Community > Posts By > Shasta1

Shasta1's photo
Sun 08/08/10 11:26 AM
I hadn't even finished my first cup of coffee, thankfully I'm not awake enough to remember that later.

Shasta1's photo
Sat 08/07/10 09:11 PM
I really like this. I know I was 2/3 of them with my ex, some needed more attention especially towards the end when started to give up (13 years) because his biggest was # 8 and lack of communication skills in intimacy issues, and he refused to admit there were problems (would go to counseling but thought I was the problem so he didn't have to work on things).

I think this list can apply to men also. You cannot expect to meet the person you would like to spend your life with if you are not willing to do these things also, or at the very least seriously work on them together. When people lump all together in a generalization as such 'all women/men are like...' they certainly are cutting themselves off from a very content life with another.
We generally attract people with similar issues and get annoyed when the issues are mirrored back to us. That is the problem, people just run instead of asking, how can WE fix this, or I fix myself? If one is trying, the other usually starts to make the effort also...if they want the relationship to continue

Shasta1's photo
Sat 08/07/10 08:43 PM
I want to be in love

Shasta1's photo
Sat 08/07/10 06:48 PM
laugh :wink: :tongue: flowers

Shasta1's photo
Sat 08/07/10 06:45 PM

no...boink is...

ya know, they say, the ones who talk about it all the time are the ones who aren't getting it.

who ever 'they' are...

Shasta1's photo
Sat 08/07/10 05:50 PM
yes, please.
Still don't have to look for them, they're here but respect me and my buddy Wol.

Shasta1's photo
Sat 08/07/10 05:48 PM

I recently watched an interview with the former first Lady Mrs. Bush...She related that they have to pay for many expenses out of pocket, such as all food for example. Both personal and entertaining...I was shocked. spock

thats logical, the TAXPAYER expenses are a condition of security for the first family, much of their personal food still has to come from their personal budget.

Well, That also included state dinners, visiting dignataries etc. It was an interview with Laura Bush

she may be mistaken or paraphrased incorrectly

from cbsnews

'Who pays for the costs of the State Dinner? We taxpayers, naturally. The money comes from the "K Fund," a special line of appropriations administered by the Office of the Chief of Protocol at the State Department. Former Chief of Protocol Don Ensenat once told me he never learned why it was called the "K Fund." The cost of a State Dinner is not disclosed. Experts surmise it could run as high as half a million dollars. '

Now THAT annoys me to no end. They make up these budgets, the taxpyers have to foot those bills!!grumble mad :angry:
THAT needs to stop, if we can't afford to have dinner parties, neither should they, have SOME respect. Take that $ and insist it be donated to a worthy cause, every time!

Shasta1's photo
Sat 08/07/10 05:22 PM
Edited by Shasta1 on Sat 08/07/10 05:22 PM
"No one is free unless we all are free".

Shasta1's photo
Sat 08/07/10 05:19 PM

Yeah, you think we got it bad? Those damned mocking birds with their damned "tweet tweet tweet" and the other birds crying "stop it! I don't sound like that!"

You tell em Krupa, darn Mockingdogs.

Shasta1's photo
Sat 08/07/10 08:19 AM

first day on here and i've been smiling :smile: that hasn't happend for a long time now drinker thankyou mingle flowerforyou

Thats why I stick around..when the world is giving ya the cold shoulder...theres always something here to help you remember it's them, not you .:tongue:

Shasta1's photo
Sat 08/07/10 08:13 AM
Your friend is a genius, listen to her. Many need that advice during those times and don't get it.

Shasta1's photo
Sat 08/07/10 08:08 AM
nude zombies/ EEEWWWW. yuccccccc.

Shasta1's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:58 AM
and out came a pecan pie.

I put in a buck

Shasta1's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:56 AM

Here is where you come to praise God, contemplate the meaning of worship, and get your personal prayer on.

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done,
in earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever.

Why do we praise God?
Should we praise God?

Where I work, it is filled with Christians. I go around asking questions and they get flustered with me such as

Why would God lead us into temptation (lead us not?)

why are we so demanding? (Give us this day)?
I changed it to my own likeing..
Thank You for this day and lead us away from temptation.
I think God is a S/he -Ying Yang.
You can see Female/male in all creation, except of course, in rocks and stuff...but then you never know.
I like to say, our Mother...who art in Heaven because ..well.. men don't ever seem that they'd listen to this sort of stuff. If God is strictly male, when we start praying he'd probally pick up the paper (UniversalNews) to read and say...Go ahead I'm listening..

Shasta1's photo
Sat 08/07/10 07:44 AM
I have a roof over my head, food, enough to pay bills, clothes, running water, friends and family are doing ok. Truck doing well, my garden is surviving, animals healthy, work good. Am pretty much at poverty level but it could be worse.!
Guessed am pretty much blessed.

Shasta1's photo
Fri 08/06/10 07:39 PM
This has happened to me, and I find it by hitting my 'backspace' key, have you tried this? Always find mine, but then, I have a really old ocmputer.

Shasta1's photo
Fri 08/06/10 07:20 PM

Tough times you're going through. I would say though, that if you can't attend without crying or being overly emotional, I just wouldn't go at all.

It's you're cousin's day and it's going to be stressful enough for her. I would actually say, that since your niece is the reason it's uncomfortable, that she shouldn't attend.

Stay away from the booze. Everyone gets more emotional and sensitive when they're drunk.

Ms. Myka's first post and this, look great but don't steal the thunder (you wouldn'tflowerforyou on purpose) and don't drink to calm yourself, like they've already said. You have no men friends to ask, no strings attached?

Shasta1's photo
Fri 08/06/10 11:42 AM
Go Drew!

Shasta1's photo
Fri 08/06/10 01:58 AM
Edited by Shasta1 on Fri 08/06/10 02:00 AM

Mary and Carold up to no good again?laugh laugh

I dunno Betts (whoops almost called you Beets therelaugh :tongue: ), she won't answer me, that usually spells T_R_O_U_U_B_L_E....
oh where oh where has little Car gone?
I hate to tell laugh "Is there anything else I need to know about you" not once but twice. I think it was question 29 and 30. grumble We should of went to a movieohwell

Sometimes one thinks to themselves, hmmm, was I REALLY that lonely?laugh Have to give it to ya Carold, you're still going out there. I'm giving out excuses, or putting off answering long enough, that hoping it will be forgotten. Usually works. I wonder if I'll ever really be ready to go out again, but those once in a blue moon, 'dark night of the soul' thing happens and am like ok, yea then hook up with some one like you've described and the bell goes off and it's back to the seat in the corner.ohwell laugh .
Actually, it's not always that bad, I like talking to myself or the dogs, no one ever gives me any greif, ignores what was said, or simply just didn't hear, etc, etc, etc.winking :laughing:

Shasta1's photo
Fri 08/06/10 12:04 AM

we're gonna give it a whirl! happy happy happy

Apologize, hadn't gotten to this page before my words above, best of luck!!! You look and read like quite a great young woman, and think most here would agree and hope for the best for the both of you being togther.:heart: drinker

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