Community > Posts By > Shasta1

Shasta1's photo
Thu 08/05/10 11:54 PM

All good relationships start as friendships. If your friendship is strong even if the relationship doesn't last you may be able to remain friends. I say go for it. You only live once.

Yes, they do. My ex and I started as friends first and then it grew, one day he just kissed me. We were together for 18 years (the last 3 dating after the D) and we are still today, very good friends. It can happen and it was all so very worth it, best memories (and some hard ones) in my life. Things happened, and slowly we grew apart, I got cancer at the wronng time for us, and it was the clincher. he has since apologized many times and I forgave him long before he did. We're only human. Go for it, I don't think you'll regret it. If it doesn't work out, if you truly are friends, things will go back to friends. It's like having a arguement with a lt best friend, you forgive, forget and move on- . Best of luck:heart: , truly!

Shasta1's photo
Thu 08/05/10 09:22 PM
Am so saddened to read about your pain. One guy was seriously trying to reel me in, hard and furious. 5 messages to my one, poems and all the mess. When told him he was moving way too fast for me (3 days and my dog was ours) and a remark that literally had to explain was kidding about turned around that I was the culprit and he posted a long thread about me, how I liedsurprised , and all this other stuff which was so far out there that I couldn't even respond (thankfully the whole message was yanked but then maybe not), just shake my head and tell myself this internet thing is really something you have to watch out for, because you cannot look the person in the eye, nor see their mannerisms, or catch on much quicker that perhaps there was something going on with this person that if met on the outside world, would have picked up on almost immediately.
That being said, I do want to say that, for me, as soon as my little psychy thing starts telling me something is not quite right, to listen to it immediately, even if I have no idea why, because I will soon. Do NOT ignore that inner nudge. You even, at the time, knew you were right, but we really like to fool ourselves at times.
Thats all I can offer, but nay, on the internet thing, there is NO way you can grasp a person without being in the same room with them soon after you meet. There are a few lucky ones on here, but I'll wager it's not the norm and more like 2% compared to all the bad experiences people have had and talked about. Hope you heal fastflowerforyou .

Shasta1's photo
Thu 08/05/10 08:44 PM
and out came a pre-packeage face lift.

I put in some dog food

Shasta1's photo
Thu 08/05/10 08:42 PM
Moon River

Shasta1's photo
Thu 08/05/10 07:59 PM


We're all getting too smart for our own good, you shoulda put this with the other thread. Mine stops @ the middle and my legs are just so dam smart I don't weart shorts shorter than my knees unless alone.drinker laugh :tongue:

Shasta1's photo
Thu 08/05/10 07:32 PM

pitchfork pitchfork :banana: :banana: ive had some stalkers, who have gotten into my email...they say hi, duffy, didn't i c u by the bar this weekend, or mcd's, or walking?
and i freeked.
then, 2 days ago, some chicks stopped by in a car as i was walking, and said hi, duffy....haven't seen u 4 a while...

so i got their LP, and will post it tomorrow...hahahahahahaah.....
a white chick, and 2 of what could this b about ya suppose...they r after my booty? well they might wanna steal my old ladies cart? ???????????pitchfork

LOL Duff, you always crack me up because i know, deep down, you're dead serious.laugh :wink: :tongue:


Shasta1's photo
Thu 08/05/10 01:07 PM
Edited by Shasta1 on Thu 08/05/10 01:09 PM

Lori for my fiftith birthday I gave myself the gift of me. For the first 50 years I was a daughter, a wife, a mother, a sister, an employee and I gave each of these jobs everything I had. I told everyone when I was turning 50 that it was now "Jayne" time. I still do all the other roles but on my terms now. There is no better gift than to give yourself the right to be just you!

what she What Jesse said then somelaugh

Shasta1's photo
Thu 08/05/10 01:07 PM

My Birthday is on Sat. and truly, Im enjoying my life more and more the older I get flowerforyou

You'll get it Lori, it can't be explained..

Shasta1's photo
Thu 08/05/10 12:41 PM

What I see happening to both men and women, is that they don't look after themselves physically and that is akin to aging, because you are not fit enough to enjoy life, have no energy, and look gruesome naked. So who wants a fat, gruesome mate with no energy, and health issues?
I'm 58 and still play hockey. I notice women young enough to be my daughter, even grand daughter checking me out, because I have a fit body. So many people give up early on themselves and forget that people run marathons in their 80's. So why can't people in their 50's be fit? If you chose to turn into a couch potato and no one wants you, who's to blame. You control your destiny. If you steer your ship into a reef don't blame anyone but yourself. If you're not appealing its your doing, stop griping and look after yourself.

have some compassion for what people go through in life..or you'll be next....

Shasta1's photo
Thu 08/05/10 12:39 PM

Mary and Carold up to no good again?laugh laugh

I dunno Betts (whoops almost called you Beets therelaugh :tongue: ), she won't answer me, that usually spells T_R_O_U_U_B_L_E....
oh where oh where has little Car gone?

Shasta1's photo
Thu 08/05/10 12:58 AM

I'm getting tired of feeling I'm on an interview.

Why Carol, whose interviewing you, did I miss something, how are you, whats new?:tongue: laugh
laugh laugh laugh and the last question was laugh laugh laugh

who knowslaugh , I'm sooo tired these days. lets get simple, how are you?flowerforyou

Shasta1's photo
Thu 08/05/10 12:56 AM

I've chosen so far to remain single, but some here (men) I wonder...laugh :tongue: :wink:

Shasta1's photo
Thu 08/05/10 12:50 AM
Edited by Shasta1 on Thu 08/05/10 12:50 AM

"Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.

I would, for me, end that with "...but do so with all your heart and humility."

Shasta1's photo
Thu 08/05/10 12:45 AM
Mascetomies are up there in my top 2.

Shasta1's photo
Thu 08/05/10 12:24 AM
Edited by Shasta1 on Thu 08/05/10 01:03 AM
getting late, night all.

Shasta1's photo
Thu 08/05/10 12:24 AM

were you raised on a chicken farm?
cuz you sure know how to raise a ****.

Ok, I'll bite. raise a what? egg?
Obviously that one flew by me so fast I missed it in the blink.

Shasta1's photo
Wed 08/04/10 11:57 PM

A brass knuckle/coffee mug combo...

LOL, i need that for where I work

a pair of glasses

Shasta1's photo
Wed 08/04/10 10:40 PM
LOL. a one way ticket to LV.

Shasta1's photo
Wed 08/04/10 10:24 PM
Edited by Shasta1 on Wed 08/04/10 10:37 PM
a little sensitive tonight? I was always taught don't dish it out if ya can't take it back.flowerforyou It started as a joke but the way right outers..will leave it as that.

What REALLY is needed to be done is everyone gets on the same page and gets something done..all this squabbling about the 'parties' (starting to sound a little communistic?) need to forget all the hocus-pocus on their differences and get cracking on DOING THEIR JOB.
It's more like- "I don't care what he has to say he's a ______ and I don't like ________". Either your part of the problem or part of the solution, and guess what, we getting in deeper with all the problems with very little solutions. What goes on in this forum is like what senate and congress do, argue more on whose right and why instead of whats right and why.

Get rid of the damn parties and friggen do something to save this country because the line between just having only 2 classes is getting pretty dam big.
I buy hot dogs for the dogs. For months .99...all of a sudden a 45 cent increase. Get with the program people. Wake up, ya'll been hoodwinked into squabbling over the parties and not the issues. Oh yea you agree/disagree but no one here ever discusses solutions just the blame game. Thats the big plan, divert us so we don't notice, don't get appalled, worry so much about paying the bills that we haven't the energy to kick all their ***** right out of their seats, give them something to worry about (THEIR jobs). We absolutely have to let the People have say so. Now, don't ask me how :wink: . It's just disgusting what this country is becoming by it's (ahem) diversity, instead of strength.
Liberal enough for ya?

Shasta1's photo
Wed 08/04/10 10:18 PM
a orange

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