confettie_popper's photo
Sat 12/01/07 04:22 PM
KarlaofJackson---delightfully happy-----

confettie_popper's photo
Fri 11/30/07 09:18 PM guys, I have to call you guys something like ***LOVESTRUCK****

confettie_popper's photo
Fri 11/30/07 09:07 PM

confettie_popper's photo
Thu 11/29/07 09:16 PM

iraceslowcars--how about sooper-nova

It's an ASPEN!!!!MOPAR!!!!!grumble bigsmile

Ghost :wink:

okay..and here I thought that I would impress you by saying nova,,I am sorry..hope I didnt offend. So then, how do you feel about "Autumn in Aspen"

confettie_popper's photo
Thu 11/29/07 09:09 PM
I got one word---Fragglerocks...they were the best

confettie_popper's photo
Thu 11/29/07 09:07 PM
iraceslowcars--how about sooper-nova

confettie_popper's photo
Thu 11/29/07 09:00 PM

Well, if you lived where I do, you would have a whole plethora of nerds to choose from. Seems we multiply here.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Gaming fingers. LMAO. Yeah, I try to keep my gaming fingers in shape and all. Much practice needed.:wink:

well, I had to check out your profile to see where these elusive nerds are hiding, who would have guessed Flordia..I am coming down there in Feb..ahh, bring on the nerds, and tell keep those perfect gaming fingers in shape..lmao..

confettie_popper's photo
Thu 11/29/07 08:54 PM
I hear ya!! I am the same way anymore, I date a guy for a week or so and I always find myself I going to be able to have this conversation in a year from now with this man and not feel like I have wasted a year...and if the answer is yes..I am outta there. "They" always say that women have great instincts, so I have learned to use mine, and perhaps that is why we are still single, because we are tired of settling for the losers and BS'ers...good luck to you, and trust yourself when you wanna run:wink:

confettie_popper's photo
Thu 11/29/07 08:42 PM
I, too, have a hard time telling. I think it is better to be up front, but tactfully done of course.

confettie_popper's photo
Thu 11/29/07 08:20 PM

ya know--goof---since I have been on here, I swear you are a can you be my perfect kinda guy and be so outta reach..oh, it frustrates me so..but i do enjoy all your posts as well, especially when I get to be below you on certain ones that ask what i might do to the person above me, how fun!

Awww Confettie. I don't mean to tease. I really don't. Ok...I might just a little...maybe.laugh

And, I think any guy would be lucky to be dating ya. I mean, you like us NERDS and all, so there are many prospects. :wink:

As for "those fun posts"....well, when I post, if you just so happen to post under me, then...well.....ahhhh!bigsmile :wink:

why arent there any nerds around me? Oh, yeah, I live in Northern Michigan.. not economically friendly to nerds. all I have to pick from is hunters and fishers..they aren't as good with their gaming fingers...haha

confettie_popper's photo
Thu 11/29/07 08:06 PM
ya know--goof---since I have been on here, I swear you are a can you be my perfect kinda guy and be so outta reach..oh, it frustrates me so..but i do enjoy all your posts as well, especially when I get to be below you on certain ones that ask what i might do to the person above me, how fun!

confettie_popper's photo
Thu 11/29/07 07:43 PM

This thread...must...not...DIE!

well then we need to start deciding if the person above us is hot or not, if we would like to have sex with them or not, lick condiments off them or not, take a shower with them or not, sit in a hot tub with them or not, cut off an ear and present it as a gift to them or not, contract a sexually transmitted disease from them or know, witty repartee devil
hahaha, have you guys been reading all my posts on this website..ha, yes, I am at fault for the ongoing lame posts about sex and whatnot..sorry to sink to that level

confettie_popper's photo
Thu 11/29/07 07:33 PM
I would love to add more to the conversation, but you guys are really just too smart for me...It is attractive, but I really get lost sometimes. I need to get in touch with my inner-nerd I guess

confettie_popper's photo
Thu 11/29/07 07:31 PM
don't worry, the thread won't die. I keep reading it, and chime in when need be..haha, oh-and I love your hair...flowerforyou

confettie_popper's photo
Wed 11/28/07 11:08 AM
well, cherry...I'd kiss ya on the forehead..

confettie_popper's photo
Wed 11/28/07 10:08 AM

I know..every guy on here is either from Grand Rapids or somewhere down by K-zoo. I am seriously thinking that I may have to move to find a decent guy..I am surrounded by losers

Sometimes the fish bowl we live in is directly connected to the vision we see when we look in the mirror each morning.

Perhaps if you were to post something besides negative BS some decent guys might become interested.

Not me, I'll be running like hell from somebody like you who has such a negative and stereotyped ignorant view of life and happiness.

Until you look in the mirror and see the true loser, then change whatever makes you so damned negative... you will see nothing but farts... when you are in search of perfume.

Hey.. I hate to tell you this, but you are the one making judgements..You don't know what I consider losers, so why would you say that I need to look in the mirror. Forgive me for having standards..Perhaps I should just take on a guy that makes meth in his your logic, he probably really isnt a loser. So, don't judge me.. Why the heck is someone like you on a singles website? I am sure girls are knocking each other over to get to your dumb ass

confettie_popper's photo
Tue 11/27/07 10:14 PM
i have been the girl that always got picked on by my older, and more popular, brothers friends...then I grew up and thined down and got in touch with myself..recently i was at a club dancing and saw some of these losers and they actually tried to hit on is true, living well is the best revenge.. I mean..if I would have maybe gave them a shot, but what the hell, I was now in the position to say no..and so i did, but hey..I would try it anyway, you never know..but if you totally get shot down, remember that you hurt their feelings once too, so dont take it hard and good luck

confettie_popper's photo
Tue 11/27/07 10:08 PM
don't fret..just give your rendiditon of how Warhol's paintings demonstates America's obsessions with consumerism. It's like the lifecycle of our, consumption and waste..just ramble off some crap about how warhol depicts such consumerism in an absract way into his'll get at least a B+ good luck, doll...

confettie_popper's photo
Tue 11/27/07 09:53 PM
ya think so..I found a couple of guys from gr that are pretty easy on the eyes..haha, i just looked at your are pretty young, but cute...I am trying to talk to another guy on here, but i'll never figure men out..

confettie_popper's photo
Tue 11/27/07 09:49 PM
I know..every guy on here is either from Grand Rapids or somewhere down by K-zoo. I am seriously thinking that I may have to move to find a decent guy..I am surrounded by losers