Community > Posts By > Eljay

Eljay's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:35 AM

I trust the scientists.

Why - if you don't mind my asking.

Because they are in general, sincere in their search for information and truth as it relates to reality, logic and the laws of physics. I am not saying that they have all the answers or that I believe all of what they have declared, in fact I think they are wrong on many points. But at least they continue to seek answers through knowledge and evidence rather than putting all their faith in myth and ancient scripture. That is precisely why science is rewritten. There is a constant learning and readjustment to the knowledge base.

We grow and learn. If we do not, we remain in the dark ages steeped in fear, ignorance and superstition.

So what you are essentially saying - is that you have a blind faith in scientists. Yet you deem the writers of the gospels writing myth because they reported what they saw and heard?

Ummm... sure - makes sense to me. Believe what the scientists report HOW they see something - but that's nt myth, because - what, it's SCIENCE??? If that isn't a "dark age" reaction - what is?

And the Bible has been rewritten plenty of times.

Had you said the bible has been transcribed many times, and translated into many languages - I could see your point. But rewritten. Where - do tell - are all of these modified copies so that we can investigate the innacuracies? As far as I understand - the 5,000+ copies they have from the time of their original writing have an accuracy of close to 99%. Are you refering to the 1% as "plenty of times"?

And if I'm not mistaken - those who have painstakenly investigated these documents from antiquity are themselves - scientists.

Dear me. Now what?

It has been rewritten as far as I am concerned. Words have been changed that have completely different meanings. Whether this was done in transcribing or translating makes no difference. I trust not the editing of men with agendas.

It is also clear that a lot of the Bible has been either plagiarized or simply the retelling of older myths that previously had been passed down by word of mouth.

Also in the time of the writing of the New Testament, it was the elite of Rome who had the power of the pen. Governments were as corrupt back then as they are today. I don't trust them then and I don't trust them now. Very few men could read and write and scribes had to be paid hence the wealthy and influential were in control of the creation of scripture rather than men inspired by God. The common man did not have an education nor could he read or write. This was probably true of any cults and their followers.

And you know this how? You've read the original greek and aramaic? Or did you read some "expert" with a bias against scripture and figure he knew what he was talking about.

If you don't trust the translaters of scripture, why don't you investigate the originals for yourself, rather than dismiss the whole thing as myth? I'm sure that you don't fully understand isotropic dating - how does that effect your perception that the world is 4.5 billion years old?

I'm just trying to get a line on your reasoning here.

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/04/09 11:05 PM

I trust the scientists.

Why - if you don't mind my asking.

And the Bible has been rewritten plenty of times.

Had you said the bible has been transcribed many times, and translated into many languages - I could see your point. But rewritten. Where - do tell - are all of these modified copies so that we can investigate the innacuracies? As far as I understand - the 5,000+ copies they have from the time of their original writing have an accuracy of close to 99%. Are you refering to the 1% as "plenty of times"?

And if I'm not mistaken - those who have painstakenly investigated these documents from antiquity are themselves - scientists.

Dear me. Now what?

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:26 PM

If I say that Hitlers "master plan" of exterminating the Jewish race was based on his interpretation of Darwin's survival of the fittest, and thereby - Evolution is false based on how Hitler interpretated it, you'd be all over me with the same logic I am presenting to you.

Eljay, you're not even being reasonable at all.

If someone uses Evolution as inspiration to commit atrocities that wouldn't make evolution false, because evolution isn't a doctrine handed to use by an all-poweful intervening God as a set of moral codes to follow.

With all due respect you don't seem to be able to following any kind of actual reasoning.

If an all-wise, all-powerful, intervening God] made a RULE BOOK that is so ambigous that not even two devout Christains can agree on what it says, and HIS BOOK is being used to commit atrocities IN HIS NAME, then that intervening God has every responsiblity to make sure that HIS DEVOUT FOLLOWERS are clearly understanding his works.

How can you even compare that with a natural process of evolution that has absolutely NO RESPONSIBLITY at all!

An intervening God who just sits by for 300 YEARS while tens of thousands of innocent midwives are being TORTURED and BURNED ALIVE in His Name and inspired by His Book and does NOTHING ABOUT IT, is no God at all Eljay!

How can you compare a natural process of evolution with a supposedly all-knowing God who can intervene at his whim?

You make absolutely no sense at all.

My conclusion STANDS FIRM.

Am intervening meddling God has full responsibilty for anyone who does anything in his name believing that they are serving his will.

If we can't trust God to let us know in no uncertain terms when we are serving him and when we are doing wrong thing in his name, then guess what that means Ejay?

That means that God is untrustworthy!

We can't have an untrustworthy God.

Either we can trust God, or we can't.

That just can't be a wishy washy issue.

You're telling me that I can't trust God to tell me when I'm doing right or wrong.

I totally denounce the Bible as being the ungodly work of mankind Eljay.

If that were wrong to do that then God should make sure that I know it in no uncertain terms.

But the truth of the matter is that I feel totally good about rejecting the Bible as the word of God because I genuinely feel that it's been proven to be ungodly.

If it turns out to be true and God allowed me to believe that I was doing the right thing by denouncing it then that God has FAILED ME!

God was not trustworthy. I could not rely on God to guide me!

It can't be true.


Because if it is true then God has failed me and turned his back on me and allowed me to fall without ever reaching out to tell me that I'm wrong.

And don't give me that crap that fundamentalists are reaching out because THEY AREN'T GOD.

Either I can trust God or I can't. If I have to put my trust in every fruitcake who claims to speak for God I might end up following someone like Charlie Manson!

Trust MUST BE PLACED IN GOD, and not some evangelists or Jehovah witnesses, or any other fruitcake humans.

If I can't trust God directly, then there is no God.


And I think that history has shown us point blank that God is untrustworthy because even people who clearly believed that they were serving God CLEARLY WEREN'T.

As far as I'm concerend that PROOF POSITIVE that no intervening trustworthy God exists.

Your comparison of that with evolution is truly absurd and meaningless.

My analogy of of the atricities "in the name of evolution" parellels yours to christainity and the atriocities done in it's name.

In the case of two christains disagreeing on a particular doctrine - only two occurances are possible.

1) One is correct - the other is not
2) Both are incorrect.

Neither outcome determines the truth or validity of the bible itself.
Unlike science - where truth is determined by popular vote, the truth of scripture is not determined by how man interprets it. The mere idea of God - as limited as man is to comprehend - contradicts the idea that He be defined by the obsevances or conjecture of man.
The idea that God "should intervene" in the circumstances where atrocities are commited in his name is contradictory to what God has claimed he would do in the bible. That would be taking away the ability of man to freely make chices - right or wrong. What he does state - is that wrong choices bring about consequesnces, and those consequences have a ripple effect through the lives of others. That's where "the rule book" comes in. Despite the fact that one may chose to accept - or reject the bible as true, does not determine the outcome of consequences for wrong actions. They are universal for all - despite what they believe. No religious interpretation is going to change that. This is not the outcome of humanistic thinking as a way to preserve the species - for at no time can man determine himself to change the consequences of his actions. They are beyond his control.

As to God's failing you... Stop looking to Him as though He were Santa Claus. And stop thinking so highly of the actions of man that their decisions should prove God less than them. That's absurd. To have that observation is not to be aware of the world around you.

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:04 PM

Hmmm... my sense is that we are in agreement on the destructive abilities of religion - but we differ greatly on understanding what christainity is. None of the atrocities you have names - or will name are representative of christainity - for they defy the very nature of christianity and how it is defined by the book where the term originated. Unfortunately - man has re-interpreted the bible to serve his own needs - rather than Christs, and this is where christainity and religion part. However - for those who do not see the christianity of the scriptures for lack of investigation - anyone's interpretation of it suffices. That is why peole look at the Crusades and think that it was "Christains" who did it - yet any christain knows that here is nothing in the bible that supports this behavior through understanding context - only through pretext. And through Pretext - anyone can make anything say what they want it to.

You are seriously kidding yourself if you believe this Eljay.

To begin with there is no single accepted interpretation of the Bible. Clearly the Jews and the Muslims veered off when Christianity was born with their versions which actually were so drastically different they earned their own names (i.e. the Torah and the Quran).

However, even if we ignore that, just looking at the Christian Sect we see Christianity fall into a myriad of conflicting and opposing views. The Catholics had the right idea to preserve a religion. Give one person supreme authority to interpret the scripture and everyone else must accept his interpretation. However, many people protested against this and thus Protestantism was born.

Protestantism has truly become the biggest joke on Earth. And I’m not saying that with intent to belittle it but simply because it is truly the epitome of hypocrisy. Protestantism was originally based on the “protest” or rejection of the idea that any mortal man should interpret the Holy Scriptures for other people”. No mortal man speaks for god!

That was the protest that created Protestantism in the first place.

But now look at what Protestantism has become today. Protestant fundamentalists are the most arrogant by far of all the Christians. They are the one’s who demand that only their interpretation is acceptable as the word of god!

They reverted back to precisely that the Protestants originally protested against! Instead of sticking with the idea that no mortal man can speak for God they simply reject the Pope as the ultimate interpreter of scripture and becomeself-appointed paper popes!

And that’s what makes fundamental Protestantism so dangerous, any random idiot can claim to be the Pope!

Here is a direct quote from a Fundamental Protestant Paper Pope that was posted on this very forum:

You can not ever ever ever BE A RIGHTEOUS MAN/WOMAN AND NOT BELIEVE IN GOD'S SON.......

Clearly she is very passionate about this being the “Word of God” because she repeated the word “ever” three times, and then made her major point in ALL CAPS like it should be CARVED IN STONE as the WORD OF GOD! whoa

Now you come along as yet another Paper Pope and you attempt to declare that you can’t blame Christianity for the Paper Popes who don’t agree with your interepretation of the scriptures, you seem to even be suggesting that there exist some actual correct interpretation, but thus far no one has been able to agree on what that is, including any two Christians!.

The bottom line is that no one agrees on what the Bible is saying, especially the Christians! It’s totally ambiguous, clearly self-contradictive and inconsistent, and it doesn’t even contain a single solitarily word that was actually written by the man who was supposed to be the mortal incarnation of God.

It entirely a book of hearsay that was clearly written at least a half a century after the man who was supposed to be the incarnation of God had died.

The idea that any ‘Protester’ of Catholicism should have a better interpretation of this book than the original Catholic Pope is truly ludicrous. Either the Pope had it correct, or there’s nothing to it!

That should be obvious to anyone. Either Catholicism is true, or Christianity is false. This crap of having radical self-appointed Paper Popes claiming to speak for Jesus is truly the epitome of insanity!

How do you deal with a Paper Pope who claims, “You can not ever ever ever BE A RIGHTEOUS MAN/WOMAN AND NOT BELIEVE IN GOD'S SON.......”

All they are saying to you is that you don’t convert to their interpretation of the scriptures they can never respect you as being a ‘righteous’ person (or ‘righteous nation’) whatever the case may be.

All they are saying to people is, “If you don’t interpret this ancient book they way I do I will forever view you as being an evil person who had no moral values at all , and you are also clearly rejecting our creator and siding as his enemy!

That’s basically what they are saying. How can you live side-by-side with people who have so vehemently voiced the fact that they have absolutely no respect for you!

To claim that someone is an unrighteous and ungodly person is to reject their voice and opinions as being ‘ungodly’.

It’s basically an ultimatum. They are basically saying, “Either convert to my religious beliefs or I will forever view your opinions and actions as being unrighteous, ungodly, and therefore unworthy of consideration!”

Is that Christianity Eljay?

Do you agree with this rejection of non-Christians as being unrighteous and ungodly?

If you do then you are basically saying that non-Christians are unworthy of respect.

After all, how could anyone respect someone whom they view as being unrighteous and willfully rejecting the creator of humanity? huh

That’s an extremely dangerous view. That’s precisely the kind of view that drove the Crusades, the mass murdering of the Cathers, the Torturing and Burning of innocent midwives, and even contributed to the anti-Semitic views that gave the Catholic Church and German Christians divine permission to go along with an ungodly holocaust.

This religion has to be exposed for the ungodly mythology that it truly is. It just makes no sense to continue to defend it in the face of the atrocities that it supports whether on a national scale, or even on a personal scale of having one person belittling another person for being ‘unrighteous’ in the eyes of “God” simply because they don’t view the “scriptures” through the egotistical lens of a Paper Pope.

All the religion does is create Paper Pope who become deluded into believing that their views are God’s views.

That’s what makes the religion so dangerous Eljay.

It’s just makes no sense to support a religion that denounces the righteousness of anyone based on how they might view our creator, or even perhaps because they are an atheist.

The religion just breeds prejudice and judgment the very things that Jesus himself denounced!

It’s an oxymoronic religion!

Jesus taught not to judge others, yet this is all that Christianity is ever used for! All the Christians do is continually tell people that if they don’t believe that Jesus was God they are unrighteous and rejecting God!

They are using Jesus as an EXCUSE to judge others.

It’s an oxymoronic religion!

It just makes no sense to claim that non-Christians are unrighteous. That just spits in the very face of Jesus!

This crap has got to stop.

And that includes denouncing evolution in the name of God, and same-gender love in the name of God, and rejecting non-Christians as heathens in the name of God.

All Christianity does is allow people to become bigots in the name of Jesus Christ.

That clearly was never the man’s intent, whether he was mortal or divine.

Christianity is the antithesis of Jesus whether he was divine or not.

The religion is a slap in the face to Jesus no matter who he was.

As a “Christian” I denounce the religion!

In fact, that’s precisely what I did! It’s ungodly and it spits in the face of what the Bible even claims that Jesus supposedly taught. People who use Jesus to denounce the righteousness of non-believers are committing blaspheme of the highest order.

True believers in Jesus need to start denouncing this formal religion that stole his name because it’s truly the antithesis of Jesus. It’s a train-wrecked religion. Let it die. Help it die! For Jesus’ sake!


We've gone over this so many times before. It matters not what any group of people interpret what or how the bible says on any given matter when it comes down to the absolutes of the intent of scripture. How can you not know this - being a self professed former Christain. That tells me you once knew the basic tennets of Christainity - but continuously, your posts show you do not.

You blame on religion the attrocities of those using it as an end to their own means. And more often than not - I have to agree with you. I do not think that the Christain Scientists who refuse to see doctors because of their religius interpretation of the bible are doing themselves any favors, and generally, their blind belief in how Mary Baker Eddy interpreted scripture leads to their committing severe atrocities on either themselves - or heir children. Do you want me to blame God for their blind obedience to a religious mandate? Where would I fnd that as context in scripture? Oh sure - I could use the Abra method of examining the bible and find a passage that appears to point to this as being a "biblically verifyable" interpretation of the bible, but that is going about it all the wrong way, and not demonstratable to having any better understanding of God's intent of the bible than were one to read the first sentnce of a Calculous book and then claiming to have "read the book" - now having a clear understanding of the topic.

We would call that person "delusional". Why? Because they would certainly fall short of our lowest expectations of what would qualify one as understanding the concepts to which they are claiming knowledge. To qualify one as a Mathematician, we would expect them to have a more extensive knowledge than the simple properties of Algebra I. Those of us who have ventured off into Linear Algebra and Advanced Calculous have little reguard for the mathematical opinions of someone with a background of nothing more than basic mathematics. So it is with any topic really.

I've studied Christainity - and numerous religions for that matter - rather extensively. When you engage me in discussion about how people who claim to be adherants of a religion, but through their actions exhibit no more than a pretextual remedial understanding of said religion, and then try to use that as evidence that the religion is wrong - what are you expecting to get for an answer?

You constantly try to use those who abuse a philosophy as evidence the philosophy is wrong. I just can't see that as viable reasoning. The worst evidence for the viability of any philosophy is the many ways that it may be interpreted. Charles Manson saw a select few passages in Revelations as justification of overthrowing the black race - and set about putting that interpretation into actions of atrocities. You would have me think that Revelations is there-by wrong because of Manson's actions. To you, I guess, that's proof enough.

If I say that Hitlers "master plan" of exterminating the Jewish race was based on his interpretation of Darwin's survival of the fittest, and thereby - Evolution is false based on how Hitler interpretated it, you'd be all over me with the same logic I am presenting to you.

I think it's all fine and well that your position on the bible and it infuences are what it is. I can reason out your position based on how you build your argument. But to try and justify your belief that the religion is false based upon the actions of those who abuse it does not demonstrate to me that you've thought this out very well. It's a weak argument with no solid premise to support it.

I expect more from you.

Another former Christian here and I agree with Abra most of the time.

The problem you have with your narrative here is that ALL religions who claim to be based on the bible are using THEIR INTERPRETATION of what the bible says or is intended to be used for. So no religion is based on the bible at its bare naked face. Why is this? Because no religion could keep parishioners if they followed the bible at face value. This religion would be dictatorial, tyrannic and inhumane just to start and then it would implode from the hypocrisy of the beliefs. If people would put the bible back in context, a compilation of old stories which have been edited and reformulated to fit a certain agenda of the men of that time. It is not timeless, it is not all knowing, it is a prediction for the future. It was men who decided they were the moral judgement of the people and intended to comform the world to fit this "morality".

Not defending anyone here just noticed something and called it.

As always this is my opinion and observation.

So - what you are saying is that religion takes the bible and interprets it for it's own purpose - am I correct?

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/04/09 09:57 PM

Well it's a done deal now.

There can be no more complaints from religious people claiming that evolution is 'just a theory'.

Clearly it's a proven fact now, and will only continue to be more firmly proven as time goes on.

This is kind of like Galileo looking at the phases of Venus, the Moons of Jupiter and the imperfection of sun spots on the sun. The religious zealots refused to believe him initially too.

Evolution is in the bag.

Religion must now assimilate it, there's nothing left for them to do. laugh

So - are you saying that this observation that this observation stems the tide of the religious objections to the "man and Ape share common ancesters" conjecture?

I'm selling stars Abra. Wanna buy one? It'll be your very own. I promise.

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/04/09 03:26 PM

Hmmm... my sense is that we are in agreement on the destructive abilities of religion - but we differ greatly on understanding what christainity is. None of the atrocities you have names - or will name are representative of christainity - for they defy the very nature of christianity and how it is defined by the book where the term originated. Unfortunately - man has re-interpreted the bible to serve his own needs - rather than Christs, and this is where christainity and religion part. However - for those who do not see the christianity of the scriptures for lack of investigation - anyone's interpretation of it suffices. That is why peole look at the Crusades and think that it was "Christains" who did it - yet any christain knows that here is nothing in the bible that supports this behavior through understanding context - only through pretext. And through Pretext - anyone can make anything say what they want it to.

You are seriously kidding yourself if you believe this Eljay.

To begin with there is no single accepted interpretation of the Bible. Clearly the Jews and the Muslims veered off when Christianity was born with their versions which actually were so drastically different they earned their own names (i.e. the Torah and the Quran).

However, even if we ignore that, just looking at the Christian Sect we see Christianity fall into a myriad of conflicting and opposing views. The Catholics had the right idea to preserve a religion. Give one person supreme authority to interpret the scripture and everyone else must accept his interpretation. However, many people protested against this and thus Protestantism was born.

Protestantism has truly become the biggest joke on Earth. And I’m not saying that with intent to belittle it but simply because it is truly the epitome of hypocrisy. Protestantism was originally based on the “protest” or rejection of the idea that any mortal man should interpret the Holy Scriptures for other people”. No mortal man speaks for god!

That was the protest that created Protestantism in the first place.

But now look at what Protestantism has become today. Protestant fundamentalists are the most arrogant by far of all the Christians. They are the one’s who demand that only their interpretation is acceptable as the word of god!

They reverted back to precisely that the Protestants originally protested against! Instead of sticking with the idea that no mortal man can speak for God they simply reject the Pope as the ultimate interpreter of scripture and becomeself-appointed paper popes!

And that’s what makes fundamental Protestantism so dangerous, any random idiot can claim to be the Pope!

Here is a direct quote from a Fundamental Protestant Paper Pope that was posted on this very forum:

You can not ever ever ever BE A RIGHTEOUS MAN/WOMAN AND NOT BELIEVE IN GOD'S SON.......

Clearly she is very passionate about this being the “Word of God” because she repeated the word “ever” three times, and then made her major point in ALL CAPS like it should be CARVED IN STONE as the WORD OF GOD! whoa

Now you come along as yet another Paper Pope and you attempt to declare that you can’t blame Christianity for the Paper Popes who don’t agree with your interepretation of the scriptures, you seem to even be suggesting that there exist some actual correct interpretation, but thus far no one has been able to agree on what that is, including any two Christians!.

The bottom line is that no one agrees on what the Bible is saying, especially the Christians! It’s totally ambiguous, clearly self-contradictive and inconsistent, and it doesn’t even contain a single solitarily word that was actually written by the man who was supposed to be the mortal incarnation of God.

It entirely a book of hearsay that was clearly written at least a half a century after the man who was supposed to be the incarnation of God had died.

The idea that any ‘Protester’ of Catholicism should have a better interpretation of this book than the original Catholic Pope is truly ludicrous. Either the Pope had it correct, or there’s nothing to it!

That should be obvious to anyone. Either Catholicism is true, or Christianity is false. This crap of having radical self-appointed Paper Popes claiming to speak for Jesus is truly the epitome of insanity!

How do you deal with a Paper Pope who claims, “You can not ever ever ever BE A RIGHTEOUS MAN/WOMAN AND NOT BELIEVE IN GOD'S SON.......”

All they are saying to you is that you don’t convert to their interpretation of the scriptures they can never respect you as being a ‘righteous’ person (or ‘righteous nation’) whatever the case may be.

All they are saying to people is, “If you don’t interpret this ancient book they way I do I will forever view you as being an evil person who had no moral values at all , and you are also clearly rejecting our creator and siding as his enemy!

That’s basically what they are saying. How can you live side-by-side with people who have so vehemently voiced the fact that they have absolutely no respect for you!

To claim that someone is an unrighteous and ungodly person is to reject their voice and opinions as being ‘ungodly’.

It’s basically an ultimatum. They are basically saying, “Either convert to my religious beliefs or I will forever view your opinions and actions as being unrighteous, ungodly, and therefore unworthy of consideration!”

Is that Christianity Eljay?

Do you agree with this rejection of non-Christians as being unrighteous and ungodly?

If you do then you are basically saying that non-Christians are unworthy of respect.

After all, how could anyone respect someone whom they view as being unrighteous and willfully rejecting the creator of humanity? huh

That’s an extremely dangerous view. That’s precisely the kind of view that drove the Crusades, the mass murdering of the Cathers, the Torturing and Burning of innocent midwives, and even contributed to the anti-Semitic views that gave the Catholic Church and German Christians divine permission to go along with an ungodly holocaust.

This religion has to be exposed for the ungodly mythology that it truly is. It just makes no sense to continue to defend it in the face of the atrocities that it supports whether on a national scale, or even on a personal scale of having one person belittling another person for being ‘unrighteous’ in the eyes of “God” simply because they don’t view the “scriptures” through the egotistical lens of a Paper Pope.

All the religion does is create Paper Pope who become deluded into believing that their views are God’s views.

That’s what makes the religion so dangerous Eljay.

It’s just makes no sense to support a religion that denounces the righteousness of anyone based on how they might view our creator, or even perhaps because they are an atheist.

The religion just breeds prejudice and judgment the very things that Jesus himself denounced!

It’s an oxymoronic religion!

Jesus taught not to judge others, yet this is all that Christianity is ever used for! All the Christians do is continually tell people that if they don’t believe that Jesus was God they are unrighteous and rejecting God!

They are using Jesus as an EXCUSE to judge others.

It’s an oxymoronic religion!

It just makes no sense to claim that non-Christians are unrighteous. That just spits in the very face of Jesus!

This crap has got to stop.

And that includes denouncing evolution in the name of God, and same-gender love in the name of God, and rejecting non-Christians as heathens in the name of God.

All Christianity does is allow people to become bigots in the name of Jesus Christ.

That clearly was never the man’s intent, whether he was mortal or divine.

Christianity is the antithesis of Jesus whether he was divine or not.

The religion is a slap in the face to Jesus no matter who he was.

As a “Christian” I denounce the religion!

In fact, that’s precisely what I did! It’s ungodly and it spits in the face of what the Bible even claims that Jesus supposedly taught. People who use Jesus to denounce the righteousness of non-believers are committing blaspheme of the highest order.

True believers in Jesus need to start denouncing this formal religion that stole his name because it’s truly the antithesis of Jesus. It’s a train-wrecked religion. Let it die. Help it die! For Jesus’ sake!


We've gone over this so many times before. It matters not what any group of people interpret what or how the bible says on any given matter when it comes down to the absolutes of the intent of scripture. How can you not know this - being a self professed former Christain. That tells me you once knew the basic tennets of Christainity - but continuously, your posts show you do not.

You blame on religion the attrocities of those using it as an end to their own means. And more often than not - I have to agree with you. I do not think that the Christain Scientists who refuse to see doctors because of their religius interpretation of the bible are doing themselves any favors, and generally, their blind belief in how Mary Baker Eddy interpreted scripture leads to their committing severe atrocities on either themselves - or heir children. Do you want me to blame God for their blind obedience to a religious mandate? Where would I fnd that as context in scripture? Oh sure - I could use the Abra method of examining the bible and find a passage that appears to point to this as being a "biblically verifyable" interpretation of the bible, but that is going about it all the wrong way, and not demonstratable to having any better understanding of God's intent of the bible than were one to read the first sentnce of a Calculous book and then claiming to have "read the book" - now having a clear understanding of the topic.

We would call that person "delusional". Why? Because they would certainly fall short of our lowest expectations of what would qualify one as understanding the concepts to which they are claiming knowledge. To qualify one as a Mathematician, we would expect them to have a more extensive knowledge than the simple properties of Algebra I. Those of us who have ventured off into Linear Algebra and Advanced Calculous have little reguard for the mathematical opinions of someone with a background of nothing more than basic mathematics. So it is with any topic really.

I've studied Christainity - and numerous religions for that matter - rather extensively. When you engage me in discussion about how people who claim to be adherants of a religion, but through their actions exhibit no more than a pretextual remedial understanding of said religion, and then try to use that as evidence that the religion is wrong - what are you expecting to get for an answer?

You constantly try to use those who abuse a philosophy as evidence the philosophy is wrong. I just can't see that as viable reasoning. The worst evidence for the viability of any philosophy is the many ways that it may be interpreted. Charles Manson saw a select few passages in Revelations as justification of overthrowing the black race - and set about putting that interpretation into actions of atrocities. You would have me think that Revelations is there-by wrong because of Manson's actions. To you, I guess, that's proof enough.

If I say that Hitlers "master plan" of exterminating the Jewish race was based on his interpretation of Darwin's survival of the fittest, and thereby - Evolution is false based on how Hitler interpretated it, you'd be all over me with the same logic I am presenting to you.

I think it's all fine and well that your position on the bible and it infuences are what it is. I can reason out your position based on how you build your argument. But to try and justify your belief that the religion is false based upon the actions of those who abuse it does not demonstrate to me that you've thought this out very well. It's a weak argument with no solid premise to support it.

I expect more from you.

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/04/09 02:38 PM

Well, Eljay, all I can say is, don't expect many of us to ever take you seriously again.

First you make the claim that the Crusades predate Christianity, then you make the claim that the head of the Roman-Catholic church is not a Christian.

And here's why I dont take you seriously Inkracer.

I NEVER said the Crusades predated Christainity - YOU said I did. Another prime example of your critical reading skills. I defy you to find the post I said that and quote me.

I NEVER said the head of the Roman Catholic church is not a Christain. YOU did. Upon closer examiniation of my post, you will see that I asked HOW one knows the Pope is a Christian.

So - until I sense some improvement in your reading skills - I'm always going to consider your posts based on a serious lack of comprehension and merely a spewing of your biased uninformed opinions. That's why you can never respond to my questions with an answer on topic.

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/04/09 07:37 AM

With the many atrocities in the name of God that has been reflected in the history of mankind, I cannot understand how anyone can follow such a idealogy in the first place regardless of what the religion or faith it comes from.

There are truly people who can live peaceful amongst each other who are non religious or spiritual that have better belief systems then the gods that many have worshipped.

Clearly a mediterrenean mythology as harmless as it may look is truly as dangerous as history has told it.

When people start screaming "Because God whilsts it" then it is already a lost cause as we know in history people have lost their lives just because they are from a different culture, belief system, or lifestyle that is not adapted to the religion that seeks to spread across the globe by any means necessary.

I admire those spiritual paths that do not seek by any means possible to influence their idealogies onto others, but instead practice for their own well being and inner happiness.

Those are the people we should admire and follow and only few have made in the books of history as we know it.

You are blaming religion for the people who abuse it.

Do you think prescription drugs are evil? Lot's of people abuse them. Stalin killed millions in the name of Atheism. Does that make all people who do not believe in God evil because Stalin was?

The way to my inner happiness and well being is to not follow anyone, and I don't admire anyone for their philosophies. It's their actions I admire. I couldn't care less what they believe.

Yes many have followed religion as the true path of rightenous on how we should act, be, and live. Many use religion as a excuse for their actions also. It is recorded in history many times and it is your choice to see it how it is. If you don't believe it to be true then you can bypass history as much as you want, yet you will have many who will always disagree with it.

If you don't follow anyone is also a good path. I have not followed anyone at all and lived under one rule all my life, which is "don't do that what you don't want done to you." This was and is primarily sufficient for me to live a productive life full of happiness and inner peace, yet I also enjoy those who have lived similiar paths and even truly helped those find a peaceful way of life in which I can proudly say they are great people to admire. There is nothing wrong with this.

One of them I can say now is a friend at the miccosokee tribes of indians here in florida who is a chief of 93 years old. I can say that he is a great example who has shown many how to deal with the atrocities their culture had suffered by your ancestory and how they deal with it today.

"Don't do that which you don't want done to you" is another way of stating "The Golden Rule", is it not? So you're living your life by christain principles.

I think you will find that a closer look at the atrocities of "religion" are not representative of Chistianity at all. Just the abuse of religion. How does that - in any way - show an allegience to Christ? You are using the common misconception that religion and chritainity are interchangable terms. They are not.

Those organizations that follow the bible like to claim anything that they deem successful to mankind and even take credit for it. For example Galileo had mentioned that Earth is not the center of the Universe and that Earth instead revolves around the Sun. So this was heresy and he was thrown in jail for mentioning this. Perhaps even tortured by somekind of torture technic that the popes instilled in their chambers.

Ah... you're refering to that religion that calls Rome it's home. I once belonged to that "religion". In my whole life - the only Catholic I ever met who ever read the bible was Miguesl, and I met him here. Other than that, the only Catholics I know who have read the bible - are no longer Catholics - but "Designer Christains" as Abra calls us.

"Don't do that what you don't want done to you" is not a christian discovery like they claim they want it to be. I am sure you will find Eastern Religions that have discovered this truth way before any mediterrenean mythology even thought about it. Perhaps you should study Buddhism as one of the earlier Eastern Religions and you will see that many things of what Jesus taught comes from there. Unfortunately, those who wrote the bible twisted the actual teachings of Jesus who I think truly tried to show a different perspective of how one can coexist peacefully.

Here are more examples:

Walter Wallace tried to free his people from English control to create Scotland. When he was betrayed and thrown in prison to later be executed he had to confess to the popes at the time that he was wrong and should ask for forgiveness. He didn't do this and so they chose to torture him.

Another example:

Those who studied herbal medicine and talked to spirits in their own belief system where then burned on the stake as witches. By the way Christians are the ones that called them witches when indeed they were considered people of respect for they tried to help those who were sick.

Another example:

What was beyond the Black Forest where people that were given a name called "Barbarians" because they didn't practice the same faith system or lived the same style then those of Christian Faith. Remember Christian faith was more then just believing in a all mighty creator it was about how one lives a life also. Therefore those in Gaul who didn't follow Christianity where referred as "Barbarians" because they had a Pagan belief system instead.

The crusade appointed by a Pope who represents as the highest authority for the religion where people follow his advice as the "holy words from God". So here we have Europeans lusting to transform the Middle East into Christianity because many believe that is the right way to live and act in a society. How ironic that this is happening again and yet again it is a lost cause for the Muslim faith is just as demanding as the Christians are.

Another Example:

The Spaniards and Portugese who where strong Catholic belief systems sailed over to the Americas to plunder the riches from the continent and bring it back to their countries in the name of "God". Their sails, flags, and their faith was used to make it righteous to do the horrific atrocities that led to over 150 million Natives on that continent die from being whipped, forced, and killed to do slave labor jobs. Because "God whilst it!".

Then if this isn't enough we have another 50 million Native Americans in North America that had died from the atrocities of Dutch, French, English, and even Americans who justified the New World to belong to them. Now after they have thrown all the Indians into Reservations they made them learn and study Christianity. Yes MADE them because it was required to discipline and civilize their culture. Don't believe me then ask my 93 year old friend who holds a diary from his grandfather who told the story of how they were forced to learn Christianity because they were considered animals.

This is no different then the Missionaries going around the world teaching how to be obedient in the name of the "one God who demands it" or you will be sent to a hell.

The highest authorities of churches who are suppose to represent the bible and its teachings claim that their teachings is the only way to live a life and to go the right way to heaven. It is still happening today, but thankfully not so forcefully as it use to be as many scientists are now allowed to research as of other faiths can be practice or none at all!.

Just imagine what would happen to a person if one said he or she is a atheist in the 1600's.

So in the end as I do take a larger look at Christianity in general of what it teaches in the bible (many contradictions by the way) and also see the actions of those in charge of the religion, one can only say that its record is not that admirable at all.

One can only think how much peaceful and interesting this world would have been if Christianity would have died out a thousand years earlier.

In the end I am lucky to live a life where I can choose what to believe in and also express my thoughts about the subject for if I couldn't I surely would be burned on the stake just for saying that the bible is something one shouldn't follow to live a peaceful life.

I would rather prefer a study of belief systems that are truly more peaceful such as Buddhism or even Native American Spirituality. Their wisdom is much more peaceful and have not even commited such atrocities as the mediterrenean mythologies in its whole history.

Of all of these "examples" that you site - could you explain to me how they come "before" any of the mediterranian religions, and who is the authority by which you state this claim to be valid? What is the earliest document we have discussing any of these references? And who is making the claim that they know what they are reporting is any more reliable than the authors of any of the books of the bible?

In other words... How do you know any of this isn't just made up?

You misunderstand. The examples I have given are not before mediterrenean times. This is just examples of how religion persecuted good people at the time.

Concerning the golden rule that you claim is christian "Don't do that what you don't want done to you" has existed in other countries long before Christianity even became a religion. This is what I meant that there are older cultures that have lived by that rule before any mediterrenean mythology existed. Try China and you would be surprised that this golden rule you speak off had already existed.

If you want to claim that christians or the jews came up with that quote first then be my guest. It is a good rule to live by and used it all my life.

Of all the examples I showed you above on religious persecutions or torture is only a small scratch on the surface of how religion has changed much of the worlds thinking at its time.

I am in the opinion that a mediterrenean religions are much more aggressive in its writings and teachings then the Eastern Religions.

Those I speak of are Greek, Roman, Muslim, Jewish, and last but not least Christian.

Do they have some good writings in it. I am sure they have, but history shows that they have also influenced the wrong path in life for many have done great atrocities in the name of the religion they believe to be justified in doing so.

They were not stopped and told this is not how the bible teaches? They were not told well this is not gods will? The people agreed to these leaders and follow along thinking this is "Gods will"

The most famous chant was "God whilst it" by the many who followed a mediterrenean mythology in which I also claim Christianity should belong to.

Hmmm... my sense is that we are in agreement on the destructive abilities of religion - but we differ greatly on understanding what christainity is. None of the atrocities you have names - or will name are representative of christainity - for they defy the very nature of christianity and how it is defined by the book where the term originated. Unfortunately - man has re-interpreted the bible to serve his own needs - rather than Christs, and this is where christainity and religion part. However - for those who do not see the christianity of the scriptures for lack of investigation - anyone's interpretation of it suffices. That is why peole look at the Crusades and think that it was "Christains" who did it - yet any christain knows that here is nothing in the bible that supports this behavior through understanding context - only through pretext. And through Pretext - anyone can make anything say what they want it to.

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/04/09 07:28 AM
Edited by Eljay on Wed 03/04/09 07:29 AM

With the many atrocities in the name of God that has been reflected in the history of mankind, I cannot understand how anyone can follow such a idealogy in the first place regardless of what the religion or faith it comes from.

There are truly people who can live peaceful amongst each other who are non religious or spiritual that have better belief systems then the gods that many have worshipped.

Clearly a mediterrenean mythology as harmless as it may look is truly as dangerous as history has told it.

When people start screaming "Because God whilsts it" then it is already a lost cause as we know in history people have lost their lives just because they are from a different culture, belief system, or lifestyle that is not adapted to the religion that seeks to spread across the globe by any means necessary.

I admire those spiritual paths that do not seek by any means possible to influence their idealogies onto others, but instead practice for their own well being and inner happiness.

Those are the people we should admire and follow and only few have made in the books of history as we know it.

You are blaming religion for the people who abuse it.

Do you think prescription drugs are evil? Lot's of people abuse them. Stalin killed millions in the name of Atheism. Does that make all people who do not believe in God evil because Stalin was?

The way to my inner happiness and well being is to not follow anyone, and I don't admire anyone for their philosophies. It's their actions I admire. I couldn't care less what they believe.

Why is it, that when someone mentions the evils that were done so, in the name of religion, then you(or someone else) flies in here with the claim that you cannot judge a religion based on those that "abuse" the beliefs of that religion, to cause harm.
But, then you will make the completely incorrect statement that those killed in Stalin's Russia were killed in the name of Atheism.

So, why are historically accurate cases where Religion/religious beliefs was the main cause behind one's actions not allowed to speak for all religion, but killings where the main cause is Socio-Political, you are allowed to make a blanket statement condemning something that you don't agree with, and/or choose not to understand?

But you're making my point. Why do you attribute the attrocities of the Crusades or Jihad as anything but a Socio/political cause cleaverly misrepresented as a religious issue? Neither are adhering to the religious principles to which they are claiming justify their actions. Wouldn't you agree that this is seen as it's most obvious with the examples of Stalin and Hitler? Both of these men claimed that their actions were justified by religion. Hitler claimed he was doing God's work, Stalin was an adherant of the religion of Evolution.


Actually the crusades they were following the bible to the letter.
Religion of evolution like the religion of mathmatics, ok there Hovind.
Hovind is a true christian.

On July 11, 2006, Hovind was charged in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida in Pensacola with twelve counts of willful failure to collect, account for, and pay over Federal income taxes and FICA taxes under 26 U.S.C. § 7202, forty-five counts of knowingly structuring transactions in Federally-insured financial institutions to evade the reporting requirements of 31 U.S.C. § 5313, in violation of 31 U.S.C. § 5324, 18 U.S.C. § 2 and 31 C.F.R. sec. 103.11, and one count of corruptly endeavoring to obstruct and impede the administration of the internal revenue laws under 26 U.S.C. § 7212. Twelve of the charges were for failing to pay employee-related taxes, totaling $473,818, and 45 of the charges were for evading reporting requirements by making multiple cash withdrawals just under the $10,000 reporting requirement (a technique known as "smurfing"). The withdrawals, totaling $430,500, were made in 2001 and 2002. Jo Delia Hovind, his co-defendant wife, faced 44 charges.
Hovind was sentenced on January 19, 2007 to ten years in prison and ordered to pay the federal government restitution of over $600,000. After his prison term finishes, he will serve another three years of probation. A tearful Hovind had hoped to avoid prison, telling the court, "If it's just money the IRS wants, there are thousands of people out there who will help pay the money they want so I can go back out there and preach." But Hovind's court room behavior was in stark contrast to phone calls he made while in jail. One conversation with Eric Hovind, Kent Hovind's son, showed the two plotted to hide a motor vehicle title and property deeds to prevent the government from collecting the property to pay for owed debt.

Wikinews has related news: Kent Hovind's April 2007 appeal denied
In February 2007, Hovind claimed, among other things, that his convictions for structuring transactions (cash withdrawals from a bank) to evade currency reporting requirements should be thrown out. But on April 18, 2007, the court rejected the defendants' "unit of the crime" arguments, and the motions for acquittal were denied.laugh laugh he's right where he belongs.

Realy?laugh the crusades went down before christianity.
um.....ok and people rode dinos.
I think I already know where you are comming from.
laugh rofl laugh

No - I didn't say that. You said they got their influence from the bible - which hadn't been compiled yet. I just wanted you to explain to me how they did that.

And I'd like to see you prove people did not ride dino's. Don't make statements if you can't support them. Or else - if you insist, don't be suprised when they're dismissed for lack of credibility.

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/04/09 07:26 AM

With the many atrocities in the name of God that has been reflected in the history of mankind, I cannot understand how anyone can follow such a idealogy in the first place regardless of what the religion or faith it comes from.

There are truly people who can live peaceful amongst each other who are non religious or spiritual that have better belief systems then the gods that many have worshipped.

Clearly a mediterrenean mythology as harmless as it may look is truly as dangerous as history has told it.

When people start screaming "Because God whilsts it" then it is already a lost cause as we know in history people have lost their lives just because they are from a different culture, belief system, or lifestyle that is not adapted to the religion that seeks to spread across the globe by any means necessary.

I admire those spiritual paths that do not seek by any means possible to influence their idealogies onto others, but instead practice for their own well being and inner happiness.

Those are the people we should admire and follow and only few have made in the books of history as we know it.

You are blaming religion for the people who abuse it.

Do you think prescription drugs are evil? Lot's of people abuse them. Stalin killed millions in the name of Atheism. Does that make all people who do not believe in God evil because Stalin was?

The way to my inner happiness and well being is to not follow anyone, and I don't admire anyone for their philosophies. It's their actions I admire. I couldn't care less what they believe.

Why is it, that when someone mentions the evils that were done so, in the name of religion, then you(or someone else) flies in here with the claim that you cannot judge a religion based on those that "abuse" the beliefs of that religion, to cause harm.
But, then you will make the completely incorrect statement that those killed in Stalin's Russia were killed in the name of Atheism.

So, why are historically accurate cases where Religion/religious beliefs was the main cause behind one's actions not allowed to speak for all religion, but killings where the main cause is Socio-Political, you are allowed to make a blanket statement condemning something that you don't agree with, and/or choose not to understand?

But you're making my point. Why do you attribute the attrocities of the Crusades or Jihad as anything but a Socio/political cause cleaverly misrepresented as a religious issue? Neither are adhering to the religious principles to which they are claiming justify their actions. Wouldn't you agree that this is seen as it's most obvious with the examples of Stalin and Hitler? Both of these men claimed that their actions were justified by religion. Hitler claimed he was doing God's work, Stalin was an adherant of the religion of Evolution.


Actually the crusades they were following the bible to the letter.
Religion of evolution like the religion of mathmatics, ok there Hovind.
Hovind is a true christian.

On July 11, 2006, Hovind was charged in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida in Pensacola with twelve counts of willful failure to collect, account for, and pay over Federal income taxes and FICA taxes under 26 U.S.C. § 7202, forty-five counts of knowingly structuring transactions in Federally-insured financial institutions to evade the reporting requirements of 31 U.S.C. § 5313, in violation of 31 U.S.C. § 5324, 18 U.S.C. § 2 and 31 C.F.R. sec. 103.11, and one count of corruptly endeavoring to obstruct and impede the administration of the internal revenue laws under 26 U.S.C. § 7212. Twelve of the charges were for failing to pay employee-related taxes, totaling $473,818, and 45 of the charges were for evading reporting requirements by making multiple cash withdrawals just under the $10,000 reporting requirement (a technique known as "smurfing"). The withdrawals, totaling $430,500, were made in 2001 and 2002. Jo Delia Hovind, his co-defendant wife, faced 44 charges.
Hovind was sentenced on January 19, 2007 to ten years in prison and ordered to pay the federal government restitution of over $600,000. After his prison term finishes, he will serve another three years of probation. A tearful Hovind had hoped to avoid prison, telling the court, "If it's just money the IRS wants, there are thousands of people out there who will help pay the money they want so I can go back out there and preach." But Hovind's court room behavior was in stark contrast to phone calls he made while in jail. One conversation with Eric Hovind, Kent Hovind's son, showed the two plotted to hide a motor vehicle title and property deeds to prevent the government from collecting the property to pay for owed debt.

Wikinews has related news: Kent Hovind's April 2007 appeal denied
In February 2007, Hovind claimed, among other things, that his convictions for structuring transactions (cash withdrawals from a bank) to evade currency reporting requirements should be thrown out. But on April 18, 2007, the court rejected the defendants' "unit of the crime" arguments, and the motions for acquittal were denied.laugh laugh he's right where he belongs.

That's quite amaizing since the Crusades preceeded the bible. How did they do that? This is a perfect example of how the idea of Christainity and the "acts of religion" get confused and misinterpreted. It's like the example of passing a secret around a room and coming up with something completely wrong. This is what happens when one just parrots what they hear without verifying the source.

And just so we don't confuse the issue... Let's leave Hovind aside, since he is not out on an island with what he believes. Check out Frank Turek, R.C. Sproul, D.J. Kennedy, to name but a few. They are essentially saying the same thing as Hovind - asking the same questions of Evolution without getting answers.

Hovinds acts of civil disobedience do not lessen the truth of the facts that he presents. You are presenting a strawman argument and avoiding the real issue.


Feeling a bit weak pushing your 'subject authority' here 'Eljay'!?!?!
Frank Turek, R.C. Sproul, D.J. Kennedy are truly not going to do much to restrore your armories here!!! ... to name a few!!! No more, for your own sake, name no more.

And then, this ...


You are truly pushing the credibility envelope.

Creationism vs evolution is a fundamentalist coined oxymoron!!!

I agree. I'm not making any points about Creationism vs. Evolution.

It isn't about "vs". To me - they're both the same. Both religions. Neither of them verifyable beyond a certain amount of faith. Certainly you've read enough of my posts to have discerned that. Let's not build any strawmen here Voile - I have too many peple on this site building them for me - and I have no room left for any more.

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/04/09 07:22 AM

And just so we don't confuse the issue... Let's leave Hovind aside, since he is not out on an island with what he believes. Check out Frank Turek, R.C. Sproul, D.J. Kennedy, to name but a few. They are essentially saying the same thing as Hovind - asking the same questions of Evolution without getting answers.

The reason these guys aren't getting answers, is the very same reason that you "aren't getting answers" here. They say something, then real Scientists point out where their "theories" are wrong, and how they aren't even Scientifically possible, and since these guys, much like yourself on here, don't like the answer they were given, they just say things like "that's not enough evidence" or simply make the false claim(much like you on here, again) that "No one has answered my question". When the truth is, your question was answered, but you continue to complain, like a little child, because it's not the answer you want to hear.

Actually - it is not a question of "not enough evidence". It is all a question of how the evidence that is presented is interpreted. The conjecture is made (such as the world is 4.5 billion years old)
and there is a hypothesis that is given to support it, yet the more information that is given concerning the hypothesis - the more it is discerned that the conclusions are contradictory to observation. Therefore - unacceptable parameters are given with more hypothesis and conjecture to claim them as truths. All of it based on observation of information that is not even complete. Or - as you so aptly put it - unprovable - like the biblical account of Creation, or the premises of the Judeo/Christain God.

But the point of the matter is - you know nothing about the three men I mentioned, and what it is they do believe, and why they believe that way.

But to coin a phrase of yours "I doubt you'll bother to find out".

I mean - why cloud you opinion with some facts? You were once influenced by Christains - you already know all you need to know. Right?

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/04/09 07:13 AM

With the many atrocities in the name of God that has been reflected in the history of mankind, I cannot understand how anyone can follow such a idealogy in the first place regardless of what the religion or faith it comes from.

There are truly people who can live peaceful amongst each other who are non religious or spiritual that have better belief systems then the gods that many have worshipped.

Clearly a mediterrenean mythology as harmless as it may look is truly as dangerous as history has told it.

When people start screaming "Because God whilsts it" then it is already a lost cause as we know in history people have lost their lives just because they are from a different culture, belief system, or lifestyle that is not adapted to the religion that seeks to spread across the globe by any means necessary.

I admire those spiritual paths that do not seek by any means possible to influence their idealogies onto others, but instead practice for their own well being and inner happiness.

Those are the people we should admire and follow and only few have made in the books of history as we know it.

You are blaming religion for the people who abuse it.

Do you think prescription drugs are evil? Lot's of people abuse them. Stalin killed millions in the name of Atheism. Does that make all people who do not believe in God evil because Stalin was?

The way to my inner happiness and well being is to not follow anyone, and I don't admire anyone for their philosophies. It's their actions I admire. I couldn't care less what they believe.

Why is it, that when someone mentions the evils that were done so, in the name of religion, then you(or someone else) flies in here with the claim that you cannot judge a religion based on those that "abuse" the beliefs of that religion, to cause harm.
But, then you will make the completely incorrect statement that those killed in Stalin's Russia were killed in the name of Atheism.

So, why are historically accurate cases where Religion/religious beliefs was the main cause behind one's actions not allowed to speak for all religion, but killings where the main cause is Socio-Political, you are allowed to make a blanket statement condemning something that you don't agree with, and/or choose not to understand?

But you're making my point. Why do you attribute the attrocities of the Crusades or Jihad as anything but a Socio/political cause cleaverly misrepresented as a religious issue? Neither are adhering to the religious principles to which they are claiming justify their actions.

How is the Pope saying "We must build an Army, and take back our Holy Land" Socio-Political? It isn't. It's a Religious Leader saying something needs to be done, for a religious reason.

How is the modern day Jihad against non-muslims Socio-Political? Again it Isn't, not when the passages of the holy book(the Koran) clearly states one must kill the infidel(any non-muslim) that does not convert. So, again, it is an act by a Religious person, for a religious reason.

What has the Pope got to do with anything religious? How do you know the Pope is even a christain? Here, I'll answer that - You don't!

How exactly is the current philosophy of Radical Islamists to randomly kill innocents any representation of the religion to which they claim adherance?

That is like pointing to someone who bombs an abortion clinic in the name of some religion - and blaing it on "christainity" - when by his very action he is demonstrating that he is not a christian? That's like believing that someone calling themselves Superman really is. But it is obvious when they attempt to jump off of the Sears tower because they think they can fly, and discover rather abruptly that they're not when they hit the ground - that it might be better to rethink the belief that they're who they claim to be.
Wouldn't you say so?

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/04/09 07:06 AM

Yea Satan . . . the scape goat for lazy thinking.

Also, when dealing with someone who truly believes that Evolution is the work of Satan, they will never be objective enough to actually learn the facts, and instead will cling to the fundamentalist "understanding" to continue to refute it.

I keep hearing this term "facts" used with evolution. What does this term - "facts" mean?


Not that you will actually look at any of these . . .

I read them all. And I wasn't told anything I didn't already know. As a matter of fact - I know a lot more than what these three references are telling me. For one - the "fact" list that was listed are indeed - not facts, they are conjecture that cannot be supported by acceptable premises. But as the articles said, all that is needed is a majority vote of those with the same biases to claim anything as fact. As long as everyone observes the same thing - it must be true! Just like the earth being flat. And to claim that there is as much evidence for Evolution than there is for gravity is a joke. Isn't it?

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/04/09 07:01 AM

Concerning Creationism.

As far as I understand is that those who follow this belief system believe that a Single God figure created everything.

He created Adam and Eve and that we where humans ever since the beginning.

Now what did Adam and Eve look like? If you look at all the paintings of Adam and Eve, you will see that they are caucasion and second they have no hair on their bodies. Just a little on their head and that is it.

Please tell me that you don't take any artists renditions about anyone or anything in antiquity for representing fact!

They also mention that the world is only 6000 years old.

You have no way to substanciate that it's any older than that. And don't make the mistake of elling me that science has methods of determining age as verifyable fact. They don't. That is as easy to tear down as a hut made of straw.

So this contradicts a evolutionist theory because they believe the first people come from Africa who are much darker.

They believed that the first humans have existed approximately 6 million years ago and that they were furry all over. Much more hair on their bodies and face even. They didn't stand erected yet.

Actually - the bible is not needed to contradict evolution - it has no foundation on which to stand. It is conjecture and hypothesis at best, and the a priori's of it defy imagination. Extrapolating the observations of melecular biology of today, and the study of DNA does more to support Creation than it ever will Evolution and it's carefully hidden Abiogenesis at it's foundation. But careful examiniation of the "facts" and "Theories" of evolution are all that's needed to see it is nothing more than a religion based on conjecture of extrapolated information that goes far beyond the observations of today. I don't need a bible to see that.

So this would indeed contradict hardcore protestants primarily.

That is but one of many things that contradict Christianity (call them hardcore prostants if you like - but a follower of Christ is a follower of christ no matter what denominational characterization one wishes to add to it.) Pantheism, Buddism, Taoism, New Age, Evolution... all of the world religions stand in opposition to christainity. Although Creationism was born out of Judism if you want to get technical about it.

I still remember the day as a child I was playing Indiana Jones hunting for a dinosaur with a friend. He was my sidekick and we where to imagine we somehow found a way to the past to explore the world with dinosaurs.

Before I knew it the mother of my friend snatched him and said, "Don't play with him anymore. He is possessed. There where no such things as dinosaurs. We are Christians and we are civilized. Lets go.

so here I am wondering what all that is about and went to my orphanage and asked about it. They just told me that there will be people in this world who will not believe in evolutionists or better said the past of what people write in books.

I didn't fully understand until alot later in life what was meant by that. Fortunately, I didn't care at the moment either.

So in the end many people claim they have a open mind to different cultures, lifestyles, or even belief systems, yet in reality they just talk the walk and don't do the walk.

I would say that your friends mother was ignorant of the bible as well. It is easy to find dinausaurs in the bible. Please tell me that you are not basing the whole of christain belief on this woman's belief in old wives tales?

To say and to do are two different things.

I must also add that Christianity is more then just a faith system it is for many people a way of life and if you don't live by it then one "fears" the consequences.

Don't believe me then just study the history of its accomplishments compared to its atrocities.

I agree - christianity is a way of life - but I've got news for you. A christain does not suffer consequences any more or less than an Atheist - or any other belief system. Consequences are a result of falling short of absolute truth - no matter what you believe. A hurricaine will knock down a church as easily as a Mosque, and shows no preference for one or the other. A tornado will tear down an Atheists house as easily a it will the Popes. Consequences are a fact of life - not a part of religion.

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/04/09 06:42 AM

With the many atrocities in the name of God that has been reflected in the history of mankind, I cannot understand how anyone can follow such a idealogy in the first place regardless of what the religion or faith it comes from.

There are truly people who can live peaceful amongst each other who are non religious or spiritual that have better belief systems then the gods that many have worshipped.

Clearly a mediterrenean mythology as harmless as it may look is truly as dangerous as history has told it.

When people start screaming "Because God whilsts it" then it is already a lost cause as we know in history people have lost their lives just because they are from a different culture, belief system, or lifestyle that is not adapted to the religion that seeks to spread across the globe by any means necessary.

I admire those spiritual paths that do not seek by any means possible to influence their idealogies onto others, but instead practice for their own well being and inner happiness.

Those are the people we should admire and follow and only few have made in the books of history as we know it.

You are blaming religion for the people who abuse it.

Do you think prescription drugs are evil? Lot's of people abuse them. Stalin killed millions in the name of Atheism. Does that make all people who do not believe in God evil because Stalin was?

The way to my inner happiness and well being is to not follow anyone, and I don't admire anyone for their philosophies. It's their actions I admire. I couldn't care less what they believe.

Yes many have followed religion as the true path of rightenous on how we should act, be, and live. Many use religion as a excuse for their actions also. It is recorded in history many times and it is your choice to see it how it is. If you don't believe it to be true then you can bypass history as much as you want, yet you will have many who will always disagree with it.

If you don't follow anyone is also a good path. I have not followed anyone at all and lived under one rule all my life, which is "don't do that what you don't want done to you." This was and is primarily sufficient for me to live a productive life full of happiness and inner peace, yet I also enjoy those who have lived similiar paths and even truly helped those find a peaceful way of life in which I can proudly say they are great people to admire. There is nothing wrong with this.

One of them I can say now is a friend at the miccosokee tribes of indians here in florida who is a chief of 93 years old. I can say that he is a great example who has shown many how to deal with the atrocities their culture had suffered by your ancestory and how they deal with it today.

"Don't do that which you don't want done to you" is another way of stating "The Golden Rule", is it not? So you're living your life by christain principles.

I think you will find that a closer look at the atrocities of "religion" are not representative of Chistianity at all. Just the abuse of religion. How does that - in any way - show an allegience to Christ? You are using the common misconception that religion and chritainity are interchangable terms. They are not.

Those organizations that follow the bible like to claim anything that they deem successful to mankind and even take credit for it. For example Galileo had mentioned that Earth is not the center of the Universe and that Earth instead revolves around the Sun. So this was heresy and he was thrown in jail for mentioning this. Perhaps even tortured by somekind of torture technic that the popes instilled in their chambers.

Ah... you're refering to that religion that calls Rome it's home. I once belonged to that "religion". In my whole life - the only Catholic I ever met who ever read the bible was Miguesl, and I met him here. Other than that, the only Catholics I know who have read the bible - are no longer Catholics - but "Designer Christains" as Abra calls us.

"Don't do that what you don't want done to you" is not a christian discovery like they claim they want it to be. I am sure you will find Eastern Religions that have discovered this truth way before any mediterrenean mythology even thought about it. Perhaps you should study Buddhism as one of the earlier Eastern Religions and you will see that many things of what Jesus taught comes from there. Unfortunately, those who wrote the bible twisted the actual teachings of Jesus who I think truly tried to show a different perspective of how one can coexist peacefully.

Here are more examples:

Walter Wallace tried to free his people from English control to create Scotland. When he was betrayed and thrown in prison to later be executed he had to confess to the popes at the time that he was wrong and should ask for forgiveness. He didn't do this and so they chose to torture him.

Another example:

Those who studied herbal medicine and talked to spirits in their own belief system where then burned on the stake as witches. By the way Christians are the ones that called them witches when indeed they were considered people of respect for they tried to help those who were sick.

Another example:

What was beyond the Black Forest where people that were given a name called "Barbarians" because they didn't practice the same faith system or lived the same style then those of Christian Faith. Remember Christian faith was more then just believing in a all mighty creator it was about how one lives a life also. Therefore those in Gaul who didn't follow Christianity where referred as "Barbarians" because they had a Pagan belief system instead.

The crusade appointed by a Pope who represents as the highest authority for the religion where people follow his advice as the "holy words from God". So here we have Europeans lusting to transform the Middle East into Christianity because many believe that is the right way to live and act in a society. How ironic that this is happening again and yet again it is a lost cause for the Muslim faith is just as demanding as the Christians are.

Another Example:

The Spaniards and Portugese who where strong Catholic belief systems sailed over to the Americas to plunder the riches from the continent and bring it back to their countries in the name of "God". Their sails, flags, and their faith was used to make it righteous to do the horrific atrocities that led to over 150 million Natives on that continent die from being whipped, forced, and killed to do slave labor jobs. Because "God whilst it!".

Then if this isn't enough we have another 50 million Native Americans in North America that had died from the atrocities of Dutch, French, English, and even Americans who justified the New World to belong to them. Now after they have thrown all the Indians into Reservations they made them learn and study Christianity. Yes MADE them because it was required to discipline and civilize their culture. Don't believe me then ask my 93 year old friend who holds a diary from his grandfather who told the story of how they were forced to learn Christianity because they were considered animals.

This is no different then the Missionaries going around the world teaching how to be obedient in the name of the "one God who demands it" or you will be sent to a hell.

The highest authorities of churches who are suppose to represent the bible and its teachings claim that their teachings is the only way to live a life and to go the right way to heaven. It is still happening today, but thankfully not so forcefully as it use to be as many scientists are now allowed to research as of other faiths can be practice or none at all!.

Just imagine what would happen to a person if one said he or she is a atheist in the 1600's.

So in the end as I do take a larger look at Christianity in general of what it teaches in the bible (many contradictions by the way) and also see the actions of those in charge of the religion, one can only say that its record is not that admirable at all.

One can only think how much peaceful and interesting this world would have been if Christianity would have died out a thousand years earlier.

In the end I am lucky to live a life where I can choose what to believe in and also express my thoughts about the subject for if I couldn't I surely would be burned on the stake just for saying that the bible is something one shouldn't follow to live a peaceful life.

I would rather prefer a study of belief systems that are truly more peaceful such as Buddhism or even Native American Spirituality. Their wisdom is much more peaceful and have not even commited such atrocities as the mediterrenean mythologies in its whole history.

Of all of these "examples" that you site - could you explain to me how they come "before" any of the mediterranian religions, and who is the authority by which you state this claim to be valid? What is the earliest document we have discussing any of these references? And who is making the claim that they know what they are reporting is any more reliable than the authors of any of the books of the bible?

In other words... How do you know any of this isn't just made up?

Eljay's photo
Tue 03/03/09 11:55 AM

With the many atrocities in the name of God that has been reflected in the history of mankind, I cannot understand how anyone can follow such a idealogy in the first place regardless of what the religion or faith it comes from.

There are truly people who can live peaceful amongst each other who are non religious or spiritual that have better belief systems then the gods that many have worshipped.

Clearly a mediterrenean mythology as harmless as it may look is truly as dangerous as history has told it.

When people start screaming "Because God whilsts it" then it is already a lost cause as we know in history people have lost their lives just because they are from a different culture, belief system, or lifestyle that is not adapted to the religion that seeks to spread across the globe by any means necessary.

I admire those spiritual paths that do not seek by any means possible to influence their idealogies onto others, but instead practice for their own well being and inner happiness.

Those are the people we should admire and follow and only few have made in the books of history as we know it.

You are blaming religion for the people who abuse it.

Do you think prescription drugs are evil? Lot's of people abuse them. Stalin killed millions in the name of Atheism. Does that make all people who do not believe in God evil because Stalin was?

The way to my inner happiness and well being is to not follow anyone, and I don't admire anyone for their philosophies. It's their actions I admire. I couldn't care less what they believe.

Why is it, that when someone mentions the evils that were done so, in the name of religion, then you(or someone else) flies in here with the claim that you cannot judge a religion based on those that "abuse" the beliefs of that religion, to cause harm.
But, then you will make the completely incorrect statement that those killed in Stalin's Russia were killed in the name of Atheism.

So, why are historically accurate cases where Religion/religious beliefs was the main cause behind one's actions not allowed to speak for all religion, but killings where the main cause is Socio-Political, you are allowed to make a blanket statement condemning something that you don't agree with, and/or choose not to understand?

But you're making my point. Why do you attribute the attrocities of the Crusades or Jihad as anything but a Socio/political cause cleaverly misrepresented as a religious issue? Neither are adhering to the religious principles to which they are claiming justify their actions. Wouldn't you agree that this is seen as it's most obvious with the examples of Stalin and Hitler? Both of these men claimed that their actions were justified by religion. Hitler claimed he was doing God's work, Stalin was an adherant of the religion of Evolution.


Actually the crusades they were following the bible to the letter.
Religion of evolution like the religion of mathmatics, ok there Hovind.
Hovind is a true christian.

On July 11, 2006, Hovind was charged in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida in Pensacola with twelve counts of willful failure to collect, account for, and pay over Federal income taxes and FICA taxes under 26 U.S.C. § 7202, forty-five counts of knowingly structuring transactions in Federally-insured financial institutions to evade the reporting requirements of 31 U.S.C. § 5313, in violation of 31 U.S.C. § 5324, 18 U.S.C. § 2 and 31 C.F.R. sec. 103.11, and one count of corruptly endeavoring to obstruct and impede the administration of the internal revenue laws under 26 U.S.C. § 7212. Twelve of the charges were for failing to pay employee-related taxes, totaling $473,818, and 45 of the charges were for evading reporting requirements by making multiple cash withdrawals just under the $10,000 reporting requirement (a technique known as "smurfing"). The withdrawals, totaling $430,500, were made in 2001 and 2002. Jo Delia Hovind, his co-defendant wife, faced 44 charges.
Hovind was sentenced on January 19, 2007 to ten years in prison and ordered to pay the federal government restitution of over $600,000. After his prison term finishes, he will serve another three years of probation. A tearful Hovind had hoped to avoid prison, telling the court, "If it's just money the IRS wants, there are thousands of people out there who will help pay the money they want so I can go back out there and preach." But Hovind's court room behavior was in stark contrast to phone calls he made while in jail. One conversation with Eric Hovind, Kent Hovind's son, showed the two plotted to hide a motor vehicle title and property deeds to prevent the government from collecting the property to pay for owed debt.

Wikinews has related news: Kent Hovind's April 2007 appeal denied
In February 2007, Hovind claimed, among other things, that his convictions for structuring transactions (cash withdrawals from a bank) to evade currency reporting requirements should be thrown out. But on April 18, 2007, the court rejected the defendants' "unit of the crime" arguments, and the motions for acquittal were denied.laugh laugh he's right where he belongs.

That's quite amaizing since the Crusades preceeded the bible. How did they do that? This is a perfect example of how the idea of Christainity and the "acts of religion" get confused and misinterpreted. It's like the example of passing a secret around a room and coming up with something completely wrong. This is what happens when one just parrots what they hear without verifying the source.

And just so we don't confuse the issue... Let's leave Hovind aside, since he is not out on an island with what he believes. Check out Frank Turek, R.C. Sproul, D.J. Kennedy, to name but a few. They are essentially saying the same thing as Hovind - asking the same questions of Evolution without getting answers.

Hovinds acts of civil disobedience do not lessen the truth of the facts that he presents. You are presenting a strawman argument and avoiding the real issue.

Eljay's photo
Tue 03/03/09 11:45 AM

but one from the evolution side can prove where the "dot" that started everything came from

evolution can't prove that anymore than creationism. at some point we all have to say "I don't know". for creationism, it's a matter of faith

this is my whole point

lol JB....scarey huh? how did people argue without the net??? lol

I don't know what you are talking about when you say the 'dot.'
But I don't think evolution is trying to solve that problem. They are just looking at fossils and evidence and trying to learn something.

I don't think its a big deal to get upset about, and it does not destroy my faith in the slightest.

I still believe in myself. :wink: bigsmile :banana:

if you reread the posts....the dot was just something to use for a lack of a better term. the dot is what started everything

Well, Evolution only deals with what happened after that point, not what cause it.

"The origin of life is a necessary precursor for biological evolution, but understanding that evolution occurred once organisms appeared and investigating how this happens does not depend on understanding exactly how life began. The current scientific consensus is that the complex biochemistry that makes up life came from simpler chemical reactions, but it is unclear how this occurred. Not much is certain about the earliest developments in life, the structure of the first living things, or the identity and nature of any last universal common ancestor or ancestral gene pool. Consequently, there is no scientific consensus on how life began, but proposals include self-replicating molecules such as RNA, and the assembly of simple cells."

The above is from

However - that statement is disengenous, because I'm sure the author of it holds fast to the idea of Abiogenesis, rather than intelligent design. So this is really a red herring.

Eljay's photo
Tue 03/03/09 11:43 AM

Reminds me of a project we did once a long time ago with 30 students.

The one with the story will whisper in the second person in the row as the second person in the row tells the third person in the row until it reaches the writer who is the 30th person waiting with his pen and paper to write the story.

As the last person writes the story he is then to read it out loud in front of class.

You will be surprised in the end that the story is not what the first person came up with having a totally misinterpeted story all together.

So in the end when it comes to a book where many people take credit for, one can only think that alot of misinterpetations came with it.

That is not an accurate analogy. You are equating the process of wispering a story aroud a room with a compilation of documents/scrolls spread out over 1400 years. And you are unfamiliar with the code in which the scrolls were copied throughout history. The most accurately transcribed book (or group of them) in history is the bible. This is a fact.

Eljay's photo
Tue 03/03/09 12:50 AM

With the many atrocities in the name of God that has been reflected in the history of mankind, I cannot understand how anyone can follow such a idealogy in the first place regardless of what the religion or faith it comes from.

There are truly people who can live peaceful amongst each other who are non religious or spiritual that have better belief systems then the gods that many have worshipped.

Clearly a mediterrenean mythology as harmless as it may look is truly as dangerous as history has told it.

When people start screaming "Because God whilsts it" then it is already a lost cause as we know in history people have lost their lives just because they are from a different culture, belief system, or lifestyle that is not adapted to the religion that seeks to spread across the globe by any means necessary.

I admire those spiritual paths that do not seek by any means possible to influence their idealogies onto others, but instead practice for their own well being and inner happiness.

Those are the people we should admire and follow and only few have made in the books of history as we know it.

You are blaming religion for the people who abuse it.

Do you think prescription drugs are evil? Lot's of people abuse them. Stalin killed millions in the name of Atheism. Does that make all people who do not believe in God evil because Stalin was?

The way to my inner happiness and well being is to not follow anyone, and I don't admire anyone for their philosophies. It's their actions I admire. I couldn't care less what they believe.

Why is it, that when someone mentions the evils that were done so, in the name of religion, then you(or someone else) flies in here with the claim that you cannot judge a religion based on those that "abuse" the beliefs of that religion, to cause harm.
But, then you will make the completely incorrect statement that those killed in Stalin's Russia were killed in the name of Atheism.

So, why are historically accurate cases where Religion/religious beliefs was the main cause behind one's actions not allowed to speak for all religion, but killings where the main cause is Socio-Political, you are allowed to make a blanket statement condemning something that you don't agree with, and/or choose not to understand?

But you're making my point. Why do you attribute the attrocities of the Crusades or Jihad as anything but a Socio/political cause cleaverly misrepresented as a religious issue? Neither are adhering to the religious principles to which they are claiming justify their actions. Wouldn't you agree that this is seen as it's most obvious with the examples of Stalin and Hitler? Both of these men claimed that their actions were justified by religion. Hitler claimed he was doing God's work, Stalin was an adherant of the religion of Evolution.

Off topic and evolution aside....Wouldnt true Chritians FORGIVE them for their actions???

Edit: I apologize if this post was directed at anyone specifically. It wasnt my intention.

Yes. But forgiving someone does not mean one dismisses the consequences. If I witness someone robbing me - I can forgive them, but I'll still call the police on them, for there are consequences to actions. To exact retribution for their action would be a lack of forgiveness, which would essentially serve no purpose. It wouldn't undo their action, and there are consequences to retribution. One of which is allowing the act to consume one to a point where - by not letting it go, it takes control over them to a point where the original damage is exasperated.

Anyway... I would suppose it would depend a lot on what one thinks "forgiveness" actually means.

Eljay's photo
Mon 03/02/09 11:42 PM

With the many atrocities in the name of God that has been reflected in the history of mankind, I cannot understand how anyone can follow such a idealogy in the first place regardless of what the religion or faith it comes from.

There are truly people who can live peaceful amongst each other who are non religious or spiritual that have better belief systems then the gods that many have worshipped.

Clearly a mediterrenean mythology as harmless as it may look is truly as dangerous as history has told it.

When people start screaming "Because God whilsts it" then it is already a lost cause as we know in history people have lost their lives just because they are from a different culture, belief system, or lifestyle that is not adapted to the religion that seeks to spread across the globe by any means necessary.

I admire those spiritual paths that do not seek by any means possible to influence their idealogies onto others, but instead practice for their own well being and inner happiness.

Those are the people we should admire and follow and only few have made in the books of history as we know it.

You are blaming religion for the people who abuse it.

Do you think prescription drugs are evil? Lot's of people abuse them. Stalin killed millions in the name of Atheism. Does that make all people who do not believe in God evil because Stalin was?

The way to my inner happiness and well being is to not follow anyone, and I don't admire anyone for their philosophies. It's their actions I admire. I couldn't care less what they believe.

Why is it, that when someone mentions the evils that were done so, in the name of religion, then you(or someone else) flies in here with the claim that you cannot judge a religion based on those that "abuse" the beliefs of that religion, to cause harm.
But, then you will make the completely incorrect statement that those killed in Stalin's Russia were killed in the name of Atheism.

So, why are historically accurate cases where Religion/religious beliefs was the main cause behind one's actions not allowed to speak for all religion, but killings where the main cause is Socio-Political, you are allowed to make a blanket statement condemning something that you don't agree with, and/or choose not to understand?

But you're making my point. Why do you attribute the attrocities of the Crusades or Jihad as anything but a Socio/political cause cleaverly misrepresented as a religious issue? Neither are adhering to the religious principles to which they are claiming justify their actions. Wouldn't you agree that this is seen as it's most obvious with the examples of Stalin and Hitler? Both of these men claimed that their actions were justified by religion. Hitler claimed he was doing God's work, Stalin was an adherant of the religion of Evolution.

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