Community > Posts By > ameercommoner
Why do women cheat?
I think the reasons why women cheat are as varied as the women themselves. I do believe that for some, it may be for social or financial gain (moving up the ladder so to speak). For some it's just selfishness for sex, excitement or bragging rights (just like some men). I think for some women it may be out of a sense of self preservation. They may cheat to find love or security (a safety net ) before leaving the relationship that they are currently in. I'm certainly not judging, it's just from personal observation and or experience.
Here's a suggestion, You could get involved with community projects or do volunteer work at a library, humane society or animal rescue. Hang out at coffee shops or book stores. |
pssssttt....try ..lang..
Thanks for the morning chuckle. Reminded me to donate to the World Wildlife Fund.
Leave your job at JCPenney, NOW!
same state
Just politely state that you wish to limit responses from people within your own State. Limit your searches to within so many miles from your zip code. Good luck.
Hi Tom,
Great concept for a book! I'd buy it! Also, I don't know if the emotion of Love is unique to the human species but it is wonderful. Sadly, with so many conflicts in the World, that even here on Earth, it does not seem to be universal. |
Hi msharmony and thank you for another interesting post. Having been born near the tail end of the babyboomer's these changes have certainly effected my working career which included a high number of applicants for precious few openings, frozen wages, job loss and going back to school to learn a whole new trade and career path. I feel lucky to have come out ahead but feel concerned for the generation(s)that follow. Hopefully, new jobs in the fields of engineering, medicine and science will replace the service driven economy and provide new career paths for the future. -Mark
Yes, I've had days like that too. Kudo's to you for posting about your feelings and nice to hear that you have a decent and caring Director. My former Supervisor would have just used my emotions / feelings against me to his advantage. Have a wonderful weekend. Mark
Welcome Cheryl and good luck to you. Mark
Increasingly Positive Thoughts
A measle walks into a bar and says.....shots for everyone!
Single mom's.
Why are men scared of single moms? For some men it may be the fear of the unknown. They may be looking to date someone but hadn't anticipated children being in the picture. They may wonder what their responsibilities will be concerning the child or children both emotionally and financially. Instead of talking it out, they just run. Sadly, some men are selfish and may not want anything to do with "another man's children" or may not want you to share your attention with the children. I do know a couple where the woman had three children when she starting dating the man who became her future husband. He was always accepting of her children and is a great Dad to them. So, it can work with the right guy. Best wishes for you and your children. PS: I also like msharmony's answers. She definitely has a good head on her shoulders. Mark
cowboy & indians
r2hott, You have a great sense of humor.