Community > Posts By > EkkoLost

EkkoLost's photo
Sun 11/01/09 12:55 PM
"Who Gos There! Show yourself!"
all accents rock!
im english so its just common to me!

EkkoLost's photo
Sun 11/01/09 12:08 PM
When reading try and use a young awinspired voice for the child asking like "To the MOON!"
Unless your as dry as toast?

EkkoLost's photo
Sun 11/01/09 12:04 PM

EkkoLost's photo
Sun 11/01/09 11:56 AM
Its ok not great as quite shallow
rap and hip-hop are to me meant to be meaningful and powerfuly explict mind numbing the reader?
not bad tho just kill the caps on every word as its hard to read with a flow cuz it looks messy! check out hounds of the devil?

EkkoLost's photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:50 AM
"To the moon?"
"Yes to the moon"
"I barely-blinked!"
"Well im fast"
I smiled and winked
"Now gather round,
and listen close
i'll only say it once,
i dont like to boast!"
"Now i flew so high
i flew so fast
i was flying faster than shooting stars!"
"Shooting stars! In out-of-space?"
"Yes shooting stars"
"But how could you breath?"
"I held my breath"
"For all that time! I barely belive?"
"Well i reached the moon"
"And what did you see?"
"I met a man"
"A man on the moon!
But what does he eat?"
"Why custard of course!
Cheese gives him bad dreams!"
"Custard not cheese!
Bad dreams on the moon!
But were does he sleep?"
"He lays in a hammock
he hangs it from hooks"
"He lays in a hammock!
And his hands are of hooks?"
"His hands are of hooks?"
"He's there to write books!
With hands that are hooks?
And he lays in a hammock!
Bad dreams on the moon?
And he eats custard not cheese as it gives
him bad dreams!
I barely belive?"
I sigh and i smile
and look at the moon
"I can see him from here,
the man in the moon,
i took him a gift,
i gave him a spoon,
i told you i did
i've been to the moon!
"You took him a spoon?
Take me to the moon!"
"To the moon?"
"To the moon!
"Well hold on to your hat,
as we're gunna fly fast,
Faster than stars
fAster than cars
faSter than plans
fasTer than trains
fastEr than parrots
fasteR than Words!
"WAIT! faster than a parrot?
Is the man on the moon a PIRATE!
he does have hands that are hooks
and he's there to write books
and he lays in a hammock
and you TOOK him a spoon?
Mabey he's buried some GOLD!"
"Gold on the moon
he's useing my spoon to dig on the moon?
You must be Mad!". ;)

EkkoLost's photo
Sat 10/31/09 11:52 PM
Dont give them cash?
ok there may be the exception?
but they get state benefits and most are drunks or addicts?or both!
buy them something to eat instead that way you arnt fuleing there own self destruction?
they beg and make vast amounts doing it knowing were and how to look needy?
save your money and give it to a charity that cares for the homeless as then its going to good use!
listen to the fugees mista mista if in doubt and it,l change your mind!
im not saying all are deadhand cupidity nefarious but just use common sence?
talk to them first and find out if there in need of help or just taking you for a sucker!

EkkoLost's photo
Sat 10/31/09 10:27 PM
Sorry about the lineing folks the mother flipping button flipping flipped off.
i was consentraiting on spelling and was gunna line it afterwards.flip it.

EkkoLost's photo
Sat 10/31/09 08:47 PM
Edited by EkkoLost on Sat 10/31/09 08:57 PM
A Wolf-Man-Fiend is also known as a Hound-Of-Hell sent to do the devil's bidding,
and vise-versa
They were promised passage into Heaven for there service of going into Hell to to God's will...
Some turn Bad by choose as the Devil look's after his own?
it's a story of how the power-of-evil can break-even the strongest of being's,
and have them doing thing's they never-dreamed...
thank's for takeing the trip into my mind...

EkkoLost's photo
Sat 10/31/09 08:17 PM
Edited by EkkoLost on Sat 10/31/09 09:09 PM
It's that time of the month?
He wake's-up and check's his nail's,
he's had a little bit-A-luck
he's made it through the night-now,
he's got day-light-hour's
8-hour's of no-night-terror's,
the luner-effect's
got him running like bird's-of-a-feathers,
but it's inevitable
he carn't escape for now it's a full-moon...
He throw's back his-head
crackled howl to the moon,
there's sickanig-crunching as his bone's elongate,
with dank-fur and contorted-feacher's,
all the
creature-comfort's of man's best-friend,
the silhouette-prove's
100%-proof that transformation's complete,
bathed in moon-shine
he straighten's up and take's a sniff of the breeze...
With animal-instinct's
the once-man flex's
a huge-surge of power
and take's-off
with the one-minded-vision of a being-hell-bent on revenge...
With no-one to blame
this mythological-lupine has the urge to-kill,
he's lycanthrope,
feel's no-blame from the murder-that he-wrote,
one-bite and your created
from the history of the age's of this there's no-return...
Only hurt by a silver-bullet
only stoped by decapitation or harsh-trauma to the heart,
once-mastered transmutation can be so-told at ease,
and if achived...
cut's that were once-cut will no-longer-bleed...
And the quench of blood is fuled by brutal-vengeance,
poisonous-seed's of nefarious-anger
which-warp his mind at all-angle's...
Magnified-senses on high-alert
he's a night-time-stalker,
hunting-red and moving strategically on-hind-leg's
through the mist like a dangerous-predator with infinite-abilities...
New to the man-wolf-fiend,
he's bitterly-conscious of his-loathsomely-rogue and satanic turn-coat-crime's.
Yet he has to watch-on-debilitated as the shapeshifter's-wrath viciously maim's and indulge's...
He's sickly-entranced by the sheer-phisical-force of the recklessly-calculated and spontaneous-rage...
He howl's to the moon and take's a sniff-of-the-breeze,
snarling as he drop's down to-all-paw's and with the toned-accuracy of a ruthless-killer,
he analyzes the surrounding-twilight that he's taken as his zone...
He stand's poised,
muscles-ripperling as there bunched and ready for flight,
head slightly-tipped to the slightest of sounds,
he's honeing in-on his unsuspecting-game.
The moon's-beam's catch the murderous and deranged-glint in his systematic-eyes as hackles-raised,
he let's-rip a truly-awe-inspiring-bloodcurdling "roar",
with saliva-exploding from his jowe's he travel's
moving with such-speed,
that not even
the Hound's-Of-Hell-could stop-him now...

EkkoLost's photo
Sat 10/31/09 07:59 AM
are you sure i dident write that?!
haha,without a doubt Wikid!

EkkoLost's photo
Sat 10/31/09 03:25 AM
Or Autumn
Autumn Leaf

EkkoLost's photo
Sat 10/31/09 03:22 AM

EkkoLost's photo
Sat 10/31/09 01:19 AM
cheers man,im a burner
the pain makes you feel warm?
never been a cutter,messy and it doesent hurt just stings.
great and the name fits perfect!

EkkoLost's photo
Sat 10/31/09 12:57 AM
:) wish it was longer tho!

EkkoLost's photo
Sat 10/31/09 12:53 AM
Wikid man!
onething tho
i answerd the door,there before me was the most beautyful women id ever saw.
door and saw,kind of kills the magic of the moment
mabey change saw to-

EkkoLost's photo
Sat 10/31/09 12:41 AM
i roll and kick the cover
eyes shut but acheing and my legs O so restless
i kick the cover
damm cover
its always getting twisted never stays on
i plump and flip the pillow
i carnt sleep
but yet?
should i get out of bed?
i roll and kick the cover
O for a silent-nite
my double-bed fit for a lover
but yet?
damm cover
i plump and flip the pillow
my legs restless i kick the cover
laying in bed cuz its dark not feeling tired
im sick of this!
laying awake
mind active
in till day-light comes and then i sleep
bad dreams?
i get night-terrors
sweats and wakeing with tears.
simple fact
a human spends how many years?
i feel ya tammy! nice. X

EkkoLost's photo
Fri 10/30/09 10:55 AM
Queene i truely must insist that you read and follow the rules?
you carnt keep deluding minglers with copy-write,d poems,its not fair you takeing the credit for others work?
if you must insist,do as the rules state and annonce whos and how much you like it.
its a classic even with a strange ending..

EkkoLost's photo
Fri 10/30/09 10:34 AM
cool,what a wikid name your bro had!
he must have been a sound guy-respect.
my heart-to you....

EkkoLost's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:15 AM
Edited by EkkoLost on Fri 10/30/09 07:29 AM


EkkoLost's photo
Fri 10/30/09 04:25 AM
Thanks thats a charmer!

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