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Topic: When it hurts
chrisgwagner's photo
Sun 10/08/06 12:20 PM
Why do women cheat so much? It's not just the cheating that ticks me
off. It's the fact that they have no guilt or compasion for the one
being cheated on. They sit there and come home and never show any sign
of shame or anything. I would love to hear some feedback on this subject
because it seems like all girls act like it is a secret why and how they
do that.

David_Stuart's photo
Sun 10/08/06 12:22 PM
because normally when they do it the feel like there getting revenge

killer2befree's photo
Sun 10/08/06 12:29 PM
Hey i know this much you cant just single it out towards the women cause
i know there are alot of men that cheat i just think that nobody should
do so

no photo
Sun 10/08/06 12:32 PM
That's the probelm they think that we are total unaware what they are
all about we are men and we understand the game

killer2befree's photo
Sun 10/08/06 12:38 PM
Thats is true cause my exwife tryd to cheat on me in my own house it
didnt help that i walked in but they do think they can get away with
everything they do us men are not that stupid

David_Stuart's photo
Sun 10/08/06 12:43 PM
hey my ex-fiancee cheated on me a week before our wedding i walked in on
her and my best friend in my house and in my bed i came home a little to
early from work i guess

kisses17's photo
Sun 10/08/06 12:45 PM
Women aren't the only ones that cheat... guys do it all the time too...
and it usually is for revenge from the guy cheatin... so why should we
feel bad??? and most girls if they cheat, its just once to see if the
guy they are with is the one... and then never do it again... ive never
done that but i know girls that have... so remember guys are just as

killer2befree's photo
Sun 10/08/06 12:46 PM
I hate when people cheat it is stupid i have caught my soon to be exwife
alot of times cheating on me the worste was when she did it in front of
my child on the livingroom floor i was pissed than she said oh we where
just cuddling how stupid can people get

David_Stuart's photo
Sun 10/08/06 12:50 PM
guys do it alot and so do girls im not into it and i cant say i never
have done it but i learn from my mistake because i lost a very good girl
and ever since then i had bad relationships but there are alot of
reasons for it to be done for myself i was just stupoid young and
immature at the time

killer2befree's photo
Sun 10/08/06 12:53 PM
That is true guys cheat as well I have even cheated but that was
paybacks still not a good reason for doing so there never is the only
thing we can do is realize what we did was wrong and not do it to
someone else cause there is no good reason for cheating it is wrong no
matter what and if someone cheats on you its not meant to be

Ontario's photo
Sun 10/08/06 12:55 PM
Dude... my grandpa told me many years ago... pussy is universal... a
woman can give it to who she wants.
So, dry up and get out there!

David_Stuart's photo
Sun 10/08/06 12:56 PM
i know if i could go back into time i know i wouldnt of cheated on that
girl because i know me and her would still be together when you cheat
most of the time you ruin something that could of been something good

kisses17's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:05 PM
Cheating does help people learn who they are and what they want... most
people learn from that mistake... but some dont... So if you learn then
youve acctually done somethin right... cuz remember if you cheat, youre
still only hurtin yourself...

David_Stuart's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:09 PM

David_Stuart's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:09 PM
the only problem is Ontario balls ride to high to have a heart

kisses17's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:11 PM
I think hes gay... hes too caught up in havin sex with girls... i think
its a cover up...

David_Stuart's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:12 PM
yeah like a gay in cover marrys and haves kids to hide it

kisses17's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:13 PM

David_Stuart's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:15 PM
i would say im just messing with him but he might get to happy lol jk

kisses17's photo
Sun 10/08/06 01:16 PM
well if you notice hes only playin with the

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