Topic: Some good tips
Totage's photo
Sat 12/19/09 08:38 PM
In the beginning of a relationship, try not to over think or over—react to minor set backs. If there's chemistry and compassion, it will all work out.

Avoid being so diplomatic that your potential partner is unclear who you are. Take a chance at being more direct and decisive.

Rather than waiting for the right moment, interrupt now and then with some of your imaginative and broad—minded ideas; it can lead to sparkling, involved conversation and close companionship.

Let a potential partner know your boundaries, needs and hopes. This way he or she will be able to act accordingly to deepen the bond.

Talking is only one form of intimacy. Try doing something side by side with him or her, particularly something new and collaborative.

These are not tips of my own, someone gave them to me. I thought they were good, so I deceided to share them with you guys.

Goofball73's photo
Sat 12/19/09 08:39 PM
In other mean actually communicate???????noway :tongue: laugh laugh

Totage's photo
Sat 12/19/09 08:41 PM
laugh I guess that's what they were trying to say.

Goofball73's photo
Sat 12/19/09 08:42 PM

laugh I guess that's what they were trying to say.

Now why did they have to go and suggest that?grumble grumble laugh laugh

Totage's photo
Sat 12/19/09 08:43 PM
IDK, I wasn't really listening. :tongue: laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 12/19/09 08:47 PM
ya know what....if you don't want to communicate...then sit there and look pretty laugh

Goofball73's photo
Sat 12/19/09 08:48 PM

ya know what....if you don't want to communicate...then sit there and look pretty laugh

Who you taling to? Kool Aid man or the kitty??laugh laugh

Totage's photo
Sat 12/19/09 08:49 PM

ya know what....if you don't want to communicate...then sit there and look pretty laugh

laugh Now that's something I'm good at. :tongue:

You know cats only hear what they want anyway. :tongue:

Scott3895's photo
Sat 12/19/09 08:51 PM

ya know what....if you don't want to communicate...then sit there and look pretty laugh

hahahaha, my ex. use to tell me that all the time. She said I was a arrogant SOB, which made her attracted to me. But jokingly she would always say, "Baby, please just sit there and look pretty, everytime you open your mouth up you "F" up the moment" haha!

gypsy4y's photo
Sat 12/19/09 08:55 PM
Edited by gypsy4y on Sat 12/19/09 08:57 PM

ya know what....if you don't want to communicate...then sit there and look pretty laugh

hahahaha, my ex. use to tell me that all the time. She said I was a arrogant SOB, which made her attracted to me. But jokingly she would always say, "Baby, please just sit there and look pretty, everytime you open your mouth up you "F" up the moment" haha!


countrybelle6471's photo
Sat 12/19/09 08:56 PM
Edited by countrybelle6471 on Sat 12/19/09 09:06 PM
I agree full heartedly.. an x of mine refused to talk about nearly everything..had a hard time answering questions..about the past or even what was going on in his day to day life or with us..anything & when we did finally talk always ended up in a huge fight.I never seemed to be able to get a clear picture on much of anything.. a lot of mixed messages..I tried to talk about me & what I felt,Needed,wanted Dreamed of EtC,and asked him to do the same,mostly nothing, Problems where ignored until he just blew up..because he couldn't take it anymore....So i Got the brunt of everyhting..Some was my doing I guess, no one can be blameless where 2 are involed most of the time.But I know I tried as best I could,at this point dunno what else I could have done..But just couldnt stay & deal with the up & down Roller coaster of emotion anymore..I never knew what was coming or what mood he was in,nothing..I wonder at times how much he cared..Says he loved me & always will.but I've heard that so many times..before..just there is no way I can think of to justify this in my mind or Heart to feel right or be at peace with it at least not right now.and not for a long time coming I believe..

So yes It IS Very Very Important To Communicate with the 1 U Love..

Totage's photo
Sat 12/19/09 08:57 PM
Yeah, communication is essential in any realtionship.

Goofball73's photo
Sat 12/19/09 09:02 PM
There are only a few sentences I need to hear from her.

A. My word penis is HUGE!

B. You are the best lover I ever had! I mean it!

C. Here is the remote babe. I will sit here and cross stitch while you watch the game.

D. Dinner is all ready for you, My Master!

E. Would you like to rub your feet and massage your sweaty back? It would be my pleasure to do so.

F. You are right babe. I am wrong. You are the man. You are always right.
