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Topic: The Worst Thing About Being A Smoker Is
Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 06/22/10 03:42 AM

the occasional insomniac
nights sitting here mingling
with your insomniac friends
and having one smoke left in
the pack at 4:30AM....
being wired and tired and not
thrilled about driving to the
24/7 convenience store.

ohwell smokin

imsingle951's photo
Tue 06/22/10 03:44 AM
Kinda suks dont it?frustrated

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 06/22/10 04:05 AM
Yup, and I just smoked that last one...birds are chirping, guess I'll go get some smokes and catch the sunrise. smokin

newarkjw's photo
Tue 06/22/10 04:10 AM
Sounds like lack of planning to me........smokin

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 06/22/10 04:11 AM
ya think??? How many do you have in your pack right now Jeff?

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 06/22/10 04:12 AM
and actually my fire guests were bumming from me, ran me out much quicker. Next fire will be BYOS!

newarkjw's photo
Tue 06/22/10 04:18 AM

ya think??? How many do you have in your pack right now Jeff?

I have 2 in my pack but 7 in my carton............smokin

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 06/22/10 04:24 AM

ya think??? How many do you have in your pack right now Jeff?

I have 2 in my pack but 7 in my carton............smokin

haha...I just went to the corner and got some, miss me? laugh

Well, yes..aren't you just soooo prepared!

Yep, I should hit Stogies and buy cartons...

Seakolony's photo
Tue 06/22/10 04:40 AM
Feeling like something has control in my life besides me.

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 06/22/10 04:48 AM
yup, they do control strong willed and able to do anything I want, need to. This addiction has a strangle hold on me.
eh, it's my only vice so I deal with it..

hmlover's photo
Tue 06/22/10 04:51 AM
the number of dating possibilities I lose out on because of it.

no photo
Tue 06/22/10 04:51 AM
OH! little things like....spitting blood for a few months.....not being able to breath and having to sit up to do so......trying to sleep sitting up laying on the back of a dinette chair gasping for air....being burning hot one second and freezing cold a few seconds later....then it starts getting bad from their on. (How my father died!) Yep! and he was one who knew too much and would never get cancer......he was too smart and knew what his body was doing healthwise.

He did not have much trouble with killed him first!

Remember this...."The cigarette smokes, not are only the sucker!"

for the money machine called the tobacco industry.

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 06/22/10 04:55 AM

OH! little things like....spitting blood for a few months.....not being able to breath and having to sit up to do so......trying to sleep sitting up laying on the back of a dinette chair gasping for air....being burning hot one second and freezing cold a few seconds later....then it starts getting bad from their on. (How my father died!) Yep! and he was one who knew too much and would never get cancer......he was too smart and knew what his body was doing healthwise.

He did not have much trouble with killed him first!

Remember this...."The cigarette smokes, not are only the sucker!"

for the money machine called the tobacco industry.

Yeah...I've seen people die too. Sorry for your loss, thanks for sharing but as a long time smoker I'm quite aware of the risks. I'm enjoying a beautiful sunrise this morning and not really up for a lecture...

no photo
Tue 06/22/10 05:10 AM

OH! little things like....spitting blood for a few months.....not being able to breath and having to sit up to do so......trying to sleep sitting up laying on the back of a dinette chair gasping for air....being burning hot one second and freezing cold a few seconds later....then it starts getting bad from their on. (How my father died!) Yep! and he was one who knew too much and would never get cancer......he was too smart and knew what his body was doing healthwise.

He did not have much trouble with killed him first!

Remember this...."The cigarette smokes, not are only the sucker!"

for the money machine called the tobacco industry.

Yeah...I've seen people die too. Sorry for your loss, thanks for sharing but as a long time smoker I'm quite aware of the risks. I'm enjoying a beautiful sunrise this morning and not really up for a lecture...

Not a lecture! A visual aid to help those who wish to be free from it. Only by a great motive to stop will one do so. Thank you for the scolding, but I find no error in the doing for the intent. Oh! I just remembered and I will tell you a secret.....there are others here......I did not write that for you only. I thought you were still on the potty! rofl (Just playin!....don't get your mad on....unless you want to do so. Thats up to you!)

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 06/22/10 05:20 AM
Why would I get mad? Get mad over a strangers silly.
This isn't a thread where were asking to be can go back to your eternal attempts at converting the heathens in the religious threads.

We're grown ups, when someone wants help with their smoking issues they will start a help thread.

Thanks for your concern flowerforyou

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 06/22/10 05:22 AM

the number of dating possibilities I lose out on because of it.

Maybe one will inspire you to want to quit...but really if and when we quit it needs to be for us, not another.

If it's meant to be it will be...

newarkjw's photo
Tue 06/22/10 05:29 AM

OH! little things like....spitting blood for a few months.....not being able to breath and having to sit up to do so......trying to sleep sitting up laying on the back of a dinette chair gasping for air....being burning hot one second and freezing cold a few seconds later....then it starts getting bad from their on. (How my father died!) Yep! and he was one who knew too much and would never get cancer......he was too smart and knew what his body was doing healthwise.

He did not have much trouble with killed him first!

Remember this...."The cigarette smokes, not are only the sucker!"

for the money machine called the tobacco industry.

Sorry about your Daddy. I believe that is a personal choice and none of your damn business.........smokin

Seakolony's photo
Tue 06/22/10 05:29 AM

OH! little things like....spitting blood for a few months.....not being able to breath and having to sit up to do so......trying to sleep sitting up laying on the back of a dinette chair gasping for air....being burning hot one second and freezing cold a few seconds later....then it starts getting bad from their on. (How my father died!) Yep! and he was one who knew too much and would never get cancer......he was too smart and knew what his body was doing healthwise.

He did not have much trouble with killed him first!

Remember this...."The cigarette smokes, not are only the sucker!"

for the money machine called the tobacco industry.

Agreed, but when I started smoking my mother's cigarette buts at 9....I definitely was not aware of addiction what it was or how it affected people.....all I knew was the cool people were doing it on TV, at home, and all around me.......not an excuse for today agreed...but definitely how I got here......wish I had known better.

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 06/22/10 05:42 AM
Well, we did get duped back then. Hell we had a spot at our high school where we could smoke..we could buy them, we could put 2 quarters in a vending machine when ever we wanted.

It is still our choice and I've known many who have given it up because they wanted to's tough, I've tried. I don't drink, I don't drug. I work out and hike, I eat healthy, I take supplements, do all I can to be as healthy as I can...for a smoker.

I just had a yearly physical, pap, mamaogram, blood work, organ testing. My doctor tells me I'm as healthy as one 15 years younger than me so I'm not gonna beat myself up because i have one vice, addiction.

When some one gets on me for smoking and their drinking every day or 50 pounds over weight..well they need to be worried about their own health, not mine.

no photo
Tue 06/22/10 06:21 AM

OH! little things like....spitting blood for a few months.....not being able to breath and having to sit up to do so......trying to sleep sitting up laying on the back of a dinette chair gasping for air....being burning hot one second and freezing cold a few seconds later....then it starts getting bad from their on. (How my father died!) Yep! and he was one who knew too much and would never get cancer......he was too smart and knew what his body was doing healthwise.

He did not have much trouble with killed him first!

Remember this...."The cigarette smokes, not are only the sucker!"

for the money machine called the tobacco industry.

Sorry about your Daddy. I believe that is a personal choice and none of your damn business.........smokin

Only by new information can one make a new choice. I can give proof of effects to the public the same as any. With the restraining of information all things stop cold for lack of the new choices. I did not comdem you for smoking or judge you. The sucker line is more a truth in jest. IS your choice your right... but who pays the bills and who has to deal with the death and cost there of. Only after you pay up ahead for all and make right the sorrows you put others to, do you OWN THE RIGHT OF CHOICE. But like most you will do as you will and leave others to clean your mess. Only you know if you are doing so or not.

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