Is it possible to actually be in love with the same person forever. I don't mean the love that you settle into after years of marriage, but that heart stopping love that you feel when you first meet him/her.
Why do so many marriages break up ? Do the majority of women/men just get carried along with the whole idea of a marriage ceremony, rather than let the other person down ? I would be interested in your views. |
thats like me saying should I tell her I have a wife
can you think of a pro and a con to modern day marriage? can you think of a pro and con to polgamy marriage?
Guess the next poster
is that cheating hanged is next
Guess the next poster
I pick me !!!
Guess the next poster
I pick me !!!
Guess the next poster
izzy ??? darn it I dont know who post next I can tell you who posted last
Post Writing Depression
most of my topics get deleted in 9 replies. lol dont worrie about it br double 7 r.
my number one tip of the day is for people considering marriage and don't want divorce its very simple.. are you dedicated(badspelling probally) and is the other person. will you stick with that person no matter what, you fall in love out of love in love you hate the person one day. If you and your spouse are dedicated then you have the ability to have a lasting relationship, and if you dont have jealousy in your hearts you will have peace of mind and happiness.
phill |
hmm extra husbands the only argument I would have with that would be it wouldnt help a family grow any faster, have more kids umm I guess I wouldnt want to touch that one. but there are afircan tribes that practice what I consider reverse polgamy multi husbands and wifes? The jealousy factor the number one argument as for statics we can look and tradtional marriage in america which is decumented far better then hidden groups and see that aint working to good either. ok back to the number one problem the argument against that I understand lol.the jealousy factor and for men out there wanting polgamous marriage it runs both ways yess you can be jealous of the wifes spending to much time together depending on there level of friendship. as for attion I understand that one I lost my very first wife that way she left me after 6 years cause I travel with my work and wasnt home that much and the cable guy showed her more attion another storie lol..
In any relationship there must be a balance, jelousy is just such a bad trait it shows a lack of being secure, a lack of trust. people can say well thats not why I get jelous well for what ever reason it pushes some people away. people all get jelous in one way or another atleast once in thier life I cant see how you couldnt. If you want a happy relationship find someone you can trust and be a trusting person. its the easy answer sometimes harder to do then siad. and for my number one tip of the day for people considering marriage and dont want divorce its very simple.. are you dedicated(badspelling probally) and is the other person. will you stick with that person no matter what, you fall in love out of love in love you hate the person one day. if you and your spouse are dedicated then you have the ability to have a lasting relationship, and if you dont have jealousy in your hearts you will have peace of mind and happiness. These are two things that make polgamy work and modern marriage. without trust and dedication you become one of those statics. Good luck peoples and God bless your families. |
o ya the dum and dummer comment its just apart of my twisted since of humor. and russia is nice this time of year
thanks tom for the diffention, sorrie the poor writing lol. put the bible aside lets look at polgamy with common since, how many of us were lucky enough to have a mother raise us and a father who was head of house and could support us. now days many arent as lucky, the days when kids looked after there parent when they got old are fading also, its sad. for people who have been raised in the homes were both parents worked a tv as a baby sitter or some kinda of day care, how different there lifes could of been. theres not a wonder in my mind why youth voilence, drugs, sex and suicide has riasen in this modern day.. its the pro femminst dike loving everbody is equal attiude of today, if people are agianst what i say fine go march in a parade. but dont write about anti polgamy this or that and wonder why society is missed up or what kinda of nursing home you will be in when your old cause your kids want to show you the care you gave them, ps i wont ever have to worry about that.
SACRIFICIAL, SELFLESS. "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it." This is the mystery of the gospel: The Son of God gave Himself to death, to bear the burden of the Church's punishment, so that she might live. Love is selfless. "Love seeketh not her own" (I Corinthians 13). This points out the difference between love and lust. This also points out the duty of husbands.
UNCONDITIONAL. Christ's love for the Church was not based on some foreseen goodness, nor does it depend on a loveliness that She can present to Him on Her own. Christ's love was and is unconditional (See Ezekial 16). (This is the Reformed faith!) This does not mean that a young man may marry a spiritually unlovely woman. Rather, it means that the husband, after marriage, may not say, "She is not lovely anymore; I will not love her." TENDER. Ephesians 5:29 teaches the husband to "cherish" his wife. The love of Christ for the church is a tender, gentle, love. Sometimes husbands complain about "unfeminine" wives. Husbands must be asked, "Are you tender with your wife?" CLOSE. An error the husband may fall into is to think that he loves his wife because he provides well for her, but that he is rarely home with her. Then friction results and the husband is surprised. He should have known: love comes close to and dwells with the wife. I Peter 3:7 calls husbands to dwell with their wives. Christ comes close to His Bride. He speaks to Her, often. He loves Her! NURTURING. If there is true love in the husband's heart, he will also want his wife to be healthy. He will care for her physically; he will provide for her spiritually. He will have the greatest concern for her relationship to God! She is "his own flesh" and no man ever yet hated his own flesh, "but nourisheth it and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church" (Ephesians 5:29). This points out that husbands who love their wives will have conscious goals in their marriage. The purpose of the love of Christ for the church is the church's perfection. He said, as it were, "I will perfect my church. I will give myself for Her so that She may be cleansed, separated from the world, consecrated to God." Christ did that by His death on the cross and now does it by "His Spirit and Word" (Ephesians 5:26). The husband's goal for his wife will be her holiness, her purity, a close relationship to her God! I pray that every one looking finds a cristian family to grow and learn with. Phill |
please take
the elevator to the next page am sick of the hate mail gigles |
Isaiah 46;9 remeber the things of old, for I am God and there is none else and there is none like me.
Sometimes, people are indeed honest enough to admit that the Bible really does not prohibit polygamy (polygyny). However, as a hedge against that admission, such ones may then resort to saying one of the following assertions: "Yes, but God never condoned polygamy." "Yes, God allowed it, but He was against polygamy." "Polygamy was only man's idea, not God's". "Yes, but God never approved of polygamy." The passage involving 2 Samuel 12:8 rather clearly reveals otherwise. "And I gave thee thy master's house, and thy master's wives into thy bosom, and gave thee the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things." 2 Samuel 12:8. The context of the verse is that of God, speaking through a prophet (Nathan), calling out David for David's sin of taking another man's wife (Bathsheba, wife of Uriah the Hittite), which is adultery indeed, and for setting up the death of Uriah the Hittite to try to hide David's sin. Also, at the point in time of this situation, David had already been married to at least seven known-named wives. (1_Samuel 18:27, 25:42-43, 2_Samuel 3:2-5.) But, in this verse 12 (above), God was not condemning David for all his wives! In fact, this verse 12 shows God Himself actually saying that HE was the One Who had GIVEN David His wives. If God was against David's polygamy, He certainly would not have said that He had GIVEN David his wives. But the LORD did not stop there. That verse 12 shows that the Lord took it even one step further than that! The LORD God even went on further to say that if David had wanted more wives, the Lord Himself said that He would have given David even more! It was only because David had sinned, in committing adultery by taking another man's wife, and then causing that man's death to try to hide David's sin, that the Lord was calling him out through the prophet Nathan. There was no sin in the polygamy at all. This is later confirmed that this was the only matter by 1 Kings 15:5, which says the following: "Because David did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD, and turned not aside from any thing that he commanded him all the days of his life, save only in the matter of Uriah the Hittite. " 1 Kings 15:5. Two verses before that, in 1 Kings 15:3, the Bible says that David's heart was perfect with the LORD God. Very clearly, therefore, what all this shows is that God is the One Who gives wives, even when more than one wife. This is, of course, confirmed by 1_Corinthians 7:17. "But as God hath distributed to every man, as the Lord hath called every one, so let him walk. And so ordain I in all churches." 1 Corinthians 7:17. Be it NO wife, ONE wife, or MORE THAN ONE wife, it is only has God calls and gives. As such, it is clear that the Bible does, in fact, explicitly show "Yes, God did condone polygamy." "Yes, God allowed it, and He was not against polygamy." "Polygamy is not a man's idea, but God's". "Yes, God did approve of polygamy." In 2 Samuel 12:8, He Himself said so! |
Isaiah 49:9 "rember the things of old: for I am God and there is no one else and there is none like me.
Sometimes, people are indeed honest enough to admit that the Bible really does not prohibit polygamy (polygyny). However, as a hedge against that admission, such ones may then resort to saying one of the following assertions: "Yes, but God never condoned polygamy." "Yes, God allowed it, but He was against polygamy." "Polygamy was only man's idea, not God's". "Yes, but God never approved of polygamy." The passage involving 2 Samuel 12:8 rather clearly reveals otherwise. "And I gave thee thy master's house, and thy master's wives into thy bosom, and gave thee the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things." 2 Samuel 12:8. The context of the verse is that of God, speaking through a prophet (Nathan), calling out David for David's sin of taking another man's wife (Bathsheba, wife of Uriah the Hittite), which is adultery indeed, and for setting up the death of Uriah the Hittite to try to hide David's sin. Also, at the point in time of this situation, David had already been married to at least seven known-named wives. (1_Samuel 18:27, 25:42-43, 2_Samuel 3:2-5.) But, in this verse 12 (above), God was not condemning David for all his wives! In fact, this verse 12 shows God Himself actually saying that HE was the One Who had GIVEN David His wives. If God was against David's polygamy, He certainly would not have said that He had GIVEN David his wives. But the LORD did not stop there. That verse 12 shows that the Lord took it even one step further than that! The LORD God even went on further to say that if David had wanted more wives, the Lord Himself said that He would have given David even more! It was only because David had sinned, in committing adultery by taking another man's wife, and then causing that man's death to try to hide David's sin, that the Lord was calling him out through the prophet Nathan. There was no sin in the polygamy at all. This is later confirmed that this was the only matter by 1 Kings 15:5, which says the following: "Because David did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD, and turned not aside from any thing that he commanded him all the days of his life, save only in the matter of Uriah the Hittite. " 1 Kings 15:5. Two verses before that, in 1 Kings 15:3, the Bible says that David's heart was perfect with the LORD God. Very clearly, therefore, what all this shows is that God is the One Who gives wives, even when more than one wife. This is, of course, confirmed by 1_Corinthians 7:17. "But as God hath distributed to every man, as the Lord hath called every one, so let him walk. And so ordain I in all churches." 1 Corinthians 7:17. Be it NO wife, ONE wife, or MORE THAN ONE wife, it is only has God calls and gives. As such, it is clear that the Bible does, in fact, explicitly show "Yes, God did condone polygamy." "Yes, God allowed it, and He was not against polygamy." "Polygamy is not a man's idea, but God's". "Yes, God did approve of polygamy." In 2 Samuel 12:8, He Himself said so! |
agnistic and believes in trinity? I saw that one I believe its called dum and dumber..
maybe you guys should make a post called people against pologamy or people who think john 3:16 is some kind of consparicy. if you did a post forbidding marriages such as pologamy I would go and read it and not harrass you.. yes I know millions of people think jesus is God even thou it goes against what jesus taught i am one with my father just as my people are one with me ? do you think thats some kind of conspracy that you are jesus to >?? i dont think so to me its foolish to believe the son of god is god and the bible lied to us yet you have the right to believe that , so am my own dad now. as for my spelling tom ya I am very aware that I have bad grammer and spelling.. look I dont want debate or some one preaching in anger to me. hate is not good for the heart .. please go make your post forget about being anti dont user me as someone to bully , I promise not to harhass you if you make a post if I read something and have a qustion I will ask in a post and wont disrupt it. |
creations if it wasnt gender spefic then wouldnt it be called why peolpe lie.. just admit it guys are
sex and violence
welcome to jsh
am sorrie opps. i thought this was the why women love drama post.any ways why men lie maybe you should read that book what man really wants, written by that women with all those kats. o boy am funny i kill myself.