Community > Posts By > mckeachie

mckeachie's photo
Wed 07/18/07 05:54 PM
frown but dont you want to here about the fryers who needed to raise money to get a bell for the bell tower??

mckeachie's photo
Wed 07/18/07 05:51 PM
are you still bored lol??? I have more stories but please tell me ifyou want me to stop smokin

mckeachie's photo
Wed 07/18/07 05:49 PM
hi lori last night I stayed at this hotel and the baathroom had water running all over it.. I went to the front desk and told them I gotta leck in my sink, they said thats fine but most guest just use the toilet..:tongue:

mckeachie's photo
Wed 07/18/07 05:46 PM
happy international disadvantage peoples day. on this day you should send a message of encourgement to some of your retarted friends like I have done. so I dont care if you ride a short bus or eat paint chips or occasionally crap your pants you hang in there sunshine cause your specialflowerforyou
your friend phill

mckeachie's photo
Wed 07/18/07 12:33 PM
..hay am just writing about GOD and family. and spider you believe jesus is god, enough said. if you disagre with plurol mariage fine , but dont be bitter just because the bible okays it all threw the oldtestament and doesnt condone or say having more then one wife is a sin anyweres in the bible am right your wrong so shut up.. . end of discussion.....

mckeachie's photo
Wed 07/18/07 10:49 AM
trinty. is poor theology. and taking one part of a article and using it out of text is a nice way to misrepresent sommeone

mckeachie's photo
Wed 07/18/07 10:13 AM
john 3 16 doesnt say god gave himself,, jesus is his son wierdo i read the book lol

mckeachie's photo
Wed 07/18/07 10:07 AM
i studyied with them for many years if u have any qustions email me am on my cellphone to much to write..

mckeachie's photo
Tue 07/17/07 08:52 PM
SACRIFICIAL, SELFLESS. "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it." This is the mystery of the gospel: The Son of God gave Himself to death, to bear the burden of the Church's punishment, so that she might live. Love is selfless. "Love seeketh not her own" (I Corinthians 13). This points out the difference between love and lust. This also points out the duty of husbands.
nite nite people smokin

mckeachie's photo
Tue 07/17/07 08:25 PM
The idea "love" has been so prostituted that we hardly know what it means anymore. Sometimes we think that love is something that "gets you," or you "fall into" and "fall out of," or that it is simply "animal passion." The Bible says, "God is love," but also that "love is of God" (I John 4:7-16). God's love is His almighty arms embracing, binding, and holding us to Himself through His Holy Son Jesus. Between a man and a woman there is no real love if they do not love in Christ. There may be concern, passion, even a desire for the other's good; but there is no love. For husbands, the Word of God is this: "Exercise towards your wife an intelligent, purposeful affection, that joyfully wills and seeks her spiritual good, even at a great cost to you. This is the love of God's Son for you." flowerforyou

mckeachie's photo
Tue 07/17/07 07:44 PM
1 Timothy 3:2. One day, however, I accidentally found my self on a web site promoting polygyny. There I learned about the Greek word mia. Through additional study I learned that the Greek word for one in 1 Timothy 3:2 (mia:G3391) is also translated one, a or first in the scripture.

1 Timothy 3:2

"A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach".

It may be that the translators used the word one because of cultural bias. Let us look at the Greek word mia. Here is what Strong's Greek Dictionary says:

3391. mia, mee'-ah; irreg. fem. of G1520; one or first.

So mia can be translated as one or first. If you look through the Bible you will see where the translators used what they felt was appropriate for the context. They did an excellent job. But they probably did not know that they were helping to hide a truth that God has no objection to and in fact promotes! In God's Law there are rules for men concerning being married to more than one wife. Also all of the new testament teachings concerning marriage can be understood in the same way.

Let's see what 1 Timothy 3:2 would look like if the word one had been replaced with the word first.

1 Timothy 3:2 "A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of a first wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach".

Another way to write it could have been...

1 Timothy 3:2 "A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of a wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach".

Remember that the reason for an Elder to be married is so that he can shepherd the flock of God properly. The elder should realize that Christ himself marries each person of true Israelite heritage who becomes a Christian. We are the brides of Christ.

Well I have now known this truth for many years and have not been able come up with any suitable argument against this discovery. I think that as time progresses we will see polygyny return. Read Isaiah 3 and finish with Isaiah 4:1. If the number of women in verse 4:1 had been six then I would have a different opinion, but it is seven. There may also be some responsibility for established Christian families that I never would have considered.

Warning lol, I dont write this stuff for debate on theology big word:tongue: just to show facts and history, not only do I encourge family and togetherness but I encourge you to find someone that will share your faith of God with you..

mckeachie's photo
Tue 07/17/07 11:32 AM
i could date a blue box if it takes care of my blue -------!

mckeachie's photo
Mon 07/16/07 08:32 PM
:tongue: your picture is side ways my friend.. (get a straight one lol) and dont worry guys have problems finding girls to its just dum luck being in the right place at the right timesmokin

mckeachie's photo
Mon 07/16/07 08:20 PM
lol thats kool. you daughters playing e harmony for ya:tongue: my two year old learned to say pigme marmaset the other day (its a monkey)

this is my first dating site... I think most the girls here are going to be telling there kats about this site one daydevil thats right !!!!! lol

mckeachie's photo
Mon 07/16/07 08:15 PM
o ya how long should you wiat... hmmm I ve been on here for like two months I think thats to long.. common girls dinners on me :tongue:

mckeachie's photo
Mon 07/16/07 08:09 PM
:tongue: try the carnival I found a wife there once.. were not together anymore I think it was cause I was working there lol..
but ya for real church girls rock !!! they dont smell funny either

mckeachie's photo
Mon 07/16/07 04:38 PM
james 1:27 look after the orphans and widows in there distress.. when i read this it makes think that more families should adopt.

mckeachie's photo
Mon 07/16/07 12:17 PM
sorrie for the bad grammer and spelling am typing on a cell phone at my gas and oil job ... thats right girls am not in my underwear aat my moms house i got a jobby..

mckeachie's photo
Mon 07/16/07 12:08 PM
i#m all confused what game is this lol. i think its the girls that are game players i think i have only might two that were looking date, to bad it wasnt with me.

mckeachie's photo
Sun 07/15/07 07:49 PM
The wizard of penis...its a classic kinda like bill aand penis's excellent adventurenoway

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