Community > Posts By > Illusion_of_me

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Fri 05/16/08 06:11 PM
Edited by Illusion_of_me on Fri 05/16/08 06:12 PM
If you guys haven't talked in 15 years, and weren't really close friends to begin with, then that is kind of odd, especially how he knew how to contact you, but who knows, maybe he felt closer and more of a friendship towards you than you towards him.

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Fri 05/16/08 05:09 PM

laugh haha cute...

im always doing 4 though,,,, i get very giggly IDK why

Being giggly actually doesn't bother me at all, playing dead is just sad though...

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Fri 05/16/08 05:06 PM

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Fri 05/16/08 04:47 PM
interested in *******? que?

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Fri 05/16/08 03:47 PM
Edited by Illusion_of_me on Fri 05/16/08 03:47 PM
haha, true that, I only check threads I've made when I see there is a new post in it.

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Sat 01/26/08 07:11 PM
HAHA I just did the "Hold on please" to someone. They actually hung up within a minute, I just put them on mute and waited to see if they would say anything else or how long it would take them to hang up. Here in southern Cali we get Spanish telemarketers too. I have been trying to think of something to do for them. I guess i could just say uno momento and do the same, but meh. One time they called and I was like que paso? and the guy started going on and on, so I hung up lol.

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Sat 01/26/08 07:03 PM
Sadly I don't really WANT to vote for anyone I've seen much of, however I feel anyone is probably better than George W. I still can't understand how we actually elected someone with what appears to be no more than a 4th grade education. What offends me even more is that we actually RE-elected him... I mean really, I know if I had personally met anyone in 2004 who said "Bush for 4 more years! YEAH!!" I would have slapped them so silly that they wouldn't have been able to vote.

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Sat 01/26/08 06:49 PM

a) Thanks, but I don't want to sleep with you.
b) Nope, no more booze for me.
c) Sorry, but you're not really my type.
d) No kebab for me, thank you.
e) Good evening officer, isn't it lovely out tonight?
f) I'm not interested in fighting you.
g) Oh, I just couldn't - no one wants to hear me sing.
h) Thank you, but I won't make any attempt to dance, I have no co-ordination. I'd hate to look like a fool.
i) Where is the nearest toilet? I refuse to vomit in the street.
j) I must be going home now as I have work in the morning.

I guess I've never really been drunk then, because I've said b, f, and j before.

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Sat 01/26/08 06:44 PM
I'll get back to you on the next full moon, if I get constipated and lose my hair then I know who to come after.

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Sat 01/26/08 06:29 PM
here is a free download of 9.0...

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Sat 01/26/08 06:27 PM
did you try a Google search for Norton 9.0? You should be able to find it somewhere.

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Sat 01/26/08 05:50 PM
I'm bookmarking this for future reference! haha

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Sat 01/26/08 05:24 PM



1. A mild curry made from various spices especially coriander; and often with yoghurt sauce or nuts.

original but very obscure joke. maybe more for the culinary crowd.

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Tue 01/22/08 09:44 PM
Check out Super by Say Hi to Your Mom

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Sun 01/20/08 08:47 AM
Your profile does say you are in a relationship however I am curious, I can understand the NOT looking for an intimate encounter, but why do they have to be NOT married and NOT a smoker if you're looking for friendships only. Why does it really matter if you're only looking for friends anyway?

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Wed 01/16/08 11:04 PM
does the orangutan come too? laugh

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Wed 01/16/08 10:50 PM
It's still on here... they haven't announced who the father is yet though...

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Thu 01/10/08 10:40 PM
I HIGHLY doubt it. It would really depend on what country for one, and regardless how well you THINK you know someone even after talking for a year, you never REALLY know someone till you met them irl.

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Thu 01/10/08 05:34 PM
Wahchinksapa Molimo

Your name means: Wise Bear Walking into Shade

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Thu 01/10/08 05:16 PM
The way you make it seem is like you want to test the waters before you get a divorce, incase you can't find anything "better". I mean you don't say much about yourself to make anyone really all that interested, you don't have a photo. If it was me, I would add a photo and specify more like "I am unhappy in my marriage and am looking to move on and interested in meeting some new people." Then I would describe myself more.