Community > Posts By > smokeythebear

smokeythebear's photo
Wed 08/13/08 11:15 AM
Oh, yeah!!! He's a sex machine!!

smokeythebear's photo
Wed 08/13/08 11:01 AM
Is smokeythebear a hunk, or what?

smokeythebear's photo
Mon 04/09/07 08:59 PM
He just used the oldest trick in the book! It might be the only one he
knows! You ever hear that song by Nas called, Baby Girl Found Her
S-E-X? This is what your story reminds me of. Anyway you're right.
He's trying what he thinks will work to get at the pusssy.

smokeythebear's photo
Mon 11/20/06 05:22 AM
Do you get any oppurtunities to speak with this woman? If you do try to
get to the reasons patiently and gently with reason more than passion.
(Be careful, someone who disappears may misunderstand passion as

smokeythebear's photo
Mon 11/13/06 05:39 AM
Good morning!

smokeythebear's photo
Mon 11/13/06 05:06 AM
Lily said it!!

smokeythebear's photo
Wed 11/08/06 04:50 PM
Thanks, bro... Thanks.

smokeythebear's photo
Tue 11/07/06 01:25 PM
By your nature you'll try any how so, there's no sense in asking if
you'd just wait (smile). But you should hang on to her and try to
understand whatever it is that she understands! Besides, if she's a
virgin and she wants you to hang around, you might learn some things
about yourself that might make you pat yourself on the back. (Of course
you could learn this from any woman.)

smokeythebear's photo
Sat 10/14/06 12:15 PM
Congradulations, RestD. I admire you.

smokeythebear's photo
Sat 10/14/06 12:07 PM
I remember the 80's, the first jukebox videos at the favorite center
city bar I used to eat and drink at, Guns & Roses, Bon Jovi! I remember
going downtown with the boys to chase girls, cuties high on coke
grabbing guys' ass. I remember loving my work! Wednesdays were just as
good as Fridays!

smokeythebear's photo
Wed 10/11/06 09:17 AM
Kooldude, of course I'm surprised your first time was at 24, but is
sounds like you tore that ass up!! Way to go, buddy.

smokeythebear's photo
Mon 10/09/06 04:28 PM
But salvationjane, you did misunderstand our transaction. Like I told
my ex-wife, when you start defending a mere sex against the other sex
you don't sound as political as you do sound like a ho. To me it's
entirely absurd to think we have male and female teams or some shit
going on here. To the youngboy who first posted the question: keep
your head up and take yourself seriously. You'll simply find someone
you can love. Until then have fun.

smokeythebear's photo
Mon 10/09/06 04:21 PM
Salvationjane, that's all I meant. I have two sisters. I would hate to
think they wasted their time doing some of the things these chicks out
here do. Of course they aren't perfect, but nevertheless.

smokeythebear's photo
Sun 10/08/06 06:04 PM
Ha ha!! yep!

smokeythebear's photo
Sun 10/08/06 06:00 PM
I don't believe for a minute that there is anyone who plans to cheat
once and never does it again.

smokeythebear's photo
Sun 10/08/06 05:58 PM
Can she, and why does she are two entirely different questions. Almost
everything is universal in the same way that pussy is! Maybe we ought
to just face the realization that a good woman is as hard to find.

smokeythebear's photo
Fri 10/06/06 03:35 AM
That's funny! The same thing happened to me!!

smokeythebear's photo
Thu 10/05/06 08:23 AM
You could find part of this story elsewhere on the site as part of my
answer to another question. But it was a week before going to college.
I'd been seeing this girl since August of the last year (1978). Through
the school year I'd visit her of course, but we would only have heavy
petting. When we talked, sometimes I'd tell her these dumb ass lies
about how much experience I had and how she nedded to go all the way
with me. The funny thing is I began to mature that senior year and
somewhere along the way in my mind, and through those discussions you
have with the guys and all that, I decided there was nothing wrong with
the fact that I was unexperienced! Hell, one of my closest buddy's
refused to believe I was unexperienced and he used to laugh and say,
"Yeah, right! You ain't no virgin!" Needless to say I didn't argue too
much! I had begun to grow weary of the arguements that she and I would
have. After the prom I decided, I'd not see her again. I decided this
was a good time to do it for two reasons: one, I had to show up to the
prom to look good and two, since I hadn't taken anything from her I
shouldn't feel guilty. It seemed after that, no matter what I said she
thought sex was the innuendo. I told her that whomever she would decide
to consumate with was "a lucky man" but, I was wrong and that I was all
'argued out.' And I do think we'd caused one another some genuine pain
during this last year. She showed up about a week before I was supposed
to leave. I thought it was a friendly visit and I'd made myself clear
we wouldn't be doing anything else. No one was home, and we went
upstairs to my room where I took all my company. She pulls out a
condom. (She went to a parochioal school and, she claims she was
advised that since abstinence now was out of the question she should
take the condom.) I felt at 17 years old that I would appear unmanly if
I declined. I didn't want to do this because I knew this wasn't going
to make any difference. (As I said we'd caused one another some genuine
pain this past year.) I didn't want to leave her alone after this, but
I knew I'd do it in a heartbeat. We did it. When I left for school I
didn't look back until I came home for vacation. It was over.

smokeythebear's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:31 AM
Britt4eva, you just DECIDE this is the person who you'll be with. You
do this when you think and say yes to the following considerations: 1.
is he a healthy man physically and mentally 2. does he have a life of
his own already, or what are his plans for his own life 3. is he
considerate of me- let me talk until I'm through what I want to say,
etc. 4. does he not exhibit aggression towards me then, 5. can we be
friends. If you two talk and he's willing to be faithful to you then it
seems you'd have a partner. Your perception of who this guy is will
take different forms I think, some in conscious ways and some in not so
conscious ways.

smokeythebear's photo
Mon 10/02/06 05:23 PM
Ghostrecon, that pic is some funny shit!!

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