Community > Posts By > laughingjesus

laughingjesus's photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:53 PM
Hell is bumper to bumper traffic and still 10 miles from the airport....

Heaven is waking up each day and being grateful for what I have...
Say my prayers, read the BIBLE, eat a good breakfast....that is heaven for me...


laughingjesus's photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:48 PM
Everyone having a good day?? Thank you Britty for this 'light hearted' thread.... no pressures...


laughingjesus's photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:36 PM
A round of coffees, lemonades, teas and colas to everyone...

and prayers that everyone had a good day and nice evenings...

laughingjesus's photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:33 PM
Wow Spider interesting thread considering what you write in this thread goes against some other views in others. Guess I am trying to piece it all together. You are only a christian a year, you like science, yet it has no place in the BIBLE, you don't believe the Earth should be carbon dated at millions of years old and then the nerve to attack this gal who is merely stating her opinions as you are, as I am...

I don't see her last statement:
I would rather teach my children 'how' to think rather than 'what' to think...

blasted to you, but just an ending as we all sometimes leave thoughts to ponder.

On another thread you said:
The Bible might appear to have gaps, but I don't believe we should try to fill those in. Anything we place into the gaps we perceive, will be guesses. We would then base those guesses on modern science. The Bible teaches that Adam and Eve brought death into the world, if all life had already been wiped out at some previous time, then the Bible isn't true.

She does have a good point for this topic you can stand on either side of the fence or linger on top in a balancing act. I am a Man of Faith and Spirituality and Christianity on top of that. We can't discount science. It is all around us. Science touches our lives on a daily basis. DNA, stem cell research, cancers, healings, the power of prayer...

On this website
It talks about fission track dating and says the planet is millions of years old. Also talks about DNA of dinosaurs too.

This is to show that science is all around us daily. On the topic well I am on the fence liable to get racked up most likely, but have had kin touched by cancer and they say it is genetic, in that DNA we all have. So if it goes back to one source we are all most likely related which tells me you can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends.

And Spider... man to man... is this is a reverse tactic in approaching women on a more serious level, I am so out of touch HAHA Not so out of touch to know you came down on her really hard on purpose and that, my friend, Dad frowns upon.... you showed no compassion.... so two thoughts.... you really like this intelligent gal or you hate women....

No hurry.... HAHA give you time to ponder your thoughts...

I'll be in some other threads reading

laughingjesus's photo
Mon 10/29/07 05:47 PM
People choose to go to hell rather than submit their lives to God. You have absolute free will within the confines of your personal ability. All people living have a purpose. And if they so choose a path that leads them to hell, perhaps along the way some people destined for hell will save other's lives, either intentionally or unintentionally. If all people were on the same spiritual path, there would be nobody for God's people to help.


laughingjesus's photo
Sun 10/28/07 07:08 PM
Most Welcome!flowerforyou

laughingjesus's photo
Sun 10/28/07 05:13 PM
Some men would actually say she was not named Eve...but evil.

Gandhi said it best...
Honest differences are often a healthy sign of progress.
Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress.

You are correct Abra on languages and meanings thereof...what I do find fascinating is alphabetics in the Bible.


laughingjesus's photo
Sun 10/28/07 05:01 PM
Lincoln Brewster sings this song called You are the One and here are the lyricsflowerforyou I like it....

You're the One Who made the heavens
You're the One Who shaped the earth
You're the One Who formed my heart
Long before my birth
I believe You'll always lead me
All my days have been ordained
All Your thoughts toward me are holy
Full of love and grace

You are the One You are holy
You are the One You are worthy
You are the One You are the One everlasting
You are the One

You are the One I will worship
You are the One I will serve all my days
You are the One You are the one everlasting

You are the One
Jesus You're the One


laughingjesus's photo
Fri 10/26/07 12:41 PM
Why not?

A sense of community with like minded people....
just as we have here....


Imagine that as well....


laughingjesus's photo
Fri 10/26/07 12:38 PM
Other people throughout history have been described as prophets in the sense of foretelling the future (as opposed to forthtelling the message of the Deity. See examples below...

Sathya Sai Baba, Shirdi Sai Baba, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (Madame Blavatsky), Edgar Cayce, Elizabeth Clare Prophet,
Deganawidah, Jeane Dixon, Hal Lindsey, St Malachy, Merlin the wizard, William Miller, Nathan of Gaza and the very popular


Just beware.... especially if purple kool-aid is served or comets laced with UFO's....noway

laughingjesus's photo
Fri 10/26/07 11:45 AM
Hello One and All...

I would like to stop in a say hello, been gone for awhile on business, but thought I would stop in and say hi.

If I could order a coffee that would be most divine....

Ok have a joke I am going to try out in one of my speeches, let me know if it is funny... go easy on the tomatoes :smile:

Remember this is a joke:laugh

Jesus walks into a bar...
and asks the bartender "are penguins about this high?"
Bar tender says "no"

Jesus says OK.
A few minutes later he asks the bartender again "are penguins about this high?"
Again bartender says "no"

Jesus goes quiet for a few minutes and than asks the bartender again "are penguins about this high?"
Bartender says "no man they are NOT that high!"

Jesus goes "oh man I think I ran over a nun"

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

laughingjesus's photo
Fri 10/26/07 11:34 AM
Very interesting views.....:smile:

Bottom line is Dad is Boss and our Boss is our Father.

How many of you have parents?
It's okay if that question stumped you at first reading...huh

Did your parents ever 'lay down the law' to you?
Maybe even change rules depending on your own behavior, situations, circumstances?

Well my Father does that.... rules change in life, eh?

Alas, the Bible does not change.

Our interpretation of the Holy Book for each of us is individual, it is a direct letter to each of us.. Just as individualistic as He made us. Not one of us here walking neathe the clouds are the same... why would our interpretations be the same too.

GOD NEVER CONTRADICTS HIMSELF and myself personally... I don't want to disappoint my Father.

Malachi 3:6 -- "For I am the Lord, I CHANGE NOT; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed" -- MEANS what it says. Hebrews 13:8 -- "Jesus Christ THE SAME yesterday, and to day, and for ever" -- MEANS what it says.

Here's a thought....

Let the Bible Interpret the Bible....:smile:

Here's another lasting thought....

The New Testament lies hidden in the Old, and the Old Testament is revealed in the New

laughingjesus's photo
Fri 09/21/07 09:22 PM
>How can you doubt that God laughs?

Oh I don't doubt it for a minute....laugh
You can call me LJ for short...

I think even in the bible there are many examples of God being witty....even Jesus for that matter as he was made in human form and humor is a human characteristic....

Hhhhmmmmmm............. interesting.... a blue footed booby....LOL say that fast 3 times...laugh laugh

laughingjesus's photo
Tue 09/18/07 03:07 PM
by Frederick W. Harvey

When God finished the stars and the whirl of colored suns,
He turned His mind from big things to fashion little ones,
Beautiful tiny things (like daisies) He made, and then
He made the comical ones in case the minds of men
Should stiffen and become
Dull, humorless and glum:
And so forgetful of their Maker be
As to take even themselves – quite seriously.
Caterpillars and cats are lively and excellent puns:
All God's jokes are good – even the practical ones!
And as for the duck, I think God must have smiled a bit
Seeing those bright eyes blink on the day He fashioned it.
And He's probably laughing still
At the sound that came out of its bill.

Not as good as Abra's.....:smile:

Ok have to run and get work done...
Blessings to All...

laughingjesus's photo
Tue 09/18/07 02:23 PM
My lesson for the day... do not drink milk and read Abra's post replies LOL
laugh laugh laugh

Interesting theory.... indulge me....
while I clean up my mess LOL


laughingjesus's photo
Tue 09/18/07 01:26 PM
That is great you are firm....
in what you believe.

Matt 10 - Mark 9

Refresh my memory in how these serve the topic of women preaching?

Feel free to post your own personal thread and I will be more than happy to discuss, but I would prefer to stay on topic... which is let the women preach........... LOL

>It brings life.
They would love this in the Sex and Dating Forum Miles LOL


Perhaps we need to reset our minds to approach Scripture with fresh eyes, a lightness of spirit, a new alertness to detail, and a savvy of human nature on display in all the settings of real people Scripture presents. I think we would catch more of what we have previously missed.

*** Again my opinion... then again perhaps you should forgive me and pray now for I believe "women should preach"

This is my last thread and response Miles here on this topic, you can only beat a dead duck so many times and it will always stay a dead duck...:smile:

Good Luck Miles with your journey...

laughingjesus's photo
Tue 09/18/07 12:53 PM
Here is a light hearted question for all to think about....

"Does God laugh?"laugh

laughingjesus's photo
Tue 09/18/07 12:43 PM
>It is your right. But as a believer do not try to make an assumption doctrine Yahshua preached and showed us as his fathers will... Blessings of Shalom... Miles

Miles, Thank You for my right to an opinion... neither you or I were there.... neither you or I were present when the stories were transcribed into what there is today... There are many parts missing to the BIBLE, but that does not stop my Faith...nor will you.

And you should take your own advice of being a believer and not making assumptions either... there is a difference in sharing a honest discussion and the way you present yourself, your words, your beliefs and to attempt to make one here look and feel LESS....however before clicking that blue button, re-read your words my friend...and ask yourself is this what Jesus wants me to say? That is the beauty of this world... The beauty of each of us... to have that love, grace, friendship and beauty of Christ in each of us...

Words from a believer that attack another carries not the word of God..... why can't we all get along?? deems appropriate in a light hearted attempt to have you understand the lengths you go makes the Devil himself grin at the flavor your heart must taste to him.

LOL Lighten up there Miles...:smile:

laughingjesus's photo
Tue 09/18/07 11:22 AM
ArtGurl is very wise... I was merely addressing the topic at hand that women should be allowed to preach. Think about sign language with an ape or monkey, who says one can't...

I hereby throw in Love and Mercy with you Wench... sometimes some things are worth being pushed. That is why sometimes stepping outside our comfort zones requires just that... a push. And who better to help us? And they say he doesn't have a sense of humour LOLlaugh

I appreciate your thoughts on this... Thank You.

laughingjesus's photo
Tue 09/18/07 11:05 AM
I guess we could take this a step farther....

Can women preach in churches?
Can women preach in everyday settings?
Can women preach to men?

The Bible was translated and in those transcripts we are reading what they thought eons ago it meant to the best of their ability at the time. Can you imagine if they got a part wrong? How could that impact our world as we know it today? Would it shake your Faith? The Bible is a translated love letter from God.

We can walk with God and try to be the best we can offer yourselves up to be as decent individuals for Him or whatever your beliefs. In the BIBLE it says to not be judgemental, but reading here in this forum we are... and we want to say our beliefs are better than Joe Blow or Jane Doe and that does not benefit anyone. Having discussions are great to explore yourself and grow which is what God my spirit guided opinion. <--- Great disclaimer since we are entitled to it....

But to go back to the original thread, can women preach... what is preaching?

1. To proclaim or put forth in a sermon: preached the gospel.
2. To advocate, especially to urge acceptance of or compliance with: preached tolerance and peaceful coexistence.
3. To deliver (a sermon). (heritage dictionary)

So in essence, preaching is basically sharing the Word of God in such a manner than flocks, choirs, the misled, non-perfect people might get a glimpse of something better than they have now.

Looking into the BIBLE.... you will see that Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Susanna had joined Jesus during his ministry and supported him out of their private means(read Luke 8:1-3). He spoke to women both in public and private and I may read more into this but I really think Jesus was learning from them as well. Jesus was a people watcher would you not agree?

There was a story about an unnamed Gentile woman who taught Jesus that the ministry of God is not limited to particular groups and persons, but belongs to ALL who have faith... there are MEN of FAITH out there right?(read Mark 7:24-30 and Matthew 15:21-28).

When Jesus was arrested his male disciples bailed on him. but the women stood by him and they accompanied him to the foot of the cross. Go to the resurrection (witnessed by WOMEN).... can we say Mary Magdalene?

The details of the gospel stories are always going to be questioned, but in general many reflect the prominent historical roles women played in Jesus' ministry as disciples.

So again..... who better to preach?

A woman