Community > Posts By > EkkoLost

EkkoLost's photo
Mon 11/02/09 11:19 PM

with permission, a response..

I Could Never Say

you are brave, she says
in a motherly way.
it's not what you want to hear
it won't make it go away.

she wasn't a man,
my sweet baby girl
though she could recite
what you said and hurl.

her secret was not
wrapped in the fighting
a little boy, hers
inside her, biting.

she would cry now
for you and for her
sometimes it's vivid
on a good day a blur

you are much braver
than I could ever be
your anger's not silent
my me.

Raine Les 10/25/2009

keep it up sharris,and thanks again. X

EkkoLost's photo
Mon 11/02/09 11:14 PM
Cheers MzEm you X,ey beast you!

EkkoLost's photo
Mon 11/02/09 11:11 PM
Cheers buddy!

EkkoLost's photo
Mon 11/02/09 11:10 PM
Your to kind!

EkkoLost's photo
Mon 11/02/09 11:06 PM
Yet another killer!
one of the ones that have to be heard from the poets lips to feel the full force of its power,depth and meaning?
thumbs-up from england man!

EkkoLost's photo
Mon 11/02/09 06:41 PM
A moto many dont have the will-power or sence at the time to take.....

EkkoLost's photo
Mon 11/02/09 04:26 PM

The I wade through the rubble of broken dreams

^improper English, did you mean tho'

it's obvious that you have the talent and the mind set for the craft of poetry, therefore learn to limit the overusage of "I', one can gather it being first person by the initial opening and thus the continuation only makes it a filler and juvenile. Even still, I enjoyed it, it's just a huge pet peeve of mine, and could make you a far better writer without using it so much

Listen to the Huckleberry!
he,s got good advice?
like it!

EkkoLost's photo
Mon 11/02/09 04:21 PM
When the days were the coldest!
put on your mittons!

EkkoLost's photo
Mon 11/02/09 01:48 PM
Will do!
and thanks,i think its to dark for some....

EkkoLost's photo
Mon 11/02/09 01:33 PM
Nice one!
im a 22yr old boy!

EkkoLost's photo
Mon 11/02/09 01:27 PM
Triple distilled!
pure grain!

EkkoLost's photo
Mon 11/02/09 03:16 AM
now it gets read twice!
thats what i like to hear!

EkkoLost's photo
Mon 11/02/09 02:39 AM

ok, that's worse...the little arrow thing-ies are very distracting

something has to be there or it just blocks up?
changed it tho,hope its ok!

EkkoLost's photo
Mon 11/02/09 01:51 AM
Edited by EkkoLost on Mon 11/02/09 02:50 AM
"To the MOON!"
"Yes to the moon."
"I barely blinked?"
"Well im fast"
I smiled and winked.
"Now gather round and listen close,
i'll only say it once
i don't like to boast."
"Now i flew so high
i flew so fast
i was flying faster than shooting-star's!"
"In out-of-SPACE!"
"Yes shooting-star's."
"But how could you BREATH!"
"I held my breath."
"For all that TIME!"
"I barely belive?"
"Well i reached the moon."
"And what did you SEE!"
"I met a man."
"A man on the MOON!"
"But what does he EAT?"
"Why custard of course
cheese give's him bad-dream's."
"Bad-dreams on the MOON!"
"But were does he SLEEP?"
"He lay's in a hammock,
he hang's it from hook's."
"He lay's in a HAMMOCK?"
"And he has hand's that are HOOK'S!"
"What?,hand's that are hook's?"
"He's there to write BOOK'S!"
"With hand's that are hooks
AND he lay's in a hammock
BAD-DREAM'S on the moon
and he EAT'S custard not cheese
as it give's him BAD-dream's?"
"I barely BELIVE!"
"I sigh and i smile
and look at the moon
"I can see him from here
the man in the moon,
i took him a gift
i gave him a spoon!"
"I told you i did
ive been to the MOON!"
"You took him a spoon?"
"Take me to the MOON!"
"To the moon?"
"To the moon!"
"Well keep-hold of your hat
as we're gunna fly FAST!"
"Faster than star's"
"fAster than car's"
"faSter than plan's"
"fasTer than train's"
"fastEr than parrot's"
"fasteR than word's"...
"Faster than a PARROT!"
"Is the man on the moon a PIRATE!"
"He does have hand's that are hook's
and he's there to write book's
and he lay's in hammock
and you took him a spoon?"
"Mabey he's buried some GOLD!"
"Gold on the moon?"
"He's useing my spoon to dig on the moon?"
"You must be MAD!"

EkkoLost's photo
Sun 11/01/09 09:20 PM
thanks i should have split it so that you knew who was speaking?

EkkoLost's photo
Sun 11/01/09 06:27 PM

EkkoLost's photo
Sun 11/01/09 06:25 PM
wish it was longer?

EkkoLost's photo
Sun 11/01/09 05:05 PM
Thats it!
the noodle eatting poodle
ate oddles of noodles!
ha,the randomness in my head?

EkkoLost's photo
Sun 11/01/09 04:07 PM
A Bizzee body with a badge!
most of the time just power tripping,they put on a uniform and are like...
im better than you,dont you know ive got a badge?
Oooooh im sorry,.....not a badge?
half the time they can get fuked,the other they can make themselfs useful.
you know?

EkkoLost's photo
Sun 11/01/09 03:53 PM
Yer id rather be the last not the fist man on the moon!
your a fox!
dont worry,someones gunna see you and think
"wow,she amazing!,she carnt dig me?,can she?"

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