Community > Posts By > Gator76

Gator76's photo
Wed 12/02/09 01:55 PM
Our sincere condolences...and prayers to your friend and the family of the brave young man who proudly served his country! flowers

Gator76's photo
Wed 12/02/09 11:25 AM

If you follow the typical western zodiacal principals...

Sagittarians gravitate towards narcissism, compulsiveness, and drug abuse.

Well, no one's perfect!laugh

Gator76's photo
Wed 12/02/09 11:22 AM

:heart:What if the other person says "I love you" first,but you can't say it back because you are not sure?:heart:

smitten What would you say?smitten

I like you...not like, like you...but like you very mind you...that doesn't mean I'll like, like you in the future, necessarily...but it doesn't mean I wouldn't ever say I like, like you (by this time she is walking, verily, running the other way! laugh

Seriously, say "thank you, that is very special..."

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 10:05 PM
:heart: Serendipitously taken!:heart:

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 09:52 PM

Out of all the messages about this topic, Ms. Carrie was the only one with TRUE HONOR. Everyone in this COUNTRY should have HONOR. But there are only a selected few that still retain what there parents have instilled within them from birth. And I commend Ms. Carrie for that. As this Country of ours becomes older everyone is going to wonder what had happened to themselves. Why did I let myself become like this and listen to the wrong people. Then you will be thinking. If I only did this or only done that. (Food for Thought). I will be back have to check my other blog.

You're making vast generalizations about women which is NOT honorable... Do not call others unhonorable and one honorable b/c they gave the answer you wanted to hear.. that is AGAIN UNHONORABLE... You do not know ALL women, you do not even know MOST women so it is FAR from your place to even make a post like this with these assumptions...

I do not get beaten, I do not judge a book by it's cover.. I do not appreciate being thrown into a vast generalization and I do most definitely have HONOR....

Put that in your pipe and smoke it..

Oh and maybe say "you're welcome" or something respectful to bgeorge for thanking you for serving our country..


You go girl! :wink:

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 09:17 PM

Self confidence is a biatch huh dude?:tongue: laugh laugh


To the OP: Hi and welcome. waving

Don't worry about what other people think, and as already said, attraction is subjective. The combination of your personality, integrity, and appearance will make you successful; not just one single element.

Goof, am I ... prettttttty?

Choose your words carefully, Goof! She's carrying a blade!

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 09:13 PM

I find it easier to meet ladies in common places such as supermarkets, coffee shops.....etc than in any dating site .
What about you ?.

Oh, I think you probably meet the classiest ladies at about 2 A.M. in an open-all-night convenience store...they're usually ruminating over whether the Cheese Whiz in the 16-oz. can is a better buy than the 8-oz. can. (Why, by the way, would anyone EVER eat anything with the word Whiz in it?) laugh

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 08:57 PM
This guy is so lame...same dude that was posting job offer commercials earlier...and now nice guy posts...WOMEN ONLY. Melody, Millie, Moonlight, Q-Man called it...LOSER! But, have a nlaugh ice day!

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 08:46 PM
<-------Well, we're way north of 40....but age is truly only a number! Nothing is guaranteed by any age. We're fortunate...having made mostly good have the financial stability to do as we please. We both have good health...because without that nothing else much matters. We both have a Carpe Diem philosophy of life...Rock on! We're happy in our own skins...and don't get under the other's too often. laugh And we're still like a couple of raging-hormone teenagers! laugh

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 08:07 PM

Guess we are never too old inLIFE to learn! TODAY I enrollrd in the UNIVERSITY of PHEONIX! Yes I am getting a degree in Health Care Admin the reason for this New change in my LIFE is because ,my knee is going out on me & I can not stand all day & being a Fitness Trainer is hard to do when you have limits on what your body can do. whoa I am NOt ready to give up boxing yet tho I am sure that time will aome.......sad2 :cry: Anyway I start school this month on Dec 21st I only need to go once a week to be consider a FULL time student! Just another steping stone in LIFE! :thumbsup:

flowerforyou Congratulations...You are never too old, indeed! On Jan. 5, I start my Ph. D. at the University of Florida...where I was graduated with a B.S. Degree in Journalism 34 years ago. I'm 59 now...and will be 61 two years from now when I complete my studies. Guess what? I'll be 61 in two years if I don't go back to school! :wink: I'll stop learning...when I die! laugh

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 05:44 PM

I mean I am pretty much ok with being alone most of the go out with someone when the loneliness chases you from your house..they like you you don't like them you like them they don't like you..I mean why can't men come prepackaged at walmart..instant boy friend just add vodka..he lives at his house I live at mine..I don't wanna be breathing the air he exhales 24 7..someone to do things with when ya need someone to do things with...geeeeshhhh is that too much to ask...frustrated rant

Hey, need to be in a place like Atlanta...a larger market that offers more than Fort Collins! happy flowerforyou Susan and I wish you the best...for what you want! happy

just what I need is another success story...I am sooooo jealous..flowerforyou

You love us and you know it...!!!laugh You have so much to offer...I wish you believed that!:wink:

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 05:04 PM

I mean I am pretty much ok with being alone most of the go out with someone when the loneliness chases you from your house..they like you you don't like them you like them they don't like you..I mean why can't men come prepackaged at walmart..instant boy friend just add vodka..he lives at his house I live at mine..I don't wanna be breathing the air he exhales 24 7..someone to do things with when ya need someone to do things with...geeeeshhhh is that too much to ask...frustrated rant

Hey, need to be in a place like Atlanta...a larger market that offers more than Fort Collins! happy flowerforyou Susan and I wish you the best...for what you want! happy

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 04:15 PM

I see so many twenty somethings and even a few 18 and 19 year olds on these sites, it astounds me. If someone is young and healthy, with no responsibilities tying them down,,why dont they get out and meet people? Goodness, when I was that age I would not have been in places like this because I Was too busy going out with family or going dancing or to shows or ANYTHING but sitting on a computer. Do you think this is a sign of decaying social skills or what?

Had to go back to the beginning after reading everyone's comments. Ah, to be young again. At 40 now, 18-19 seems like a lifetime ago. It seemed like I could find someone in a week back then. Now at 40, it's a different world, I don't know how but it just is, and my social skills have vastly improved over the last 20 years, but for some reason, it was just so easy back then. Maybe it was hormones.laugh

As a young man we want to fit in with the older men. Then as we progress as older men we wish we were young again.

laugh Dude, you can't be progressing too much...I got ties older than you! Never wished I was any age but what I am...Enjoy what you have when you have it. Don't make life more difficult than it has to be... happy Carpe Diem!

Sometimes I feel like there is only the **** end of the stick.

Oops, sorry about inserting my comment between your comments! laugh

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 04:14 PM

I see so many twenty somethings and even a few 18 and 19 year olds on these sites, it astounds me. If someone is young and healthy, with no responsibilities tying them down,,why dont they get out and meet people? Goodness, when I was that age I would not have been in places like this because I Was too busy going out with family or going dancing or to shows or ANYTHING but sitting on a computer. Do you think this is a sign of decaying social skills or what?

Had to go back to the beginning after reading everyone's comments. Ah, to be young again. At 40 now, 18-19 seems like a lifetime ago. It seemed like I could find someone in a week back then. Now at 40, it's a different world, I don't know how but it just is, and my social skills have vastly improved over the last 20 years, but for some reason, it was just so easy back then. Maybe it was hormones.laugh

As a young man we want to fit in with the older men. Then as we progress as older men we wish we were young again.

laugh Dude, you can't be progressing too much...I got ties older than you! Never wished I was any age but what I am...Enjoy what you have when you have it. Don't make life more difficult than it has to be... happy Carpe Diem!

Sometimes I feel like there is only the **** end of the stick.

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 04:07 PM
Good luck and much happiness...lived in Naples half the year for about 9 years, so know how much you must enjoy going over to Sanibel and Captiva Islands. Lovely area. Welcome.happy flowerforyou

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 03:30 PM

"The code is mine.
So are the relationships I cultivate."

Anybody else want to talk about sociopathology?

Can't say I do! laugh

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 03:26 PM

Love isn't selfish- People are selfish

and if you don't love someone as much as they love you- it is the right thing to tell them and to let them make the decision to stay or go. Honesty is always the best way to go! jmo:heart:

Well said...Love it when people save me time! happy

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 03:17 PM
Obviously, it is tragic that this woman died - the 38 year old former Miss Argentina died from complications from a gluteoplasty. Apparently the operation was not done by an accredited plastic surgeon...but that investigation is ongoing. There are risks to any surgery. And there are hundreds of thousands of successful cosmetic surgeries every year. Generally, people are made aware of the risks. Not safe to assume that people who get these surgeries are neurotic...or don't have their acts together. Often these surgeries make people feel better about themselves. So, yes, it's tragic that she died....but to paint everyone with the same brush that plastic surgery isn't right...well, maybe that's a bit much. Tolerance is a good thing. How many of us would like to be judged on every decision we ever made? :smile:

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 12:25 PM

I'm looking for a dream catcher to give someone. What stores would sell dreamcatchers?

Google 'em, my friend...dozens of places online...from $20 to $100s. Good luck!

Gator76's photo
Tue 12/01/09 12:23 PM
Just not enough information here about how the survey for me...questions of validity, bias, survey population...and more. Certainly can't draw any conclusions about whether 80% of the men were or weren't "below average" in looks, according to the survey participants...Again, how many people? Men and women? Interesting concept...question...issue...just need a little more info to determine whether it is reflective of a reasonable population. :smile:

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