Community > Posts By > Marie55

Marie55's photo
Mon 08/24/09 01:43 AM

My two beauties in the same thread......{{{{{Marie and Pata}}}}}.....

I know I have nothing to worry about with Jon, that man takes time out of his day just to call me and remind me he loves every inch of me when I text him a picture of me trying on a dress and ask if it looks good.

My wish is that all the women on here find a man who will treat them like that. Like they are the greatest gift the world has ever given them. I know I feel the same way about him.....and he isn't a small man either. In his arms I feel nothing but love and THAT is what counts.

Sure, make me jealous!! Just kidding Eileen, you two are great people and deserve all the happiness you can find. I am really glad you found each other and will spend the rest of your lives together. flowerforyou:heart: flowerforyou

Some people were just meant to be alone, I am one of those, so I am here to talk to my friends and I appreciate them with all my heart.:heart: You are one of my special friends, and Pam and Pat and others. I will just buy some chickens and I can be the "chicken lady" of Mingle.:wink: May be less annoying than the cat is sometimes and if they piss me off, hmmmmm, chicken soup.bigsmile bigsmile

You take care, have a great night, I should have been in bed a long time ago. Sleep well. flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

Marie55's photo
Mon 08/24/09 01:33 AM
My brother was 6'6" and weighed around 400 pounds most of his life, but at that height, he could carry it off, he was never without a girlfriend. He had to beat them off with a stick.

Marie55's photo
Mon 08/24/09 01:30 AM

Not trying to show animosity, sorry if that is how it seemed. And i see where you are trying to make a point; however, just because i called myself a bbw doesnt mean i think i look like one of those porn girls that the industry personifies. Those woman disgust even me. But i am a big woman, and i feel that i am beautiful. So if i call myself bbw im not putting myself down for it. And im sure neither were any of the other ladies here.

I know you arent trying to put yourself down

Just trying to tell you...that by calling yourself a think that

cuz guess what? most men, the ones as earthyt said, like fatty not see inner beauty

Well....TheCaptain likes the fatty parts and sees the inner beauty...and I am a BBW.devil bigsmile :banana: tongue2 shades

Girl, you are one "hot momma" - and a great friend and the Captain better kiss the ground you walk on. He is one lucky dude to have you!!!!! And, I just love the "school marm" pic!!:wink: bigsmile

Marie55's photo
Mon 08/24/09 12:27 AM
Just finished typing, messing around for a bit before I go to bed.

Marie55's photo
Mon 08/24/09 12:24 AM

<---looks in your fridge to see what kind of milk you have.....pitchfork

Oh gawwwwwwwwwwwwd not the homo!!!slaphead

Almond milk okay, Gyps???

what the hell????scared shocked

Sorry, milk allergy. It actually is pretty good.:laughing: :laughing:

Marie55's photo
Mon 08/24/09 12:23 AM
My ex used to snoop, used to have his friends spy on me at work, etc. Was an awful feeling. I wouldn't want anyone to do that to me again, if you have questions, ask me and I will answer them. I wouldn't feel right snooping around on anyone else either.

Marie55's photo
Mon 08/24/09 12:21 AM

<---looks in your fridge to see what kind of milk you have.....pitchfork

Oh gawwwwwwwwwwwwd not the homo!!!slaphead

Almond milk okay, Gyps???

Marie55's photo
Mon 08/24/09 12:14 AM

Thank you, everybody!

I just got on here and saw this and....WOW!!!

And special thanks to Marie for the gift of Goat Chow, Goat Munchies, and Goat Wizz that showed up here on Friday!


Glad you enjoyed the "Goat Munchies" -- and that the "Goat Wizz" didn't break on the way there. Hope your birthday was great.

Marie55's photo
Mon 08/24/09 12:05 AM


here is what i got to say to you four: mscherbear, Marie55, earthytaurus76 and Pata...........

I honestly think a woman is the most complicated creature on the planet

and to you munchiebellic:

As I said, BBW makes me think of porn or somethin, so that is the response I'm giving you to your initial post which was asking what do men think about BBWs, right?

If a woman calls herself a BBW, thats a turnoff

And I'm out if ya'll are talking about clothes now, however that happened

Billy, I think women are complicated but so are men, guess that is what makes the world go round.

I don't call myself a BBW, but I have lost an extreme amount of weight in the last year and a half, just never used that label on myself. I do believe it is important that a person have confidence in who they are and carry themselves well. I had never heard the size issue mentioned above until now either (as to how to gauge a BBW) so that was new to me too. I think it is hard to overcome the stigma of being overweight when you have been beat up about it your whole life, that was what I commented on above. I am working on that issue now, dealing with the issues of getting my head straight.

Again, I am glad you are not one of the judgmental and shallow people who sits back and judges every woman they see instantly on her appearance and what they "think" the perfect woman "should" look like. We get that daily on TV with the super models and TV stars, etc. Again, thank you for your post.

Marie55's photo
Sun 08/23/09 11:57 PM

My butt gives men heart attacks........scared rofl
What a way to go

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: flowers

Marie55's photo
Sun 08/23/09 11:50 PM

My butt gives men heart attacks........scared rofl

You do have a "cute" butt Gyps, (you are gorgeous) but are you sure they aren't faking the heart attack just so you will "perform" CPR on them??? Hmmmmmm, very interesting question, don't you think???? :laughing: scared rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Marie55's photo
Sun 08/23/09 11:48 PM


one last thing, unless this gets some replies

You ladies are being silly

A BBW is a woman who is BIG, hence big beautiful woman

And check it. I am lookin thru this thread and I am not seeing any woman who are BIG except for the initial poster.

Why are you all calling yourself BBWs just because you shop at Lane Bryant???? Just bc you have a D cup doesnt make you a BBW, just bc you have a stomach, doesnt make you a BBW

Check it...go on Search BBW. You will see what a BBW is.

I understand, its just the point. Lets all sit in a thread and talk about whatever. But the POINT of this thread was to tell the op, who is a BBW why men like BBW's. And, this is just silly.

Because....I don't see any reason to watch all you ladies call yourself BIG, when you arent.

You are just ladies, you are human. You are people. You are alive and living.

Trust me....being BBW has nothing to do with a 14 or above.

WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMIN TO???????whoa surprised

flowerforyou this is for all you beautiful LADIES

forget the stereotypes

be who you are

This is nice of you Billy. Society has labeled people, especially girls/women for decades according to size and looks and it is not something that is easy to overcome when you have been brow-beat with it your whole life. Thank you for your thoughts on this issue. Take care.

Marie55's photo
Sun 08/23/09 11:35 PM

Ive seen Lane Bryant catalogs online and they have a great selection of clothes, very modern and sporty. I like!! Only wish I could get such nice clothes here in Argentina......:cry:

But funny thing, Ive never had problems buying jeans here being 5´7¨and always did in the states......huh and the majority of the people here are short......what

Interesting....I'm 5'1" and have very short legs. EVERYTHING needs to be hemmed! Fortunately, I'm able to do it myself!

I am about 5'10" and deal with the other end of the spectrum, is hard to find pants long enough at times. I buy mostly out of the catalogs so I can find long enough, but still don't fit right, too long or too short, is a pain too. And then they come out with those stupid short tops, I prefer a 30-inch or so top, sometimes can't find them in the stores, do most of my shopping in the catalogs. Last time I went to a store, I swear the damn designers must have been on acid, the designs and prints were the same as what we wore in the 60s, geeezz, did they want to do a remake of Woodstock too???? They were butt ugly clothing. So yeah, I buy from catalogs, at least I can find some nice stuff there.

Marie55's photo
Sun 08/23/09 10:49 PM
You ladies are beautiful. The guys must be blind or just plain idiots to not be giving you ladies a run for your money!!

I have just lost a whole lot of weight and am dealing with some major "head" issues. Got complimented today and it was nice to hear but hard to accept, so still working on my "head." ohwell

Robert, guess I will have to look you your thread when I get some time. Take care.

Marie55's photo
Sun 08/23/09 10:40 PM
Are we talking "teddy bears" or "grizzly bears??" happy :wink:

Marie55's photo
Sun 08/23/09 10:13 PM
My parents were very cold that way, so no hugs or kisses from them or "I love you's." I did get hugs and kisses from aunts though and my grandma. My grandpa loved me too, didn't say so, I could just sense it through his actions and the way he treated me.

I made sure that I would not follow in the same footsteps with my daughter and there were hugs and kisses all the time and with the grandbabies too, until they moved 9 hours away. Now I only talk to them on the phone. ohwell sad

Marie55's photo
Sun 08/23/09 10:09 PM
As I posted earlier, I put he/she/it outside and when last seen it was heading north toward Highway 101, likely looking to hit the big city for a good time. flowerforyou

Actually, may have seen he/she/it earlier today when I was out driving -- saw an itty, bitty cardboard sign along side the road that said "will work for blood, ahhhh food, yeah, that's it, food." :wink: laugh

Marie55's photo
Sun 08/23/09 09:28 PM
I am a grandma who loves her grandbabies with all her heart.
They know it too, and tend to use "granny for a soft touch." laugh

I care about people and don't like to see them hurting.
I try to help people when I can. I am sensitive, too sensitive
at times. I can be gullible and believe what people tell me and
that is how I end up getting hurt (working on that).

I am a hardworker, have been told "I am driven" and "am a workaholic" -- but don't agree with the workaholic, more out of necessity. Had a daughter to raise by myself, so had to work hard
to support us. I am a perfectionist when it comes to my work.

I have a good sense of humor and enjoy laughing and joking around.
I like to make friends and enjoy talking to them. I am loyal, honest, and will not knowingly hurt anyone.

I have regrets in my life but I am working on not dwelling on them.

Marie55's photo
Sun 08/23/09 04:45 PM

Here's a better picture of him, Lex.

And does that ever bring back memories....!

Of caulking guns, too....!

Wonder if Whisper ever took that Bob Saget poster down from her bathroom wall....?

Great pic of Llary laugh.
I miss those old DIY threads with the caulking guns and
Llary. Hmmmm, wonder if Bob Saget is still "hanging around"
Whisper's bathroom?? :wink: laugh

Happy Birthday, again, Lex. Take care. flowerforyou flowerforyou

Marie55's photo
Sun 08/23/09 02:38 AM
I was the "Post-It Queen" when I was a secretary in the prison system. I answered the phone for an Assoc. Superintendent and
decided the best way to keep names straight was to write the name
down on a Post-It as soon as I answered the phone, that helped
me remember who was on the phone when I was transferring calls.
I got dozens of calls a day. It really was a good system.

Having ADD doesn't help matters.ohwell