Community > Posts By > laughingjesus

laughingjesus's photo
Mon 01/21/08 10:48 PM
laugh laugh

laughingjesus's photo
Mon 01/21/08 10:20 PM

What is a big turn off for you when dating a woman??? Just curious...

On a date and they pretend not to have an appetite or afraid to eat... food was meant to be enjoyed and eaten.

laughingjesus's photo
Mon 01/21/08 10:16 PM
Good Evening one and all drinker a Blessed Prayer in cheers to alldrinker

laughingjesus's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:24 PM
If it was not...then what would our Father have to do but go bowling if no one lied..... this keeps him to feel useful...laugh laugh

laughingjesus's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:19 PM
Well no sisters of mine would I want to be normal....:smile:

laughingjesus's photo
Tue 12/04/07 01:38 AM

I have noticed the jerks are really good in the sex department and the nice wonderful , perfect in every other way , those are the ones lacking in that department , why are us women always punished !

hey ya'll started it w/that damn apple thing laugh laugh glasses

Adam and Evillaugh laugh laugh

laughingjesus's photo
Tue 12/04/07 01:15 AM
I must remember some of those LOL
laugh laugh laugh laugh

laughingjesus's photo
Tue 12/04/07 01:15 AM
laugh laugh laugh

laughingjesus's photo
Tue 12/04/07 01:14 AM
I bet it does involve Prada for the ladies LOL
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

laughingjesus's photo
Tue 12/04/07 01:09 AM
Wasting time debating existence either way, whether you are a disbeliever or one who lives by one or more doctrines.

Use the gifts you have been given.... and for some that might be a gift of gab in a forumonic usage.

I know of several ankle biters that need a good switch taken to them.....

laughingjesus's photo
Tue 12/04/07 01:04 AM
It depends on the velvet painting you are buying....
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

laughingjesus's photo
Mon 10/29/07 09:55 PM
Nite Britty and Good Nite to All...
Thanks for the nice evening...


laughingjesus's photo
Mon 10/29/07 08:54 PM
Okay here Britty here is my joke for the evening...

If they throw tomotoes, we'll make soup.... HA HA HA


Jesus saw a crowd chasing down a woman to stone her and approached them. "What's going on here, anyway?" he asked.

"This woman was found committing adultery, and the law says we should stone her!" one of the crowd responded.

"Wait," yelled Jesus. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

Suddenly, a stone was thrown from out of the sky, and knocked the woman on the side of her head.

"Aw, c'mon, Dad..." Jesus cried, "I'm trying to make a point here!"

flowerforyou drinker HA HA HA HA

I never let a day go by without laughing... usually it is at myself... so when I come across some material or a old friend sends me a joke, i have to share that laugh...

laughingjesus's photo
Mon 10/29/07 08:46 PM

Have you read the Gospels? Jesus rose into the clouds in front of a huge crowd. While the apostles hid in a room with a locked door, fearful that the authorities would arrest them for being Jesus' follower, Jesus walked through the locked door. Jesus met one group on the road and that night met another group in Jerusalem hundreds of miles away. I don't know what is so funny, Christians do believe that Jesus is God, why couldn't God do those things?

HAHAHA Reading the gospels was part of the curriculum.... don't think I didn't look for those cliff notes, dummy books and dvd specials.... Spider you take yourself to seriously, engineering is frying your brain.

Now what I did find interesting is YOU typing
:Christians do believe that Jesus is God:

The story of Jesus is either the greatest event in history or the cruelest hoax. If it is a hoax, then the whole of the Christian message crumbles together with the hopes of those multitudes of lives built on his name. The apostle Paul said this:

“And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty. Yes, and we are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God that He raised up Christ, whom He did not raise up; if in fact the dead do not rise. For if the dead do not rise, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins! Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable.” -1 Corinthians 15:14-19 (NKJV)

:Jesus has a body, but he is unchanging. If Jesus had DNA, then he would change daily.:

Yokoke said in her post that there is DNA that can change, maybe Jesus had that?

All males and females on this planet have DNA and Jesus was a Man and he had the DNA too...right? It would have to be something else to not have DNA...

laughingjesus's photo
Mon 10/29/07 08:28 PM
We all have beliefs and passions and expressing them is a way of community for each of us. Now when one comes in with a view outside our realm of understanding or it goes against how we were brought up, we get defensive... power in numbers... but it is those views shared that we have 2 choices, we can go go on attack and drill our beliefs into the mother core or we can say ok that is another way to see it and move forward...

Myself I try to stay humorous and try to find laughter...even in the BIBLE it has the best comic relief...

What would it take as a human race to have happen before all these differences could be put aside and work together??

That is the question...

laughingjesus's photo
Mon 10/29/07 08:19 PM
I am sorry Spider...

when you said:
He walked through locked doors, moved hundreds of miles in seconds and he could fly.

Are we talking about Jesus or Superman, because either one ROCKS!!


laughingjesus's photo
Mon 10/29/07 08:14 PM
Nice comments adj4u....

Sorry for this folks, but I watch too much CSI when I have the time HAHA

Waiting to see if the Holy Spirit would be willing to submit to a DNA swab test.... HAHAHA

My bad... My apologies to anyone I offend... I should just pass out apology cards prior.... not a bad idea...

My prayers will be longggggggg tonight.

laughingjesus's photo
Mon 10/29/07 08:08 PM
None taken at all Jess... I respect you for whatever Faith you follow, even no Faith at all is some sort of faith.



laughingjesus's photo
Mon 10/29/07 08:00 PM
Argue, attack, assumptions.... simply amazing.

Do you two tag team often??

And one that steers clear when the questions get tough to answer... Spider I have read your posts and they do flip flop. If there was true consistency I would be the first to admit it HAHA I know you are out of the starting gate late with our Father, but you do know some things and you do have a passion, but yet you are filled with doubts and questions when others bring forth ideas not like your own.

Biased? Perhaps you need to gear down and re-read your own words and see perchance how they could be seen or misconstrued by others...

And IQ... you kids can throw around the big words all day long, but at night it's between you and the Big Guy on whether you acted the best you could as a Christian...

Did you show that yoke girl any compassion, grace, understanding in any of your replies in here to her Spider? You could not wait to jump and respond and took the opportunity to disprove and shoot down any ideas that are not like yours. That is my assumption that you attacked or argued.... but very interesting
how you avoided the question if you did it to grab her attention because avoidance will eat at you....

What is sad is while you read this... you have no remorse in your heart at this very moment. On other threads you are quick to jump in and grill them too.

And Abra HAHA Abra is Abra and I respect him just as I respect everyone here, but I laugh because you lumped us in together in you "assuming" that we haven't tried to understand what you posted... We as in the only two people that question your irrational thoughts and one sided views?? I say that in the manner because that is how you perceive posts too... Don't stop me now, you don't get to be the only one to assume things around here HAHA

Besides Spider you know why Dad gave us 2 ears and one mouth? Two ears to listen more first...over speaking....

In Matthew 22:37, 39 Love the Lord your god with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind. Love your neighbor as yourself.

Maybe if the posts reflected more of that last statement, defenses would be felt less...

laughingjesus's photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:57 PM
Pretty much anywhere, you need to focus and tune the outside away and open yourself up to prayer and let God in. I can do this while waiting at gates (airport), downtown eating at the park, anytime I feel the urge... nice thing about Dad, he is with us everywhere.


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