Community > Posts By > SalvationJane

SalvationJane's photo
Mon 09/25/06 05:40 PM
Without knowing more details it's hard to say, but it sounds to me like
he met someone else. If it's been for months I would say chances are
very slim he's coming back.

I wish there were something more positive I could say to bring you up
darlin...the only thing I got is an old metaphore

Time heals

You're young and pretty - things will turn around for you I'm sure.
Then you can rub his nose in it!!

Wish you the best


SalvationJane's photo
Mon 09/25/06 05:34 PM
the ones I would really like to meet are always too far away, the couple
that I have met were total Richard Craniums. But like Jimi, I've made
some friends I enjoy talking with. I don't know, maybe I'm too picky.
Seems I always find something wrong with them. Too nice, too short, too
poor, too needy, too bald, too boring...something...My mother always
used to say there was a pot for every lid...I'm thinking maybe she was
wrong and I'm just a lidless pot.


SalvationJane's photo
Mon 09/25/06 05:22 PM
I didn't write it, just sharing...


SalvationJane's photo
Mon 09/25/06 05:20 PM
more than great, inspirational...


SalvationJane's photo
Mon 09/25/06 05:11 PM
People like that give solid proof to "inbreeding"


SalvationJane's photo
Mon 09/25/06 05:09 PM
Welcome! Hope you are doing well


SalvationJane's photo
Mon 09/25/06 05:01 PM
I never realized
how deep the flood was around me
A man whose life was toil was like a kettle left to boil
and the water left the scars on me

I know now who I am
If only for a while,
I recognize the changes.
I feel like I did before the
magic wore thin and the "batism
of stains" began.

They used to say I was
nowhere man.
heading down
was my destiny.
But yesterday, I swear,
that was someone else not me.

Here I stand at the crossroads edge,
afraid to reach out for eternity.
On step, when I look down,
I see someone else not me.

Looking back and I see
someone else.

All my life they said I
was going down,
but I'm still standing,
stronger, proud.
And today, I know there's
so much more I can be.

From where I stand at the crossroads edge
there's a path leading out to sea.
And from somewhere
deep in my mind,
sirens sing out loud
songs of doubt
as only they know how.
But one glance back reminds, and I see,
someone else not me.

I keep looking back
at someone



SalvationJane's photo
Mon 09/25/06 04:44 PM
It's a very fine line between love and hate in my opinion. Still, I
don't understand why people stay in situations like that... where there
is no love, no committment no respect. The lack of respect alone would
send most people who are healthy of mind out the door...

Good lord, even a dog will run when it gets kicked. The only thing I
can figure would be a lack of self-esteem and fear of the unknown that
would keep someone in a situation like that. A miserable situtation is
to some people easier to deal with then fear of the unkown....


SalvationJane's photo
Mon 09/25/06 05:01 AM

Sometimes I drink tea, depending on my mood - today it's Rasberries and
Cream flavored coffee...WOW it's an eye opener!!

hi ho hi to work I go...


SalvationJane's photo
Mon 09/25/06 04:52 AM
It's always difficult to leave something behind that you care about.
But deep down you know what's best for you and your baby. Don't waste
anymore of your precious time HM.

I wish you the best


SalvationJane's photo
Mon 09/25/06 04:31 AM

I would have to say I would take back a lot of the crazy shit I have
done in the past, but then I wouldn't have learned the lessons I've
learned. what I have been through has made me a much better person and
I think I can finally say...I like being me.

I visit the past sometimes, but I don't stay there. I always try to
remain in the present. That's where happiness can truly be found.



SalvationJane's photo
Mon 09/25/06 04:18 AM
Goodmorning guys, it's a new day...lets make the most of it!

Chica, how many chitlins do you have? God I remember those days of the
frantic rush around to get out the door in the morning. I have to say I
don't miss them!! Have a good day peaches!

How's things in Onatario Supermom?


SalvationJane's photo
Sun 09/24/06 05:31 PM
You look like Sabastian from Skid Row...

I hear what you are saying guy...long hair does not equal dope hound.

Good on you, for being straight up


SalvationJane's photo
Sun 09/24/06 05:24 PM
Kat, thanks for bringing me up to speed...I still like Dog, and I
watched his show, it's just that I don't like the idea that he puts
himself out there to be one thing and then does another. The ol double
standard is a huge turn off for me. Sorta taints the whole thing...


SalvationJane's photo
Sun 09/24/06 04:33 PM
Great day here, raked leaves, mowed grass, ran the dog and made him
fetch sticks...

Couldn't help but think about you rollin' nakie in the leaves there


SalvationJane's photo
Sun 09/24/06 03:55 PM
I wonder Kat, do you think he did what he did because of his celebrity
and he thought he could get by with it? I wonder.


SalvationJane's photo
Sun 09/24/06 03:50 PM

The problem is not with immagration persay, but illegal immagration and
the problems that come with it. Many illegals - not just Mexican, come
here and want a hand out from our government that we the taxpayers are
paying for...that is the biggest issue. I know for sure when my
ancestors came here there were no handouts for them, they did their best
to scratch the surface, they got many broken fingernails, but managed to
feed, cloth and care for their families.


SalvationJane's photo
Sun 09/24/06 03:38 PM
Go Bears...there is a God!


SalvationJane's photo
Sun 09/24/06 02:06 PM
Make no mistake singingw, I don't care what anyones opinion is of me as
long as I am true to myself and what I believe...

Obviously the forum is divided on this issue as is the entire country.
There is no black and white, only grey and that's what makes it so
difficult to dicifer. To argue one point or another is futal not only
here but in government as well. You are not going to get everyone to
agree. Commonground must be met by all for there to be any forward
movement in this matter. That is the purpose of the talks is it not?


SalvationJane's photo
Sun 09/24/06 01:54 PM
I'm always for the underdog...

What's been up with the bears today? Been outside...its fall you


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