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Thu 08/03/17 01:48 PM
Who is in Control

Omg this has to be one of the best questions ever asked!!!!!

From my experience it is Spirit who holds the Death card

If you are performing for humans you are pretty much a circus act ,but if you perform daily in all you do for Spirit and dont idol worship dont worship the created ie mortals life just opens up for you omg like i always say its so close its but a quarter turn away

Going for a walk and crying it is so unbekievabke to be here and be alive omg. Everything is so alive and so breathtakingly beautiful just one day to be alive and breathe and feel omg the Fallen World experience is surreal. 24/7 with your heart racing is what its like to love Spirit and move for him omg unbelievable

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Thu 08/03/17 09:33 AM
Im going to answer this question not only because im 50 and im a Half a century but and also because well i can ive been there done that . But u are NOT gonna like my answer.

First of all one of the men i had an entense love affair with,we both felt like we had known each other in other lifetimes. It was incredible better than a movie and u know what it wasnt random we were meant to meet again in this lifetime. So basically people that are having these really intense experiences are coming from other lifetimes into this one to experience this union, its rare and its incredible.

Besides that i dont have an answer for ya

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Thu 08/03/17 02:58 AM
Sadly, i dont think this is true i wish it was. None of us know when our time will be up here there are absolutely no guarantees in the lottery of life. Sadly a lot of girls are depressed ,low self esteem just a mess emotionally sad but true. Life is a Zen Koan , A Mystery wrapped in a Riddle and many can give advice but unfortunatly each of us has to do the hard work ourselves to find who we are.

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Wed 08/02/17 01:16 PM
People have their phones on them 24/7 is very unlikely this is the reason. If you go to mgtow the mgtow site on the forums they explain in great deal every game they run on women and why. Mgtow is Men Going their own way . I would post the link but i believe is against the rules.

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Wed 08/02/17 12:37 PM
Edited by sodapopcherrycoke on Wed 08/02/17 12:48 PM
Hes not that into you or hes running Game on you . If he just wants to have sex hes gonna freeze the situation . Meaning hes gonna run cold for days to see your reaction. If you act psycho hes gonna be done with you as thats a sign of what you will do in a relationship.However ,he also might have sex with you if you act unstable as the sex could be real wild as we all know the more crazy someone is a lot of times that means better sex

BUT , if you take his call in a couple days and he still runs cold hes checking to see if you have low or hi self esteem. Looks are not an indicator of hi self worth. You either are cool and have power or you dont thats it. If he is cool hes gonna run game on you to feel ya out see where he can place you in his life. A one night stand, a possible girlfriend or nothing.

Is thousands of cool and beautiful women and having a vagina wont keep a man. So if you like him and sleep with him to keep him that is gonna be real average and real common. EVERYTHING comes down to personal inner power. The ones that have it dont care if he calls , the ones that dont do.

If an Angel comes to you and says i will give you your soulmate but you have to give me all your makeup ,your choice of clothes and your beauty and your self esteem if you say ok Life will roll ya . If you say NO im gonna let him go and lose!!!!! life will open up for you . Its really that simple

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Wed 08/02/17 10:22 AM
The Man needs to hold any job even if minimum wage and own shelter. It takes an enormous amount of time and energy to get to know someone to see if u can trust them so you can merge your assets which is i guess what most want in the West. This is in my opinion very risky and very time consuming. If u have built up any kind of life for yourself with your own possessions, journals diarys books etc why would you take all your stuff and basically give a man and their family members access to your stuff. For example when you go to work his sister could be at house and steal something. Im half a century old im no foolish 20 year old although that is a wonderful time in life. Once you know who u are and have a life and stuff it is enormously risky to merge assets as it would take so much time to check out this persons life to see if any of them would steal. So in my opinion ,its only important for a Man to have a job any job a ton of Books and his own shelter. Moving in and merging assets is gonna be a NO because it takes too much emotional time and energy to screen him and everyone who he lets in access to his life. Females need to have their own job own money own shelter if you want to be safe!!!!!! So a mans bank account is really NONE of your business

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Mon 07/31/17 03:48 PM
So wait ,r u saying u chose each other due to your compatable genetic makeup so u would produce genetically superior children???? Instead of deciding on a partner based off mostky emotions and feelings and sex . And now youve decided in the future emotions are more improtant that genetic compatability ??? Hmmmm ok

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Mon 07/31/17 03:03 PM
Edited by sodapopcherrycoke on Mon 07/31/17 03:19 PM
I have done it but it was mostly subconscious . I knew i was gonna love hard and some red signs showed me they possibly had npd and were gonna go in hard double down on the emotional pain to break me. However i wanted the Pain which can lead one into altered States of consciousness which can take one high up, very high up. But you really have to love hard and offer yourself up honestly for Narcissist or sociopath to make their move and try and break you. I knew they would eventually as narcs are predictable so when it ended i was crushed and used the pain to change my brainwaves from beta past alpha into Theta so i could hit into altered states and use alchemy to break apart and come back up higher. I kept goijg back for more emotional pain and as always they wanna break u so they gave it , smh

But this comes with risks ,these personality disorders can be dangerous and they onky give emotional pain if they really think it will break u hard and destroy you

Ive leveled up off Narcissists and can play the Game and use it well to my advantage . Again it comes with risks .However Narcs wont come near me now i guess they sense my intentions and that im crazier than them lol

Narcissits will love bomb (Idealize, devalue, discard, afterall it is a cluster B personality disorder )but but their end goal is to crush you and throw you down hard so they are interesting reliable people to fall for if u are going to try and self destruct yet you need a source to do it as it can be exhausting to seek out other pain sources. I use emotional pain to reach altered states and have since i was abused as a child. I need the fix , crisis just dont come along every day and once you are used to hi levels of trauma and pain u can rush it seek it just like the populace seeks love just in reverse !!!!!!

I was put thru hi levels of abuse and trauma and shock treatments as a child so i learned how to use pain to reach altered states. Again i did this to survive NOW i am going into an Initiation new one using altered states in a Ritual Format i dont need to go thru somewhat created crisis or fall in love with sociopaths just to get pain so i can get a fix. Ive learned that im not gonna die if i dont get emotional pain im gonna be ok its been a hard lesson in life to learn.

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Mon 07/31/17 10:41 AM
Being Single is such a rush its so fun its a 24/7 Adrenaline rush . Its very hard to want to give up that kind of life for a relationship when so many guys out here want to drown u in emotions and neediness and jealousy and try and chain u into a commitment. Im happy im solid giving up that for slavery just isnt attractive to me so im falling back from that life. It took so many hard years so much pain so much struggle for me to get to the top that i cant just throw it down i just cant.

I hit the top in a Initiation i was up under and im setting up to enter into a new one now coupled with some Ritual Magick work im on working on right now called the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram which involves the unseen realm Angels in a Prayer within a Ritual Format i cant have a Man take me off my baseline level of Cool . So its scary to consider letting the great life go for captivity

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Mon 07/31/17 09:13 AM
Im sorry for your loss. Yes it sounds to me like hes lost he wants to work on himself hes not happy. It is absolutely critical that we save ourselves when and if we can . Did you know if a person is drowning and you go and try to save them they will try and kill u drown you to save themsleves. Sadly people have died in the waters due to this.

It sounds to me like he is being over the top kind to you by moving on and saying he needs to fall back and stay in his lane. He doenst sound thirsty or needy so hes not gonna drag u down and detroy you to save himself. Hes going to let you go so you both can make it. He sounds like a nice guy. My advice dont chase dont call fall back stay in your lane work on yourself. Bookstores , flea markets contain many SECRETS ,secret information use this time to level up and empower yourself !!!!!! And maybe at some later date u 2 will work out

PAIN youre never gonna grow unless you fall and suffer so just feel the pain and walk thru it .

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Mon 07/31/17 08:58 AM
Edited by sodapopcherrycoke on Mon 07/31/17 09:43 AM
My last relationship ended last summer cause he wasnt over his ex wife and he was trying to find himself still. Hes a good man he will it just takes time. Also im super introverted and quiet i dont drink dont smoke and i dont do drugs which i personally view as mental health issues.

Thru being self destructive we can definately find ourselves. This is the Fallen World we do learn thru pain and suffering here. However, theres a fine line between breaking yourself down to grow spiritually and just being negligent with no end result.

We are Spirit so this person said he was BORED all the time and chainsmoked ,drank and got high a lot than so obviously he wasnt solid. Being Bored all the time thats not my problem at all. I did the work i came up ill only date someone whose done the work and is standing solid and strong and is al about themselves and self empowerment.However i wanted to add he was married for almost 30 years 3 kids and she left him becasue she said she was lost and didnt know who she is. So hes going thru a crisis wilderness experience trying to survive from losing her . Been there done that i know all about loss and pain i knew he wasnt ready for a new relationship hes drowning for real. Again life is hard i had to take a loss on this and let him go and it hurt a lot a lot but thru letting him go Spirit moves me up higher becasue i learned thru the pain and hes out there out here in the Fallen world finding himslef. It was a successful breakup !!!!!!

People who dont have a ridiculously hi self esteem you have to leash and collar and declare a monogamous RULES type of American Drama style relationship and call it love. No thats not love thats slavery .

If you have dine the inner work and are standing solid in the Fallen World i wont need to monitor you. I know you will be a man and handle life. If you need to sleep with another because it will empower you than i expect you to handle that like a man and screen her and use birth control. A Man randomly finding a female hed like to experience sex with isnt a deal breaker for me. I expect him to have sex with her , feel empowered and just deal. This is not a dealbreaker at all for me if i care about a Man i want him to be strong and free. I dont need to babysit you like a child which is what most relationships in the west are. 2 people who break each other down into a sniveleing weak mess so the other doesnt leave them than they leash and collar each other ugh no thanx


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Sat 07/29/17 06:05 AM
Edited by sodapopcherrycoke on Sat 07/29/17 06:06 AM
I dont think its necessary morality . Every single time a female has sex she risks the birth of a child. So its a huge deal. Also for both sexes aids and stds must be taken into consideration and using protection to speak nothing of the fact women are in more of a danger due to the obvious. Really as much as things change they stay the same.

Is 8 billion on the planet u think becasue u have a vagina and u have sex fhat means something u are beyond delusional. Sex is available eveeywhere. Getting to know someone is on levels way beyond that . Sex is sex you sleep with someone doesnt mean you two have any ties its just sex its irrelevant. Women think they sleep with a man and now their dating no u have a vagina so what so do millions of other females.

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Fri 07/28/17 05:57 PM
All im thinking about from the moment i wake up is how powerful i can be and if someone is along for that ride than they bettter be all about themsleves as well. Problem comes up it aint gonna work than bye thats it. In this life youre either a Sheep or a Wolf and thats it

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Fri 07/28/17 05:35 PM
It works or it doesnt and if it doesnt you just keep it moving till u meet someone else. The biggest problem i see again with all this is peoples obsessive high demands becasue they cant be cool alone they have to be "cool by association" And again so many couples are miserable and want so bad to be single but for many reasons such as financial or kids they are trapped in a living hell with another human being.

If ure in ure 20s this should all be new and i can see how " The Game " could be real tricky but come on if ure over 25 you have to know what "The Game" is i mean come on . Like i already stated most single people due to advertsing are not cool to be around becasue they think being coupled is so cool lol . Most couples arent cool they are just walking the line and are living in misery . God help all the married and coupled people like i sad there lives are truly sad

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Fri 07/28/17 04:46 PM
Being single is a thousand times easier than dating because when people start dating they ruin their self esteem trying to fit into anothers reality which is crap.

When ure single you have all the Power and it is very disheartening and sad to see coupled people cause so many are being fake and dressing and acting and looking how someone wants them too. So sad . Being single holds all the power and like i said coupled people are very sad to see out and about most not all .i feel sorry for them

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Thu 07/27/17 09:08 AM
Age is a huge factor in our Society as the powers that be push winning as the focal point of existence.

Winning in the west is having children young ,youth, beauty, a career lots of Money, cars etc etc . Although we all understand there is high truth in some of this it surely is not the GRAIL.

The Grail would be to lose becasue all Initiation is inverted and all spiritual mystical experiences come in thru a door known as Pain Suffering and loss. So while age is relevant if you want to Win in the West just know Winning in the West is actually not the peak of the mountain losing is . And all the Great Sages and Prophets of the world noone cares what their ages are !!!!!!

Losing is winning and that is where the tru Power is and Age isnt relevant within that context

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Wed 07/26/17 10:38 PM
2 weeks no money which equals food, shelter, clothing sleep time etc ud start killing for it or die . 2 weeks without dating , christian mingle ,plenty of fish, ,where r all the beautiful people etc etc you would survive. So the answer is Money

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Wed 07/26/17 05:33 PM
Money is necessary or you will die. Within 2 weeks of the trucks shutting down ,no food ,no water people will start killing for food. Romantic love is not necessary to survive to breathe to eat thats a sitcom thats advertising thats propaganda. Make your own money and dont mix love and money they dont mix at all or if only but for a time a period of time till life rolls ya and relationships die. We are to protect our families protecting and supporting a sttanger and labeling it a soulmate or a requirement is just foolish. Wake up facr life find your own career own hobbies and own life and NEVER mix that with another person date but dont mix your home or money with that person thats just foolish

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Mon 07/24/17 08:07 PM
Biggest Reason !!!!!it really doesnt have anything to do with the other person. Life changes you and each person is trying to find who they are thru all the changes . Breakups the pain the suffering is so intense it builds character and you learn more about who you are . If it works great if u go thru a bad breakup thats great too as the suffering will build character. Either way you still have you and thats what counts

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Mon 07/24/17 07:19 PM
Edited by sodapopcherrycoke on Mon 07/24/17 07:22 PM
@red6mist. "I dont want my women playing around but im perfectly ok with doing it myself" i think that is so beautiful how u expressed ure feelings on this topic. Maybe just talk to ure girlfriends and see if there ok with that . If they care about you they will want u to feel empowered. If you want a blueberry slushie at the convenience store would ure girlfriends say no????? I hope not its pretty muuch the same concept. U really opened up and said how u feel thats fantastic. Many females are monogamous but they shouldnt put their religious type relationship paradigm on u . U want to experience others yet u can still hold done some type of partnerships , again i think thats lovely

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