Topic: Heaven and Hell | |
What is Your Idea of Heaven and Hell? My Idea of Heaven Is a Wide open range and big ol house With endless Fertile fields.
My idea of Hell, Well a KKK member would spend eternity with a White man and Adof Hitler With Jewish people. |
I don’t believe in Hell.
I imagine Heaven to be a infinite spiritual library. It’s full of virtual “books”. These book are completely interactive stories. But they aren’t exactly prewritten in detail, they are only frameworks for how they can be played out. In our true form as a spirit we are in heaven (the spiritual library). We have no physical form in this library. Although we still have our imaginations, and therefore we can imagine having physical forms in a ghost-like way. In any case, we are free to read (or even write) any book in the infinite library. When we read a book, we become lost in the story. We become the character that we chose to become when we chose to read the book. Many other spirits are simultaneously reading the very same book. Thus bringing all the characters to life. We are currently reading the book called “Planet Earth” and we are playing out the part of our respective characters. However, the characters were interactive and not carved in stone. You are a free spirit and you may do whatever you wish with your character. The only limitations that are placed on you is the physical form of the story itself. And the interactions of the other spirits who are also playing as characters in the story. When you die, you emerge form the book as spirit again. There are no judgments passed on your behavior as a character. You are back in heaven once again where no such thing as threat exists. What of Hitler you ask? He was a spirit who played a character who make life miserable for many other spirits and even KILLED THEM! No spirits were killed. They were simply sent out of that book to return to the spiritual library where they can choose to become incarnated into yet character in another book. When the character of Hitler finally commits suicide the spirit who played Hitler emerges from the book screaming, “Oh my god! What a jerk I was!”. All the spirits in even laugh, and agree. Yet they accept the spirit who played the part of Hitler with completely compassion. That was but one book. One story of infinitely many. We have all been Hitlers in various stories along the way. All spirits experience everything from being the most pathetic criminals to being the most saintly victims, and everything in-between. There is no Hell, all that exist is the infinite library of incarnation. That’s my idea of Heaven. |
How can you believe in heaven and not believe in hell?
Do you think that heaven could just be the absence of hell like white is the presence of all colors and black is the absence of all colors but then black is a color, too? I remember dad telling me that hell was all these people at a table with four foot spoons who couldn't eat because the spoons were too long but heaven was the same thing but the people were feeding each other across the table.
Here’s something to ponder also.
How could Heaven be perfect if Hell was allowed to exist? What of a mother who goes to Heaven but who has children who go to Hell? How could she ever be happy in Heaven knowing that her children are constantly suffering in Hell? Especially if the only reason that her loving daughter went to Hell simply because she chose to believe in the wrong god. A beautiful girl who loved the world and never did anything wrong, but sadly chose to worship the wrong god, or rejected the idea of god altogether. Her mother would be in Heaven knowing that her wonder daughter was suffering unjustly in Hell because God is a jealous God and demands that everyone worship him only. How could such a Heaven be Heaven? It wouldn’t be. Such a place would be just another Hell. If Heaven exists there can be no Hell. All spirits come from Heaven and return to Heaven where there are no judgments passed. In fact, the idea of Heaven as being a place where people are judged is an oxymoron. |
VV wrote:
“How can you believe in heaven and not believe in hell?” That’s like asking how a God could exist without there also being a Devil. But even those who believe in both seem to believe that God existed first and somehow the Devil came later. So if a God can exist without a Devil, then why can’t a Heaven exist without a Hell? Unless you believe that God and the Devil both exist together all the time. But then you either have two gods, (a good god and a bad god), or a single entity that has equally good and bad sides. In my scenario, the spiritual world is entirely good. Completely good. Perfect actually. Everything that appears to be bad is really nothing more than illusion that take place in physical incarnations. So that’s how I can believe in heaven and not in hell. God in this picture really is perfect. |
I don't believe in a traditional fire and brimstone hell. Sheol is described in three contradictory ways in the Bible.
A place where your flesh is consumed by immortal worms. A place where your flesh is consumed by fire. A place of "outer darkness" All three make Sheol sound like a terrible place, but all three cannot be true. So they must be allegory. I think that the two things we know about hell are 1) It's a horrific place and 2) It's eternal. I don't believe that heaven or hell are actually comprehensible to human minds, so anything we come up with would fall far short of the real thing. |
A sick man turned to his doctor, as he was preparing to leave the examination room and said, "Doctor, I am afraid to die. Tell me what lies on the other side." Very quietly, the doctor said, "I don't know." "You don't know? You, a Christian man, do not know what is on the other side?" The doctor was holding the handle of the door; on the other side came a sound of scratching and whining, and as he opened the door, a dog sprang into the room and leaped on him with an eager show of gladness. Turning to the patient, the doctor said, "Did you notice my dog? He's never been in this room before. He didn't know what was inside. He knew nothing except that his master was here, and when the door opened, he sprang in without fear. I know little of what is on the other side of death, but I do know one thing. I know my Master is there and that is enough."* What will Heaven really be like? Christ, my Master will be there, and that is all I really need to know. That is the hope of Heaven. So now I can say, "O death where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" The Master is waiting for me! |
Tombraider Screamed:
“HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOUR RIGHT OR WRONG” We can’t know. But we can think about what makes the most rational sense to us, and then consider that if a supreme being exists he/she/it must surely be more rational that we are. So we can begin by asking, “Does it make rational sense that a perfect all-powerful entity that is all-loving and all-compensate could or would create a devil?” I don’t know about you, but it seems irrational to me that such a god would created a devil. So, let’s assume that the devil was somehow created by accident. Then what? Well if god is all-powerful then god could either fix the devil, or simply un-create it. The idea that an all-powerful god would somehow end up in a battle with this devil for all of eternity seems irrational to me. Your mileage may vary. Finally, let me think about this further. Can I imagine a more perfect god? The answer is yes. As a mere mortal man I can imagine a more perfect god. Now I have to ask myself, should I be able to imagine a more perfect god than the real god? Well, again, I don’t know about you, but to me that seems absurd. A mere mortal man can imagine something more perfect than god? Therefore if god exists, god must be at least as perfect as the most perfect god I can imagine. So for me it’s not a matter of whether I’m right or wrong. For it’s simply a matter of whether I can imagine a more perfect god than god. If god is supposed to be perfect, then god must be at least as perfect as the most perfect image of god that I can imagine. Well, I cam imagine a perfect god and a perfect heaven that does not need the concept of a devil to make it work. So I choose to go with that until otherwise notified. If it turns out that god is less than perfect, or that god is in fact an evil entity in its own right then there isn’t much I can do about it. But just the same I’d rather imagine that god is perfect until I have good reason to believe otherwise. If god is an evil jealous judgmental demon I’d just as soon not know about it until I have no other choice. If I’m sent off to hell simply because I thought god should be greater than he really is then so be it. |
Heaven to be in the presence of God
Hell to be eternally separated from God mmm.. I do like the idea of a virtual library....... |
I'll let you know, when I get there.
I believe Earth was heaven before mankind ruined it
Heaven or Hell. Don't care where I end up I have friends in both places.
An Irishman's Life Philosophy
In life, there are only two things to worry about, either you are well, or you are sick. If you are well, there is nothing to worry about, but if you are sick, you have two things to worry about; either you will live, or you will die. If you live, there is nothing to worry about, if you die, you have two things to worry about; either you will go to heaven or to hell. If you go to heaven, there is nothing to worry about, but if you go to hell, you'll be so busy shaking hands with your friends, you won't have time to worry! |
love that old Irish philosophy!
Heaven = Chocolate Hell = Vegemite |
Pfffttt!!!! Vegemite is heaven for some, in other parts of Heaven
Murdering baby carrots should be outlawed!
magic mans post excerpt
How could Heaven be perfect if Hell was allowed to exist? ================ why would you need hell if the alternative is perfection there would been nothing to be tempted with |