Topic: Am I my own worst enemy?
madamx7316's photo
Thu 11/29/07 08:45 PM
Seems Ive had alot of dates lately. I seem to have this thing where I just tolerate any BS anymore. I am open and honest and the first sign of BS and I tell em to hit the bricks...Ive been thru the crap and played the games and Im all done with it...but Im starting to think at this rate Ill be alone forever which really I am ok with as long as I dont have to take any crap. Am I too hard? Am I too frigid?

no photo
Thu 11/29/07 08:48 PM
No you are neither....dont accept the BS, thats no way to start a new relationship...and the quicker the guys learn this very simple rule in life, the better off we will all be flowerforyou

madamx7316's photo
Thu 11/29/07 08:49 PM
i think that by accepting the behavior in the beginning it sets the presidence for how the relationship will continue. so i nip it in the bud from the beginning. cant take the heat? get the hell outta my kitchen is how i see it. im not controlling and im all about compromise, but why start the relationship off on a bad foot.

QwicherBytchin's photo
Thu 11/29/07 08:50 PM
LOL madam, you sound like me. I wonder if I'm jumping the gun when I tell them b'bye.

Dawn7007's photo
Thu 11/29/07 08:52 PM
I say stand your ground and don't try to change ho you are. If they are afraid when you don't tolerate their BS then they aren't worth it, in my opinion. You are right, if u accept the bs in the beginning, that's how the relationship will go.

confettie_popper's photo
Thu 11/29/07 08:54 PM
I hear ya!! I am the same way anymore, I date a guy for a week or so and I always find myself I going to be able to have this conversation in a year from now with this man and not feel like I have wasted a year...and if the answer is yes..I am outta there. "They" always say that women have great instincts, so I have learned to use mine, and perhaps that is why we are still single, because we are tired of settling for the losers and BS'ers...good luck to you, and trust yourself when you wanna run:wink:

no photo
Thu 11/29/07 09:02 PM
It's simple, you have to find one of us men with no BS. get swept off your feet ... then live happily ever after. bigsmile

No drama, no bs .. don't settle for less!

no photo
Thu 11/29/07 09:06 PM
I always test the waters by throwing a little BS out there...if the woman takes it...I'm not as interested...if she "calls" me on it..I believe it is a sign of intelligence. Which for me is a total turn on!

how refreshing!!!!

madamx7316's photo
Thu 11/29/07 09:08 PM

It's simple, you have to find one of us men with no BS. get swept off your feet ... then live happily ever after. bigsmile

No drama, no bs .. don't settle for less!

where are you? lol

no photo
Thu 11/29/07 09:10 PM

It's simple, you have to find one of us men with no BS. get swept off your feet ... then live happily ever after. bigsmile

No drama, no bs .. don't settle for less!

where are you? lol

The other side of the country. grumble

Tameka's photo
Thu 11/29/07 09:16 PM
i want a date... but i never like the guys i meet in real life... :cry:

yokoke's photo
Thu 11/29/07 09:18 PM
Edited by yokoke on Thu 11/29/07 09:19 PM

Seems Ive had alot of dates lately. I seem to have this thing where I just tolerate any BS anymore. I am open and honest and the first sign of BS and I tell em to hit the bricks...Ive been thru the crap and played the games and Im all done with it...but Im starting to think at this rate Ill be alone forever which really I am ok with as long as I dont have to take any crap. Am I too hard? Am I too frigid?

- Why tolerate BS? Best to have the cards out on the table... besides life is short...

- Head games are for losers.

If you are alone what??? Would it not serve yourself better to be in a position of being comfortable with yourself as an individual "first" as a female or male rather than have your identity known through a secondary person....

Be comfortable in your own shoes first, so that you bring the best YOU into a potential relationship...

Hard? Frigid? Each answer is one that deals with soul searching and you would be the best judge to that....not a forum filled with seekers too....

madamx7316's photo
Fri 11/30/07 10:39 AM

It's simple, you have to find one of us men with no BS. get swept off your feet ... then live happily ever after. bigsmile

No drama, no bs .. don't settle for less!

where are you? lol

The other side of the country. grumble

sigh....go figure, arent they all?

no photo
Fri 11/30/07 04:00 PM
I'm the same way, and if someone can't handle it, oh well. In fact, it's hard to get back into dating. Easier to walk away.

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Fri 11/30/07 04:14 PM
I've basically given up on the whole dating thing... Once ya hear the same song and dance from so many people, you start to get a little burnt out on it. I talk to them for quite a while before I even think of meeting them. After probably 2 weeks of talking you'll know enough to know if you even want to bother. Usually I stop them at the "when do you want to meet" with the question of "WHY do you want to meet is the answer I wanna hear".

Twitch's photo
Fri 11/30/07 04:14 PM

I always test the waters by throwing a little BS out there...if the woman takes it...I'm not as interested...if she "calls" me on it..I believe it is a sign of intelligence. Which for me is a total turn on!

how refreshing!!!!

Now if the guy I date would just get this DDN I'd be one happy woman. I don't know some men think they can get away with BS they certainly don't like it when it's done to them. Life to short for BS. I'm honest with anyone who asks a question.

no photo
Fri 11/30/07 04:34 PM
I dealt with enough BS in my that Im starting to get back in the dating life BS is something I am not going to deal with. Im not in high school and Im not playing high school BS games

fortsmithman's photo
Fri 11/30/07 05:14 PM
Nope you are not too hard. You should not have to settle for the jerks out there. There is a man out there for you who when you meet you will feel like you've known him for a lifetime.

no photo
Sat 12/01/07 03:22 AM
pshh you're not "too" anything.
you said this is something that's been happening "lately," meaning that it has something to do with what you DO, but that doesn't mean it has anything to do with what you ARE.
Love yourself for who you are and only then can you love others and others can love you.

yokoke's photo
Sat 12/01/07 07:15 PM

Nope you are not too hard. You should not have to settle for the jerks out there. There is a man out there for you who when you meet you will feel like you've known him for a lifetime.

Very well said Fortsmithmanflowerforyou and so true...