Community > Posts By > Illusion_of_me

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Tue 01/08/08 09:04 PM
You know what I find sad, we have started receiving telemarketing calls... IN SPANISH! What I find the sad part to be is that there are enough residents that only speak Spanish for there to actually be money to be made in telemarketing only to Spanish speaking residents. (I live in Southern Cali btw lol) Seriously though we get probably at least 1 Spanish telemarketing call every day or 2. I'm to the point I just start cussing them out in Spanish.

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Mon 01/07/08 05:57 PM
Honestly I was VERY disappointed. I think it's all rigged now. I used to watch the original when I was little and loved it, but I was little, so idk, maybe it was rigged back then too, but I can totally see it being fake now. I mean the skater vs the FDNY guy. You could tell from the start the FDNY guy was gonna win and it was rigged that way. I mean first off the skater loses like every event, then in the end the skater "almost" catches up to fireman but the fireman still wins.

Then the women! OMG! We get that one mother of 3 who just so happens to randomly sprain her leg on the first event, and then the rehab therapist comes in and manages to get 1 point over at the last event. So both women are racing at the end, the black chick is SOOOO far ahead it's rediculous, but no, she ends up not even making it up the last ramp for like a full minute just hanging there and the therapist takes it.... WTF. To me it just looked all setup. There was to much stuff that was like "OMG I can't believe that happened" in one episode for me to even feel it was legit.

It's mindless entertainment I guess, but I won't be watching it anymore. I would rather watch WWE if I wanted to watch something setup like that. I've accepted the fact that wrestling is all setup and staged, however you can't deny they are athletic and good at their jobs and all. However seeing something like American Gladiators coming to that makes the baby Jesus cry.

Ontop of that, I watched Deal or No Deal since it was on before... wow that show is GARBAGE...

Anyway I stopped watching AG after the first hour, cause Chris Rock's new stand-up special was on. Sorry I just had to vent about my disappointment.

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Sat 01/05/08 01:39 AM
Jamie Lynn Spears is pregnant at 16 from her 19 y/o boyfriend. Nickalodean is canceling her show too lol.

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Tue 01/01/08 09:36 PM
Well let's see, for me, peer pressure and "being cool" as a child led to addiction. I don't wanna smoke, and wish it was so easy to quit as I used to think when I was little, but honestly if you've never had a real addiction then you have no idea. I don't feel sorry for you not knowing what it's like though, because personally I know ignorance is bliss.

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Tue 01/01/08 06:50 PM
Jesus.... 2729 posts in about 1 1/2 months... noway noway

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Tue 01/01/08 06:47 PM

Did you know that 70% of all statistics are made up?

I thought it was 94%

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Tue 01/01/08 04:07 PM
The exorcism of Emily Rose is the only movie that has ever really "scared" me...

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Sun 12/30/07 05:45 PM
PS: yeah I was being sarcastic... :tongue:

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Sun 12/30/07 05:37 PM
never knew helicopters had ejection seats... does it toss you out the bottom or what? I don't get the pee hole in the glass door, and what's the point of a screen door on a sub?

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Sat 12/29/07 06:15 PM
yeah I saw it. I was disappointed because it was more just a stand alone movie, aside from continuing where the last one ended with the predalien coming out of the chest. I was looking forward to more back story and nestalgia from the previous movies. Like how Weland was who the Bishop model android was designed to look like. I just enjoy things like that, but I was fairly disappointed with this one. However I don't think it was a "bad" movie in general.

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Sat 12/29/07 04:25 PM
love you never wanted

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Sat 12/29/07 04:24 PM
Phantasy Star Online was for Dreamcast, it came out in 1999 or 2000 I think. Don't recall, but it was a pretty badass game, regardless of all the code breaker hacks present at the time. It paved the way for future MMO's as far as finding ways to prevent exploits etc. The first PSO was free to play, then when V2.0 came out it was like $10 a month or something. Well worth it though. They have a new Phantasy Star game out now called Phantasy Star Universe, it's for PS2 I believe. It's very similar to PSO.

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Thu 12/27/07 09:40 PM
OH YEAH... my first online game was PSO (Phantasy Star Online) for Dreamcast haha... I actually met a few (hot i might add) girls off of that game... damn those were the days...

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Thu 12/27/07 09:27 PM
My first online game was SOCOM, then EQOA, SOCOM 2, FFXI, SOCOM 3, SOCOM CA. Sold my EQOA and FFXI accounts though. I miss FFXI ALOT when I actually think about it and all the fun I had and stuff I did, but I'm better off without it. I will be getting SOCOM Confrontation when it comes out though.

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Tue 12/25/07 11:46 PM
I can name 10 things off the top of my head...

1. They say one thing and mean something totally different.
(men have a tendency to try and make sense, so we don't get it)
2. Every woman has multiple personalities at once.
Example: They can be mad as hell yelling at you, the phone rings, "Hey girl, how you doing? Nothing much, what's up?" All happy as hell.
3. They don't see with their breasts, their eyes are on their head, same as men.
4. Even if they say they don't like to be pampered and spoiled, they really do.
5. Their minds go at 100 miles an hour, so just like chess, you finish a sentence, they have the entire conversation planned out already.
6. You can't win against a girl, and even if you do "win" you still lose. It's like arguing with a retard, even if you win, you're still retarded.
7. When a girl says "I don't care, let's do whatever you wanna do." they really mean, "I know what I wanna do, but I'm not telling you, you have to guess, and better get it right."
8. women's looks can be deceiving, just because a they look happy doesn't mean they are.
9. If a girl says "I have a headache" they really mean "I'm mad at you, but I don't wanna get into it because you're dumb and won't understand, so just leave me alone." can also mean "I'm mad at you, no sex for you till you correct your mistake."
10. Every woman is different, so not all rules apply all the time.

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Sun 12/23/07 05:26 PM
that was decent, but this should be in the jokes category I think.

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Fri 12/21/07 07:36 PM
"due to my f**king up my meal time by over sleeping i can't go to bed till 4:12am"

can you explain this a bit more. Do you have to sleep in shifts with other people and if you're late, they take your turn?

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Fri 12/21/07 07:15 PM

for those whom don't know about my bulling pleas read this thread.

WOW, I'm high as hell and this is some of the funniest chit I've ever read. I read the other topic, this topic, and this guy's profile... I honestly have no clue if I should take this seriously, or pass it off as someone making a fake profile to post some of the most random, crazy threads to get a laugh out of. I mean the profile says you're from Wales, and I've never been out of the US, so I don't know how different stuff and people are in Wales.

I just don't know... lol I'm dumbfounded

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Thu 12/20/07 10:02 PM
Now I see why you never responded to me when I tried to IM you once like a week ago haha. I don't blame you for not responding now, but I assure you I'm not one of those "creepy" guys... or am I? DUN DUN DUN! laugh

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Sun 12/16/07 06:28 PM
Edited by Illusion_of_me on Sun 12/16/07 06:30 PM
Marsha, Jan, Greg

Name all of the Griffin's from Family Guy.