Community > Posts By > Scott3895

Scott3895's photo
Sun 12/20/09 02:23 AM
Jerry Garcia Memorabillia Dealer

Scott3895's photo
Sat 12/19/09 08:51 PM
Sparrow is my E-*****!

Scott3895's photo
Sat 12/19/09 08:51 PM

ya know what....if you don't want to communicate...then sit there and look pretty laugh

hahahaha, my ex. use to tell me that all the time. She said I was a arrogant SOB, which made her attracted to me. But jokingly she would always say, "Baby, please just sit there and look pretty, everytime you open your mouth up you "F" up the moment" haha!

Scott3895's photo
Sat 12/19/09 08:39 PM

you can tone the muscles anywhere...but he is asking about losing weight in a particular spot. That is medically impossible.

no it isn't...working out and using weights for a particular area will change that area. Along with proper diet... I have and do, do it.

You can only add muscle to a spot, cannot spot reduce!!! Unless you lipo. You have to lose fat all over to lose fat in one area. Spot reducing is like asking to empty out the deep end part of a swimming pool and leave the water in the shallow area.

Dude, but it's weird. I've been doing cardio and I acknowledge it reduces all over but I am just bothered by my belly still stuffed. So, if I continue doing cardio it feels like when I do it my muscles built fade away with it as well.

If your belly fat isn't going down all the cardio in the world won't help. Then it has to be your diet. If you can't keep muscle on while cutting either you don't have the genetics for it, or you are not taking in enough protein. Simple as that!

Scott3895's photo
Sat 12/19/09 07:00 PM

Scott3895's photo
Sat 12/19/09 06:45 PM

Scott3895's photo
Sat 12/19/09 07:40 AM

you can tone the muscles anywhere...but he is asking about losing weight in a particular spot. That is medically impossible.

no it isn't...working out and using weights for a particular area will change that area. Along with proper diet... I have and do, do it.

You can only add muscle to a spot, cannot spot reduce!!! Unless you lipo. You have to lose fat all over to lose fat in one area. Spot reducing is like asking to empty out the deep end part of a swimming pool and leave the water in the shallow area.

Scott3895's photo
Fri 12/18/09 10:29 PM

CPR Instructor

Owns an infant tattoo and pierce shop

Scott3895's photo
Fri 12/18/09 12:26 PM
Very cute eyes!

Scott3895's photo
Fri 12/18/09 09:56 AM



Scott3895's photo
Thu 12/17/09 11:39 PM
Start slow, and stretch a lot, don't go to failure right away. Do two weeks at about 80% effort, then go to 100% effort/failure. Your muscles, and CNS aren't ready after a long session of a lay off! Make sure you stretch between sets to get the muscles to loosen up. Good luck and stay injury free!

Scott3895's photo
Tue 12/15/09 10:50 AM

smitten smitten smitten :banana:

Girl you are in love, who's the lucky guy?? :wink:

Scott3895's photo
Sun 12/13/09 05:50 PM
Edited by Scott3895 on Sun 12/13/09 05:50 PM

oh I sure do!!!:banana:

Oh yeah, does he know it??? ;)

Scott3895's photo
Sat 12/12/09 08:12 AM

Scott3895's photo
Sat 12/12/09 06:49 AM

Every woman I've met online (and there haven't been too many) wanted to meet quickly. Within a few days and usually the next day. They understood you just can't get to know someone through emails. It's too easy to lie.

I think it's more suspicious if someone doesn't want to meet after several messages. Either they have something to hide or they aren't really interested in meeting someone new.

You are right, from my experience if they want to meet too quick something is up. If they want to drag it out, they are hiding baggage! Some chicks are very smart and they inject info very slow, they might start out telling you they are divorced and never go out on weekdays. In two months they end up telling you that senior has left 7 Juniors behind, when he fled to Mexico.

Scott3895's photo
Sat 12/12/09 06:45 AM

:heart: Do you think that physical attributes are more important to maintaining a successful relationship or do you think friendship maintains a relationship?:heart:

Both, but if physical attraction isn't there I won't take the next step. Infact I won't even take them out! Yeah it's cold, but I don't date no fuglies!

Scott3895's photo
Sat 12/12/09 06:44 AM
Considering there is chemistry, anything that involves touching. Rock climbing, walking on the beach, Bedroom etc. devil

Scott3895's photo
Sat 12/12/09 06:29 AM

I am 56 and very serious:

I need advise on a couple of things. I would like it from a person that's very knowledgable, hopefully a personal trainer if there is one on here. Bring unemployed now I can no longer afford one.

First if all, I use to be 315# 2 years ago. I'm on a mission towards healthier life style, and a more physically fit person as a whole. I'm doing this for me. I am now 150#. My goal is 135#. I'm almost there. I've lost a whole entire person. That's the good thing. :-)

My problem is not losting weight at the moment, but more about how to get the excess skin back where it should be, firm and toned with a slight defintion (not bodybuilding physique). For instance: Underneath the upper arms, the swinging effect, when I wave or hold them up in movement. I have dimples all over my body, and my tummy just will not firm up regardless how many crunches (3 different kinds) I do. I know this is just goss and I am so self conscience about it. So I dress accordingly, to hide. I look good in my clothes. But.... I wouldn't dare wear a bathing suite at this point. This is probably too much info. lol But I'm seriously deseperate in getting the kind of body I want and maintain it.

I workout 3 to 4 times a week, cardio, weight training, walking, cycling, swimming in the summer months, follow Slim 6 and even Pro 90. I pay close attention to form and alternate muscle groups. I also eat clean, paying close attention to everything I put in my mouth. I log everything I eat so I will stay on track. I also drink lots of water to flush the impurities and to maintain hydration.

What else can I do? I'm at a loss.... Please can anyone help?

I'm in Houston, Texas and would like to have a workout buddy(s), maybe that will help as well.

Thank you in advance for your productive positive advise.

PS: I've had spinal surgery - cervical fusions at three levels (1994), and bad knees, so I can not run. Doctors only want me cycling and swimming. That just isn't getting it.... Due to medications taken in the past, in addition to recovery time from surgery, I have lost a great deal of muscle tissue.

Disclaimer: I will not hold anyone responsible for the advise freely given. I am an adult responsible for my own actions.

I won't really be on here until Monday, Saturday Sunday very briefly if I have time I'll adjust something for the mean time what is your exact diet??

Stomach crunches WILL NOT GIVE YOU ABS, ABS ARE THE RESULT OF DIET AND AND LOW BODYFAT. (not yelling but trying to get it to imprint i your heads) No Those people you see on TV didn't get abs from doing 5000 situps a day, they got abs because they did situps and stuck to a low calorie diet which caused their stomach muscles to be displayed over little adipose (fat) tissue! (not yelling but trying to imprint it in your mind)

If your skin is excessively lose at your age, surgery is the only cure. No if's, ands, or butts about it.

What kind of meds are you taking?? I didn't read your whole post, cause if I did I wouldn't have time to respond, just looked over it briefly so I may have missed it. Are you diabetic? Do you need insulin? You can get to 135 by diet alone, cardio will make it happen faster, but if you can't run, learn to WALK!, Walking is more effective for fat loss anyways! Running is more effective for weight loss, big difference!

I am not currently taking any meds or diabetic and surgery (snip and tuck) isn't an option for me. I've been following the South Beach Diet.

I don't know the premesis of the South Beach diet, I don't do cookie cutter type diets. So please give me an example of what you eat.

Scott3895's photo
Sat 12/12/09 01:55 AM
Yes, and Hi Debbie!!

Scott3895's photo
Sat 12/12/09 01:53 AM
Shooting range expert
Hitman for hire

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