Community > Posts By > Gator76

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 11:50 AM

Obviously porn and the slew of viruses that comes with it.

The irony of it all:

Virtual world: Porn and viruses
Real world: sex and STD'S

rofl rofl rofl

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 11:50 AM

Can I use Gimp2 to make my Mingle2 pic look like Brad Pitt?

C' only goes so far!!laugh

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 11:23 AM

Don't we all have an image in our minds about who will sweep us off our feet?
In each of our minds there is a perception of who we want to be with. There is also a perception of HOW we all want to be loved.

How I want to be loved may be different from how YOU want to be loved. is my conundrum....

When you are with someone and you appreciate MANY of the aspects that make up that like the way they ect ect...You care for them greatly...but there is one problem....

You don't like HOW they love you....

I don't know how to feel about this. I really don't like how he expresses his love....he barely does express any feelings at all on any given day to begin with.

He has told me he loves me...but he is not the snuggle bear and does not exude sentiments of sweetness....its just not how he rolls.

In his mind a guy that is sensitive enough to show his emotions and whisper sweet nothings in my ear...he must be gay.

thats his stand on this...and he's not budgging.

I want to it wrong of me to not appreciate how he shows his love?....I think it blows...I don't feel like I'm getting what I need from the this selfish on my part?

Am I?

Idunno....I refuse to settle...would I be?... if this is just how he is and it never changes? would I be settling on my part?

I'm trying to be realistic....I don't believe in the "love at first sight" thing...soul mates?...not so much...twin flames?...yeah..I thought perhaps we are...

I dunno if you wanna comment....any input is welcome.
Why can't love be simpler?
Like when I was 20.
I love you...
you love me...

simple as

This could be difficult...only you can decide, of course. But expecting someone to change drastically the way they show emotions...affection...isn't realistic. Don't adopt a problem for don't change people...they change themselves. If he doesn't see a reason or a need...or is simply incapable...why should you suffer. You are obviously intelligent, pretty and have a lot to offer...find a guy who falls head over heels in love and is swept away by your deserve nothing less.
happy flowerforyou

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 11:13 AM

Hey, I mean, it's a tough room, ya know! laugh

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 10:59 AM

Oh my freakin gosh! I have "fool" tattooed on my head..someone please look at my pics and tell me if its there..a dude just asked me for $1500!..I'm seriously sitting here trying to not

Well, it's pretty easy work when you think about it...send tons of emails to women...never know when you'll catch someone in a weak moment...all it takes is one and he's had a payday. Losers like this abound...on and off the Internet. Block, delete...laugh and move on. Now, could you send me $500
for dinner tonight...I'm a big tipper! laugh

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 07:27 AM

When I was in my late 20s, I was with the GE News Bureau in Washington, D.C. and served as The White House Liaison for the Lighting of the National Christmas Tree...part of the Pageant of Peace...a celebration that started 86 years ago and culminates with the President throwing a switch on the first Thursday in December to light the tree on the Ellipse near the White House. Even if you can't make the lighting ceremony someday, plan a trip during December...our capital city is beautiful dressed up for the holidays. I met two Presidents...Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter...before I moved on to other media and PR/Advertising jobs over the years. It still is a warm memory. Merry Christmas to all...

Gator76's photo
Mon 11/30/09 10:54 PM

Why do people do it?..Is it just to be nice? it in hopes that the spark you lost for each other will come back?..Orrrrrrr maybe just sheer I talk to an ex every now and then but I swear everytime leaves me wondering.."Why the hell do you put yourself through that?" have yet to come up with an answer.

Well, no doubt everyone's experience is going to be different. I respect my ex and she does the same...we were married for 35 years. And, we are both we get along. laugh I believe in I have learned tolerance...and frees me to put energy into worthwhile pursuits. I can imagine, however, that in an acrimonious would be hell all over again to stay in touch. Whatever works...:wink:

Gator76's photo
Mon 11/30/09 09:03 PM

Gator76's photo
Mon 11/30/09 09:01 PM

Would it bother you to see an ex out in public with their new bf/gf? How would you react?

I was married 35 years...and my ex and I are friends...I would be fine seeing her with or without someone. She is a beautiful, intelligent woman...and she deserves someone special. I'm happy...she should be, too. happy

Gator76's photo
Mon 11/30/09 08:51 PM

But, I'm all I think about.

Can we say, Narcissism? laugh

Gator76's photo
Mon 11/30/09 07:57 PM

If you purposefully do not answer the telephone when your bf/gf calls because your are not in the mood to talk to them is this a form of lying? (Note:You can see thieir name in your caller ID)

Don't know if it's lying...but definitely a form of immaturity! :wink: laugh

Gator76's photo
Mon 11/30/09 07:47 PM

I sent this email to 50 different women on 4 free dating sites. I got ONE reply.

"You sound interesting. Want to rob a bank with me? I'll drive the getaway car while you go inside and get the money. Then we'll fly to Las Vegas, get married, have wild parties with showgirls and Elvis impersonators, argue because you don't want to name our first child Otto (even if it's a girl) get a divorce and spend the rest of our lives growing old and lonely."

However, I also said it to another 50 women face to face t start a conversation and got 12 phone numbers.

Do you think it's all in the delivery? laugh

Hmmmm...I think 49 of the 50 women online were smart enough to realize they would be charged with bank robbery...and you only charged with accessory to bank robbery. The 50 you met face to face - let's say in a bar - well, only 38 women were smart enough to realize they were bank robbers...and 12 were dumber than a box of rocks. So, smarter women are online? You hang out in a bar with 24% dumb women? So many few real answers. rofl

Gator76's photo
Mon 11/30/09 07:31 PM

a kick in the butt (nudge) is just like when we were in elementary school, a sign that they are interested but just don't know how to show it


like pulling your pigtails..

He He! pitchfork

If he offers you a frog next could be serious! :wink:

Gator76's photo
Mon 11/30/09 05:19 PM
The only site I've been on...or will be on now that Susan and I are together...I come here for the forums...

As Groucho Marx said, "I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member!" laugh

Gator76's photo
Mon 11/30/09 05:04 PM

Hey I'm just tellin' you what the faux pas was... don't shoot the messenger... laugh laugh

Never, girl. Like your posts...never told you! flowerforyou I'm in such a great state of mind these's almost disgusting. happy

Gator76's photo
Mon 11/30/09 05:01 PM

I would realize that the relationship wasn't that important to him so why should it be to me? I'd pull up my big girl panties and move on...

Yeah...I'd pull up my big girl panties and move on...wait, maybe that's why she left...the BIG GIRL PANTIES!

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
Yeah, um I've been meaning to talk to you about that...

Damn...the last to know!!laugh

Well it's a sensitive topic and I wasn't sure how to bring it up, especially in front of everyong.. But the door opened today.. laugh

Hey, they weren't even PINK!laugh

Everyone's a critic!

No, they were "NEON PINK" that was the final straw I'm guessing... laugh

Gator76's photo
Mon 11/30/09 04:58 PM

I would realize that the relationship wasn't that important to him so why should it be to me? I'd pull up my big girl panties and move on...

Yeah...I'd pull up my big girl panties and move on...wait, maybe that's why she left...the BIG GIRL PANTIES!

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
Yeah, um I've been meaning to talk to you about that...

Damn...the last to know!!laugh

Well it's a sensitive topic and I wasn't sure how to bring it up, especially in front of everyong.. But the door opened today.. laugh

Hey, they weren't even PINK!laugh

Gator76's photo
Mon 11/30/09 04:54 PM

70,000 new jobs were posted today. Only 1,500 resumes were posted today. 5 new business opportunities were posted today. Over 100,000 career opportunities posted today. Get your leads today and more...

Hard to believe this is still here....a commercial!!!noway

Gator76's photo
Mon 11/30/09 04:51 PM

I would realize that the relationship wasn't that important to him so why should it be to me? I'd pull up my big girl panties and move on...

Yeah...I'd pull up my big girl panties and move on...wait, maybe that's why she left...the BIG GIRL PANTIES!

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
Yeah, um I've been meaning to talk to you about that...

Damn...the last to know!!laugh

Gator76's photo
Mon 11/30/09 04:49 PM

I would realize that the relationship wasn't that important to him so why should it be to me? I'd pull up my big girl panties and move on...

Yeah...I'd pull up my big girl panties and move on...wait, maybe that's why she left...the BIG GIRL PANTIES!

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