Topic: Why belong to a religion?
mnhiker's photo
Mon 10/22/07 02:49 PM
I often wondered why
people belong to
religious groups.

Is it just to be with
people of like mind
who believe the same
thing you do?

Is it because you
were brought to church
while you were a child
so as an adult you go
because that's what
your parents did?

Is it to shelter you
from people who don't
believe as you do?

Is it because you're
afraid you'll lose
your faith if you don't
go to church?

Is it because you
want to keep holy the Sabbath?

Or is it some other reason?

I'm often perplexed
why people even need

After all, you don't need
a church to believe in God or
to try to be a good person.


idliketodoit's photo
Mon 10/22/07 03:17 PM ask? Its the same with any other group. Its so you can fellowship with others. Why do we join sites like JUST SAY HI ?

scttrbrain's photo
Mon 10/22/07 03:21 PM
No...we don't need churches. The reason for church is to keep like minded people together in a set atmosphere so to remind them of why they believe and have people of the same belief system together. I absolutely understand why this is so.

Some people have just this one day (sunday, or wednesday) (okay, maybe some go on another day)to remember Jesus, God.
I myself do not understand why we need them to remind us of what we believe. God is in me all the time. I have Him at home, at work and everywhere I go.
I rarely attend church. I love the church I do attend, because they are so open in what they teach and we learn tolerance and unconditional love there.
Hey...if it takes a building to reach those in need or those that do believe but church is the one thing that brings them back to the Lord, then so be it. I say let us all do what it takes to make us well.

mnhiker's photo
Mon 10/22/07 09:02 PM
I think the danger
of having churches
is when they become
part of a larger crusade,
like the war.

To glorify this
war like we're
the Right Hand
of God bringing
His Terrible Swift
Sword is really wrong
and not what Jesus
would preach at all.

Yet this happens
in some churches.

Or they preach
the gospel of
not tolerance.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 10/23/07 12:08 AM
I think that if i need a church it's my personal choice, why other people should be offended by the fact that 2000 million people belong to a church.

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 10/23/07 12:17 AM
Kat and MN - I grew up in the south sububs of Chicago, the only 'small' towns were those segregated by nationality. I have had the opportunity to live in a small town in Missouri and to see a whole different perspective to the church community. I really can understand how very important Church was when communities were small. Even those who didn't belong, who weren't even christian were, not overlooked when in need. But that is not so as the villages grew into townships and cities and the borders became nothing more than a street or a 30 ft river.

I'v never realy studied the reasons why the 'church' community changed. But in the last few years I've seen a couple churches in large cities, who still maintained that small community perspective. Please forgive me if it sound bias in any way, but the churches I speak of are those that were founded so that gays, lesbians, bi's and transgender could have a place to worship and share community. Thier outreach programs and thier open door policies have helped me to re-connect to my belief that religious organization can still have value, not only to the individual but also to the community that exists beyond the doors of thier church.

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 10/23/07 12:19 AM
Hi LW/Miguel - and goodnight! Long past my time to begin to dream. yawn

no photo
Tue 10/23/07 12:26 AM
being humble requires a higher power.

Please advise the next time you are invinsible.

Intellegence requires humility.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 10/23/07 12:28 AM
gn my friend

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 10/23/07 06:34 PM
Because of the fellowship....and surrounding yourself with your brothers and sisters.....who believe as you do..

anemail's photo
Tue 10/23/07 06:44 PM
Dead on, iliketodoit.

Indeed, if you want to make friends, there is hardly a better place than a 'church' who's beliefs you can stomach (or better yet, support).

Odds are good that that organization will support your relationship as well.

Imagine that.

laughingjesus's photo
Fri 10/26/07 12:41 PM
Why not?

A sense of community with like minded people....
just as we have here....


Imagine that as well....
