Community > Posts By > NaughtyNacht

NaughtyNacht's photo
Sat 06/26/10 04:39 PM

...and start feeling controlling? I recently ended a relationship with someone, not from this site, who said he wanted me by his side at all times...I thought...isn't that sweet, though I'm not really a 'joined at the hips' kinda person...but then I discovered he meant it. He started picking apart my friends, didn't want to meet my family members, the last straw was when he 'ordered' me to get off Mingle...ya see how well ordering me to do anything work out for him! :tongue:

Have any you experienced this, and what point does it stop being cute and start makin the hairs on the back of your neck stand up? scared

It stops being cute the 2nd time they say it.

NaughtyNacht's photo
Sat 06/26/10 01:55 AM
Edited by NaughtyNacht on Sat 06/26/10 01:55 AM
I've heard both either very good or very bad stories about long distance / out of country brides etc. If it starts out w/ a financial mess it will end that way. Also be aware that many of these women are following orders and will eventually take your money weither they want to or no! There are some real horror stories out there bud. If you really do feel something for her at least hire an investigator, get the real story, for your own peace of mind.

NaughtyNacht's photo
Sat 06/26/10 01:17 AM

Now that's what I'm talking about ... elegance w/o pretention. drool

NaughtyNacht's photo
Sat 06/26/10 12:49 AM

married women tell me "you could be such an adventure!" and I see their cheeks go red when I talk to them and the husband is nowhere.. can I make single women think like that? frustrated

Ain't that the truth. When I was married I got hit on all the time. Now it's like they've gone to coventry or something?

NaughtyNacht's photo
Sat 06/26/10 12:42 AM
Love is more important but it's money that keeps you able to find it ;( .... what a world we've made for ourselves.

NaughtyNacht's photo
Sat 06/26/10 12:33 AM
I always wanted to be either Cary Grant or George Sanders .... both had style and grace and were unique individuals.

NaughtyNacht's photo
Sat 06/26/10 12:27 AM

"Wir halten miteinander aus
Wir halten zueinander
Niemand hält uns auf..."

"We hold together [1]

We put up with each other
We stick together
No one will slow us down..."

[1] - The song uses the verb 'halten' in multiple ways, so therefore the actual intent of the word is lost in translation.

What do you put up with to hold a relationship together, if anything? What are you willing to look past in order for "love" or "sanctity?" Do you think love can exist in adverse conditions where one person is on a completly different path than the partner?

2 people can have wonderful relationship under these conditions but it wont last beyond a certain point. (that point being at any time from 1 day to a lifetime) It all depends on the ability to manage ones time w/their partner and the level of tolerance one has in accepting their partners desires/goals.

NaughtyNacht's photo
Thu 06/24/10 07:35 PM

I like women who WANT men in their life but dont NEED them.


I love men, and I want one in my life, and need, however the 'need' is strictly physical. I mean we gals like it too...

That's pretty much all we're good for anyway!!!laugh

NaughtyNacht's photo
Thu 06/24/10 06:49 PM
An elegantly dressed woman does it to me every time. Especially if she has long hair worn up so to show the line of her neck. Just lovely! surprised drool

NaughtyNacht's photo
Thu 06/24/10 05:59 PM
Alien stranded on backwater planet.

NaughtyNacht's photo
Thu 06/24/10 12:30 PM
I got it now, thanks Dragoness

NaughtyNacht's photo
Thu 06/24/10 12:24 PM
Edited by NaughtyNacht on Thu 06/24/10 12:25 PM
How do I know who said yes? Guess? lol
Thanks for the quick response BTW

NaughtyNacht's photo
Thu 06/24/10 12:13 PM
I got a message saying someone wants to meet me. However i click on "my matches" and checked my mail and both say I have nothing in there???? So how do i find out who wants to meet?

NaughtyNacht's photo
Thu 06/24/10 06:15 AM
I like women who WANT men in their life but dont NEED them.

NaughtyNacht's photo
Tue 06/22/10 10:51 PM

I really wish men would be more specific on their profiles of what they are looking for in a woman.

Maybe men feel the same about the women?

I am trying to go through and clear my mutual matches and it is hard with some of the profiles.

It could be that regardless of how far we have progressed in terms of equality between the sexes the majority still play by "the man does the chasing" rule. Certainly not true for everyone but as a gross generality it is deffinately so. It may not occur to many men to say what they want because when they see it they'll go after it!

Your comment does give me pause and maybe I'll include that info in my profile. Now if only I can do that w/o excluding anyone ... hmmm!

NaughtyNacht's photo
Tue 06/22/10 09:54 PM

It could be that you have high insulin. If you eat anything with sugar in it and you have high insulin, it makes you exhausted and unable to sleep at the same time. Try not eating anything with sugar and limit your carb intake.

I think CandyGirl hit it on the head ... sounds like hypo/hypa-glycemic issue ... hopefully a pre-diabetic issue that can be easily controlled by diet ... I'ld also have your blood-pressure monitored as those systems are also related to stress. What the others have to offer about diet is all valid, however for certain persons sometimes the good foods can be bad for you depending. Deffinately get a check up and a Diabetes screening done. It may be an alergy to certain foods? It might possibly be depression, but be aware that the medical community has been leaning towards the idea of blood-sugger and insulin imbalances as contributors to depressive syndrome. Fortunately most of these things can be alleviated by proper diet and being active. :smile:

NaughtyNacht's photo
Tue 06/22/10 08:49 PM
It would be nice to meet someone or a group of persons to go out and share enjoyment of some good music in the streets of Montreal.

Regardless I'll be there alone if I have too. I'll be the self-absorbed individual dancing, grooving and having a good time by himself.

NaughtyNacht's photo
Tue 06/22/10 08:15 PM
If we all told the absolute truth all the time many of us would spontaneously combust from sheer embarassment!

NaughtyNacht's photo
Tue 06/22/10 07:53 PM
Life after death? Well considering that eventually we become fertilizer and that matter disenegrated becomes energy ... yes there must be life after death. Weither or not the consciousness or ones spirit retains cohesion is another matter. Probably not, unless it is at a level of manifestation beyond our physicality we are not normally aware of. (Just my opinion ... lol)

NaughtyNacht's photo
Tue 06/22/10 07:32 PM
I hate the fact that they control me to some extent. As well in todays world they are socially limiting (Unlike the 50's when smoking was a used as a nice way to relax and socialize). If I'm having a stressful day I smoke more and sometimes if I'm having trouble sleeping cause I got stuff on my mind I can't sleep till I have that last one. I'm very glad I live in a non-smoking building and it's a pain in the butt to go out everytime I have the urge. It has helped me to cut down considerably. I can sometimes go 3 or 4 hours w/o the urge bugging at me. I dont care if I quit, i just want to stop for a while. With any luck that "while" will continue through the rest of my life.

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