM
Edited by tombraider on Fri 02/01/19 07:38 PM

It's all smoke and has always been nothing more than misdirection..Hope you are enjoying the show..

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Fri 02/01/19 07:00 PM

Until we get rid of the Deep State the only thing we will be looking at is globalism..

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Fri 02/01/19 02:43 PM

I have to agree with you on this one Dave ..No government will work if the politicians are corrupt..unfortunately for us tho that even those who are vying for socialism don't realize that what others are after while destroying our democracy is Globalism..those looking for a socialist government are being duped as well..So we have those standing for democracy those vying for socialism and the Deep State attempting to bring about globalism..a three ring circus..I wonder how all this will turn the mean time I suppose for the most of us all we can do is sit back while munching on popcorn and peanuts and..ENJOY THE SHOW... until the SHTF..

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Thu 01/31/19 04:07 PM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 01/31/19 05:00 PM

what house was that..the wrong 21 that's what the Dems support..along with socialism disguised as globalism..Not to mention persecuting people who wear a MAGA hat is a hate crime..As far as listening to the same old Trump hating rhetoric over the many months of multiple Trump hating threads ..You're right I don't listen to seditious words.. smile2 ..Pelosi was asked by two border patrol agents wives to go down to the border and see for herself, they even offered to show her around..her azz hasn't shown up yet..But she will spend your tax dollars and take 90 people with her..and order a bunch of liquor on your dime..noway while directing govt funds into companies that her husband has invested in..getting the picture yet..probably not.. spock

Agenda 21 people that's what Pelosi supports ..where your children go to school to be brain washed to be good little globalists where you won't get to own a house and where your wealth will be redistributed while those unelected in the UN will rule and your borders are wide open for whoever...noway

But you're right I don't listen to what you all have to say..because I know all this...and this is their agenda ..and Trump stands in the way of all their little nefarious Deep State deeds pedophilia, child trafficking, drug dealing, gun running is why they want open borders and false narrative wars made to line their pockets..



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