Community > Posts By > Illusion_of_me

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Sat 12/15/07 12:04 AM
how is the gameplay though? Is it turn based battles or FPS or what?

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Fri 12/14/07 11:56 PM
so I've seen the commercials for this, but I can't figure out what type of game it really is, how does it play out? Is it like a Sci Fi RPG where the choices you make have an effect on the outcome of the game?

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Wed 12/12/07 09:46 PM
Christmas is an annual holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus. The date of the celebration is traditional, and is not considered to be his actual date of birth. Christmas festivities often combine the commemoration of Jesus' birth with various secular customs, many of which have been influenced by earlier winter festivals.

In most places around the world, Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25. Christmas Eve is the preceding day, December 24. In the United Kingdom and many countries of the Commonwealth, Boxing Day is the following day, December 26. In Catholic countries, Saint Stephen's Day or the Feast of St. Stephen is December 26. The Armenian Apostolic Church observes Christmas on January 6. Eastern Orthodox Churches that still use the Julian Calendar celebrate Christmas on the Julian version of 25 December, which is January 7 on the more widely used Gregorian calendar, because the two calendars are now 13 days apart.

The word "Christmas" originated as a contraction of "Christ's mass." It is derived from the Middle English Christemasse and Old English Cristes mæsse, a phrase first recorded in 1038.[1] In early Greek versions of the New Testament, the letter Χ (chi), is the first letter of Christ. Since the mid-sixteenth century Χ, or the similar Roman letter X, was used as an abbreviation for Christ.[2] Hence, "Xmas" is often used as an abbreviation for Christmas.

After the conversion of Anglo-Saxon Britain in the very early 7th century, Christmas was referred to as geol,[1] the name of the pre-Christian solstice festival from which the current English word 'Yule' is derived.[3]

The prominence of Christmas Day increased gradually after Charlemagne was crowned on Christmas Day in 800. Around the 12th century, the remnants of the former Saturnalian traditions of the Romans were transferred to the Twelve Days of Christmas (26 December – 6 January). Christmas during the Middle Ages was a public festival, incorporating ivy, holly, and other evergreens, as well as gift-giving.

Modern traditions have come to include the display of Nativity scenes, Holly and Christmas trees, the exchange of gifts and cards, and the arrival of Father Christmas or Santa Claus on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. Popular Christmas themes include the promotion of goodwill and peace.

Saint Nicholas of Myra is the primary inspiration for the Christian figure of Santa Claus. He was a 4th century Christian bishop of Myra in Lycia, a province of the Byzantine Anatolia, now in Turkey. Nicholas was famous for his generous gifts to the poor, in particular presenting the three impoverished daughters of a pious Christian with dowries so that they would not have to become prostitutes. He was very religious from an early age and devoted his life entirely to Christianity. In Europe (more precisely the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Germany) he is still portrayed as a bearded bishop in canonical robes. The relics of St. Nicholas were transported to Bari in southern Italy by some enterprising Italian merchants;[6] a basilica was constructed in 1087 to house them and the area became a pilgrimage site for the devout. Saint Nicholas became claimed as a patron saint of many diverse groups, from archers and children to pawnbrokers and prostitutes[7]. He is also the patron saint of both Amsterdam and Moscow.[8].

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Wed 12/12/07 12:03 AM
I wouldn't advise saying "you're a nice guy but... blah blah blah" Because then he's gonna feel something is wrong with himself. I would say something like, "You know, I think you're great, but I'm not feeling the chemistry. I just don't feel we're right for eachother." or something like that. Be truthful, but don't use a typical cop out line or phrases like "nice guy" or "It's not you, it's me" etc.

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Tue 12/11/07 06:12 PM
Thanks for the visual... sick

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Mon 12/10/07 06:36 PM

maybe you should move from plant city to person city
laugh laugh laugh laugh

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Mon 12/10/07 06:31 PM
Honestly I have a similar situation. I have a friend that wants to be with me, but I'm not attracted to her in that way. She knows I'm not interested though, and she respects that, because she would rather we be friends than nothing. However she still seems to have a hard time with it occasionally. We still have a very good friendship though and her feelings don't get in the way really. I would say just confront your friend about it. Tell her you like her as a friend but don't feel have those feelings for her. If she can't deal with it, then it's probably for the best to not hang out anymore.

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Mon 12/10/07 12:36 AM
ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhhhh, hangin tough! haha... my cousin was in LOVE with NKOTB... by the way, are sure "sike" is spelled sike? maybe syke? cyke?... idk... psych! i do know... it's really psych. Anyway so yeah... I was born in 1980 so I AM the 80s... lol

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Sun 12/09/07 01:57 AM
Damn I was beaten lol, I was gonna say ear and rear

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Sun 12/09/07 01:52 AM
The second one is Ode and Rode

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Sun 12/09/07 01:46 AM
I'm off. Tomorrow's another day, we'll see what happens.

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Sun 12/09/07 01:40 AM
actually I thought coffin was a lot harder lol

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Sun 12/09/07 01:38 AM
a statue

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Sun 12/09/07 01:27 AM

Take some time to get to know her. See what her interests are, her lifestyle, etc. You may find her physically attractive but you may find something out that truly turns you off saving you the hassle.

No offense to educaked, but his advice is about as good as Dr. Phil's. huh

And contrary to popular belief, you aren't stuck in the friends zone once you get there. Long term relationships are built upon being friends first and leading into lovers. Trust me, sex first and friends later NEVER works.

Of course, it depends on your intentions. If your looking to hit it and forget it that take crib notes from educaked.

That's the problem though, she's really quiet and just goes about her work when she's on the clock. She isn't the type that chit-chats while working, and it's killing me waiting for times when we randomly happen to be on break together or something. I dunno... I mean yeah I should just grow a pair and ask her, but I'm scared of the word no. I'm not worried about the rejection part, just the akwardness that would come from me asking and her saying no.

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Sun 12/09/07 01:06 AM

The bottom line is it depends on the two people.. If their personalities can't handle it if things don't work out then it would be disasterous...

I get where everyone is coming from with the whole "Don't date co-workers", but it's different for me really. I've NEVER had an issue from it, usually if things don't work out, we still stay really good friends. I've never had a bad breakup before where we hated eachother by the time it was over.

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Sun 12/09/07 01:03 AM

pffttt...Describing what Im trying to say sucks...I need to make a video or something.

And dating Co-workers is Straight. I mean if it doesn't work out it may be akward as hell but everything balances out. And plus if the chemistry is there, you'll enjoy going into work

I totally get what you're trying to say, as I've used that tactic before to much success, but I can't use it in this situation.

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Sun 12/09/07 01:00 AM

Write a note asking if she wants to go out and have her circle yes or no. Have a friend give it to her.

laugh only kidding...

Don't date co-workers!!! TRUST ME.

Haha I actually thought about doing one of those "Do you like me? YES/NO" notes, cause it's SOOOOOO cheesy maybe she's laugh and like my sense of humor,

but anyway... This girl is really very quiet, and I never see her talk to anyone except this one older lady that I rarely ever see around. So I can't play the getting to her through her friends route. I also can't take the witty banter route because we arn't around eachother enough to actually have a conversation or even a few lines here and there while we work. The only times we have spoken to eachother at all was during breaks.

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Sun 12/09/07 12:53 AM

It is usually not a good idea to date your co-workers. It can end pretty badly. drinker

It's rather hard for me to meet people any other way, besides the occasional person online, which isn't to often. I'm not into going to bars, and the club scene is rather old. As well, I really don't see a girl I meet at a bar/club being the type of girl I would want to form a relationship with. As well I don't really have any friends in the area to go out with or anything.

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Sun 12/09/07 12:42 AM
I'm usually pretty good at this sort of stuff on my own, but I'm kinda stuck and could really use some advice and moral support. I've been working at this job for a little over a month. There's definitely alot of cute girls there, but one has caught my eye and mind at the moment. I've seen her around, but the first time I talked to her, me and a friend were on break and went outside to smoke. This other girl was out there, and we chit-chatted for a minute. I was polite, even gave her some gum when I got a piece out for myself. Then a week or so later I was on break and she showed up to smoke before she started work. We chatted for a few, asked eachother if we went to school or anything, just pretty basic chat. She said she doesn't do much between work and home.

I want to ask her if she'd be interested in going out some time, but I don't know how to go about doing it. First off I'm kinda shy, and have been hoping maybe something will just fall into place where we get a chance to sit and chat again and I can mention something about going out, but at the same time I don't wanna wait for a chance that may or may not happen anytime soon. Yet I would feel kinda weird approaching her while she's working and just randomly be like "hey do you wanna go out sometime?"

So basically I just need some advice on how to approach this situation, and walk away with some dignity regardless of the outcome.

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Thu 12/06/07 07:33 PM
I see someone had straight A's in English... drinker